People’s best nausea hacks. Some are wild

2025.02.01 21:41 epronto People’s best nausea hacks. Some are wild

Found some cool nausea tips from people who’ve been through it—some are pretty unexpected!
"I use the rubbing alcohol wipes and rub behind my ears, and it works wonders. A friend is former military and he suggested it because it’s what they’d do when he was stationed overseas."
"What finally worked? Mentos. Peppermint relaxes the gastric muscles so there’s no cramping."
"What DOES help is citric acid. So sour candies, some sodas, but mainly Alka Seltzer. It helps so much."
"Smoking a joint kills nausea for me."
"Fan blowing on your face works for me."
Here’s the full list, might come in handy later:
submitted by epronto to tirzepatidecompound [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:41 RepresentativeElk423 What now?

What now? I am not really sure if there’s anything I should be striving for. Currently just trying to 8-star Henliner, get artifacts for enlightenment, and eggs of prophecy. Any tips on how to do it or other goals I should go for in the meantime?
submitted by RepresentativeElk423 to EggsInc [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:41 No_Ad4159 Vanilla server minus turning into zombie.

Does any one want to play with me in my server? I just changed the setting so you can be bitten but not turn.
submitted by No_Ad4159 to projectzomboid [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:41 hibytay Possible to move tile already set to another room?

I would like to remove some of these tiles and use them in another room. Is this possible? If no how? They are old tiles and I cannot match them. Thanks
submitted by hibytay to Tile [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:40 Broad_Stable_4137 What prison cells look like in some countries

What prison cells look like in some countries submitted by Broad_Stable_4137 to slimjimbackup [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:40 TopSeaworthiness8066 Which / how many games currently available without a ps5?

. .And is the library of options expected to increase over time?
submitted by TopSeaworthiness8066 to PlaystationPortal [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:40 ripdeadendedsoon Does the regular s25/s25+ have something like OP 13's aqua touch?

Been trying to find any durability test videos like JerryRig's did on the OP13 and was curious if the S25s can flawlessly still operate if the phone screen is wet or severely wet under rain for example.
submitted by ripdeadendedsoon to samsung [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:40 Derpballz Based on a real story btw

submitted by Derpballz to neofeudalism [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:40 Leggonow 3 months progress

3 months progress 4 months ago. I was betrayed by my best friend. Literally was going through it mentally. Was in a very dark place. Wasnt able to see my kids that I raised for 7 years. I have a rough past and didn't want to go back to being that person. I remembered when I was locked up all those years that working out caused pain and growth. It helped me mentally in there and kept me in good spirits. I decided to hit the gym again starting November 1st. I weighed 153 lbs and was undoubtedly on a path to lose more weight due to stress and just being broken hearted. Today I weigh 163 lbs. I go to the gym 4-5 days a week. I have a super fast metabolism even at 36 so I have to eat a lot to bulk and build muscle it's been this way my whole life. I am still using my same work outs from there on the outside. I sleep better. I live better. I make better choices. I don't watch pornography. I have healthy relationships with boundaries and love & trust. I encourage anyone thinking about bettering their life to hit the gym. Do 4 days on 3 days break at the very least. The only day I go over an hr working out is when I do arms. I have a goal for how many sets per muscle group im hitting a week. Hope this post inspires others starting their fitness journey.
submitted by Leggonow to GymMotivation [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:40 lastofus1029 In district 12, did they use money at all?

I was wondering how people got bread from the bakery. Did they trade for it, or use money to purchase the food?
submitted by lastofus1029 to Hungergames [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:40 National_Wrangler444 Ebike not working

submitted by National_Wrangler444 to ElectricalEngineering [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:40 bkuah How can I get rid of this? What is it from?

submitted by bkuah to Posture [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:40 LambentEnigma [2023] Lies of P - 'Why'

[2023] Lies of P - 'Why' submitted by LambentEnigma to newgamemusic [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:40 eviferentzi Origó MONO c1 angol nyelvvizgsa tapasztalatok?

Április 5-én tervezek angol egynyelvű felsőfokú nyelvvizsgát tenni az Origónál és arra lennék kíváncsi, hogy akik szintén ezt a nyelvvizsgát tették hogyan értékelik, mik a tapasztalataik a nyelvvizsgával kapcsolatban, mire figyeljek oda, hogyan készülhetnék fel a legjobban?
submitted by eviferentzi to askhungary [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:40 Due_Bluebird2875 Selling 300 and 240$ voucher still

Discount will be around 50% since I unfortunately had my account closed due to gambling problems.
submitted by Due_Bluebird2875 to Bovada [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:40 ArchitectMary The U.S. military will be able to conduct operations against Mexican cartels once they are designated as terrorist organizations, Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth said.

The U.S. military will be able to conduct operations against Mexican cartels once they are designated as terrorist organizations, Defense Secretary Pete Hegseth said. submitted by ArchitectMary to ProRussia_news [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:40 theonlystar23 New addition to the family/Mail day!!!

New addition to the family/Mail day!!! My favorite beyblade, unicorn sting. Has finally arrived. Also here is a free code since I can't get the app, tell me if it works, first com first serve
submitted by theonlystar23 to BeybladeX [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:40 cedarlute Where does the majority/minority of our city council land on this graph?

