2025.01.31 06:11 Abject-Spare-2279 Impressive ?
submitted by Abject-Spare-2279 to hoi4 [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:11 Practical-Decision86 How to open a case of negligence on physician/ is it worth it
TW: abortion
On January 17 & 18 I had a medical abortion in Saskatoon. The Nurse practitioner did no blood or urine analysis and just used ultrasound. So she had no baseline info on my levels for labs. Not that I expected a medical abortion to be fool proof as there’s no guarantee with that, they say it is roughly 95-98 % effective. With the remaining percentage being some bumps in the road or it partially being incomplete. I felt as though something was wrong the night of the 18th as the medicine I had majority consumed but then had thrown up, and had yet to begin bleeding. I was giving an emergency phone number for the clinic to speak to a doctor on call if anything was to go wrong since it was the weekend. (It was a nurse practitioner who had dealt with me). When calling the number to inform them of the issue the receptionist refused to put me through to the doctor or to add me to any phone waiting list as she claimed i am not a regular patient. I have her the info and that this is the emergency phone number I was given to call if needed and she still refused and told me if I need help to call 911. Which I am unsure if this is the fault of the receptionist or the nurse practitioner for giving me this as an “emergency number”.
So I waited until the weekend ended and called back asap on Monday morning. I was out onto the line with a nurse but never my nurse practitioner. I mentioned the situation however later I had bled. But I was still feeling extremely ill and day to night morning sickness. After a few days they talked to the Nurse Practioner and she sent me to get a req for blood work however it was right before the weekend and so no places in the area would be open for blood (which I understand is a downfall of living rural) but also there was no reason for her to send me for blood as she never had any initial blood to compare a pregnancy hormone drop to. Her original way to ensure that it was effective was to have me wait 4-5 weeks to do a urine test after my medical abortion (which would place me at 13-14 weeks pregnant). I was in touch many times throughout the week telling them I knew something was wrong as well as that I was throwing up blood and at this point in the pregnancy had lost 22 Lb. For context I am 5’8” and was weighing 102 lb.
I reached a point where I was so unwell where then my mother took me into my rural small city hospital emerg. It wasn’t until going to a whole set of different staff where I was finally listened to. Here they gave me an ultrasound and listened to me where then they found out I was right and something was wrong and I was still fully pregnant. I originally was thinking maybe I hadn’t fully bled out the tissue and had went septic but this was not the case.
Then i called back to Saskatoon to tell them this info and that I need to come back in as it was not effective and I explained my whole situation again. I was told to call EFAP to book myself in for a surgical abortion where I then left a message, and never had a call returned despite being extremely sick and my medical abortion being incompleted through the Saskatoon community clinic.
I’m just wondering if this would be any type of thing to file a sort of thing for either like poor practice or negligence considering they didn’t properly see me through as a patient. When explaining my position and pain they were unphased and then even upon the information of my pregnancy still being fully viable they left me and said to deal with finding a surgical abortion appointment on my own (which typically when you take on a patient you have to see through the whole process). They did nothing to accelerate my process by helping me get an appointment for a surgical abortion despite knowing I was a recovered eating disorder patient and had thrown up atleast once a day since Xmas (resulting in my extreme weight loss). As well as the Nurse practioner not doing any tests yet choosing to do tests to check the drop (No baseline work to compare to).
I later then had tried every possible clinic in the province that would do a surgical abortion and no place would take me on, until I called the women’s health Center in Regina and was finally listened to. She got me in rapidly as I explained the whole situation, as well as my own health issues from this all. I had my surgical removal today and that’s where all staff were telling me my experience was unacceptable and to file a complaint, the more I look into this I am realizing how awful my treatment was. I would’ve rather had the Saskatoon clinic turn me away than take me on as a patient and then ignore the state I was in.
Just with all the evidence of my calls, my medical reports, the paperwork of telling me who to call then being refused help, the lack of tests, and the negligence to finish a started abortion I’m wondering if I have any type of case here. I have plenty of dated texts documenting weight loss, blood in vomit, calls with 811 etc. as well as all the paperwork and labs (lack of labs) to support this.
