Elle a dit oui.. Ouf..

2025.02.01 21:51 deadlikemes Elle a dit oui.. Ouf..

Elle a dit oui.. Ouf.. submitted by deadlikemes to CauserieSansCensure [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 Lifeguardzee [male] i was told that i look like a lumberjack in this outfit

[male] i was told that i look like a lumberjack in this outfit submitted by Lifeguardzee to FreeCompliments [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 nosabenocontestauy Alicia Garateguy rompió el silencio exponiendo su vivencia con Pablo Fernández en Radio Universal

Alicia Garateguy rompió el silencio exponiendo su vivencia con Pablo Fernández en Radio Universal Comparto esta entrevista de hace unos meses ya, pero que me vuelve a poner en el mismo lugar del cual estoy desde hace tiempo con el mundo laboral en Uruguay (especialmente Montevideo). En ésta ocasión ella habla de los medios de comunicación, pero son cosas que suceden en todos los lados y cada vez más. El tema en cuestión es como se ha naturalizado de que para trabajar, hay que pasarla mal. Osea: hoy es normal que te acosen, te pisoteen, te hablen mal, te falten el respeto, te levanten la voz... y si no aguantas es por que sos débil, frágil, de poco carácter y así no vas a vencer en la vida. NO GENTE, NO ES POR AHÍ!!! (y los que piensan que si, de alguna forma corrobora lo primero que mencioné, la naturalización del mal trato o los malos ambientes del mundo laboral). Donde está quedando el 'por favor, te ayudo?, discúlpame, gracias, con permiso'... osea, esas cosas ya no hacen más parte de nosotros? Y tampoco pensemos que estos ambientes laborales son exclusivos de empleos de medio pelo o con un contexto determinado, sino que se ven de peor forma en las personas con mayor formación y mejor situación económica. Cada vez es más común (y peor aun, más natural) entrar a trabajar a un lugar el cual el ambiente es una m13rd@, y pensar 'y bueno, hoy es así en todos lados'.
submitted by nosabenocontestauy to monte_video [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 YouStoleMyName_ Wanting my xxl, alphas and more?!

Wanting my xxl, alphas and more?! Idk if this was a joke or what but last I checked rainbow gummies weren’t THAT much?? 😭
submitted by YouStoleMyName_ to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 Throwaway2025123 Jade Pendant Advice

Hi, I came across this necklace on Mason Kay https://www.mkjadejewelry.com/products/18k-white-gold-black-jadeite-jade-diamond-disc-pendant-upc-393561 that I quite like. However, I have no knowledge whatsoever on jade. I understand there is a markup, but I also don't want to be drastically overpaying either. Any advice on if it is actually worth the price?
submitted by Throwaway2025123 to JadeiteJade [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 Inevitable_Task4765 January Empties!

January Empties! Working through my stash of skincare since it’s getting overwhelming. Also finished toothpaste, mouthwash & body wash but didn’t think to keep those around for the pic
submitted by Inevitable_Task4765 to BeautyEmpties [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 Parking-Mulberry-968 The beauty of Asian solidarity

The beauty of Asian solidarity submitted by Parking-Mulberry-968 to DeepSeek [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 pierce760 What am i doing wrong :(

my normals were all done mostly 250+ and my experts are 350+
Can you guys bless me, i am becoming tired of this place...
submitted by pierce760 to ironscape [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 ANONYMEFR92 Video Youtube ancienne qui m'intrigue :

Contexte: La vidéo montre deux filles dans une voiture faisant un accident de voiture ( en réalité je ne sais pas si cette vidéo est réellement existé, j'etais assez jeune mais avec une imagination grandiose) Avant l'accident il y avait une mise en scene dont je ne me rappelle pas trop, ensuite pendant l'accident la musique "Whip me nae nae" se lance pour garder ce fond "d'humour" car la voiture tourne en rond (comme la plupart des videos sur ce son) vers la fin on peut voir deux images des deux petites filles déguisées en princesse autour d'un contour bleu assez féerique. J'espère que mes explications ont été précises et merci de m'aider !
submitted by ANONYMEFR92 to Feldup [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 Jhiskaa I’m having trouble noticing when I’m being hit or what direction it’s from

