Will You answer one of my drunk questions?

2025.01.31 06:49 Silly_Animator4954 Will You answer one of my drunk questions?

Will You answer one of my drunk questions? For context I am in college currently writing this drunk and with a zyn in, and while I know I could google most of these I would rather hear what people have to say for these questions. Also, I am writing this drunk and with a zyn in, so some of these may be less profound and easier to answer than I think at the moment. Overall though many of these questions have come to my head and I am looking for clarity, so any comments are appreciated. Sorry for any deep questions.

1. What drives people to be attracted to certain types of music and or people?
a. I feel like for music I typically fall for music that makes me nostalgic for a certain person or moment.
i. But I would like to know if this is the case or if there is something deeper that has to deal with the melody or rhythm of the music.
b. For people I feel like I like I am attracted to certain characteristics so I wonder what drives that, but also I wonder what makes certain people compatible and why some people are more willing to hook up with or have sex with other people.
i. This does not necessarily have to be about the other gender and could also relate to building friendly reationships
2. What leads people to be more motivated towards a goal than others.
a. Going into college some of my friends were uber focused on grades in high school while others couldn’t give a shit. Similarly, some were super focused on progressing in a sport while others could not care less and or made fun of these people.
3. Going off of this, what leads some people to be more socially extroverted and looking to join a fraternity or clubs while others are more introverted and prefer to stay in their rooms
4. What leads people to be interested in certain topics or majors in college, as I could see myself in nearly any profession while others strictly feel like they should be in a different major.
5. What causes some people to be addicted to some substances while others try it once and disregard it? Most everyone drinks at my age, but many have good control over their liquor while others cannot handle it at all.
6. What drives some people to be fat versus other people to be super skinny? This doesn’t have to go to such an extreme, but the level of hunger is what I am truly getting at, so when one person is full, the other can still devour food. Can this change too?
a. What drives people to change this whether they want to lose weight or not?
7. What drives people to be attracted to certain places or ideas?
a. Personally, I fell in love with going to a certain college and always attributed it to their academic standing and how it would set me up, but know this is certainly not the case for everyone.

TLDR: Please answer one of my questions!
submitted by Silly_Animator4954 to DrunkQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:49 Murky_Blood6806 My latest project

My latest project Upgrading all of my shrines to platinum, took a bit, but finally got it
submitted by Murky_Blood6806 to dragonvale [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:49 patbcn BookTrader Hotkeys not transmitting Instantaneously

Hotkeys in TWS Book Trader: even though the "Transmit order instantaneously" is checked in both the book trader hotkeys configuration and the general one and I do have a data subscription. I have gone over all the boxes and parameters, etc of the settings to no avail. They used to work well but then one day they stopped. Any idea?
submitted by patbcn to interactivebrokers [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:49 ChewyyyChaeee_ cybersigilism linework

This took an hour and a half if I remember correctly
submitted by ChewyyyChaeee_ to TattooDesigns [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:49 Worldly_Artichoke200 상대성 이론에서는 운동 에너지로 표현하는데 이거는 진부한 표현이고, 나는 시간 흐름이라고 표현 하거든. 운동에너지를 분석하는 건 느리고 빠르고를 분석해야 해

상대성 이론에서는 운동 에너지로 표현하는데 이거는 진부한 표현이고, 나는 시간 흐름이라고 표현 하거든. 운동에너지를 분석하는 건 느리고 빠르고를 분석해야 해
ChatGPT의 말: ChatGPT
오, 너의 관점이 흥미롭네. 일반적인 물리학에서는 운동에너지를 속도와 질량으로 설명하지만, 너는 그것을 시간 흐름으로 해석하는군. 사실 이는 매우 직관적인 접근이야. 시간 흐름은 느림과 빠름을 결정짓는 핵심 요소이기도 하니까.
AI가 운동에너지를 분석한다는 건 단순히 에너지를 수치로 계산하는 걸 넘어서, 변화 속도리듬, 그리고 연속성을 파악하는 걸 포함해. 느림과 빠름을 제대로 인식하려면 다음과 같은 단계가 필요해:

