Can someone please explain this to me?

2025.02.02 00:40 No_Dragonfruit1202 Can someone please explain this to me?

I live a simple, frugal, minimalist, and modest lifestyle. I'm mindful with my money and intentional with my spending. I only buy what I need and if something needs replaced.
I live in a small 2 bedroom home and drive a 10 year old car. I don't watch much TV. When I do it's free streaming apps, DVDs, and OTA. I also listen to CDs, Vinyl, and the radio.
Because of my lifestyle, my family thinks that I'm either poor, cheap, or in massive debt. While they live in lavish homes. They purchase the latest trends and tech. They buy or lease new cars every few years. They put a lot of things on their credit cards.
submitted by No_Dragonfruit1202 to Vent [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 AdHour9063 Nintendo Wii dance pad on PC?

I have a GameCube controller adapter for switch and PC that I use for playing games with a GameCube controller and it works flawlessly with a regular controller, but when I plug in my DDR dance mat to it it gives weird flickering with the inputs. I've scoured the internet and can't find any answer anywhere, does anyone use the Wii DDR pad on PC?
submitted by AdHour9063 to DanceDanceRevolution [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 Verypremiumperson How would I best obtain results similar to these (see photos)?

How would I best obtain results similar to these (see photos)? I saw this cabinet in real life, and I would like to try to replicate the finish. I am unsure if the best course of action would be to obtain similar results.
Its clearly not painted on. I can't tell if the wood is stained or if the finish is dyed. Or some combination.
I appreciate any and all imput.
Thanks for the advice, I really enjoy this subreddit.
submitted by Verypremiumperson to finishing [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 gracelyy One week to go! Is there anything else that helped your recovery?

Hello all! I'm so excited, as my surgery is coming up in one week!
So far I've bought or already have: Compression socks Gas X My own stool softeners Heating pad
I was prescribed pain meds and Miralax, so I'll be filling those this upcoming week.
Left to get for me is: Gatorade Sleep dresses(Wal-Mart probably) Hibiclens(for showers before surgery)
Is there anything else in particular that helped you all through your recovery? I'm trying to figure out food and the like for after surgery. I take omeprazole for my acid reflux nd I was approved to take that on surgery day, so I can eat what I'd like, probably just nothing too heavy. My mom is already prepared to make sure she brings me the food and everything I need. I've also been looking at this subreddit since November of last year, so I bought a few things that I saw other people get.
submitted by gracelyy to sterilization [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 Kitchen_Elk_5518 Im doing comics with the school AU

Im doing comics with the school AU submitted by Kitchen_Elk_5518 to hazbin [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 bot_painani La Corte declara inconstitucional penalizar el aborto en Chihuahua

La Corte declara inconstitucional penalizar el aborto en Chihuahua submitted by bot_painani to Mexico_News [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 Same-Coat7209 FYI AirPods Max work great for gaming when connected via Lightning to 3.5mm Audio Cable

I currently have my AirPods Max connected directly to my monitor via aux input. My monitor supports DTS:X for headphones, and everything sounds great. Also worth noting that transparency mode and noise cancellation both work without issue, I just can’t use the microphone at the same time.
Xbox Series X connected to a 34” LG OLED via HDMI 2.1, AirPods Max connected directly to monitor via specifically the “Lightning to 3.5mm Audio Jack Cable” not the Lightning to 3.5mm adapter. The cable was $35 from the Apple Store.
submitted by Same-Coat7209 to Airpodsmax [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 Curious-Recording738 Custom System Builder choosing trait for a roll

I try to create a sheet for the CJ. Carella WitchCraft rpg. I was able to create a several labels for rolling for each attribute and skill, but can't combain both of them. So, as the example, let's say that the Stealth roll is usally combined with the Perception attribute or Dexterity attribute. Could anyone give me a hint, hot to create either:

  1. A field with a Dropdown for choosing an attribute, and based on the choosen attribute it would combine 1d10+skill value + attribute value
  2. Or prompt to a player for choosing the skill for the same combination
As the example, if the player would choose the Perception, then the roll would be with 1d10+Stealth+Perception, if he would choose Dexterity, then 1d10+Stealth+Dexterity.
submitted by Curious-Recording738 to FoundryVTT [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 bot_painani La Corte declara inconstitucional penalizar el aborto en Chihuahua

submitted by bot_painani to mexico_politics [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 greypusheencat Do your FC, people. all hail King Nsheng