Per title. Does anyone else have this issue? I’ll often die to someone and be like “oh what, did they just 1 shot me?” Then I’ll look at the kill cam and it turns out this person was hitting me MULTIPLE times and I only heard the last shot. In the kill cam there are multiple audio cues for me being hit repeatedly but they were not there on my screen (and yes I turned damage sounds to max).
Also the directional markers are extremely small and I’m often having to spin to find who hit me. I wish there was a way to make it more obvious
submitted by Jhiskaa to marvelrivals [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 LowSomewhere7263 How much time you should spend in extracurriculars in high school

For top publics like UVA or the UCs, you need to spend 20+ hours per week in extracurriculars. For T20s, you need 30+ hours per week.
And you have plenty of time for this if you are freaking out about the workload. There are 168 hours per week. If you spend 56 hours sleeping per week, 35 hours per week sitting in a classroom, 15 hours per week in homework and studying, and 14 hours per week on showering/eating/surfing social media, you still have around 50 hours per week left. That is plenty of time for extracurriculars
submitted by LowSomewhere7263 to ApplyingIvyLeague [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 Secret_Confection PSA: Paradoxical Labyrinth now goes to Level 100 rewards

Not sure when this happened, but I just noticed Para Lab rewards now goes to 100 (up from 80).
Some cute Teumessian related rewards included.
Time to get back on the grind.
submitted by Secret_Confection to SnowbreakOfficial [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 Lx_Insight Stopped smoking 10 months ago Still feel Like Shit

So I was a heavy smoker for the last 10 years, with daily use for the last 5 heavily Work in the music industry so always used it in creative settings and also to unwind so… I guess all the time.
Stoped 10 months ago, in my second try, and have been smoking other substances daily since, the non (or less) harmfull Cannabinoid type
Nowadays I’m back to going to bed super late and waking up late as well, have no desire of social interaction, and I’m also not exercising at all. The worst is the dreadful existence feeling since I wake up until I got to sleep I feel like nothing is worth doing or rewarding and do only what I must, even with work accomplishments, personal ones as well I feel nothing and so no desire to persue it. Also very as it the way I have not laugh out loud since I stoped smoking and find nothing fun or funny
How can I get the drive in life back, a purpose or something, just to feel living is enough sober instead of craving being high or mildly drunk just to feel ok? Every thing I have to do feels unbearable and when I have nothing it feels the same way
I want to stay I have no reason to feel like this as I have family, friends, girlfriend, a home and a job that gives me a lot of free time. I’m lucky and in perspective there’s no reason to feel like this all the time that I can find.
Feel like I felt before stopping and feel like there’s is no use so I might just go back and enjoy life high, as everything turns interesting to do.
Anyone with insight?
Tdlr: Cant enjoy life sober.
submitted by Lx_Insight to leaves [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 Mydah_42 That was awesome!

I just completed the Ashtray Maze for the first time! That was awesome!
I'm 100% sure dozens of people have posted this but I just have to say it too.
After so much of the game being bleak and oppressed, finding that maze to be supercharged has reminded me that I have been starving for a light! Wow! Fantastic! AWESOME!
Also I want that song for my personal FPS playlist.
submitted by Mydah_42 to controlgame [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 Tony_Tanna78 A pair of A-10 Thunderbolt II attack planes go in with U.S. Marines aboard MV-22B Osprey aircraft during a training scenario in Hawaii. [1361x907]

A pair of A-10 Thunderbolt II attack planes go in with U.S. Marines aboard MV-22B Osprey aircraft during a training scenario in Hawaii. [1361x907] submitted by Tony_Tanna78 to WarplanePorn [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 RoeJoganLife What can I do to get that tear drop popping more? Are my legs just not developed / lean enough?

submitted by RoeJoganLife to WeightTraining [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 Karthull Can’t join friend?

I join multiplayer game, at anomaly option comes up to warp to specific system to join player, and that just doesn't work it puts me back in the same system I already was in
submitted by Karthull to NoMansSkyTheGame [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 abrgonma_ rolê alternativo

onde recomendam sair em sp em lugares que tenham uma vibe meio NYC? Tipo caracol bar, a balsa etc?
submitted by abrgonma_ to saopaulo [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 HandsomeShyGuy How will the tariffs affect Canada's job economy?

