2025.01.31 06:52 CedarStaf03 Dog chipped a tooth, does it look like anything to worry about?
I’d show a photo but it says the community doesn’t allow it… basically my dog who’s just over a year I realized she chipped her canine. It’s a kind of tiny chip off the top, and her canine tip is flattened a bit. You can’t see any root or anything other than white. Nothing is exposed. I wasn’t sure if that was an issue or not?
submitted by CedarStaf03 to AskVet [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:52 SirDungbeetle Boop!
It's OK, you can boop her nose too! submitted by SirDungbeetle to corgi [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:52 geekyplug Working LeadRocks Lifetime Coupon 2025
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2025.01.31 06:52 Affectionate-Yak-358 guero started houston drill fuck the oldheads yall dont know music its a yn wave now
submitted by Affectionate-Yak-358 to LoneStarGhetto [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:52 The_Media_Ghoul Vander: The Hound Of The Underground. What started as a Warwick foreshadowing video, ended up being an AMV of sorts about Vanders broken mind and scattered memories. Hope you enjoy :)
submitted by The_Media_Ghoul to arcane [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:52 Fabulous-Pollution37 Cojivecinos
Que onda, alguien sabe de un grupo de telegram o tenga amigas cachondas para compartir? Soy un joven de 18 caliente que quiere una follamiga cerca del bosque de Tláhuac, la edad no importa
submitted by Fabulous-Pollution37 to Tlahuac [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:52 ForTaxBenefits Caught her mid yawn
submitted by ForTaxBenefits to teefies [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:52 Key4Lif3 Some notes on a new “Lucid Resonance” based framework.
Releazing how all spiritual traditions, the depths shared subconsciousness, the physical sciences, the reoccurring fractal patterns on every scale throughout the cosmos and on our planet.
It all points towards the same truth. Each individual perspective is its own universe, but there is only one true awareness. And we are all fractals of the whole. A hologram. Where the small piece carries the blueprint for the whole, just like our dna.
Thanks for viewing! I’m all up for comments and questions, reflections or insights.
submitted by Key4Lif3 to mysticism [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:52 FillAny3101 Arc just added a new feature on Android, despite being abandoned. It's the best swipe to switch tab I've ever seen.
submitted by FillAny3101 to ArcBrowser [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:52 GMSB Just noticed a free mp3 code for Bridge Over Troubled Water/ first come first serve
Went to spin up the ol Bridge vinyl and heard something clanking in the cardboard cover. It was an mp3 download code/ I already have this shit on all formats so if anyone wants it here you go—- gonna split it up weird just in case any bots or whatever
wearevinyl.com code: GWTV352A
And the last character is simply L, don’t stop after the 2A this is a bit measure because I’ve done these before
Pls comment if you claim so someone else doesn’t waste their time
submitted by GMSB to paulsimon [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:52 Low_Brick5394 Thoughts on purchasing a 2006 Corolla for my first vehicle?
The car belongs to an older gentleman who no longer drives much. It has 160K miles on it but was very well maintained and serviced often. Brand new tires, no known mechanical issues. He was very clear that he only wanted to sell to someone he knew, and my coworker (also an older gentleman) inspected the vehicle and said it was mint (I have trust in him as he used to own a mechanic shop). The seller wants 2k for it. I thought this was a pretty unbeatable deal for my first car.
submitted by Low_Brick5394 to askcarguys [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:52 MonolayerMoS2 HUT score after first listen
https://preview.redd.it/r3qykqsm0age1.png?width=488&format=png&auto=webp&s=321f117a958b2edf756bb8ecc1970df7db4d2d62 Some may say this is not the way to rate an album but I do it anyway. submitted by MonolayerMoS2 to TheWeeknd [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:52 Aaaarcher What is your favourite Daniel Day-Lewis method acted bit-part in cinema history?
