2025.02.01 21:52 Party-Service-5263 Please anything you can spare will go along way
Hi, I started this fundraiser, Lend a Hand to a Hardworking Mom and Daughter, on GoFundMe and it would mean a lot to me if you’d be able to share or donate to it. https://gofund.me/327facf6
submitted by Party-Service-5263 to pokemoncardcollectors [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:52 Specialist-Twist9547 Looking for trades
Hello my name is Patricia Let's trade thanks 😊 submitted by Specialist-Twist9547 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:52 Sakumitzu [TP] Found this drawing in my mom’s attic I did 16 years ago.
submitted by Sakumitzu to zelda [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:52 musashicollector Re-buying from Lucky Figma; What are the Chances of getting Dupes?
Silly question but i've bought two of the lucky figmas a few days ago If i were to buy them again will i get dupes? thanks
submitted by musashicollector to figma [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:52 Majestic-Metal-6986 Depression and lack of hygiene.
I need to go the dentist, but I haven’t been in years. I’ve been homebound since age 17, and I’m 30 now. I’m still housebound and working on it. I’m generally between not caring if I live or die or actively trying to die. I haven’t brushed my teeth in years. I self harm by biting parts of my tongue and cheek off until it bleeds and becomes infected.
I guess I’m asking, when I’m not homebound someday, how do I explain the state of my mouth….?
submitted by Majestic-Metal-6986 to askdentists [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:52 Bigt-detroit Bike rack
What are some hitch mount bike racks that you use with the heavier e-bike?
submitted by Bigt-detroit to Aventon [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:52 kt-p Please help I dont know what to do anymore
19f I feel extremely depressed and I’ve had a particularly difficult few years. When I first had depression 4 years ago, i developed a self harming addiction which carried on for 6 months but I got over it completely on my own and life. Then 2 years ago, my dad went away for a couple of months due to bad family circumstances and never once came to see me which really upset me,it brought back my depression thats continued until now then a couple of months following that my dad has several suicide attempts which further upset and caused me a lot of guilt for how it could of been my fault, then three months later my grandmother died. I never spoke about this to anyone else I dont like talking about my depression with others as I feel like a nuisance and inconvenience. I’ve continued dealing with it on my own eventually breaking down and telling my closest friend who was very helpful. I did feel a lot happier after that however due to all the stress from my dad and bad family situation I did bad on my alevels and didnt go to university but all my friends did. im quite shy and introverted so I dont have many friends, its all made me feel so alone. I did have a part time job but I still didnt make any friends due to being so shy. All my friends are having a good time at university and I’m just here depressed and alone and feeling behind but despite I don’t even really want to go to university because, as a result of my bad family situation I cannot stand being around drunk people (I know I sound the most boring person ever.) I’ve had a particularly bad last couple of months, due to my family situation getting worse and just seeing all my friends having so much at the time. I had several breakdowns in December and promised myself I owe it to myself to try to get better however I relapsed with my self harm tonight so I just feel so depressed and disappointed in myself, I’m not suicidal but I honestly feel as though my life has no value at all, I feel no fun or happiness to anyone, I’m definitely not happy myself so what is the actual point in me trying anymore when I’ve been trying so hard for so long but nothing has got any better for me. I don’t bring any happiness to anyone and have real reasons to live. (I’ve tried to give myself reason by committing myself to charity work but it hasn’t made me feel any better.) I know I should go to therapy but I just cant afford it.
submitted by kt-p to depression_help [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:52 Ashamed_Intention462 3 Flights from NC to India Feb 8th
Feeling extremely anxious about upcoming trip due to recent events. Flying from RDU to JFK (AA4765), then JFK to Delhi (AA292), then Delhi to Ahmedabad (AA9201). The first flight starts on Feb 8th. Flights are with American Airlines. I flew to India last year with my partner, and it even though I had anxiety around flying back then, I remember it was an okay experience. I wasn’t feeling so nervous about our upcoming trip until recent events. We also flew with Air India last time, and this time it’s American Airlines so I’m not sure if I feel better or worse about it since it will be a different experience.
