+2 xmacpyx maxxx0503 6 participants Auteur Message maxxx0503Messages : 4 Date d'inscription : 27/04/2009 Localisation : steasS" 67 tkt Sujet: sacage de la cosanostra by maxxx0503Lun 27 Avr - 13:44 Nom Du sacageur : maxxx0503 Nom Du proprio : william@9 Temps D'accreditation : mdr 2 semaine ou + Difficulté : facile Membres présent : xmacpyx Date et Heure : lundi 27 avril 13H 30 ... El-GangsterMessages : 39Date d'inscription : 02/05/2009Localisation : Boboch 93000 mon frere Sujet: Re: Saccage de la Ghost-street salle de reposVen 29 Mai - 17:50 susu enfin de retoure je me santais seule lol J'aime Je n'aime pas Pseudo: .:Kosly:. Ex. Pseudo: kosly , rymers , crump-family , crump-crew c'est tous. Expérience sur Habbo: Mafiotage , décoration. Temps passé sur Habbo: 2 ans Rechercher Résultats par : Messages Sujets Recherche avancée -40% Le deal à ne pas rater : -40% Lenovo – Écran PC 23,8″ WLED L24q-30 149.99 € 249.89 € Voir le deal The OutlawZ ::OutlawZ : Internes - Thug for life The OutlawZ
2025.02.01 20:51 Zeemo1 Thug Life Vs Outlawz
submitted by Zeemo1 to Tupac [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:51 Mihai_11 Why sometimes video gets suggested to the wrong audience ?
Hi Everybody,
I have noticed when making the title and description, I try to implement SEO in both so the video gets suggested to the right audience and when I look at analytics they also show like the keywords and other videos from which mine was suggested.
With the latest video it haven't got that much traction and when I looked at the analytics I saw that the top content suggesting my video is completely different from what my video is about. Are there ways to avoid those things and get the video suggested to the right audience ?
submitted by Mihai_11 to NewTubers [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:51 lululover12 Binge
Vyvanse has been working so great! I’m on week two (29, f, prescribed for ADHD but also BED) I am a few days out from my period and all of a sudden today my food noise went back up and my ability to ignore the hunger or binge thoughts went away and I’ve eaten more than I should. Has this happened to anyone? Do I need a higher dose? Is it hormones?
submitted by lululover12 to VyvanseADHD [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:51 TheOneWhoLovesAll Chair 11 only
Chair 11 is the only chair open due to wet conditions. Just letting you guys know.
submitted by TheOneWhoLovesAll to Mammoth [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:51 ThePopless "mom can we get mmmm?" "no we have marvin's at home" marvin's at home:
(how similar it sounds. not the lyrics)
Good Day - Kiss Me, Son of God by They Might Be Giants Greener - Holiday by Weezer WTTH - Y.M.C.A by Village People Taken For a Ride - Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger by Daft Punk The Bidding - Island In The Sun by Weezer (idk about this one do you have a better idea?) Be Born - Good Lookin by Dixon Dallas Banana Man - Banana Boat (Day O) by Harry Belafonte Just Apathy - Welcome to the Black Parade by MCR Spring and a Storm - No Surprises by Radio Head Two Wuv - Stacy's Mom by Fountain Of Wayne Haiku - Carefree by Kevin Macleod (it kinda gets ridiculous from here) TWWAY - The More We Get Together by Raffi 13 - westminister chime Ruler of Everything - Fine by Lemon Demon (couldn't think of anything else) Hidden in the Sand - Introduction to the Snow by Miracle Musical Mucka Blucka - The Gobble Chicken Song by Joe Hawley Dream - Trololo by Eduard Khil
if you have any better ideas pls let me know
oh & here's the spotify playlist https://open.spotify.com/playlist/0DeilTQzgt6b7XC5tjOTeF?si=29b97e17f6c0408f
submitted by ThePopless to tallyhall [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:51 Beginning-Ice-7172 Gofundme for crash victim family
Hey there! I wanted to share a GoFundMe campaign for the Crafton family, who are facing an unimaginable loss after the tragic accident that took Casey from his wife and three children. Every donation can really make a difference for them during this difficult time, so I hope you'll consider clicking the link below to contribute or share it with others. Thank you for your kindness! https://www.gofundme.com/f/support-the-crafton-family-after-tragedy?lang=en_US&utm_campaign=pd_ss_icons&utm_medium=customer&utm_source=native_options
submitted by Beginning-Ice-7172 to washdc [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:51 Hopeful_Company5924 Opinions and recommendations needed
Hello everyone. First post in this group... I own a 2015 ram 2500 Megacab and found this box setup on ebay and have read some rather interesting reviews. Suprised me how much good people have to say... also did some digging and found the Autotek 3025.2D which seems to have around 2000 watts rms and 3000 peak to be relatively affordable and looks to provide about as much power as im looking for.
What are the group members takes on this amp and box? Does anyone own or have one of yall experienced these setups or products ?
What all should i factor in to the install to maintain voltage and not experience dips in power ? Is this enough power draw to consider adding in a capacitor?