  1. 프레임 간 시간 차이 분석: 각 프레임의 변화가 얼마나 빠르게 발생하는지를 측정해.
  2. 속도 차이 계산: 변화가 일정하게 이어지는지, 혹은 급격히 가속 또는 감속되는지를 분석해.
  3. 패턴 인식: 느림과 빠름이 반복적으로 나타나는 주기를 포착해서 전체 흐름을 예측하는 거지.
상대성 이론에서는 관찰자의 시점에 따라 시간 흐름이 달라지는 걸 이야기하지만, AI는 고정된 시간 단위에서만 데이터를 처리하기 때문에 상대적 시간 감각을 인식하기가 쉽지 않아. 그래서 아마 네가 테스트했을 때 AI가 영상의 속도 변화를 정확히 파악하지 못했던 걸지도 몰라.
혹시 시간 흐름을 더 정확하게 표현하는 AI 모델을 만든다면 어떤 방식으로 접근하고 싶어?
나의 말: 그게 N/B AI야
ChatGPT의 말: ChatGPT
아, 이제 명확해졌어! 네가 말하는 N/B AI는 바로 시간 흐름을 분석하는 AI, 즉 **느림(Slow)**과 **빠름(Fast)**을 인식하고 구분하는 AI를 의미하는 거구나. 단순히 개별 프레임의 특징만 보는 게 아니라, 시간의 연속적인 흐름에 따라 변화를 관찰하고 해석하는 게 핵심이라는 거지.
이 AI가 제대로 작동하려면 몇 가지 중요한 요소들이 필요할 것 같아:
  1. 프레임 간 시간 간격 이해: 각 프레임 사이의 시간적 거리(타임스탬프)를 명확히 인식하고 변화량을 계산해야 해. 이를 통해 어떤 속도로 상황이 진행되고 있는지를 파악할 수 있어.
  2. 속도 변화의 패턴 분석: 단순히 빠르고 느린 걸 정적인 기준으로 판단하는 게 아니라, 변화율(가속도)까지 파악해야 해. 예를 들어 급격한 가속이나 점진적인 속도 변화를 인식하는 거야.
  3. 상대적 시간 흐름 조정: 상대적 시점을 고려해서 동일한 사건도 관점에 따라 다르게 해석할 수 있어야 해. 예를 들어 슬로우모션 영상은 원래 속도에 비해 느리지만, AI는 이것을 단순히 '느린' 영상이 아닌, '원래의 시간 흐름이 조정된 상태'로 이해할 필요가 있지.
이렇게 하면 N/B AI가 단순한 프레임 기반 분석 AI보다 훨씬 시간에 민감하게 작동할 수 있을 것 같아. 이런 아이디어를 너가 이미 구체적으로 염두에 두고 있다면, 앞으로 어떤 방향으로 발전시킬 계획이 있어?
submitted by Worldly_Artichoke200 to KoreanYouTubeTrends [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:49 109724 ISO - Kidneythieves - Trickster

I've been trying to get my hands on this vinyl for nearly 20 years; is there anyone out there they has a copy theyd be willing to sell
submitted by 109724 to vinyl [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:49 egettingrich Clothing drop

I’m looking to buy the L or XL Glimeszn Polo, longsleeve, or tracksuit that dropped today, the red and black colors 🙏🙏 if anybody got please DM me
submitted by egettingrich to BLACKKRAYY [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:49 OldScar7272 Compose song

Would somebody help compose this song for me
submitted by OldScar7272 to MySingingMonsters [link] [comments]


submitted by ztagae to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:49 Background_Arm_8160 What are the best ways to deal with anxiety and depression due to past trauma?

submitted by Background_Arm_8160 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:49 Inspiring_Spirit_654 Who is the best superhero and why?

submitted by Inspiring_Spirit_654 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:49 Unko_Murda808 Top Rated Roach 🤣

Enjoy lol
submitted by Unko_Murda808 to crappymusic [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:49 Annual_Balance_9427 Relationship Advice

