2025.02.01 22:00 Witchygoddess888 Pierced , Inked & Divine Energy
submitted by Witchygoddess888 to altgirlselfies [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:00 Old-Mix4888 Canadian Jo...
I wonder if she will stay in the States with all the political turmoil?
submitted by Old-Mix4888 to growwithjoUNCENSORED [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:00 Visual-Activity2678 Just watched S19 Episode 17…
I haven’t watched SVU in forever but this has got to be the most wtf episode I have ever watched. Please tell me I’m not the only one who feels this way. Summary: Teenager fakes her own kidnapping to sleep with her music teacher, finds out he’s actually her real dad (her parents flew from Pennsylvania to NYC to look for her but screw them Ig) and is happy about it because that means her real dad isn’t a garbage man but also a musical prodigy. And that’s how it ends.
submitted by Visual-Activity2678 to SVU [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:00 Late-Particular9719 Will these pass stock X? They are real ive just heard stock X verification fails it even sometimes when the shoes are real.
submitted by Late-Particular9719 to stockx [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:00 mytherical fungus or biofilm?
submitted by mytherical to Aquariums [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:00 galinha_furiosa Mulher ferida após despiste contra muro em Barcelos
submitted by galinha_furiosa to barcelos [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:00 Commercial-Truth4731 Is the donut man ( Glendora) still worth it?
The strawberry season is upon us
submitted by Commercial-Truth4731 to FoodLosAngeles [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:00 AutoModerator Monthly Guild Recruitment! - (February 01)
Use this thread if you are looking for a guild or recruiting new members for your guild.
If you are looking for a guild, include the following:
2025.02.01 22:00 theunknown1784 Eevee Meme (Alt Non Shiny)
submitted by theunknown1784 to EeveelutionSquadComic [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:00 HugswithNugs Fit Ideas
Anybody have any fit suggestions, need some inspiration for tonight. I have no clue what to wear :(
submitted by HugswithNugs to 070Shake [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:00 -plastictrees- 241206 "No-line Sing Forever 💜❤️ Auto-Tune Karaoke Returns After A Year 🎤⚡" - Noah and Eunho Highlight Clip (241121)
submitted by -plastictrees- to plave [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:00 OlllieVR New Members Intro
If you’re new to the community, introduce yourself! Hope You have A great time in this sever we post memes funny moments of OllieVR or insult OllieVR up to you
submitted by OlllieVR to OllieVR [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:00 Miserable_Age_667 Looking for advise
One small section of my gable wall has these wet patches. What should I do? Is it worth removing the plaster and apply dry coat and put plaster board? Looking for yorj valuable advise. Thansk submitted by Miserable_Age_667 to Plastering [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:00 Dannyb145 Separation
“AITA? My wife of over twenty years has asked me to move out because she doesn’t want to be with me anymore. This is after 18 months of me going to therapy and doing everything she asked to make our marriage work whilst she did nothing. I have moved out and am supporting her and the kids financially. Today she asked me also to do the shopping for them and I said that, as she doesn’t want me living there, it isn’t my job to be on top of the food she needs for them whilst she has the kids. Again - to be clear - I am paying over 90% of all costs. She says I am in the wrong. Am I the arsehole?”
submitted by Dannyb145 to AITAH [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:00 JayJayFlip Design vs Lore The Salamanders
submitted by JayJayFlip to Salamanders40k [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:00 josylad Hiring: Fagansvarlig at Bergen Kommune
Bergen Kommune is hiring a Fagansvarlig
Location: Bergen, Norway
Om stillingen Vi har 100 % fast stilling som fagansvarlig ledig fra 01.04.2025 og 100 % vikariat for perioden 01.04.2025 - 30.04.2026. Begge stillinger er tilknyttet våre team i Åsane. Er du en erfaren sykepleier og liker å holde deg faglig oppdatert? Brenner du for at hjemmeboende pasienter skal få gode tjenester? Da er dette jobben for deg! Fagteamet i Arna og Åsane består av 4 fagansvarlige, 1 ernæringsfysiolog, 1 velferdsteknologiagent og 1 sykepleiefaglig konsulent. Fagteamet jobber ut mot våre 3 helsetjenesteteam og 7 omsorgsteam. Nærmeste leder er avdelingsleder i helsetjenesteteam. Stillingene er i turnus med dagvakter og arbeid hver 3. helg. Alternativt er det mulighet for helgeturnus med langvakter. Da arbeides det hver 8. helg. Nøkkelinformasjon S&oslas
Learn More and Apply: https://app.resumeset.com/jobs/fagansvarlig-59938/
submitted by josylad to RedditJobBoard [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:00 No_Arachnid_5143 Name on W2 doesn’t match name on social security card
Hello! So in 2024 I had 4 jobs, and in October I legally changed my name for gender reasons with the social security administration and on my ID. 3/4 jobs changed my tax forms to be my proper name but the last company has a pretty bad HR department and i’ve just received my W2 from them with my old name. I’ve reached out to them now 4 times trying to get a corrected W2 and i’m getting radio silence. Can I file my taxes and just expect a delay? Or does my name on that W2 need to match my social security card before I file? Thank you!