Where does the majority/minority of our city council land on this graph? submitted by cedarlute to LosAngeles [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:40 bomakoma ~[[Official]] Here's How To Watch Jesus Ramos vs Jeison Rosario Live Streams@𝚁eddiT at Live ON Tvs

~[[Official]] Here's How To Watch Jesus Ramos vs Jeison Rosario Live Streams@𝚁eddiT at Live ON Tvs Hey fellow Boxing viewers. As I’ve been watching Boxing Streams for quite a few seasons now, I've done some digging to access the trusty Boxing Streams live Boxing Streams streams. I pirate everything: sports, movies, TV Channels, and even made my own plex server. But lately I have gotten really into Boxing Streams and haven't found a great way to watch Boxing Streams live for free...
🔴Watch Free► Boxing Live Free
🔴Watch Here ► Jesus Ramos vs Jeison Rosario Stream Free
know some subscriptions don’t show certain games i got paramount and i couldn’t watch any of the Boxing Streams. I’m located in michigan (detroit area)., basically i really don’t wanna pay for cable just for the Jesus Ramos vs Jeison Rosario Final - Boxing Season 2024. Stream live Boxing games on Streameast, the world's top sports streaming site. Witness every touchdown and tackle anytime, anywhere.
submitted by bomakoma to EndgameSpoilers [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:40 matttasticv Got an offer!!

After many painful interviews, I finally got an offer for a job. I had been applying since October and just recently graduated this last December. I feel very relieved to have found a job as quickly as I did and to be done with the interview process, especially after some really painful interviews for different companies.
The offer is a great starting salary (much more than I had asked and the minimum mentioned in the phone screening) and I start next week. Thank you to everyone on this subreddit for all of the advice I have been able to gather!
submitted by matttasticv to interviews [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:40 ZestycloseBenefit852 I’m retiring

I’m retiring It’s over for me, I feel like I had a great run, but yk I have a life and Reddit is lowkey getting boring for me. I created this account for shits and giggles but looks like I’ve come too far. I’ve encountered many ops in this timespan, for example u/Subject-Property-343 or those variants of the Lana del ray accounts. Got some good goons in on this app, and this was lowk my news source. But it’s over, I’ve ran through Reddit and still Playboi Carti hasn’t dropped, but at least he led me to this sub filled with losers who I love very much and I’ll likely forget them. Yea so good bye Reddit this account will likely be deleted in the following days. Until then u/ZestycloseBenefit852 out✌️🐶
submitted by ZestycloseBenefit852 to playboicarti [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:40 RosshhhD 29M, going through so many hardships want to know what my lines say?

submitted by RosshhhD to palmistry [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:40 mrredpanda36 Hey, I'm having trouble with infernum and wrath of the gods, it says in need to update my tmodloader to v2024.8.3.2 but im on v2024.12.3.0. Do I need to update or is it aprevious version

If either, how?
No updates are showing on steam.and idk how to get a previous version
submitted by mrredpanda36 to TmodLoader [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:40 IsamuPiwniczak Lacoste viral bracelets men and women versions

Lacoste viral bracelets men and women versions Lacoste viral bracelets QC
Price around 14/20 depends on model. Its the only one seller who have this product
submitted by IsamuPiwniczak to CoutureReps [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:40 d_butterflies Sinto que meu namorado constantemente me troca pelos amigos

Eu e meu namorado somos amigos de longa data e recentemente (coisa de 8 meses) começamos a namorar. Namoramos à distância (5 meses à distância mais 3 meses presencialmente) e talvez eu ainda esteja na fase na qual eu quero passar mais tempo com ele.
Bem, esse sentimento começou um tempo depois de termos voltado a sermos relacionamento à distância,há umas 2/3 semanas, na qual eu comecei a sentir que ele começou a passar muito mais tempo com os amigos. Eu acho importante que ele passe tempo com os amigos, e fico feliz por isso, mas recentemente parece que ele simplesmente não tem mais tanto tempo de qualidade para passar comigo. Nossos encontros se baseiam em ligações rápidas sobre nossos dias e em checar se estamos bem, e apesar de eu amar esses minutos eu queria mais tempo de qualidade com ele.
Falando sobre a rotina dele, percebo que ele trabalha remotamente e de noite joga sozinho ou com o primo/amigo (também online). Nos finais de semana ele gosta de passar a tarde inteira jogando videogame com os amigos, sempre que ligo ele me atende e me dá atenção enquanto joga, mas eu gostaria de mais tempo fazendo atividades juntos (como jogarmos juntos, assistirmos filmes ou cozinharmos online), mas parece que esse tempo se resume a 1hora e meia, uma vez na semana, jogando antes dele dormir. E apesar dele me dizer que eu sou prioridade na vida dele, não tenho me sentido tanto como isso, quando ele passa o tempo jogando sozinho ou com os amigos (essa semana passou a tarde de sexta feira e o sábado com eles) e guarda apenas 1h:30 ou 2hr (total na semana inteira) para jogar comigo. Já conversei com ele sobre e tenho medo de trazer o assunto de volta e parecer chata, carente ou qualquer coisa do tipo.
Não sei se estou sendo dramática, e se eu estiver podem falar, mas não sejam duros comigo, por favor. Queria dicas do que fazer, especialmente se tem um parceiro de vida que também é gamer. Ja estou marcando de sair mais com minhas amigas e tentando jogar sozinha, mas esse sentimento ainda me machuca. (Ps, Minha linguagem do amor é tempo de qualidade).
submitted by d_butterflies to relacionamentos [link] [comments]