Statement of Legal Residence

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2025.01.31 06:11 c0c4in3l0v34777 Statement of Legal Residence

Hi Guys ! Hopefully someone has been on the same boat that I find myself in and can offer some advice. I’m filling the Statement of Legal Residence from the University of California system application. When it asks about the immigration of my parents should I even risk putting their information out there ? It asks whether they are citizens, seeking asylum, and visa information. I am a citizen and we have lived in california for 20+ years. Will they even acknowledge us as Californian residents or should I not risk putting their information out. As you know the situation in the US is not the best right now and I’m scared that this information could find its way out of this application. Thank you in advance !
submitted by c0c4in3l0v34777 to ApplyingToCollege [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:11 Sunraku20 Budget laptop for work (MS Office, Internet Browsing)

Any recommendations including price range for a good laptop, for work lang mostly MS Office then google searches.
submitted by Sunraku20 to TechPhilippines [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:11 WodensWorkshop Its 2025 and you’re still not QUARmaxxing???

Its 2025 and you’re still not QUARmaxxing??? submitted by WodensWorkshop to minipainting [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:11 Ig1M can't we see the obvious that is happening?

can't we see the obvious that is happening? submitted by Ig1M to IndianStreetBets [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:11 Endore8 [iOS] [Usage] [Lifetime $9.99 -> $0] [System Activity Monitor]

[iOS] [Usage] [Lifetime $9.99 -> $0] [System Activity Monitor] submitted by Endore8 to AppHookup [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:11 ErockLobster I'm tired of all the political posts here. So, have this picture of Captain fucking America.

I'm tired of all the political posts here. So, have this picture of Captain fucking America. submitted by ErockLobster to PoliticalHumor [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:11 swindlemon [PC] W: Great jar's arsenal H: Karma, Mule

submitted by swindlemon to PatchesEmporium [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:11 FabulousHuckleberry4 Perplexity Pro 1-Year 100% Off Coupon: $29

Perplexity Pro 1-Year 100% Off Coupon: $29
(Originally $200+/year – Pay $0 after applying this coupon.)
I’m offering verified 100% off vouchers for Perplexity Pro. Pay $29 to secure a coupon that grants 1 year of full access (normally $200+).
What’s included in Perplexity All-in-one AI : Claude 3.5 Sonnet, Sonar, Deepseek, and more.
How it works: 1. DM me your email. 2. Pay via Wise , Crypto, UPI 3. I activate your 100% off coupon instantly – no hidden steps.
Why trust me? - Proof of validity (my own Pro account shown). - Global redemption – works for any region. - Instant delivery after payment.
Limited stock – DM now before codes run out.
(Note: You’re paying $29 for the coupon, not the subscription. The coupon covers 100% of the $200+ cost.)
submitted by FabulousHuckleberry4 to ChatGPTPromptGenius [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:11 LabCrafty899 ISP EVENT

Heyy, is anyone at the ISP youth takeover program?? Do reply if you see this!!!!
submitted by LabCrafty899 to Multan [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:11 Silver_Tea307 Trading 2 Ghost horses!!

Trading 2 Ghost horses!!
Looking to upgrade them together but it's fine if not!!
submitted by Silver_Tea307 to WildHorseIslands [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:11 yyuyangg Is an associates in animal science worth it?

I've been looking into associate degrees to try delving into, as I've graduated high school last year and I want to start putting myself out there.
Laguardia is the only school offering an associates for this major, so I'm questioning how nonspecific the curriculum will be in regards to different fields of animal-related work. Aside from that, the low pay and poor work environment for animal-care workers is also making me hesitant.
Other than animal science, I'm not really sure what I should consider majoring in, and I don't know if going for liberal arts would be worth it (or acceptable to my family). Apart from the title question, any advice on what I should consider will be greatly appreciated.
submitted by yyuyangg to CUNY [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:11 Redeye007 Have you done your income tax yet

submitted by Redeye007 to ILoveLucy [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:11 ElectroAdeptus Наконец-то

Наконец-то submitted by ElectroAdeptus to KafkaFPS [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:11 LaSexocristo Good books/articles on ENM?