If anyone has any insight or advice on how to go about dealing with this it would be greatly appreciated. This was one of the most awful experiences of my life and the idea of any other woman having to experience this makes me sick. I would like to do anything to prevent this from happening to anyone else even if it is one other person.
submitted by Practical-Decision86 to legaladvicecanada [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:11 PacificNWExp DEMOLISHED: Exploring The Abandoned JCPenney Store At Stratford Square Mall In Bloomingdale, Illinois
This store at Stratford Square Mall originally opened as a Wieboldt’s in 1981. Wieboldt’s closed up shop in 1987 and this spot was bought out by JCPenney, which was the main attraction of the mall but when this store closed in 2014 the decline of mall began. The rest of the mall closed down last April and now it has since been demolished as part of a redevelopment plan submitted by PacificNWExp to deadmalls [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:11 Paradoxbtw9 I've officially decided on a tarantula
I've decided on a brazilian whiteknee, but a spring because I want to raise one from well, a spring. I've heard people you shouldn't start with a spring because it's hard, but I've also heard it's fine. Before I order it, are there any specific husbandries I should have? Certain substrate, how deep i should make it, any hiding areas? I wanna be able to do this right, and I'd like some help/pointers from people more acquainted with this kinda stuff.
submitted by Paradoxbtw9 to tarantulas [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:11 dressedasabanana28 There’s a limit???
Whats the limit? Any idea? submitted by dressedasabanana28 to HayDay [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:11 Extra_Garlic_6989 Holmium Shortage
Hi all :)
I was wondering whether there was any trick I was missing to be able to get more Holmium on Fulgora.
I currently have Chem Plants with level 2 prod modules and foundries with level two prod modules as well (have not been to Gleba yet).
Do I need to invest in quality gambling to get any kind of more output of holmium plates? Do I need to up scrap recycling productivity?
It seems like my bottle neck is in the ore.
I’m trying to beef up Nauvis with Foundries and EM Plants since I got both of them now, and I am struggling with producing EM plants because of the Holmium demand for everything else on the planet (mostly all the steps for the science). I know that once my science and its ingredients back up it’ll all go towards EM Plant production, but that doesn’t seem very future proof or like a good way to move forward.
I’m usually a lurker, so I apologize for any incorrect post etiquete.
submitted by Extra_Garlic_6989 to factorio [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:11 YINLIN90969 Anyone got the redmi note 14?
If yes, please dm me
submitted by YINLIN90969 to XiaomiSupport [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:11 Maluton What's up with the nested pins and boards?
Is it a visual error that I'm seeing the first full screen of pins and boards all nested on top of each other? Each row cuts off the bottom of the pin above, and any title and text are lost.
If it's a recent design decision then it's a terrible one. I can't even read the title of my boards.
Screen cap: https://imgur.com/a/8L34pQg
I'm using safari browser.
submitted by Maluton to Pinterest [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:11 Wayward_Prometheus RT @UFC: The #UFCSaudiArabia main event is LOCKED IN 😤@StyleBender weighs in at 185lbs![ Live TOMORROW on @ESPNPlus | 12pmET | @RiyadhSeason | #RiyadhSeason📷 ] https://t.co/fpx1ucC6Fp
submitted by Wayward_Prometheus to MMAMedia [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:11 isawasin I do wish he'd spit some theory, but who am I to quibble? Welcome home, comrade!
submitted by isawasin to TheDeprogram [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:11 incidentallycoolhmph is it ok to a ghost a friend when i’ve been a bad friend?
to make it short- she is currently in no contact w me, i think bc of some stuff that went down (not going to go in to detail) but im not 100% sure... anyways ive been doing a lot of self reflection (still am) i kinda just want to end it all? is this a bad thing to do? i just have a feeling something isn't right and maybe that this friendship is no longer serving me.
submitted by incidentallycoolhmph to FriendshipAdvice [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:11 goldeilish sudden palpitations that won’t go away
hi, i have POTS and routinely get a racing and pounding heart. i occasionally get palpitations (feeling of flutters or irregular beats) but it lasts anywhere from a few seconds to a minute. tonight i’ve been feeling palpitations for over an hour. i downloaded a couple of cardiac apps onto my iphone and im not sure how accurate they are but id like to get people’s opinion and see if this looks like a normal rhythm? if not, what DOES it look like? (and dont worry, im not just relying on the internet for answers, im calling a nurse hotline as well) submitted by goldeilish to askCardiology [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:11 justanotherhand Haaaaay salamat
Na santos najud tanan. Hulat nalang sa online enrollment kay maintenance pa. Lami na kaayo mag eskwela para makalimtaaaaan kaaaaa
submitted by justanotherhand to pahungaw [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:11 Cakey_Baby_ Advice on buying a kindle
I’m new here and want to buy a kindle. I don’t want harsh light. I can’t find where I read that a kids kindle is the same as adult, you just change a setting after you power it on? Is this true? I’m trying to get the best deal. But if I’m going to buy something, I’d rather just get the best option. What does everyone recommend?
submitted by Cakey_Baby_ to kindle [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:11 Ifyouliveinadream Does anyone Know of a N64 3d printable gamecase?
