Do p2w cannons reset after rebirth?

2025.02.01 19:32 Automatic-Room-5490 Do p2w cannons reset after rebirth?

Title says it all
submitted by Automatic-Room-5490 to PetSimulator99 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:32 Quarrelsomechicken Things you should know/learn while in your early 20s

I've been very resistant to wanting to learn more about the mundane parts of being an adult, like how insurance works, taxes, etc., but now I regret that because I have to learn this stuff but I also feel very dumb when trying to understand :,)
Are there any helpful resources that may help me understand these topics better? Anything is helpful!
submitted by Quarrelsomechicken to Adulting [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:32 oddwald Best way to commute Squamish to Vancouver Waterfront

I recently received a job offer and would have to commute from Squamish to the Waterfront station in downtown Vancouver, at least for a few months. What is the best/cheapest way to do this? I have a car, but it's not the best on gas (average SUV).
Secondly (less Squamish related), I am having a hard time weighing the pros and cons of giving up the benefits of my current job, which has gotten comfortable. For the new job, the commuting could decrease over time as my job could be done remotely after onboarding. I currently work remotely out of Squamish, but have worked at this job for three years and there is not much career potential. My new offer is a lower title but similar pay, the company seems to have better careesalary potential (if moving up roles, likely involving more time in-office though), but it is a start up and may involve working more hours. Benefits and time off would be lower, but the job would involve less travel to customer sites.
Any input is appreciated as I'll have to make a decision soon, and decisions are hard! Thank you :)
submitted by oddwald to Squamish [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:32 Ok-Peanut-3106 TRADING

trading my evo Roger shiny death ninja for alucard evo with good stats
submitted by Ok-Peanut-3106 to AnimeAdventuresRBLX [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:32 onlydraven Highly requested tutorial out today. How to make the Ars Nouveau Storage Lectern and how to connect it to a Sophisticated Storage Network for easy access and crafting.

Highly requested tutorial out today. How to make the Ars Nouveau Storage Lectern and how to connect it to a Sophisticated Storage Network for easy access and crafting. submitted by onlydraven to SkyFactory [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:32 Personzez123 Hear me out HIMYM made cobra Kai

Barney’s bachelor party had the 2 main actors from karate kid. They both fought over who won . A few years later THERE WAS A SHOW. HIMYM is the reason for cobra Kai
submitted by Personzez123 to cobrakai [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:32 TooManyTongues Tofu Vanilla Sugar-Free Pudding w/ Hot Blackberry Compote 🥰

Tofu Vanilla Sugar-Free Pudding w/ Hot Blackberry Compote 🥰 Was craving dessert for breakfast so I made sugar free, fat free vanilla instant pudding blended with a pack of silken tofu for thickness then topped with frozen blackberries, liquid stevia and a dash of water microwaved into a hot compote. All under 200. Im a genius. - details on next slide.
submitted by TooManyTongues to goodrestrictionfood [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:32 Meesewell When taking a look at all my friends in my friend group, I realize how diverse we r, and how stupid racism is. But there is one thing that makes me superior. IM DA BEST AT RIVALS :)

Im joking around guys
submitted by Meesewell to RivalsRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:32 maxmiller614 So excited!

submitted by maxmiller614 to Colognes [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:32 anime-is-dope Who Was The Third Strongest Of The Original Warlord Lineup?

I think it's pretty agreed upon that the top two were Mihawk and Kuma, but who would you place third?
submitted by anime-is-dope to OnePiecePowerScaling [link] [comments]


submitted by Stephen020792 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:32 JPStart011 Can’t open game

It says a file location of the game then CreateProcess() returned 2e4
submitted by JPStart011 to steamsupport [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 Bfdiguy19 My recreation of mephone4 on scratch (it looks trash Ngl)

submitted by Bfdiguy19 to inanimateinsanity [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 Impressive-Tip-4341 What is this? Random marks on my breasts.

