17F rotting and building a cute base in minecraft

2025.01.31 06:16 SemiEncodedWorm 17F rotting and building a cute base in minecraft

annoying 5'1 bedrotter, im really silly and probably kinda boring but if you wanna yap together then dm me rahhhh :3
submitted by SemiEncodedWorm to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:16 SpeakingOfTheHobbits Checkr hiring Senior AI Solutions Engineer in Denver, CO, US

submitted by SpeakingOfTheHobbits to AIJobHub [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:16 Substantial_Bed2545 silver wolf hsr official art concept art illustration early design stellaron hunters

silver wolf hsr official art concept art illustration early design stellaron hunters submitted by Substantial_Bed2545 to SilverWolfMains [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:16 FindMeOnThePorch Nany

Anyone think Nany cheats on this new season? Just thinking that the timing of announcing their break up right before the series premieres is sketchy. If she cheated and it's going to come out she had to tell Kaycee before she saw it on TV. It wouldn't be the first time
submitted by FindMeOnThePorch to thechallengemtv [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:16 Cultural_Tell_5191 Kiara Alia Advani

Kiara Alia Advani submitted by Cultural_Tell_5191 to bollyarm [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:16 jezudau SHIFTUP add custom options for tanlines and my life is yours

SHIFTUP add custom options for tanlines and my life is yours submitted by jezudau to StellarBladePhotoMode [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:16 OkRepresentative8250 How long does the driving school to get your G2 last?

Like fuck man tryna get this thing done smh
submitted by OkRepresentative8250 to Torontology [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:16 str8shooter Does MEGA OTT have the best catch-up?

Thanks to this group, I now know I've been subscribed to a MEGA OTT service for the past 11 months. I've been looking around to see what other services there are when my subscription runs out next month.
The major frustration I've had with the service until now is the buffering. I've had about a 95% failure rate recording something through Tivimate. I usually get just a minute of recording before it cuts out. Also, there are channels which often have the audio out of sync for more than 5 seconds.
On the positive side, I'm impressed with the amount of channels (23k+), movies (112k+) and shows (38k+). And, just as important, it offers SO many channels with 48hr catch-up!
I just did a Strong 8K trial because it offered more channels and I wanted to see if it was as good as everyone says it is.
Buffering was not an issue and I had more success recording to my USB stick than with MEGA.
It definitely has more channels, but I would say it's geared more towards sports fans.
I'm interested in the general European channels, and outside the UK ones, Strong 8K didn't offer catch-up for any French or Swiss channels. And the ones it offered for the German ones (DE | UNTERHALTUNG) didn't work (Unrecognized input format exception).
Would love to hear from others on their experiences.
submitted by str8shooter to IPTVGroupBuy [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:16 PASA2001 Embroidering an autograph

I just got my football shirt autographed by my favorite player. Is there any place around where I can embroider the autograph so that it does not fade (and so that I can wear the shirt again)?
submitted by PASA2001 to CambridgeMA [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:16 Jazzlike_Pen_2757 Do we know when "Hey Stranger! I dare you to love me!" Is going to come out?

The song released a while ago, and is said to be the title song for the game. How much longer until it actually releases?
submitted by Jazzlike_Pen_2757 to kenashcorp [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:16 TEETHpodcast 3 Extremely Cute Kittens Rescued Jan 26th, 2025 in the Bay Area, CA

3 Extremely Cute Kittens Rescued Jan 26th, 2025 in the Bay Area, CA submitted by TEETHpodcast to Pumaconcolor [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:16 Same-Plantain6893 ¿Por que mi motor no se escucha estable?

Eso, tengo una keller 110, 4mil km (comprada hace 3 años, no la use casi nada). Hace meses me venia jodiendo un tema que me costaba hacer que arranque la moto sin que se apague al instante en pleno verano. supuestamente era tema de valvulas y carburador, mandé a cambiar todo y la moto mejoró, ya no se apaga tan facilmente, pero noto que el ruido del motor no es muy normal, como que se escucha inestable, no mantiene ese ritmo estable, no se si me explico, la verdad no se casi nada de mecanica...
y otra cosa, esta perdiendo unas cuantas gotas de aceite, eso saben como se soluciona? el mecanico cambio el aceite hace 2 meses... gracias
submitted by Same-Plantain6893 to MotosArg [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:16 Worried_Coast_3077 Am I crazy?

I wonder if I'm crazy or... I really like Bitcoin; I have known about it for a long time, but for years, I only traded altcoins. From this year, I decided to invest only in Bitcoin. Naturally, now I follow all the news around it, and when I share with my family and friends, they tell me that I am crazy, that it is a scam.
submitted by Worried_Coast_3077 to BitcoinBeginners [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:16 EnvironmentalCar6494 Real or Fake? Platinum

Real or Fake? Platinum submitted by EnvironmentalCar6494 to gameverifying [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:16 Greedy_Pickle6000 SOFT PLAY @ MAGNET HOUSE PERTH

Does anybody need a ticket for their show tomorrow at Magnet House? Have 3 spare as I can no longer attend. Paper tickets so would need grabbing from me in the CBD.
submitted by Greedy_Pickle6000 to softplay [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:16 Broad-Research5220 Outcome of Free Internet, Free YouTube and Free Calculator

Outcome of Free Internet, Free YouTube and Free Calculator submitted by Broad-Research5220 to MutualfundsIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:16 Exastiken WATCH: Trump signs aviation order to assess 'damage' done to air safety by diversity policies

WATCH: Trump signs aviation order to assess 'damage' done to air safety by diversity policies submitted by Exastiken to PBS_NewsHour [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:16 TheJagzz How to fix Enhance Speech if there's parts where the audio glitches?

How to fix Enhance Speech if there's parts where the audio glitches? submitted by TheJagzz to premiere [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:16 thesonicgamer575 One of the most saddest images in the show 😢

One of the most saddest images in the show 😢 RIP Paul Boyd we miss you, you big lug we all will
submitted by thesonicgamer575 to ededdneddy [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:16 Firebird50011 first build after a break

first build after a break submitted by Firebird50011 to EnshroudedBuilding [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:16 Fun-Property-5964 What the fuck is abbas man🗿💔

What the fuck is abbas man🗿💔 submitted by Fun-Property-5964 to LocalLLaMA [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:16 IamIneviatble8 I (19M) Overthink alot about small things ( 20F) about our relationship.

19M here. Just a simple question.. I overthink alot about things.. and I feel sad when I tell my gf about this because I feel like I act really immature.. I don't know what to do... My personality is like that only, overthinker, introvert kinda guy.. I love her and she understands me.. but i want to stop Overthinking about small things.
submitted by IamIneviatble8 to RelationshipIndia [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:16 Dull_Muscle_2336 Hash engineers orange soda pop super Fuego

Hash engineers orange soda pop super Fuego This stuff slapped everybody I heard talking about hash Engineers ice hash hyped up the sb's 36 but the orange soda pop is for sure slept on this hash was stupid fire
submitted by Dull_Muscle_2336 to rosin [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:16 iamnotparanoid [Mortal Kombat] What historical figures have fought in the tournament?

Fiore dei Liberi's The Flower of Battle is a 15th century longsword manual, and I noticed at least one of the techniques uses the words "mortal combat". That made me realize that with the tournament going on hundreds of years, it would make sense for plenty of historical soldiers and warriors to compete. Did Goro kill Napoleon in the MK universe? Did the Great Kung Lao have to fight Julius Caesar? Did a tournament occur during World War 2?
submitted by iamnotparanoid to AskScienceFiction [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:16 t-rexcellent Are some names....crimes?

submitted by t-rexcellent to achewood [link] [comments]