I'm looking for a 3d printed gamecase that I can print. So far I found this fold in one that doesnt print right for me.
submitted by Ifyouliveinadream to n64 [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:11 Medical-Syrup-2940 Más nézőpontból is megnézném a helyezetem, mi a véleményed?
Lassan nyolcadik éve vagyok együtt a párommal. Harmincas éveink elején járunk.
Mikor megismerkedtünk, jó pár csalódáson túl voltam már és azt éreztem, hogy benne végre tényleg megtaláltam, akire vágytam...sablonos, de szerintem én sem tudtam, hogy rossz dolgokra vágytam. Ő ugyanis egy nagyon érzékeny lelkű, magas eq-jú férfi, aki mindig meghallgat és általában tényleg tud segíteni abban, hogy megoldjam a gondjaimat. Nagyon tud udvarolni, figyelmes, segít a házimunkában is. És itt jött el az, hogy bár ennek nagyon örülök, de valójában kompenzáció: semmit, de semmit nem ért a férfi munkákhoz.
Konkrétan nulla logika van benne ilyen téren. Ahogy lett házunk, úgy kezdett kinyílni a szemem, hogy tényleg mennyire nem ért ezekhez. És szépen lassan úgy érzem, elkezdtem kiábrándulni... Hogy mennyire nem tud utána számolni az átalakításhoz szükséges anyagoknak és lassan mindent ellenőriznem kellett. Hitelnél én figyeltem a feltételekre, a banki tanácsadónál majd' bealudt és az ügyvéddel is mindent én kommunikáltam le, sokszor alap dolgokat kellett elmagyaráznom. Feljöttek azok az emlékek is, hogy nyaraláson is pl. mindent én találok ki és nem azért, mert élvezem. Külföldön buszmenetrendeken, minden sz.ron nekem kellett kiigazodni, kilogikázni. Tájékozódó képessége sem valami jó. Annyira vágyom arra néha, hogy hátradőljek és ő oldjon meg valami ilyesmit, de nem tud.
Most jött el az, hogy mit tegyek: az egyik oldalon az áll, hogy tudom, látom, mennyi nőt nem hallgat meg a párja, mennyire nem törődnek semmivel, nálam pedig ő az első, aki soha nem hagyja, hogy sírva aludjak el. A másik részén viszont ott van, hogy baromira jó lenne felnézni rá, de már nem megy. Félek, hogy ha gyerek lenne, minden a nyakamba szakadna és később is, mert tanulni is csak én tudnék vele jobbára...
Ezek mind most realizálódtak bennem és tudom, hogy fogok kapni mindent a nyakamba, hogy bezzeg a figyelmes férfiak nem kellenek a nőknek, de ez nem így van, csak ezek a negatív dolgok nem egyből derültek ki.
Őszinte vélemény!?
submitted by Medical-Syrup-2940 to askhungary [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:11 hobbsyie Ideas for a 8ch ADAT ( optical ) in
Hi all looking for recommendations on an amp to run my mids on needs to be min of 6 channels preferably optical in option since I have the ability to use it It’s only a medium level build so not looking to spend a small fortune but saying that I’m not looking for cheep crap that’s broken or never works
submitted by hobbsyie to CarAV [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:11 smithwe25 Who created the jonkler, is he stupid?
submitted by smithwe25 to BatmanArkham [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:11 FrenzyKnight_ Lies of P - Robber Weasel Boss Fight (No Commentary) Gameplay Part 20
Hey guys, check out my Lies of P gameplay link and tell me what you think in Youtube comment 🎮 and if you enjoy the video, don't forget to like, share and subscribe 😊
submitted by FrenzyKnight_ to ContentCreators [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:11 Natural-Ship-6390 Who's else's birthday is during the resonance cascade? (May 16-18ish)
submitted by Natural-Ship-6390 to HalfLife [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:11 echo_1029 [MM4A] Pobla on Sat
Looking for a group or individuals na willing kami i-adopt on a Saturday night out.
[23, 26] Singles, Professional, and Manila bois
Okay lang if small groups, any clubs will do. We will share on the bills. We can do pre-games din on our rented BnB near Sanctuary.
submitted by echo_1029 to makati [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:11 Longjumping-Trust680 Bun💜
submitted by Longjumping-Trust680 to sissymuslims [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:11 Important_Payment273 Country Roads
submitted by Important_Payment273 to walkingpics [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:11 Pumuckl4Life "Nicht erlaubt": Europarechtsexperte Obwexer zerpflückt Merz' Asylpläne
submitted by Pumuckl4Life to de [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:11 1LivelyLucas Birthdays must suck when you’re old
Like no I don’t wanna turn 60
submitted by 1LivelyLucas to teenagers [link] [comments]