App freezing

2025.02.01 19:50 learnindaily App freezing

My app keeps freezing on iPhone on the same lesson in the same spot. I’ve emailed and messaged Duolingo on many platforms with no reply. This has been going on for two days now and I can’t progress any further bc of it. Has anyone or is anyone dealing with this and found a solution?
submitted by learnindaily to duolingo [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 OkDepartment7365 I feel like ending my life

submitted by OkDepartment7365 to NevilleGoddardCritics [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 Zestyclose_Junket598 2004, new car!

2004, new car! Just got this 2004 Ls 430, grandmother owned with 106k miles! Just had the front lower control arms and rear brakes replaced, needs new tires next. Has a good dent on the right front bumper. Hoping to keep it mint and running smoothly! Any advice?
submitted by Zestyclose_Junket598 to LS430 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 Cman1916 How to get rid of Chinese scoreboard with Warpdrive and Galacticraft?

When using the Warpdrive and Galacticraft mod together a scoreboard appears on the side of my screen with the current dimension name and a chinese translation listed. I've been trying to find a solution to this for over a year now but I haven't been able to find anyone else who has ever had this problem. I found an xml file in the Warpdrive config folder that appears to give some information but I have no idea what it means or how to disable it. Any help to remove this eyesore would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by Cman1916 to feedthebeast [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 Reklenamuri Player Ratings Survey - W24 - Wolves

Drop your player ratings here
submitted by Reklenamuri to avfc [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 Shoddy_Care6159 Cylinder head question

Is it true that the rubber bad on the front of some CNC cylinder heads can actually increase wear and tear on the gearbox leading to it cracking in the front. Been told that until I can get a CNC milled without the rubber pad I should go back to a stock one
submitted by Shoddy_Care6159 to airsoft [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 ComfortableShot459 Not to be that guy, but does this have any special value?

Not to be that guy, but does this have any special value? This is my son’s coin and he thinks it might be super valuable. I’m pretty sure it’s not, but I thought I’d check. Pretty sure it’s worth $1 and that’s okay. Coloring looks off in the pictures because of natural lighting.
submitted by ComfortableShot459 to coincollecting [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 PapilioNiger86 Taugt das was

Taugt das was Servus. Wir haben weißes PLA greeney+ und mein Sohn möchte sich wie beim Modellbau etwas drucken und anmalen. Sind diese Farben dafür geeignet?
submitted by PapilioNiger86 to 3DDruck [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 Sparky814_hawk Medium MCT-02 Attacker

Medium MCT-02 Attacker submitted by Sparky814_hawk to SprocketTankDesign [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 barnieandkent Is there bar in Ottawa that's consistently playing every PWHL game?

I'm looking for a place to go to watch the PWHL games in Ottawa and I'm curious to know if there's a bar, or any place really, that's playing every game!
submitted by barnieandkent to ottawa [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 Salt-Sport7057 korean seafood sauce

there's this sauce I see on videos with seafood and it's this orange colour and I really want it 🙏 does anyone know the name of this sauce I can't find it anywhere
submitted by Salt-Sport7057 to mukbang [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 Hairy-Tadpole-6213 Trouble logging in

Is anyone else having issues logging into fortnite? I'm just stuck on the checking for updates screen.
Im on PS5. I've restarted both my PS and router but still just spinning on the screen.
submitted by Hairy-Tadpole-6213 to Fortnite_Over40 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 Typethatshitdown LF presets from a type beat tutorial

I am looking for these presets or the vsts of these 2 melodies at the beginning
submitted by Typethatshitdown to serum [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 Niragaki77 Who from this sub did this?

Who from this sub did this? submitted by Niragaki77 to OverwatchCirclejerk [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 MoviesR4Ever [Amazon eBook Deals] The Essential Tension: Selected Studies in Scientific Tradition and Change by Thomas S. Kuhn (Kindle $3.99)

submitted by MoviesR4Ever to BooksAndFilms [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 BadadanBadadan Bald headed manc twat didn't make it into the top 10 then... but the chubby funster and the lanky goggle eyed freak did.

