Spirit Airlines, Jealous Of All The Attention The Recent Plane Crashes Have Received, Have Announced New Advertising Campaign Claiming Their Service Is Slightly Better Than That.

2025.02.01 19:51 tombert512 Spirit Airlines, Jealous Of All The Attention The Recent Plane Crashes Have Received, Have Announced New Advertising Campaign Claiming Their Service Is Slightly Better Than That.

submitted by tombert512 to onionheadlines [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:51 charliepopable Help!!! Red figure joints turning white!!

I’ve been collecting figuarts since 2010, and the one thing I can’t seem to combat is the whitening of red joints!
I had a ryuki and dragreder set, and the Shinkocchou Seihou hibiki, but in all cases, the red joints just always turned white eventually… put me off figuarts for 2 years, but coming back now to re-buy some of the damaged ones. How should i go about avoiding this?
submitted by charliepopable to SHFiguarts [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:51 ronrhino13 MCU Harry Osborn without Norman

I admit that no one could portray Norman better than Willam Dafoe. When the MCU decides to introduce a new Harry Osborn to the main MCU timeline, why not have him be the one to introduce Oscorp and that his dad had died before he could finalize it? It's an idea I had in mind from the recent Ultimate Spider-Man comics.
submitted by ronrhino13 to Spiderman [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:51 lowkeypapi best way to spend my cod?

best way to spend my cod? what i'm looking to get more of is STARS !! i'm 1456 days in, but am only at 43k stars because i took a very long break after only about a month of playing back in 2021, and only just picked the game up again this past october. i was around 10k stars at the time. but i've heard of people being at 100k stars after only 2-3 months of playing??? wtf.... HOW ????
is there any facilities i can buy that help get my stars up??? i can stack up cod very easily, and film/bells as well.... stars are the elusive thing for me.
submitted by lowkeypapi to AnimalRestaurant [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:51 front-page-watch [#345|+1899|29] Back in the old days [r/SuddenlyGay]

submitted by front-page-watch to longtail [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:51 Aggravating_Coast930 A chill song by a chill guy

A chill song by a chill guy I remember making this after asking a girl for 3 random words and coming up with this song, i think with the right ears on it, people would love it.
submitted by Aggravating_Coast930 to chillmusic [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:51 willsellfrog Struggling to Find a Summer Job or Internship Out of State—Any Tips?

I want to experience a new city this summer but don’t want to move without a job lined up. I am a college student, I’ve applied to dozens of jobs but rarely hear back. I feel like most jobs won't even review my application because they see I am out of state. Any advice?
submitted by willsellfrog to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:51 lawyermom21 5 stars each

5 stars each submitted by lawyermom21 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:51 bountyhunter220 Wanting to Wake Up

I want to be free of this so badly. Drinking and snorting what I can only hope is cocaine. Every 4 to 5 days it's the same empty meaningless cycle. Drink one beer. Quickly drink another because, hell, why not? You need two within an hour to feel it anyways right? 2 hours go by and the first six-pack is gone. Then I need. NEED. Cocaine. So call up the guy if I haven't already and make sure I have 40 or 50 bucks on hand. Probably get dicked around for an hour or two waiting to pick up. Perfect chance to drink more.
Pickup the bag and start looking for other pleasure. The first line is a rush and only drives blood to places that aren't quite mindful. Make sure to have another 150 bucks on hand. Satisfy that urge. Only to realize I'm not satisfied. Hit the bar and play pool. Drink more. Share lines. Make "friends" whose names I can never remember. But I've started remembering. Know all the faces. Be familiar with the reputation. "That guy has a problem. It's written on his face. He's here all the time and he's always either in the bathroom or outside smoking".
Smoke 3 packs of cigarettes in a night.
Ignore my girlfriend. Ignore my infidelity. Ignore my dog. Ignore my family. Ignore my life. Kill my anxiety for a bit. Maybe I disappear for 2 days and show up at home smelling like I haven't been home in two days.
Sleep for 3 straight days. Repeat as soon as I can feel again.
Fuck this. I am exhausted. I am sick of how I contribute to the worst aspects of society. Of using and manipulating. Of hurting without care and the incessant self-pitying.
submitted by bountyhunter220 to stopdrinking [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:51 fleshdunce Aiden 101 - What to Change and When

Anyone now feel like they need a guide or cheat sheet for what to change and when?
I'm used to finding a method for a specific coffee maker, sticking with it, and mostly just altering the grind.
Now with Aiden I don't even know where to start. If it doesn't taste how I want should I change the grind? Time between pulses? Coffee to water ratio? Temperature?
I'd love to see something put together to guide newbies through this and think many would benefit.
submitted by fleshdunce to FellowProducts [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:51 Comfortable-Coffee17 https://youtu.be/BLPA0XYPO-c?si=xUJOluRoKwTg4vZL

check out this animation i made :))
submitted by Comfortable-Coffee17 to Brickfilms [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:51 One-Pop-2885 ICE protest in San Diego

ICE protest in San Diego submitted by One-Pop-2885 to PublicFreakout [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:51 LowScallion3583 Will i get paid on the 10th this month after ORD-ing on the 1st Feb ?