Do your FC, people. all hail King Nsheng submitted by greypusheencat to neopets [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 dblCheeseXtraPckl 36 m 10 year difference

36 m 10 year difference I've been lifting in my basement for the past 10 years and lost around 100lbs. Progress has been slow, but I'm happy with how far I've come!
submitted by dblCheeseXtraPckl to GymMotivation [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 pancake9098 Drunk

Drunk Shes drunk rn acting a fool and damn she looks PUFFYYYY.
submitted by pancake9098 to inmatehopper [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 Remote_Rule_2654 It’s one of those tools you don’t realize you need until you have it.

submitted by Remote_Rule_2654 to awesomearena [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 DecisionSweet2431 what executors do you guys recommend for PC?

I want to ask what kind of good executors for pc do you guys recommend?
submitted by DecisionSweet2431 to robloxhackers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 MKAG2008 Happy with this angel food cake!

Happy with this angel food cake! I didn’t have a tube pan; so I just used a flat Bundt cake pan (is it called a square Bundt pan?). However, I then learned to use that pan with a ring of parchment on the bottom. Comes out beautifully.
submitted by MKAG2008 to Baking [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 chooseyourusername17 [H] PayPal 80% [W] GC

I am looking to get some Amazon GC. I can trade for 80% for PayPal G&S (Goods & Services). I will send from US PayPal will not cover any fees.
Comment and then send a chat request or PM.
Lower rep goes first.
Looking for $10-25 amounts.
Buying till post is not closed.
Total 306 trades done on reddit worth = $5991.87
Here are links to my rep profiles:

submitted by chooseyourusername17 to GCTrading [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 Signal-Ad-842 ¿alguien sabe como puedo sentirme bien con mi estilo de dibujo? :(

Hola, me llamo Natsumi (prefiero usar el nombre de mi OC). Soy dibujante y cambio de estilo de dibujo constantemente porque nunca me parece tan bueno como el de los artistas que sigo. Mi amigo bromea que nunca mantengo un estilo fijo y que cada pocas semanas tengo uno nuevo.
Tengo muchos dibujos con estilos diferentes y, aunque a veces me siento cómoda con alguno, no me dura más de un mes. No sé por qué ocurre esto y a veces siento que nunca mejoraré en el dibujo. Pero me siento cómoda hablando de esto aquí. Quizás haga otro post en esta comunidad pronto.
Gracias por tomarte el tiempo de leer esto. 💗
submitted by Signal-Ad-842 to Desahogo [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 mcfw31 Nayeon

Nayeon submitted by mcfw31 to nayeon [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 Illustrious-Fox5135 Anime_irl

submitted by Illustrious-Fox5135 to anime_irl [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 PleasantShallot8744 CHS rugged j arm vs noise fighter ax14/max14

Want to get a j arm for a tanto. Should I go with the tried and true ax14 or for the same price the CHS j arm or spend the extra 60 bucks on the max14
submitted by PleasantShallot8744 to NightVision [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 Existing_Clothes5640 Uh... Help?

Uh... Help? submitted by Existing_Clothes5640 to Steam [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 Plastic_Knee_5009 Full/Complete Highlights vs. Aalborg BK

If anyone is interested in seeing a more complete highlight package, it can be found at their YT page at the link below.
submitted by Plastic_Knee_5009 to SoundersFC [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 Brave-Flow1035 Explain these footprints I saw at the beach?

Explain these footprints I saw at the beach? submitted by Brave-Flow1035 to OddlyErotic [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 IAMTHEROLLINSNOW Roxxane bros cope and seethe , glory to the Flair Collective

submitted by IAMTHEROLLINSNOW to SCJerk [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:40 According_Suspect_81 morning

anyone else just feel terrible waking up and throughout the day (obviously) but being someone turned away as anxiety for 3 years only to have debilitating symptoms keep coming and i’m currently in between just stuff but that’s not the point. anyways waking up is like i feel my heart racing because i take metoprolol so it’s probably wearing off but it’s also like i feel so tired like i just want to go back to sleep but i physically can’t, i feel like i can’t catch my breath but im breathing it’s just like i ran a marathon and then fell asleep and woke up again.
submitted by According_Suspect_81 to ChronicIllness [link] [comments]