Bald headed manc twat didn't make it into the top 10 then... but the chubby funster and the lanky goggle eyed freak did. submitted by BadadanBadadan to rickygervais [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 Putrid-Action-754 Fluent in Karma

Fluent in Karma submitted by Putrid-Action-754 to lostpoliticians [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 butidontwannadance Should we do Austin to Denver?

We are a family of 3 originally from California. Husband and I with our 1 year old. Moved to Austin in 2021 for work which was funded by the company. Bought a home in July 2024 in a suburb of Austin.
Considering moving to a suburb of Denver in the next 1.5-2 years to be near family. The suburb is kind of open to choose since the family we will be living near has yet to move as well. So we have options where we all would like to place ourselves in Denver.
The cost of living change should be fine for us so not worried about affordability as much. We have remote tech jobs so we can easily move. Thinking more along the lines of if we would like it.
We definitely are more liberal, would like Denver weather, the outdoor options, and Denver’s job market seems good. I will have to get over Denver’s not so great food scene 😓
Those who have done the Austin to Denver move (and maybe not originally from Austin) , were you happy you moved? How friendly are the people compared to Austin? I feel like Austinites have been pretty friendly.
Also any recommendations for suburbs to live? We live 25-30 min north of Austin so we are totally fine having to drive to the city. We would look for good schools, newish homes (2000s+), good access to shopping and parks. Home price range like 650-750k.
submitted by butidontwannadance to SameGrassButGreener [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 MountainEcstatic6712 I need to shower but the lifeguards say it isn’t safe

I need to shower but the lifeguards say it isn’t safe Finn (void) and Teddy (ginger) haven’t given to okay to use the tub yet 😂🤣
(sorry the pic isn’t rotated)
submitted by MountainEcstatic6712 to lifeguardkitties [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 Silly_Play_8969 19F Wanna chat? maybe more ?

submitted by Silly_Play_8969 to LetsChat [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 Relevant_Sun291 [Store] 900+ Knives, Gloves, Play Skins Butterfly, Karambit, Bayonet, M9 Bayonet, Talon, Flip, Skeleton, Nomad, Survival, Gut, Classic Daggers, AWP, AK-47, M4A1-S, M4A4 Doppler, Gamma Doppler, Lore, Fade, Marble Fade, Black Laminate, Slaughter, Autotronic, Crimson Web

My tradelink:
My steam profile:
Everything in my inventory is up for trade, feel free to send me offer or add me for discussion on steam.
Buyouts are in cash (EURO or DOLLARS), send trade offers, only trading
submitted by Relevant_Sun291 to GlobalOffensiveTrade [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 PapiCholo323 Stuck in Mine

Stuck in Mine How do i get through this??
submitted by PapiCholo323 to Woozworld [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 No-Investigator-7458 A sweet light read

A sweet light read submitted by No-Investigator-7458 to BookPiracy [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 Relevant_Sun291 [Store] 900+ Knives, Gloves, Play Skins Butterfly, Karambit, Bayonet, M9 Bayonet, Talon, Flip, Skeleton, Nomad, Survival, Gut, Classic Daggers, AWP, AK-47, M4A1-S, M4A4 Doppler, Gamma Doppler, Lore, Fade, Marble Fade, Black Laminate, Slaughter, Autotronic, Crimson Web

My tradelink:
My steam profile:
Everything in my inventory is up for trade, feel free to send me offer or add me for discussion on steam.
Buyouts are in cash (EURO or DOLLARS), send trade offers, only trading
submitted by Relevant_Sun291 to Csgotrading [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:50 BroIDontFuckingKnow How does one get cum stains off of a chair.

I was not aware that my female ejaculation would create a permanent mark upon the cushion of my chair. What do you do to solve this predicament. 🤖
submitted by BroIDontFuckingKnow to CamGirlProblems [link] [comments]