Hi guys,I ord-ed on the 1st Feb this year,I was wondering if I’ll get paid on the 10th this month or not?
submitted by LowScallion3583 to NationalServiceSG [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:51 ValuableComedian7287 Things I want to do before I die (art by aideneye)

I've been lucky enough to hit my globetrotting phase and I swear I spend half my adventure time retracing Sonic's footsteps.
Just got back from Mykonos, which leaves only a handful of Sonic Unleashed locals left.
Saw this art and decided Dragon Road was next. Any peeps got recommendations on the best spot to hit up for the Lantern Festival next month?
Or just drop your best Sonic locals in real life intel. I'm up for that discussion too!
submitted by ValuableComedian7287 to SonicTheHedgehog [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:51 ArtSwing Secret Megalopolis of Ants Uncovered - Truly a Wonder of the World !(2017)[00:03:18]

Secret Megalopolis of Ants Uncovered - Truly a Wonder of the World !(2017)[00:03:18] submitted by ArtSwing to Documentaries [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:51 Forsaken_Thanks9177 A bridge with little to no traffic for filming

We’re currently working on an independent short film and are in need of a bridge within a 2-3 hour drive of the Bay Area. Here’s a description of the sequence we plan to film:
A man drives across a bridge, stops, gets down, gazes intently at the water below, and then resumes driving.
Does anyone know of a bridge (preferably located near woods) with minimal traffic where this sequence can be safely filmed?
submitted by Forsaken_Thanks9177 to bayarea [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:51 Alternative-Ad6897 this shit gonna have some weight to the slashes

this shit gonna have some weight to the slashes https://preview.redd.it/seqnd3f11lge1.png?width=2560&format=png&auto=webp&s=9fa99fe987a368ebda2a628deb39c5dfe2562691
submitted by Alternative-Ad6897 to thewitcher3 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:51 Lostgirlabyss Black comics recs?

Black comics/writers you recommend to read for black history month?
submitted by Lostgirlabyss to comicbooks [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:51 Typethatshitdown LF presets from a type beat tutorial

I am looking for these presets or the vsts of these 2 melodies at the beginning
submitted by Typethatshitdown to synthesizers [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:51 Hiasubi Needs Must

Needs Must Don't have much time to cook tonight since I just got home from work and am up super early tomorrow
submitted by Hiasubi to UKfood [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:51 beer_belly_boy Started my collection when Corona went from being just a beer to a pandemic

Started my collection when Corona went from being just a beer to a pandemic submitted by beer_belly_boy to Collections [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:51 leafsland132 Found some of my old coins I had saved away in a plastic bag!

submitted by leafsland132 to CanadianCoins [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:51 Joy_3788 Rikkies opinions on your ocs!

submitted by Joy_3788 to OriginalCharacter [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:51 Merlinnium_1188 Premonition before arson fire

August/September 2022 I was stalked by an ex boyfriend. He lived nearby and 3 weekends in a row he walked to the farm I lived on and did various things like open all the gates and doors to the goat pen/barn and cut the heads off chickens. After I got a restraining order he came back one more time and set the chicken coop and a barn on fire. The night before the fire I woke because I heard my daughter get up to use the bathroom. I jumped out of bed because it looked like smoke was all over the hallway and coming through to the bedroom. I thought the house was on fire for a few seconds until it disappeared. I have never in my life woke up to imagine smoke before. The next night the fire happened. I am not religious but I have been questioning God since that night. Could something have been warning me of impending doom? I have thought about it so much.
submitted by Merlinnium_1188 to Paranormal [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:51 hova414 iOS widget for train times on a particular line at a particular station?

Title. Every transit app with widgets has only some dumb “nearby departures” thing. Does anyone have a widget that will allow me to pick a station, line, and direction, and only show times for that? iOS widgets don’t exactly seem up to date most of the time, but whatever, it’s worth a shot.
submitted by hova414 to nycrail [link] [comments]
