富士通のパソコン使ってます。起動直後にYahoo!を表示するように設定してあったのですが、最近、何もやってないの、勝手にFMVマイページとFMVサーチが表示されるようになり、邪魔くさくてうざいです。 ビジネス英語メールで、 宛先を追加したので再送します。は、どう書くのがよいですか?I added email address, and I resend the email.・・・でしょうか?よろしくお願いいたします。Please note : As I added my(若しくは our) e 最近、突然、OUTLOOK(NEW)がダウンロードされて、従来のWindowsメールが使用できなくなりました。POPの設定のため、OUTLOOK(クラシック)の設定しかできず、NEWは使用できません。おまけにオフィス等加入してい... - Outlook(アウトルック) [締切済 - 2024/10/16] | 教えて!goo My docomo から→データ・料金 →「ご利用料金」右の「詳細を確認」 関連メニュー内の「ご利用料金確認サイト」→「過去のご利用額を確認する」 ここで「過去のご利用額」が表示されると思いますので、 PDFで印刷等をすればよろしいかと。 My name is xxxxx from AAA company, overseas department. これは、氏名をまずお知らせして、会社名は普通はお相手の方もご存じの場合が殆どですので、最後に所属先又は専門職種、最後の所属先・専門職種がお相手の記憶に鮮明に残り、そこから会話が始まります。 教えて!gooは、検索ではわからなかったあなたの質問をみんなで解決できるQ&Aコミュニティサービスです。総質問・回答数 4000万件以上。あなたの疑問・悩みもきっと解決します。 おそらく、of の後には、the、所有格代名詞(my, his, her, your, itsなど)、those, these などを持った名詞がくることがほとんどだと思います。 例えば、 much of the blame....という文があるとします。 My docomoにログインすると、代表の電話番号だけしか契約内容を確認出来ません。自分名義で全部で3本電話を契約しています。全部の回線内容の表示はどうすればできますか?一括請求している場合に、利用料金の確認は電話番号入力で全ての WPS Office Standard Edition (旧 KINGSOFT Office) |ダウンロード版キングソフトを以前買いました。パソコンを買い替えて以前購入したサイトから再ダウンロードはできなくなりました。再ダウンロードできるサイ... - その他(パソコン・周辺機器) [解決済 - 2020/11/10] | 教えて!goo イエスユアハイネスってどういう意味ですか?Yes, Your Majesty. His/Her Majesty ;陛下(国王陛下・女王陛下・皇后陛下・皇太后陛下など)に対する応答 Yes, Your Highness.
2025.02.01 23:50 Jovany9- The end of my save.
My first ever FM save After 30 in game years and 16 real life days I done it. Posting this as a tribute to my save. Sad you cant do more than 30 but it Is what it Is. submitted by Jovany9- to fmconsole [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:50 Turbulent-Pepper5410 Inesperado coco de galinha (abra se não tiver nojo)
submitted by Turbulent-Pepper5410 to InesperadoPau [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:50 Tiny-Instruction5295 SOMETHING WHAT?
submitted by Tiny-Instruction5295 to ultrakillmemes [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:50 Soft-Discount6909 DoorDash and Instacart no 1099
Hey so I have a full time job and started DoorDash and Instacart to make some extra money in December. I did not make 400 or more on either of them so I did not get a 1099 form. I’m trying to file my taxes and don’t know what to do about the $20 I made from instacart and the $296 I made from DoorDash. I don’t know where I’m supposed to input this if I do need to. Like if I don’t put that on there will I be in trouble? I’m using free tax USA for the first time too. I just need some help anyone lol.
submitted by Soft-Discount6909 to tax [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:50 New_Feeling_816 I think i downloaded the wrong breaking bad
submitted by New_Feeling_816 to inbread [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:50 OhioStickyThing Commodores - Just To Be Close To You (1976)
submitted by OhioStickyThing to afrobeat [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:50 Suspicious_Pen_6677 what is a bauble buddy worth?
I am genuinely so confused right now, what is a bauble buddy worth? Everyone seems to be asking for a huge op for them, what if like a fair offer? I was offering other ultra rares like pommerians, grave owls, highland cows, whiskerips, ride monkey, wyverns, etc. But like people either ask for like 3 of them or say its not worth it? Like I know I'm kinda a old player but still what are values nowadays??
submitted by Suspicious_Pen_6677 to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:50 Pete_Polyakov Self-Hosted, Community-Based Chat/Threads System (Truly Free, for 10K–100K+ Users?)
Good evening. I’ve stumbled upon a problem: I want to include a chat/thread system into my community, self-hosted on AWS. Ideally, I’d like to avoid dealings with companies that might impose unexpected fees or licenses.
I looked into RocketChat on GitHub, which is under the MIT License. However, when I installed it, I realized they still seem to require licensing - even if you don’t use their cloud services (At least I got an email from them).
Then I checked Zulip, which is also on GitHub and uses the Apache 2 license, supposedly free. But I’m concerned there might be additional hidden costs or constraints.