found out my gf of two years is poly and I've grown up in a super monogamous culture so I feel super lost. I don't know if i could be into it as I've never considered it or tried it. I want to educate myself more on it and deconstruct the cishet monogamous ideal I have of relationships just to see if I have a future with her. I'm not really doing it Just for her, I really want to experiment for myself and see what's it all about but I'm super scared and I think a few good reads might help me figure myself out:")
submitted by LaSexocristo to EthicalNonMonogamy [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:11 RexThePest92 Mummy on the tomb

Just wondering if there was any significance to the mummy with red eyes that turns around and “haunts” you? Like, does it do anything besides jump scare? Or is it simply homage to an old movie or something?
submitted by RexThePest92 to CODZombies [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:11 Fun-Presentation-208 Kitbash Request for a Custom

Kitbash Request for a Custom Hello hello so I wanted to know how the Bucky arm will look on the black Panther body and the other kitbash I want is the Winter soldier arm on the high evolutionary shoulder see if it fits. Thanks
submitted by Fun-Presentation-208 to MarvelLegends [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:11 WO-salt-UND PC to Rog Ally X full screen issue

When I use moonlight on my rig ally x I get black bars on the sides of my screen and I have a top and bottom border - like I’m in a fully expanded window but not full screen. I changed around the resolutions on both host and client but no fix. It’s like this for desktop and games too. Anyone know what I can do/what setting and how to get to it to change this to full screen? Both the ally X and my original monitor are 16:9 and I’m using Apollo on the host and setting it for virtual display anyway so not sure what’s wrong.
submitted by WO-salt-UND to MoonlightStreaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:11 JonathanSwifts Qingyi Harumasa Nicole Team New Shiyu Defense Gameplay & Build

Qingyi Harumasa Nicole Team New Shiyu Defense Gameplay & Build submitted by JonathanSwifts to QingYiMains [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:11 Inevitable-Log956 Standards for a Coffee Shop

Recently a couple of buddies and I have decided to create a band we are hoping to play at a local coffee shop and we need jazz standards that fit the vibe of the place. We joked that they all want to hear autumn leaves and girl from impanema but other that that we aren’t too sure what to do. We figured a nice ballad would work (personally I think Here’s that rainy day would be pretty good). We also talked about some blues and Sister Sadie came to mind but other than those what other standards could we play to fit the “coffee” vibe?
submitted by Inevitable-Log956 to Jazz [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:11 InsertStephenHere #111: What Remains of Edith Finch - The game's story and the way the story is told through different gameplay styles blew my expectations out of the water.

#111: What Remains of Edith Finch - The game's story and the way the story is told through different gameplay styles blew my expectations out of the water. submitted by InsertStephenHere to steamachievements [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:11 amemaabeba I finally have a funny number of leaderships

I finally have a funny number of leaderships submitted by amemaabeba to TheBattleCatsReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:11 scientist_hotwife after the gym i wanna know if you still love them

after the gym i wanna know if you still love them submitted by scientist_hotwife to soleslovers [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:11 Gomendiquillo I just started listening to ghais, what do you recommend?

submitted by Gomendiquillo to ghaisguevara [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:11 AutoModerator 🌟 Calling for Moderators! Join the EyesGoneMildPH Mod Team! 🌟

🌟 Calling for Moderators! Join the EyesGoneMildPH Mod Team! 🌟 We’re growing, and it’s time to expand our moderation team! If you’re passionate about our community and want to help it thrive, this is your chance to make a difference.
Requirements:Verified Member: You must be a verified member of our community. Complete your verification here.Good Reddit History: Your Reddit account should have a clean history—no lewd content, comments, or other violations of Reddit’s terms of service. ✅ Active Participation: You should be active on Reddit and familiar with subreddit moderation tools or willing to learn.
What You’ll Do:

How to Apply: Send a message to u/Prudent_Maximum8437 with the following details:
  1. Your Reddit username.
  2. A short description of why you’d like to be a moderator.
  3. Any experience with moderation or managing online communities (optional but appreciated).
Deadline: Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis, so don’t wait too long to apply!
Let’s work together to make EyesGoneMildPH an even better community. Looking forward to seeing your applications! 👁️✨
submitted by AutoModerator to eyesgonemildPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:11 ThePBSIDGuy Ay caramba!

Ay caramba! submitted by ThePBSIDGuy to TheSimpsons [link] [comments]