als Student an der Kasse gejobbt und mir regelmäßig ein „Gehaltserhöhung“ und Rabatte gegeben

2025.02.01 22:10 dadara19 als Student an der Kasse gejobbt und mir regelmäßig ein „Gehaltserhöhung“ und Rabatte gegeben

Das ganze liegt inzwischen über ein Jahrzehnt zurück, dennoch blicke ich immer wieder gerne auf diese Zeit und den Einfallsreichtum zurück.
Um mich finanziell über Wasser zu halten, jobbte ich in einem großen Supermarkt. Die Samstage waren die Hölle da man hier von 14 Uhr (Schichtbeginn) bis 22 Uhr (Ladenschluss) die Waren gescannt hat. Nervige Kunden, dämliche Fragen, wiederkehrende Witze (wenns sich nicht abscannen lässt dann ist es umsonst haha) und Rentner die mit Kleinstgeld bezahlen bis hin zu flirtenden MILFS war schon alles dabei.
Ihr müsste euch das so vorstellen, dass das Piep Geräusch, das beim abscannen der Ware ertönt, nach Feierabend noch einige Zeit im Ohr war, obwohl man schon nicht mehr im Laden war. Piep, piep, piep, piep.
Nun zu meiner Beichte.
Da ich nach kürzester Zeit verstanden hatte, wie der Hase läuft, bestellte ich meine damalige Freundin regelmäßig zum Einkaufen ein. Vorher gab ich ihr eine Liste mit Dingen, die ich gerne esse oder haben wollte und der Rest war Ihr überlassen. Sie sollte z. B. unter der Woche in den letzten 90 Minuten vor Ladenschluss kommen, da hier generell wenig Kundschaft da ist und weniger Personal. an der Kasse taten wir so, als wären wir fremde. Ich begann zu kassieren nach folgendem System. Sie legte beispielsweise 5 Packungen Scheibenkäse aufs Band. Gescannt hab ich nur 1 Packung. Ein ganzer Karton mit 8 Packungen Kaffee Pads kam aufs Band, ich scannte nur eine Tüte. Das ging mit einem Karton Milch, sämtlichen Dosen und verpackten Fleisch und Wurstwaren. 4 Packungen Kochschinken auf dem Band; ich zieh alle rüber aber nur eine Packung wird erfasst. Auch bei einem Kasten Bier fragte das System, ob es sich um eine Flasche oder eine ganze Kiste handelt, die Antwort war natürlich 1 Flasche und die restlichen 19 Flaschen wurden nicht berechnet. Ups, mein Fehler.
Entsprechend dieser Art des Arbeitens hatten wir regelmäßig einen Warenkorb, dessen Wert ca. 250€ bis 300€ war aber, ich aber ca. 10% davon im System und als Rechnung abkassiert hatte.
Ich deponierte meinen Autoschlüssel (Golf 3 Bj. 95, legendäres Auto) an einer bestimmten Stelle so dass meine Freundin die Waren dann direkt in meinen Kofferraum packen konnte, während ich die Kasse, die natürlich immer gestimmt hat, in den Kassenraum brachte und meine Schicht beendet habe. Wir führen dann grinsend mit Einkäufen für den ganzen Monat und mehr nachhause.
Das gleiche habe ich natürlich für Freunde gemacht die zufällig an meine Kasse kamen. Denen habe ich immer „Sonderrabatte“ gegeben.
Auf diese Art gab ich mir also eine Gehaltserhöhung und um essen musste ich mir während dieser Semester keine Sorgen machen.
submitted by dadara19 to Beichtstuhl [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 not_youla tried out a little genre mashing!

tried out a little genre mashing! submitted by not_youla to DnB [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 Just_Jstc does anyone get a job offer with sponsorship

I have a work sample as a additional attachment is more complicate than many working system.
Cv, CoverLetter , WorkSample what can I offer more ? I modify my cv and cover letter for the position most of the time for making the match is 100%
I try to use a humble language in the cv and cover letter , I don't know but is this cause rejection ?
submitted by Just_Jstc to cscareerquestionsEU [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 JunkieJk Rip dko💔

I played this game a while ago and had a blast. A few days ago before I learned it’s getting shut down, I had two friends get it and we where all having a lot of fun with the game. now we are so sad to know we can’t play it soon 💔
submitted by JunkieJk to DivineKnockout [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 InteractionEntire934 Practice 2

submitted by InteractionEntire934 to watercolor101 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 McDoobly-For-DinDin 32M, my cozy living room.

32M, my cozy living room. submitted by McDoobly-For-DinDin to malelivingspace [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 myykel1970 Metro pros and cons

Having used the metro all week I can only find cons. Would anyone like to share pros?
submitted by myykel1970 to brisbane [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 International-Arm540 She’s coming back

My bipolar ex (never medicated) started texting me again saying that she misses me and loves me. She always changes her mind. She also still has a picture of me sitting on her wall even after ignoring me for two months. It’s so strange that she thinks she can ignore me for two months and come back like everything is okay. Who does this??
submitted by International-Arm540 to BipolarSOs [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 JoeManInACan What do ya'll think of the cutie princess vibes?

What do ya'll think of the cutie princess vibes? submitted by JoeManInACan to transplace [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 BriefcaseLord Does anyone have a high resolution picture of the 2002 M3 and the 2024 Remix?

