英語1500wordsでレポートを課されたのですが、 英語が苦手なので、ひとまず日本語で書いて、そこから英語に訳そうと思っています。そこで質問なのですが、目安として日本語で何文字くらいで書きあげれば、1500wordsほどになるのでしょうか? 至急お願いします!!中央大学の外部英検利用について、2級で受けられるのが経営学部、国際経営学部の2つがあると思うのですが、結構ハードだとは承知の上、英検2級で英語を免除したとして 経営学部《国語(現文、古文)、日本史》の2科目受験 国際経営学部《国語(現代文のみ)》の1科目 ... 名前が翔(しょう)の場合ローマ字表記はSHOUでしょうか?SHOHでしょうか?また、漢字(例えば章、将)の場合も同じ表記になるのでしょうか?教えて下さい。 パスポートやクレジットカードで通用する表記は「SHO」または「SHOH」しかありません。一般的なヘボン式(外務省式)ローマ字で ... α、βなどのギリシア文字を半角で打つにはどのフォントにすればいいですか。化学関連の文書をWord2007上で和文英訳中です。 英訳中の英語はどのフォントで書いているのですか。Windows(Word2007ならWindowsをご使用と察します)の標準フォントTimesNewRoman,Arial,Tahoma,Centuryなどはすべてギリシャ文字や ... 英語の「since」についてお尋ねします。よく街中で「since1950」とか目にしますよね。自分の解釈とし 英語の「since」についてお尋ねします。よく街中で「since1950」とか目にしますよね。自分の解釈としては、日本語でいうところの「創業 年」みたいなニュアンスだと思っていたのですが、"外国 ... 【ネイティブが回答】「卫衣」 は "日本語" でなんて言うの?質問に2件の回答が集まっています!Hinativeでは"日本語"や外国語の勉強で気になったことを、ネイティブスピーカーに簡単に質問できます。 どちらが正しいか、と聞かれたら答えは HU に決まってます。 五十音を使って話すときに ふ のことを FU と発音する日本人はいませんよね! ただ、他の方も書かれているように、訓令式とヘボン式という二つの方法が存在するために、どちらでもいいことになっています。今はヘボン式を使う ... Intel® Iris® Xe Graphics是一款集成显卡,适合玩LOL等游戏,但在配置要求较高的steam游戏上表现一般。 Yahoo!JAPANIDは複数持っても良いのですか?複数持っても良い場合、メールアドレスは同じものでも別のものでもよいのですか。 Yahoo!IDを複数持つことは可能です但し、Yahoo!IDの取得は携帯番号認証方式の為、1台の携帯番号で複数のYahooIDの取得は出来ません如何しても複数のYahoo!IDを取得したい ... ローマ字で、「しゅん」と書く場合、SYUかSHUかどちらが正しいのでしょうか? 現在日本で公文書とかで使われる一般的に正しいとされる?ローマ字は「SYU=シュ」です。日本式ローマ字→国内規格(訓令式)ローマ字→国際式ローマ字と発展してきた形態ですね。一方、「SHU=シュ」とする ...
2025.01.31 06:40 Blaze115 540I G30 buying advice
I’m currently in the market for a 540i M package. Any must haves for the g30? M package is a must have and I want the most luxury as well if possible with the g30. I see in 2020 they updated the dash to digital but I’m not sure on the 18,19,20 changes other than that. I’m trying to stick with 18 and up due to the b58 gen 2. Tia
submitted by Blaze115 to BMW [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:40 InspectorFirm752 Pre-owned ps5 deal - steal or flop?
Description :-
Pre-owned ps5 slim disc version ,3 months old(October bill) with additional 1tb ssd and an extra dual sense controller .
Ask price for above specs - 45k Ask price without the extra 1tb ssd - 40k
Steal or no steal? Also,what would be a reasonable offer if I want to haggle for a lower price?
submitted by InspectorFirm752 to ps5india [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:40 Rare_Basis_9380 (NSFW) Help me build a playlist for a 3-act *spicy* short story I'm writing for me & my FWB
Sorry, that was a WILD title, but it gets the point across. Anyway...
I (28F) am currently writing a short story that he (30M) and I can act out together, because we're both fuckin' freaks. He wanted to know what I wanted. I said I would describe it for him, and it turned into a whole ass story. I want to send it to him in parts, but I want each part to have a playlist. I told him this, and he said he loved the idea!
Songs I currently have:
Act 1: "One Way Or Another" - Until the Ribbon Breaks
Act 2: "The Death of Peace and Mind" by Bad Omens
Act 3: "Hatef--ck" - The Bravery
submitted by Rare_Basis_9380 to MusicRecommendations [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:40 justonpoint App constantly crashes for me and I can't identify why — Hoping someone can help me find out.