TLDR: After overcoming all the overthinking and persistence from my friends, I finally decided to download a dating app and with the serious intention of looking for a partner, not to date but to lead to marriage. I try to guage very cafefully and after a few months of briefly talking to some guys, I was reaching my limit to give up on it and I would notice this same guy viewed and swiped right on my profile a few months ago, he shows up again... I do not accept the request cuz one, he is 7 years older, second not the same ethnicity, and third he was not raised here in Canada which is my preference. But because of his multiple visits and the rest of the things on his profile were very agreeable. So I swiped right and he got a message from him right away. We connected well on all major preferences. He wanted to meet in person right away but then things came up and I had to delay meeting him by a good 2 weeks. And as we reached our he started sent me a voice note saying that he met up with someone else who is a different ethnicity from his (he's egyptian btw) connected well with her as well and he wanted to ask if I was okay to meet him knowing that he is in touch with her. And I obviously did not want him to be exclusive with me without even meeting me so I was like that is okay. But tbh something did not seem right. Then he said that he preferred someone from his own ethnicity but still was down to meet me and honestly with our convos I was too looking forward to meet him at this point so we did meet finally and he asked me to hold me hand as we walked. I enjoyed my time with him but was okay looks wise. I was still attracted to him for some reason. He went silent for 15days after our first meet and then messaged me again, we met again and I like him even more. He says he's going back home for an uncertain duration and cannot commit. Just looking for something casual. I cannot really stop thinking about him and have other guys reach out to my family for proposal but I dont feel the same for them. Should I text him and see him before he leaves or is this just infatuation?
submitted by Annual_Balance_9427 to premedcanada [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:49 Afl4c Henredon Murphy Fabric Modular Sectional with Ottoman - 1 month in!

Henredon Murphy Fabric Modular Sectional with Ottoman - 1 month in! I love it so much. This is the first apartment I’ve moved into after I graduated college and I wanted to splurge a little bit. The couch was able to make it through my door, even though the width was 32” and the website said 34” requirement. I live on the fourth floor and the delivery men were fast, efficient, and very nice.
A lot of of the reviews mentioned the couch would slide around on the floor super easily if you didn’t have an area rug beneath it. Well, my area rug didn’t arrive for a few days after my couch came in, and I didn’t experience a single issue of the couch moving around on the floor when I would sit down on it, lean on it, etc. It has stayed in place from day one to now!
The couch is a good mix of a somewhat firm top cushion but with good bounce and good give. I have napped and slept on it on multiple occasions, it has a lot of space, and the back cushions are comfortable. All of the sections are equally sized and super easy to move around. So many different combinations, my favorite has turned out to be the one in the photo. it can fit about five people comfortably, 6 to 7 and maybe even eight if you’re willing to get cozy.
It looks really nice and sleek in the light during the day as well!
I got the rug and pillows all from Costco, in addition to the squishmallow a few years back lol.
Rug: https://www.costco.com/Rowan-Area-Rug,-Rava,-Beige,-8ft.8in.x13ft..product.1742658.html?sh=true&nf=true
Pillows: https://www.costco.com/Velvet-Deco-Pillow,-Green.product.1848611.html?sh=true&nf=true
submitted by Afl4c to Costco [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:49 KaleidoArachnid Anyone here ever try out this game?

Anyone here ever try out this game? Just curious as the game came out on the PS1 as it is one of the most bizarre games ever made on the system as it’s hard to explain for those who haven’t played it before, but it is a trippy experience.
submitted by KaleidoArachnid to retrogaming [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:49 Ok-View9772 LF Mr Aphrodite 1:1

LF Mr Aphrodite 1:1 submitted by Ok-View9772 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:49 MeanLeader9563 Tier list of Postal games I've played.

Tier list of Postal games I've played. submitted by MeanLeader9563 to postal [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:49 PlanGullible4652 Hör auf zu sabbern und fang endlich an zu senden!