submitted by Aaaarcher to okbuddycinephile [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:52 LeastAcanthisitta920 Questioning
So I am mainly looking for advice because I’m at a cross roads right now. I’ve been married 10 years to a narcissist. I can’t do it anymore and I don’t want to fix the relationship. I’ve been abused financially and emotionally. I have a full time job and I get an allowance out of my paycheck which often leaves me broke and supposedly the money goes to bills but literally everything is late or overdue. He did get laid off for two months but is working again. During that time he laid around in bed all day putting in applications no help around the house or my dog but I had to take care of his etc. If I leave I’m afraid he’s either going to kill me and or commit suicide. I know it won’t be amicable and he can take away the apartment and has all my info and social etc. but I have to do it. I’m not happy anymore….has anyone dealt with this? I’ve looked at divorce proceedings online and want to file myself because a lawyer is too expensive and I can’t do pro bono but I know he’d find a way to get one. I’m sorry this is a lot and I’m mainly venting but I just don’t know what to do
submitted by LeastAcanthisitta920 to askgaybros [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:52 AConfusedLoser8 Can scrcpy work wirelessly with a different network?
Hello everyone
Is it possible for scrcpy to work wirelessly on a different network without rooting my device? I heard that i can use something called an SSH Tunnel but i think that needs rooting for it to work
submitted by AConfusedLoser8 to scrcpy [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:52 Nat9_ Never doubt The Weeknd
That is all.
submitted by Nat9_ to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:52 xFushNChupsx What the hell is happening?
I'm on PS5 (Sydney server) and will intermittently have games where, no matter what I do, I will hit spikes of (literally) 600-700 ping.
During this time my entire game will have the most aggressive lag freeze, the game will resume but everything will stay stuck in place. I will lag, die because of it, and get through the entire 10 second respawn - by the time it has finished lagging I will be respawned entirely and halfway out of spawn.
It is literally unplayable. It is fine for a while and then in the middle of a team fight or my ultimate the whole game will abruptly lag, the kind where character models just slide in one direction, I cannot move, etc.
I haven't tried this in competitive because I'm too scared to go into a game while this problems arises. It usually lasts a few hours, longer, then the problem will disappear out of nowhere and I can play normally again.
So frustrating.
submitted by xFushNChupsx to marvelrivals [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:52 mssarac Joe Giudice tells it all
Super entertaining episode on the All About TRH podcast with Juicy Joe, confirming how much of a hand production has in all the drama we see on this show (and others) link: https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/joe-giudice-tells-all-uncensored-unfiltered/id1554996153?i=1000686957097
submitted by mssarac to rhonj [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:52 ggrace3302 Cat just died, seemed so random
Back in October we came home to our cat barely breathing. We got him to emergency vet fast enough and long story short he came home well one less lung lobe and a lot of medicine.
He was diagnosed with lower respitory disease, and most recently just was on an inhailer. He had seen a specialist, we had tests done. He was okay. He had some asthma attacks and they thought he just needed a better steroid. We were going to pick it up today.
He was acting so normal 10 minutes before his death. Then suddenly he got puffed up. Started peeing and threw up. Struggling to breath. By the time we grabbed the crate he was dead. Less then a minute.
I just.... don't know what happened. His death wasn't even peaceful it was terrible. My husband is very heart broken, I'm just shocked. I don't know how to feel or what to do
submitted by ggrace3302 to cats [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:52 stupidMBAdecision Am I Crazy For Considering an MBA? Currently 200K, Remote, 20 Hours/Week
Juggling a lot of conflicting feelings regarding my life right now and not sure if an MBA is the right decision. For context, I'm 27M living in (V)HCOL suburb making ~$200k (no stocks) in a fully remote position and I work at most 20 hours per week, more often than not it's closer to 10, but I do need to always be reasonably readily available.
Bombed at HSW and have offers for other M7 (no $) and a handful of T20/T15s ($$-$$$).
So, why am I considering an MBA? Well, to start, I hate my job. Yes the on-paper benefits looks nice, but I hate the work that I do and any moment spent working on my day job is painful and puts me in a foul mood. I also do not think I have upward mobility in this job and I wouldn't consider my job extremely safe from layoffs in the future. The 10-20 hours per week look nice, but I'm landlocked at home and can be pulled into a meeting at any moment's notice. And I really do hate it to the point that it affects me outside of work.