Hey all, I'm pretty desperate and have been searching for answers to no avail, really hoping someone can help me figure out the reason.
I'm using Flow by Wispr, a Speech-To-Text app that transcribes what I say in real-time when I press the Fn button. Recently, each time I use Flow or if I open the app without using it for awhile, the app closes (i.e., quits entirely) several minutes after.
When I tried to do a screen recording to show the Flow team, interestingly the Flow app doesn't close. :/
Initially I thought it was an app issue, and raised it to the team, but apparently I'm the only person with this issue, so I'm wondering now if it's related to one of the other apps I have, or a certain configuration in my Mac that's causing a conflict.
These are the apps I have:
2025.01.31 06:40 skyfall_0101 Good Cheap bars in Paris?
Je recherche des bars pas chers à Paris pour le week-end. Un endroit où l'on peut se détendre pendant quelques heures et où les prix de l'alcool sont bon marché.
Je suis d'accord avec tous les types d'endroits comme les bars à bières/bars à vin, etc.
J'ai récemment visité un endroit appelé Le Barav dans le Marais, où nous pouvons acheter une bouteille de vin pour leur propre magasin à des prix réguliers (à partir de 10/15 euros la bouteille) et payer seulement 7 euros pour la table pour nous asseoir et profiter.
J'aimerais savoir s'il existe des endroits similaires à celui-ci !
submitted by skyfall_0101 to AskMeuf [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:40 Left-Mess9026 anyone have a spare blossom snake i could get?
i kinda got myself into a problem and messed up some numbers, if anyone had a blossom snake i could get that'd be rlly nice!! not rlly expecting to get a snake honestly but its worth a shot!
submitted by Left-Mess9026 to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:40 bigfatround0 I'm getting so, so tired of having to uninstall and reinstall the game because I don't have enough space to completely download the entire game again after an update.
I thought they announced last year that they had come up with a way to fix this trash? Man, I just wanted to play a few matches before bed.
submitted by bigfatround0 to blackops6 [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:40 wichita3012 High risk pregnancy help
Hi everyone,
I recently migrated to Australia and live in one of the towns in Yorke Peninsula. My husband and I are planning to have baby but we’re still trying to understand how the healthcare system works here. Since I had a stillbirth at 20 weeks around 2 years ago, my overseas doctor told me my subsequent pregnancy will be high risk. Coupled with the fact that we don’t live in the city and not so great reviews of the public hospital (wallaroo), we’re wondering what our options are in terms of the care I’ll receive and delivery.
There’s no obs/gynaec in my town, only GP doctors whom I doubt have experience with high risk pregnancy. My husband works full time and I don’t see us moving to the city for the next 2 years as we’ve settled quite well here.
Should we plan a baby now or wait until we move to the city? Or do I rent a room near a hospital in Adelaide and get a midwife to help me? I’m honestly so confused, so any suggestions will be appreciated!
Thought I should mention that I have Medicare (no private insurance).
submitted by wichita3012 to BabyBumpsandBeyondAu [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:40 PsycheDelicOrihara Watch anime on aniverse
I don't get the 18+ signs 😅 is Durarara in other countries 18+? In Germany it's allowed from 12 or 16, depends on the episode. If you want to watch it, it's on aniverse even with english dub. submitted by PsycheDelicOrihara to Durarara [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:40 Terrible-Stick8105 There Is So Much In This Desert/Badlands/Savanna! (Slide 2 And 3 Are The Seed And Coordinates To Get You Started!)
submitted by Terrible-Stick8105 to minecraftseeds [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:40 Fit_Illustrator_3239 palafin evolution JFYWMF
submitted by Fit_Illustrator_3239 to unioncircle [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:40 Unhinged_MusicAddict Studying 2 « preferred » subjects and one « non preferred « subject
Im doing Bio, Chem and Sports Science at A level. I know Sports Sciencs is usally frowned upon but I'm stuck at sixth form for 2 years. I'll be damned if I don't enjoy it. I'm hoping to apply to medicine. Obviously I'll be looking at lower tier unis.
submitted by Unhinged_MusicAddict to 6thForm [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:40 Other-Practice-9991 AITA for pushing back on expectations set when living with my mom
AITA for being upset when I moved back home from college and was expected to pay rent (600/month where apts start at 1100), maintain the house (yard, pool, trash), and help update the house(tiling, electric, doors, mounding,sprinklers), which I didn’t know how to do?