Does anyone have a high resolution picture of the 2002 M3 and the 2024 Remix? Btw am i the only one who thinks the new artwork of Remix with all the colors looks like a 70's cartoon?
submitted by BriefcaseLord to Mushroomhead [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 NikonD3X1985 "Do you have someone who looks after you?" Bottom - Gas (1991)

submitted by NikonD3X1985 to BritishTV [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 zampano32 Who do you think was the best drummer for the Jerry/Merl Era

Do you prefer Paul Humphrey, Bill Vitt, ron tutt, or billy kreutzmann.
submitted by zampano32 to jgb [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 No_Imagination5590 I just hope this happens halfway through Season 3, and not at the very end... (art by enaiC31hzbn)

I just hope this happens halfway through Season 3, and not at the very end... (art by enaiC31hzbn) submitted by No_Imagination5590 to HelluvaBossFanArt [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 anb43 Lenovo Tablet Screen Failure

Lenovo Tablet Screen Failure I’ve never even dropped this P12 and I’ve had it MAYBE two years. Saw a bright blue pixel today and light pushed on it to see if it was manipulatable(curiosity from LCD screens). Boy was it manipulatable, huge white line now.
I’m pretty familiar with electronics, but no expert. Is there any way to fix something like this or was it a waste of a $400 investment, including the case?
submitted by anb43 to Lenovo [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 Minimum_Mushroom6747 Single mom with autistic child planning to move to Finland on a student visa

I am a single mom with a non verbal, autistic child (level 1 autism, he is high functioning in other aspects except for speech) who is considering moving to Finland in the near future. My plan is to obtain a Masters degree in Special Education, and during this time I am hoping to have my son accompany me on a dependent visa. I have three questions:
1) Are there state funded schools which have English as a medium of instruction where I can enroll my child?
2) Would he be eligible for support such as speech and occupational therapy?
3) would it be easy for me to find a job in the field of my degree, considering I am not a Finnish speaker? I am planning to take language lessons of course, and hopefully become proficient enough over time.
4) other than a Masters in Special Education, is there an alternative degree such as masters in logopedics, occupational therapy, or ABA that I can pursue instead for a better chance in the job market?
submitted by Minimum_Mushroom6747 to Finland [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 the-college-fandom Game Preview: West Virginia vs. Cincinnati basketball

Game Preview: West Virginia vs. Cincinnati basketball submitted by the-college-fandom to mountaineersfandom [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 stevesOnenachO Front end of my car got scrunched

Front end of my car got scrunched A kid was crossing the street and the guy in front of me braked and so I did too and my breaks are wet so I slid and hit his trailer hitch I'm really worried cus he said he had rods in his neck and his neck popped due to the impact and so I'm so scared I hurt him He had me follow him to Safeway so the cops wouldn't see cus he didn't want me to get a ticket He said unless his neck flares up he doesn't see any reason to get insurance and cops involved I cried so hard I almost passed out so now my throat hurts I have a headache and I feel nauseous I've got whiplash but I'm ok and so is my brother I'm just super upset. The car still runs and everything it's just cosmetic damage
submitted by stevesOnenachO to camaro [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 Sajfusen Hello

Hi Guys i have a question i have a logitech g923 and out od nothing it started being really feeling really lite and when i go in a straight and let The wheel go it starts to aggresivly turning left and right pls somebody help
submitted by Sajfusen to granturismo [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 Johnny_Sh Best UberEats Referral For First Time Sign Up - Latest 2025

For the first order you get $20 off with $25 minimum purchase
PROMO CODE: eats-ak4wxg
submitted by Johnny_Sh to Ways2EarnMoneyOnline [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 labvinylsound Little Billy Got Locked In With His Vynilllls

submitted by labvinylsound to vinyljerk [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 Diamond-Resident The gaming industry hasn’t been great, the last year but we got some good games coming I think

Who’s excited for kingdom come deliverance 2 I already pre ordered it and I’m so excited also just picked up Sid Meyer’s civilization vll I know pre-ordering is bad, but I’m super excited and wanna play it as soon as it comes out I can’t be the only one lol
submitted by Diamond-Resident to videogames [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 TOYS-MMA Hit the bong too hard, freaking out

Help lol my throat is on fire from a coughing hit and I'm losing my mind. Tell me I'm fine I'm just having bad irritation
submitted by TOYS-MMA to Stoner [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 anus_chewer megadeth and corpse paint.... so trve kvlt... 😈😈

megadeth and corpse paint.... so trve kvlt... 😈😈 submitted by anus_chewer to BlackMetalCringe [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 Pristine_Put6089 My Rush album ranking. How would you rank them?

This is just a current rough draft, I suppose... it's impossible for me to accurately rank them and it changes constantly, but for now, this is how I think I would rank them.
What do you think?

  1. Hemispheres
  2. 2112
  3. Signals
  4. Moving Pictures
  5. Caress Of Steel
  6. Fly By Night
  7. Permanent Waves
  8. A Farewell To Kings
  9. Rush
  10. Counterparts
  11. Grace Under Pressure
  12. Hold Your Fire
  13. Vapor Trails
  14. Power Windows
  15. Roll The Bones
  16. Clockwork Angels
  17. Test For Echo
  18. Presto
  19. Snakes & Arrows
submitted by Pristine_Put6089 to rush [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:10 the-college-fandom West Virginia Makes Top 2 for 2025 Two-Sport Star Madrid Tucker

submitted by the-college-fandom to mountaineersfandom [link] [comments]