To be very blunt, I chose the wrong profession and was baited by the money.
Also, I miss being a student and being in that fun/competitive environment where it feels like anything can happen. I suspect that my life has absolutely no stressors and it's causing me to stagnate and be too comfortable. The idea of having fun with a large group of likeminded peers is also quite alluring at this stage in my life.
Now here's the problem, I'm not sure what an MBA can realistically do for me besides be a very expensive 2 year bandaid/vacation.
First, I have no idea what I want to recruit for even. Consulting seems like a good choice in terms of career growth, but that is a slog, and I have no interest in IB and tech is dead. So, what the hell am I here for? To get a lesser paying LDP that requires me to be in person and I ultimately feel the same way?
I'm also interested in entrepreneurship and have dabbled with minor minor success, but I currently have no ideas/vision and it's probably not a good idea to enter an MBA with aspirations of entrepreneurship but also have absolutely 0 fucking idea what that looks like.
I guess to summarize my point - I don't even know what I want out of the MBA besides a good time and some idea of "transformation" - none of the traditional post-MBA careers legitimately interest me.
I feel like I lose by not doing an MBA because I'm stuck with silver handcuffs in my current role, and I feel like I lose by going to an MBA because I'll be back in my current position, or worse. I'm also pretty unhappy with my non-professional life. I'm dating, have friends, in touch with family, but nothing really excites me to the point where I want to continuously improve.
submitted by stupidMBAdecision to MBA [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:52 serveshorty lap 500 victory 700 dagreez official instrumental prod luckaleannn
submitted by serveshorty to gothmoney [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:52 i_is_shark7 [Flash/Browser][2000's] Fairy tale themed point and click/escape games, translated from Japanese(?)
Platform(s): browser, flash Genre: point and click, escape Estimated year of release: early 2000s Graphics/art style: 2d "kawaii/chibi" artstyle, pastel, not pixelated Notable characters: characters were different animals, possibly bears/panda bears Notable gameplay mechanics: simple short point and click adventures, each one based on a different fairy tale/folk tale, I remember one being snow white, another was maybe the emperor's new clothes? Other details: item descriptions were poorly translated from perhaps Japanese or Korean
I remember playing a series of these short games on a website with my mom between 2004 and 2012, this is all we can remember
submitted by i_is_shark7 to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:52 bakedlemon69 Enough time has passed
submitted by bakedlemon69 to TheWeeknd [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:52 Even-Needleworker691 Wie wird die Zukunft der pharmazeutischen Industrie im Jahr 2025 aussehen?
Willkommen in der Zukunft!
In einem spannenden Gastbeitrag für die Veranstaltung Welcome to the Future! erläutert Dr. Kai Joachimsen, Hauptgeschäftsführer des Bundesverbands der Pharmazeutischen Industrie (BPI), seine visionären Ansichten zur Zukunft der pharmazeutischen Industrie. Er beschreibt, wie technologische Innovationen und nachhaltige Praktiken die Branche revolutionieren könnten und welche Herausforderungen dabei zu bewältigen sind. Der Beitrag regt zur Diskussion an: Welche Veränderungen erwarten Sie in der Pharmaindustrie? Welche Rolle wird Deutschland in diesem globalen Wandel spielen?
Teilen Sie Ihre Gedanken und diskutieren Sie mit!
Für eine tiefere Einsicht in Dr. Joachimsens Ausführungen, besuchen Sie am besten den vollständigen Artikel auf der Handelsblatt Live Website: live.handelsblatt.com/welcome-to-the-future/.
submitted by Even-Needleworker691 to verbandsnachrichten [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:52 couponfordeals €145.47: Newtral MagicH002 Ergonomic Home Office Chair (Aliexpress Spain Warehouse)
submitted by couponfordeals to couponsjet [link] [comments] |