submitted by No_Arachnid_5143 to IRS [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:00 sdmiata66 Dry and dusty RYTHM flower
Why is it that my favorite flower, as of like the past 18 months (RYTHM) , especially the OMG and AD#4 would break up like dust? Even putting 62% Boveda's and then sealed for 3 weeks are still dry and dusty? Please don't disappoint me anymore, RYTHM! 😫
submitted by sdmiata66 to MDEnts [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:00 choppathekid MooMoo - $10 Signup bonus - $50 deposit bonus/5 free stocks 🤑 (US, CANADA)
submitted by choppathekid to beermoneycanada [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:00 Dj_fangirl Favorite character you have a playlist dedicated to?
submitted by Dj_fangirl to FavoriteCharacter [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:00 yellowumbrella The Brain Learns Better Than We Thought it Did
https://preview.redd.it/5d14oa2cd7k61.jpg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=50ef259a5e16788754b70efd98bf794b42b9568a If babies could gloat, they would. The rest of us may have it all over them when it comes to size, strength and basic table manners, but brain power? Forget it. The brain you had at birth was the best little brain you'll ever have. The one you've got now? Think of a Commodore 64--with no expansion slots. That, at least, has been the conventional thinking, and in some ways it's right. Our brains are wired for information absorption in babyhood and childhood, simply because we start off knowing so little. At some point, though, absorption is replaced by consolidation, as we become less able to acquire new skills but more able to make the most of what we do know. What's always been unclear is just what that point is. When does our learning potential start to go soft? A new paper published in suggests that it might be later than we thought. The study, led by cognitive neuroscientists Lisa Knoll and Delia Fuhrmann of University College London, involved a sample group of 633 subjects, divided into four age groups: young adolescents, roughly 11-13 years old; mid-adolescents, 13-16; older adolescents, 16-18; and adults, 18- All four groups were trained and tested in two basic skills, known as numerosity discrimination and relational reasoning. In the numerosity tests, people sitting at computer screens were flashed a series of images of large clusters of dots. Each cluster consisted of a mixture of two colors and the task was to select which color was more plentiful. That was easy enough when the ratio of one color to the other was 70-30, but it got harder as it went to 60-40, then 55-45, and finally 51- The challenge was made greater still since every screen was flashed for one fifth of a second. All of the subjects were tested three times--once at the beginning of the study, once three to seven weeks later and once nine months after that. And all were required to complete 12-minute practice sessions at some point before each test. The relational reasoning part of the study followed a similar training and testing schedule, and involved subjects being flashed a screen filled with a three-by-three grid. The first eight boxes of the grid contained abstract designs that changed sequentially in terms of color, size or shape. The bottom right box was left blank and subjects had to choose which of a selection of images best completed the pattern. Both puzzles are the kinds of things that routinely appear on tests of basic intelligence and predictably give subjects fits--not least because there aren't exactly many occasions outside of the testing room that either skill has any real-world use. But numerosity discrimination and relational reasoning are basic pillars of our mathematical and logical skills, and the better you do at them the more that says about your overall ability to learn. So how did the kids--with their nimble brains--do compared to the ostensibly more sluggish adults? Not so well, as it turned out. In the relational reasoning portion of the test, the 18 to 30 age group finished first over the course of the three trials, followed closely by the 15 to 18 year olds. The mid-adolescents--13 to 16--trailed at a comparatively distant third, with the 11 to 13 year olds last. In other words, the results were exactly the opposite of what would be expected from traditional ideas of learning capability. In the numerosity discrimination, the order of finish was the same, though the improvement across the three trials was less for all groups, with only the adults and the older adolescents seeming to benefit much from the three practice sessions. "These findings highlight the relevance of this late developmental stage for education and challenge the assumption that earlier is always better for learning," said Knoll in a statement accompanying the study's release. The reason for the findings was less of a surprise than the findings themselves. Brain development is a far slower process than it was once thought to be, and neuroscientists know that this is especially true of the prefrontal cortex, which in some cases is not fully wired until age This has its downsides: impulse control and awareness of consequences are higher-order functions that live in the prefrontal, which is the reason young adults are a lot likelier to make risky choices--cliff diving, drunk driving--than older adults. But learning lives in the prefrontal too, which means the knowledge-hungry brain you had when you were young may stick around longer than you thought. "Performance on executive function tasks undergoes gradual improvement throughout adolescence," the researchers wrote, "and this might also contribute to improved learning with age. " Ultimately, the brain--like the muscles, joints, skin and every other part of our eminently perishable bodies--does start to falter. The good news is, it's a tougher organ than we thought it was, and it's ready to learn longer. Jeffrey Kluger submitted by yellowumbrella to HealthyZapper [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:00 galinha_furiosa Gestor de empresa de Barcelos condenado a 7 anos de prisão por fraude de 9,5 milhões
submitted by galinha_furiosa to barcelos [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:00 Choice_Resolution825 Any recommendations?
Hello everyone, I played Legacy on realism servers years ago and just a few days ago started playing Evrima for the first time. Does anyone have suggestions for any realism servers? Asking because I’m tired of dying to mix packing players.
submitted by Choice_Resolution825 to theisle [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:00 Creative_Country1710 Tf??😭😭lil hot( cd💿 ) trim
submitted by Creative_Country1710 to Atlantology [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:00 CultPodcastsBot "Pseudoscience, Cults, & Social Media: Misinformation in the Modern Age", Unsolicited advice, 1 Feb 2025 [0:37:21] "Pseudoscience, Cults, & misinformation go hand in hand. But how do these communities come to be, & how are they so effective at spreading nonsense? Well, today let's find out. And le…"
submitted by CultPodcastsBot to cultpodcasts [link] [comments] |