We will be in India for a month before returning home. I have anxiety meds from my doctor, as I also received some last year. I just am not feeling good now. I’m excited for our trip but not excited at all about the journey.
It feels like just when I was starting to feel more comfortable around flying, these terrible events have happened that make me feel terrified.
My partner has no anxiety at all so at least only one of us is worried about these things I guess.😭
submitted by Ashamed_Intention462 to fearofflying [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:52 Historical_User We got him. WHAT
submitted by Historical_User to byspu7nix [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:52 KingVenom65 Video Game Gunners vs Slashers vs Brawlers: Round 3, Jin and Akihiko punch, and Vergil cut into their slots! Rules in the comments
submitted by KingVenom65 to createaroster [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:52 sensuous_romaance Celestial Symphony
submitted by sensuous_romaance to ZoroIsLost [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:52 Far_Song6804 Fresh alternative hip hop playlist
submitted by Far_Song6804 to SpotifyPlaylists [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:52 _-Asriel-_ How to buy cpu fan
So i know I need to buy a specific measurement of mm for a cpu fan but I don’t really know how do I measure it, if I measure from the cpu cooler screw holes it’s 80mm, but if I measure from the fan it’s 92mm? Which one should I buy then? Also how should I know the width and length of my screw holes? What if I buy them with too big screws? submitted by _-Asriel-_ to computers [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:52 zoeistdas poabs inspired piece :]
everyone was so nice to me yesterday i was in the mood to do some more fanart :) inspired by the cool people on here who do song based art!! it’s supposed to look like old portrait photography but it’s more of a first attempt than a full fledged idea bc i was very busy today and couldn’t really focus on details 😔 far from perfect (especially the editing) but it was still fun :) (i also included the watercolor sketch this time so u can see why i usually blur the shit out of everything and avoid drawing mouths haha 3 it’s lowkey cheating but shhh) submitted by zoeistdas to lvjy [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:52 Beautiful-Law-7023 Anyone have a washer-dryer combo at home? Is it worth it?
Happy to dry clothes outside too but with hopefully moving into house soon was thinking of a washer dryer to have the option - what are your opinions on these and any specific make/brand that is good?
submitted by Beautiful-Law-7023 to HousingUK [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:52 BuyLegitimate7022 Minhas amizades gays não evoluem :(
Eu tenho 28 anos, sou gay, sou tímido e sempre tive dificuldade de fazer amizades. Eu converso com as pessoas, mas não consigo criar aquele vínculo mais próximo de estar sempre juntos, sair juntos e ir na casa um do outro. E eu me sinto deslocado em lugares que só tem pessoas hétero e cis. Sinto falta de ter amigos gays próximos para conversar sobre assuntos relacionados à temática LGBT.