If anyone knows other options or can tell me if I’m misunderstanding something, please let me know
submitted by Pete_Polyakov to selfhosted [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:50 TheRealLardin Los Piojos - Tan Solo (Cover De Bajo Con TABS)
submitted by TheRealLardin to basslessons [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:50 beandipdeadlifts My kid is officially in the “clean plate club”! 2 years old
First photo is 2nd birthday dinner! He loooves pot stickers and rice. I made myself a spicy Korean tofu bowl with cucumber, carrot, and siracha mayo sauce and ate 3 pot stickers as well. I think the little guy ended up eating a 3rd pot sticker. Gave my husband a sampler of my tofu and he liked it but said it was spicy 🤨🤣 Second photo is garlic bread with shrimp and bacon carbonara made with lumaca rigata. A huuuge hit despite not being the usual linguine. Garlic bread was homemade on sourdough bread. Third photo is lunch, black bean and poblano pepper quesadilla, fruit salad (canned pineapple, strawberries, and grapes), with avocado, and salsa mixed with sour cream for dipping sauce. Fourth photo is another dinner of top round steak with a shallot and chives sauce, roasted asparagus and potatoes. Fifth photo is John Soules chicken nuggets, homemade sweet potato fries, same fruit salad, and BBQ sauce to dip. Breakfasts are just as if not more tasty. Usually a buttered whole grain toast with a yogurt, blueberry bagel with cream cheese and apple sauce, pancakes and yogurt, or oatmeal sweetened with maple syrup with cinnamon apples. I dice the apple while the oatmeal cooks, add a splash of water, microwave in glass bowl for one minute, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. He had two servings of that this morning. submitted by beandipdeadlifts to BabyLedWeaning [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:50 Temporary-Living-422 ❗ COMMISSIONS OPEN ❗
submitted by Temporary-Living-422 to anthro [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:50 Golden_minion201 give me this hoodie
submitted by Golden_minion201 to kencarson [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:50 Memerman_II over heaven dio for his bone
(my user 16gmerdna reqirements: all saint parts)
submitted by Memerman_II to YourBizarreAdventure [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:50 Escape_Force "Lisa Frank" style?
You either know or you do not know what I mean by "Lisa Frank" style. Does that style have an actual name and can you think of some other examples?
submitted by Escape_Force to arthelp [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:50 ChoiceAwkward7793 Can someone help me to find this bag on the website?
I was told this is a new design from the 25C collection, but I can’t seem to find the official name / web link for it. Can someone please enlighten me!
submitted by ChoiceAwkward7793 to chanel [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:50 Dazi-dude Give me nothing but the most coldest or hardest quotes in anime EVER
submitted by Dazi-dude to animequestions [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:50 frutietotie1001 Lf any missing 4 star for sharing knowledge or tasty tokens
submitted by frutietotie1001 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:50 ktechie28 Doing better than I realized!
I had a setback last month and really felt like I was letting this phobia take over again, but I took the Bia quiz and realized that there's a LOT of avoidance I used to engage in that I have lessened significantly, and I'm actually not all the way back to square one. Healing isn't linear!
submitted by ktechie28 to emetophobiarecovery [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:50 mysiacct19512 M29 - My first bingo card, plenty of spaces left
submitted by mysiacct19512 to nudebingo [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:50 PhysiqueCritiques [Crosspost] Dadbod Diaries
submitted by PhysiqueCritiques to PhysiqueCritiques [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:50 Nervous_Ad_6695 [all] How long do goddes pregnancy last?
Is it shorter or longer than 9 months? I remember Apollo saying something about them never showing and stuff but I’m wondering what happens I guess.
submitted by Nervous_Ad_6695 to camphalfblood [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:50 -VVitches- Just purchased Alliances expansion and have a question for those who have played it
There are 12 new companion cards but the PDF rules I'm looking at say these go under guilds. Do they also give 12 new overall quests to go on like the canpanion cards in the base game?
submitted by -VVitches- to Returntodarktower [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 23:50 Phantom-drip [WTS] 1990 Air King 14000
submitted by Phantom-drip to Watchexchange [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:50 Few-Illustrator784 What is this fish North GA
Caught in a small river in northern Georgia submitted by Few-Illustrator784 to FishID [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 23:50 CarelessLiterature76 Offer has been turned down
I am a first time home buyer at 28, I’m single and make $84k gross annually and my credit score is in the 780’s. I was pre-approved for $385k I found a beautiful house priced at $334k. I loved the house, minus a few things I noticed I would’ve changed. I noticed the house had been on the market for over 7 months and the sellers routinely dropped the price $10k every month.
Because it is located in a gated community, I asked a few people I worked with that lived there about the area and how they liked it. Everyone said it was an amazing place to live and I felt very safe in a gated community. One guy took a look at the listing and openly stated how much he hated the house, the floor plan and etc. He owns several properties in the community and is very invested in real estate, so I asked how much he would offer on the house, as I was looking to make an offer that night. He stated he would offer $300k because it was built in 2006 and had popcorn ceilings, unfinished molding in the formal dining room, and the kitchen was completely outdated besides newish appliances.
After some research on how much you should offer on a house, I came up with 90% of listing price due to outdated cosmetics and cheap building materials. 90% came out to be $300k so I went with that plus closing costs.
The sellers came back with a counter of $330k and closing costs. I told them I’d do $315k plus closing costs and they countered again with $325k and half of the closing costs. In my opinion(along with several others who said the house was updated and wasn’t worth the asking price), what they are asking is a bit much, so I ended up telling my realtor I was going to have to pass. According to the history, they would’ve lowered it down another $10k in about a week anyways, and I’m told that closing costs are typically covered by the seller in a market like this.
Is it normal for sellers to still ask so much even though the house has sat on the market for so long?? My realtor never responded to me after I said I had to pass, and I’m secretly hoping she’s trying to talk to the sellers agent to see if they’ll come down any more…
submitted by CarelessLiterature76 to FirstTimeHomeBuyer [link] [comments]