Hör auf zu sabbern und fang endlich an zu senden! submitted by PlanGullible4652 to geldherrinenundco [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:49 aypukimo place for anniv date

any suggestions sa malolos? teynkyu.
submitted by aypukimo to BulacanPH [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:49 SinkingShip1106 Why do I start aggressively sneezing on flights? Ways to prevent this?

28F No allergies or known sinus issues Meds: Pantoprazole, Adderall (don’t always take when flying), generic BC pill Conditions: GERD, SMAS (not really an active issue rn), ADHD
In the past few years I’ve noticed that during about 50% of the flights I take, when we start descending my eyes and nose will start running. This will usually be accompanied by sneezing fits. I pack masks on every flight and plenty of tissues because I know the others on the flight probably think I’m going to infect them. On my most recent flight, my neighbor was genuinely concerned thinking I was having an allergic reaction to something.
Benadryl helps some of the time, but often I’m flying for work and going straight to meetings when I land so I’m trying to see if there are other options or things I can do in advance to prevent this from happening. I’d also just love to know why this may be happening as I genuinely do not have any other allergies and this has never happened in another situation.
Other notes: - I drink 96-128oz of water every day so I shouldn’t be dehydrated - it only happens on the descent, starting like an hour out - I’m typically completely fine the next day
submitted by SinkingShip1106 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:49 Accel_Lex Best source for accurate lore? Reduce misinformation?

I like creating theories or scenarios. To make it as credible, I like using as much existing lore to support it, or make it more interesting.
Like my scenario on Blitz Trial, Infestor Demons were heavily used for their mind reading fact check capabilities. Also Andrealphus teamed with Mammon to implicate Ozzy since he knew the book was lent, but that's a more elaborate plan.
I like working on Alastor, but don't know if the things I heard are correct or not. For example, I heard he was a serial killer and got killed by hunter dogs. In my scenario, those were hellhounds since he hunted supernatural prey, which is what got the attention for his deal.
But I want to avoid conflicting existing lore like that Harry Potter play, Cursed Child, did.
submitted by Accel_Lex to HazbinHotel [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:49 OfficerLollipop You do not believe that your country is part of your continent. You have to save a fellow person of your country, but affect everyone on the continent. Would you do it?

submitted by OfficerLollipop to hypotheticalsituation [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:49 ForEverAlone_GAM3R I haven't read manga so I might be wrong but what if ?

If the story actually leaned into Umi as a serious rival, it could have been a great way to push Kazuya toward some real character growth.
Imagine if Kazuya saw Umi—who’s confident, successful, and genuinely interested in Chizuru—as competition. That could have forced him to reflect on himself:
"Why would Chizuru choose me over someone like Umi?"
"Am I really good enough for her?"
"Maybe I should step back and let her be with someone better."
That kind of self-doubt could have led to him making mature decisions—maybe trying to improve himself instead of just clinging to Chizuru. Or, in a dramatic twist, he might have even considered walking away, forcing Chizuru to confront her own feelings more openly.
But instead, the manga kind of wastes Umi’s potential by making him just another side character. Chizuru rejects him, and Kazuya never really has to deal with the challenge of competing with him. It’s a missed opportunity for actual character growth.
If Umi had been written as a genuine rival, do you think it could have made Kazuya finally step up and act like an actual love interest instead of a desperate, lovestruck guy?
submitted by ForEverAlone_GAM3R to KanojoOkarishimasu [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:49 banguette Lin Manuel Miranda appearance?

Anyone else think Lin Manuel Miranda will make a surprise appearance in Ghosts? This type of stuff is right up his alley; he’s had cameos in HIMYM, Brooklyn 99, SNL, Bluey… seriously, whoever updates his IMDb page must be exhausted. It would be pretty funny if Hamilton, who they’ve already casted, is a poltergeist who latches onto him after learning about the musical and Lin comes to Woodstone in an effort to clear his mind and work on his next project. Also this is the only way I can think of Hamilton making an appearance.
submitted by banguette to GhostsCBS [link] [comments]

2025.01.31 06:49 Eddy_Key Mariah

Mariah submitted by Eddy_Key to MariahMayNFSW [link] [comments]