I know that paying rent and helping with chores when having a decent job is expected and the experience will be useful later on ,but I feel like doing renovations around the house while having to pay rent and chores is asking too much. Especially when it’s jobs that would cost a couple hundred dollars for a contractor to do.
TLDR; AITA for wanting to tell my mom that there’s a difference between the obligations of being a tenant and a son?
submitted by Other-Practice-9991 to AITAH [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:40 RadiantAd3189 Nirvana at Fire Aid??? So sick!!
submitted by RadiantAd3189 to RedHotChiliPeppers [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:40 imnamedafteracar Rate my build
submitted by imnamedafteracar to AsabaHarumasaMains [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:40 crzyKHAN Sysadmins - Why she do this?
This individual got Intune going but she has gone mad with locking the devices down :(
Tiny company only 400ish folks
For example,
2025.01.31 06:40 DueDiligenceis23 NVDA Buy Despite DeepSeek, PLTR Key in Software, BTC "New Gold"
submitted by DueDiligenceis23 to NVDA_trading [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:40 Upper-Way-7154 Am I stupid for not going back on remicade?
YOYOYO Crohn’s Gang
25M here.
Diagnosed at 7, but I wasn’t on any meds until I was 15. Managed it with a strict diet until I ended up hospitalized because a section of my small intestine was nearly closed up. That’s when the docs put me on Remicade/Inflectra, and I’ve been riding that needle ever since—10 years now, which is wild.
Fast forward to six months ago: I moved states for a job. Told my old gastro office to refer me to a specific specialist in my new area, gave them all the info they needed, and yet… nothing. After 3–4 calls with both offices, they never managed to send my records over. So, I couldn’t schedule an appointment.
Eventually, I just gave up. I’ve always been told I have a mild case of Crohn’s, and for the first 1–2 months off Inflectra, I felt totally fine. But for the past three months, I’ve had to poop 15–30 minutes after every meal. Stools are about 80% not solid. On the plus side (?), it’s been helping with weight loss—which is probably a messed-up way to look at it, but hey, Crohn’s has given me a bit of a twisted relationship with food anyway.
So… should I get back on my meds? Probably. But first, I figured I’d share my idiotic decisions with Reddit. Thanks for reading ❤️ Thoughts?
submitted by Upper-Way-7154 to CrohnsDisease [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:40 Rough_Acanthaceae919 In mind.
submitted by Rough_Acanthaceae919 to RandomNepaliTechShit [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:40 Antique-Perception51 Did the presale sell out?
I joined the Seattle presale late and was 20,000+ in line but when I got in, there were still tons of tickets left. Are people actually paying these prices? probably depends on location* Joined the second presale for Seattle an hour after the start and also had tons of tickets left. If the tickets don’t sell out, seems like it might be better to wait for prices to drop on resell. Thoughts? submitted by Antique-Perception51 to Morgan_Wallen [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:40 StorageLow827 Todd is a misogynistic jerk
Did anyone catch the shade from Todd aka Colonel Sanders when he was talking with Bronwyn during the lunch break at the reunion and Bronwyn said Lisa used her for the Jazz suite and Todd snarkily said that to use his and Bronwyn’s suite at least Lisa didn’t have to do anything for it. He was referencing the rumor from a past season. Lisa is no angel but for a man to be perpetuating this is disgusting. Will someone please yank this clown off the stage?
submitted by StorageLow827 to rhoslc [link] [comments]
2025.01.31 06:40 DueDiligenceis23 NVDA Buy Despite DeepSeek, PLTR Key in Software, BTC "New Gold"
submitted by DueDiligenceis23 to NVDA_trading [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:40 Idontknowhoiam143 Chill Day Today
Got about half of these while at home today. Last couple weeks have finally been picking back up . Let’s keep it going 🏄♂️ submitted by Idontknowhoiam143 to doordash_drivers [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:40 fluud Correct move is to en passant myself?? Computer thinks I have chess humiliation kink? 😤
submitted by fluud to AnarchyChess [link] [comments] |
2025.01.31 06:40 Emissary_awen Wiccan Literature
This is a question of curiosity. I have, at some point or another, purchased or read nearly every book about Wicca to fly off a printing press, and the newer they are, the more disappointing they are to me. I read almost nothing original anymore except in the way of spells or charms, and everything feels like just a rehash of older material in new robes. There are some books I return to, but more often I read through my BoS when I feel like reading something Wiccan.
My question is, if you could have only one book about everything Wicca, written or unwritten, what would it be? A guide? Encyclopedia? Anthology? A novel? A collection of essays? Something else?
submitted by Emissary_awen to Wicca [link] [comments]