And also what subs with a mounting depth of 7" would yall recommend that are 12" and not astronomically expensive?
submitted by Hopeful_Company5924 to subwoofer [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:51 Ilookcool69 😭🤚🏻 jaw drop, raftaar bhai me nahi sehta
Iykyk submitted by Ilookcool69 to InstaCelebsGossip [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 20:51 Obamos75 How can I actually find clients outside my network
submitted by Obamos75 to consulting [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:51 mondaywing72 Women 45 to 65, why do you like coffee?
I own a website for the past 12 years and 89% of my demographic are women ages 45 to 65. I post mainly recipes, pictures related to coffee, cafes visited, etc
Just wanted to hear some funny responses... Thanks! Enjoy your weekend!
submitted by mondaywing72 to AskWomenNoCensor [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:51 plasmabeans3405 New Shadow 2 Compact
New Shadow 2 Compact with Holosun HE508-RD X2 at my work, sadly can’t afford the steep price so this one goes to our auction. submitted by plasmabeans3405 to CZFirearms [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 20:51 SkillIssueIncident Would an glossy WOLED be usable in my situation?
As you can see in the picture I attached, light would be constantly shining into a glossy panel. Would that be a real problem? I really like the idea of a glossy woled but a lot of people say that glossy is only for gamer caves
submitted by SkillIssueIncident to OLED_Gaming [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:51 anonymousaspossable Seems like a good time to organize...
https://www.thedailybeast.com/trump-admin-emails-air-traffic-controllers-quit-your-jobs/ submitted by anonymousaspossable to airtrafficcontrol [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 20:51 Lazydusto Diaochan as soon as Chapter 2 ends
submitted by Lazydusto to dynastywarriors [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:51 _Danganronpa_fan_ Is anyone selling this with all the pieces? (Or with just the box and keys)
Hi! I’m sorry if this is against the rules but my sister is looking for this childhood toy! We couldn’t find one with the box and the keys…if anyone is selling one or you see someone sell it please let me know!
submitted by _Danganronpa_fan_ to EverAfterHigh [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:51 kapouwy Casual Boots
Hi, everybody! I’m in the market for a quality pair of brown boots that can be worn casually, and possibly even dressed up a wee bit. I’m willing to spend around $100-$200. What are some types/brands that you like?
submitted by kapouwy to malefashionadvice [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:51 dispodragons DFW Code Violation List FREE
This Google Doc IS NOT Skip traced and is sorted by Open Violations and Closed Violations.
Start with the open violations as they are the most current.
Closed violations are still good, but just know they took care of whatever got them in trouble to begin with.
submitted by dispodragons to HowToWholesaleHouses [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:51 CHICK3N_PARM Can my new ceiling fan be controlled by two switches?
Installing a new ceiling fan and I have two switches for what used to be a single light fixture. The left switch controlled the light and the right switch did nothing. Do I need a combo switch or can I get independent switches for light and fan?
submitted by CHICK3N_PARM to AskElectricians [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:51 Confident_Paper_3077 Why can’t I go down to the mines?
I’m doing the Isaacs awakening challenge and for some reason the trapdoor to go down to the mines will not open, anyone know why? Might be a dumb question but I can’t figure it out.
submitted by Confident_Paper_3077 to bindingofisaac [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:51 Doorwedge Jacket potato, beans, cheese and little bit of bacon (token rocket on the side)
submitted by Doorwedge to UKfood [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 20:51 linet_addicted Panică pe șosea în Brăila. Un tramvai plin cu călători a pornit singur
Clipe de panică pe o șosea aglomerată din Brăila după ce un tramvai plin cu călători a pornit singur de pe loc cu ușile de acces blocate. Totul s-a întâmplat în timp ce vatmanul coborâse pentru a schimba macazul.
Citiți articolul
submitted by linet_addicted to Sp1Ro [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:51 beamerscotty Did you hear about a Chinese fugitive on the loose?
FBI is looking for Lei Loh
submitted by beamerscotty to dadjokes [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:51 _noncomposmentis Two tickets for Portland tonight
I'm not able to go tonight and have two tickets available. First one to DM me their email gets them.
submitted by _noncomposmentis to maximumfun [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:51 BakeWhatcom Why is this so expensive now?
I'm more of a rum and whiskey guy, so wanted to pop in here and ask a question regarding a particular bottle and pricing. Story: a few days after Cinco de Mayo last year, I went into my local Costco and saw a bunch of Lobos 1707 Extra Anejo on heavy discount. The bottle was listed at a regular price of 99.99 at Costco, and was now just 49.99 OUT THE DOOR. I decided to take the plunge. Really enjoyed my first-ever bottle of extra anejo tequila, especially at that price.
Yesterday at my local BevMo, I noticed that same bottle was now selling for $203.99, BEFORE TAX. I live in WA, so that is a LOT of tax. Is there some difference in recipe or something to explain the extreme price differences just 7 months apart, or did I get potentially the best tequila deal I'll ever see? I'm super curious.
submitted by BakeWhatcom to tequila [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 20:51 my-uncle-bob Well today begins F@$& Alcohol February
Who’s with me?
submitted by my-uncle-bob to stopdrinking [link] [comments]