Já tentei fazer amizade com dois rapazes do meu trabalho, que irei chamar de A e B. O rapaz A trabalha comigo há quase um ano, a gente começou a conversar e, no começo, parecia interessado em fazer amizade, e eu ia sempre na cozinha puxar assunto quando ele ia lá, mas depois ficou mais distante e a gente não tem conversado tanto como antes. Ele tinha namorado, mas parece que terminou (não cheguei a conversar com ele sobre o assunto, mas vi ele no Tinder). O rapaz B esteve lá por um tempo para implantar um sistema, no começo também parecia interessado em fazer amizade e depois se distanciou e inclusive chegou a me bloquear no WhatsApp e Instagram. Só me desbloqueou no WhatsApp porque eu pedi por e-mail para ele me desbloquear para caso fosse necessário tratar de assuntos sobre o sistema. O rapaz B tem namorado, mas ele e o A são amiguinhos, o que me fazer pensar que o distanciamento não seja por causa do namorado. Já contei essa história aqui, de forma mais detalhada, para quem quiser https://www.reddit.com/desabafos/comments/1fwozso/meus_amigos_se_afastaram_de_mim/
O rapaz A ainda continua lá, e o B já não está mais lá no meu serviço. Aí eu comecei a buscar amigos gays pelo Threads, onde eu conheci outros dois rapazes, que irei chamar de C e D. O rapaz C estava morando em uma cidade vizinha, mas ele é de outro estado, e agora voltou para o estado dele. O rapaz D mora em uma outra cidade vizinha. Nós nos encontramos uma vez para irmos ao cinema juntos, e em outro dia nos reunimos na casa do rapaz C, sendo eu, ele, o rapaz D e outros rapazes que eu conheci apenas lá mas não tive mais contato. Aí o rapaz C voltou para o estado dele, eu continuei conversando com os rapazes, mas só nos vimos essas duas vezes. Eu perguntei para o rapaz D se ele queria dar uma volta comigo no shopping neste final de semana, e ele falou que ia trabalhar no sábado mas que ia ver se ia poder no domingo. Sábado, eu mandei mensagem perguntando se ele ia no domingo, ele não visualizou, e na terça eu vi que ele deixou de me seguir, e me excluiu do Facebook. Aí eu mandei mensagem perguntando o motivo, e ele disse que estava fazendo uma limpa nas redes sociais, que ele ia excluindo as pessoas e adicionando de novo, mas que tinha esquecido de me adicionar. Achei aquilo muito estranho. Depois disso, ele deixou de me seguir novamente, não aceitou a minha solicitação de amizade no Facebook, e ainda me removeu dos seguidores do Instagram.
Eu me sinto mal por que eu não consigo aprofundar as relações, e as pessoas, no começo, demonstram interesse em amizade, e depois se afastam. Só queria ter muitas amizades LGBT e me sentir acolhido na comunidade.
submitted by BuyLegitimate7022 to RelatosDoReddit [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:52 Truck_Toucher The Sanrenmu 1006 has got to be one of the best sub $50 knives out there. Perfect action and weight, larger knife, and cheap enough that I’ve shamelessly given a few away to friends but nice enough that I always get another for myself. Not so new NKD👌
submitted by Truck_Toucher to chineseknives [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:52 Gamer-Smokes Whats up with this very faint barely visible line on both sides of the screen (Above Health/Shield and also Mana) It only shows up in poe2 so it's not my monitor... it doesn't go all the way through the middle, just on each side
submitted by Gamer-Smokes to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:52 York728 Refuting this Argument
Just saw an argument from a formerly atheist now agnostic philosopher Emerson Green.
2025.02.01 21:52 Spiritual-Classic442 14f bored
Come keep me company i have an hour or so before I have stuff to do. Come hang out
submitted by Spiritual-Classic442 to chat [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:52 Icecold_Antihero Ha! Dwayne "The Space Rock" Johnson is gonna humiliate that dumbass blue barrel!
submitted by Icecold_Antihero to TheGreatNorth [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:52 Weird_Tax_5601 Taylor Swift
submitted by Weird_Tax_5601 to NoseKink [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 21:52 Ok-Mobile869 Ofertas de Jogos Para PS4 e PS5 Em Fevereiro de 2025 - Nerd dos Games
submitted by Ok-Mobile869 to PS5 [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:52 whatsapp3 The Cerebrum - 8,192 ME Channel AE2 Controller (Build Guide in comment section)
submitted by whatsapp3 to feedthebeast [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 21:52 Odd_Pumpkin_9142 Gyermekkori problémák esetén milyen pszichológus lehet megfelelő?
Arra jutottam hogy a mentális problémáim egy része biztosan a nem megfelelő gyermekkoromra, alkoholista szülőkre vezethető vissza. Ilyen problémával bármelyik pszichológus megfelelő lehet, vagy vannak olyan szempontok ami alapján valamelyikek számára ez testhezállóbb terület, pl képzettség?
submitted by Odd_Pumpkin_9142 to hungary_pszichologia [link] [comments]