What is this? Random marks on my breasts. 35F.
Suddenly noticed I have these red marks on my breasts, and today noticed theyre peeling a little. Not itchy or painful, I dont feel them at all.
My family has a lot of psoriasis and technically I have mild psoriasis confirmed by a derm, but it’s been limited to just my nails thus far. This kind of looks like psoriasis but not itchy so I’m not sure.. My paternal grandmother, my father, his brother, and my brother all have psoriasis and treat with immunosuppressants.
Hard to get a good pic due to the angle lol but… what do you think?
submitted by Impressive-Tip-4341 to DermatologyQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 Wheitork Eu não sei absolutamente nada de concurso

Minha irmã que me apresentou isso, ela tinha dito que eu devia faxer concurso antes de fazer o ENEM. Tenho 16, e quando as aulas retornarem vou fazer o segundo ano do ensino médio. Dei esse contexto por que eu queria deixar claro o tempo que eu tenho para estudar.
Eu tinha começado á estudar matematica básica pelo professor Ferretto no Youtube, mas eu não tinha nenhum concurso em mente. Era como se eu estivesse estudando por estudar.
Vi alguns videos sobre eu decidir minha área nos concursos, pesquisei, só que não faço menor idéia como essas pessoas trabalham exatamente. Quero dizer, eu vou no escritório me sentar e trabalhar em frente ao computador? Fiscalizando, contabilizando, administrando, sei lá. Entende o que quero dizer?
Me sinto um pouco desesperado, mesmo tendo muito tempo até o ENEM. Conheço 0 concursos e não sei o que as áreas destes fazem, e o pior: eu não sei como estudar. Pelo menos acho que eles cobram matérias e assuntos específicos, não absolutamente tudo.
Alguém conseguiria me dar uma luz? Tô pesquisando a todo momento e não respondo minhas perguntas.
submitted by Wheitork to concursospublicos [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 Patmaster1995 Come on guys, we all know you would've complained either way.

Come on guys, we all know you would've complained either way. submitted by Patmaster1995 to halo [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 porygonseizure Trying to rescue this calathea as a new owner - what can I do to help it get healthy?

submitted by porygonseizure to calatheas [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 JocastaH-B Whooah, we're half way there...

Whooah, we're half way there... I posted here a while ago because I had stalled in my progress and was rather upset. I got some fantastic support and advice and I'm glad to say it's all going well. I'm allowing myself indulgent times like going on holiday or birthday and Christmas and then back on it. I'm doing calorie deficit with MyNetDiary, plus strength training, swimming, yoga and exercise bike.
submitted by JocastaH-B to PCOSloseit [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 gotnocause occ med AMA

Hi, I saw you posted a few weeks ago offering AMA about occ med. You still open to that? Thanks!
submitted by gotnocause to mozicare [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 kamiscum My side hurts and I have no clue what it is.

As the title says my (right) side hurts, like extremely bad. It feels like im leaning over too far right at all times, it’s mid way down my body and extends below my right boob sometimes. it also radiates down my lower back when I lay/sit down.
It started about 2 weeks ago, but it’s so uncomfortable, I cannot sleep or walk without feeling some sort of pain or tightness.
I’m 5’6 and overweight, but have lost 50lbs in the past 6 months and am continuing to loose on a healthy basis. I was around 400lbs, and now at 340. I have never experienced something like this so I have no clue if it weight related or not.
I have a condition called eoe, and a fairly weak immune system causing me to go to the doctor fairly often, and I have bronchitis at the moment so don’t really want to go to the doctor unless necessary.
submitted by kamiscum to medical_advice [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 Reklenamuri Player Ratings Results - Champions League W7 - Monaco

Player Ratings Results - Champions League W7 - Monaco submitted by Reklenamuri to avfc [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 MegaSceptile99 What do we think of this video?

What do we think of this video? submitted by MegaSceptile99 to GameTheorists [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 bicepstricepsquad Slicni "horori" - Wrong turn, Hills have a eyes, Descent i Jeepers creepers

Narode u strahu,
Mnogo volim da gledam ovakav tip filmova - glup horror sa Pink TV-a.
Jel imate nesto slicno ovim?
submitted by bicepstricepsquad to AskSerbia [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 Muted-Friendship-524 Meaning to Life

Meaning to Life Do you think or believe there is a singular purpose or meaning to life? A personal meaning, or an objective one that everyone shares?
I find that we have the ability to find or follow passions in life. This can lead to finding or creating purpose or meaning that guides one’s sense of living. However, I believe we do not need any serious meaning or purpose to live authentically in connection with “it all.”
Have a great day!
submitted by Muted-Friendship-524 to primordialtruths [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 19:31 EnvironmentalBear939 Came to work, found this under my desk… Should I be concerned or impressed?

Came to work, found this under my desk… Should I be concerned or impressed? My desk is clearly living a more exciting life than I am.
submitted by EnvironmentalBear939 to IndianWorkplace [link] [comments]