For context im in vancouver BC. Just got a job offer and im thinking how at risk am i of getting let go anytime soon given the tariffs
submitted by HandsomeShyGuy to careerguidance [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 LongjumpingMonitor23 7 of the top 8 seeds in the West are 7-3 or better in their last 10 games

Thunder: 7-3
Rockets: 7-3
Grizzlies: 8-2
Nuggets: 6-4
Lakers: 7-3
Clippers: 7-3
Wolves: 7-3
Suns: 7-3
submitted by LongjumpingMonitor23 to nba [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 Ordinary-Time-3463 Nascar

Nascar Was looking at the nascar display. I was wondering if there would be a live display for the heat races tonight for the Clash.
submitted by Ordinary-Time-3463 to GLANCE_LED [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 windrail Does gi hun want to live?

Im still confused, does he value more on taking revenge for the people who died on squid games, or both wanting to live and take revenge? Season 2 was a bit weird in my opinion, at first I thought that he had already lost his will because of guilt and was basically all or nothing, but at the same time i can see him actually being a bit scared for his life aswell. Latest episodes made me think, does he actually think that he would beat the guards, or did he just thought "either I win the fight or I die i dont care".
submitted by windrail to squidgame [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 JesusFChrist108 Planned Men's World Title matches for Wrestlemania XXII (2006)

Planned Men's World Title matches for Wrestlemania XXII (2006) Joe winning the Rumble and beating Lesnar for Smackdown's WWE title in the main event has been my plan almost an entire in-game year, but it didn't occur to me to run Batista/Cena until after the Royal Rumble show when I needed someone for Batista to retain over. Not sure if Cena will get his first world title in the Fall or wait until next Mania, but he probably won't get the main event spot at that Mania show either.
submitted by JesusFChrist108 to jow [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 Gloomy-Celebration26 AITA if I ask my boyfriend for space, or should I just push through the loneliness?

My boyfriend (27M) and I (28F) have been together for about a year and a half, after knowing each other for almost two years. We’re originally from the same country (one with a weak passport--very relevant in our context), but our relationship has always been long-distance—he moved to London, and I moved to Paris a few months later. Despite the distance, we decided to give it a shot because we really liked each other.
His job is flexible about remote work, so he visits me for 2-3 weeks whenever he has an EU visa. My job, on the other hand, is much stricter, so I can only visit him for long weekends when I have a UK visa (unless I take time off). It’s not the easiest setup, but we’ve made it work.
Right now, though, he’s back in our home country for two months (his company allows it), while I’m spending the winter in Paris. I had already visited my family earlier this year, so I couldn’t justify another long trip. I love my job and life here, but I do get lonely—especially compared to him. I live alone and have a small but close friend group, plus some acquaintances I see occasionally. He, on the other hand, shares a flat with one of his best friends and has more friend circles, so he’s generally more socially active.
Since he's a few hours ahead in our home country right now, we try to talk after we're done with work, but our communication mostly depends on when he’s available. He doesn’t use his phone when he’s around others (which I respect), but that means when he’s busy—like last weekend, when he was helping a friend with an event, or this weekend, when he's on a trip with his uni friends—I barely hear from him. I don’t want to ask him to cancel plans just to talk to me, but when he’s unavailable for long stretches, I feel incredibly lonely.
The holiday season made it worse. My family doesn’t celebrate Christmas, so it’s not a big deal culturally, but being alone while everyone else was celebrating really sucked. We’ve talked about this imbalance before, and while he understands my perspective, we haven’t really come to a solution. So far, I've been trying to do more things that tend to make me happy like going to the gym regularly, preparing home-cooked meals more often, reaching out to my friends back home, and I even joined a book club.
I’ve just been feeling down about it again today, and I’m wondering if I should just take a step back for a few days. I hate feeling bad over things I can’t control, and the only way I feel like I can control this is by asking for space—so I’m not just waiting around for him to text or call when he’s free. But I don’t know if that’s fair to ask for in a relationship.
The last time I did this was long before we officially got together, when I was trying to move on from him. Would I be an asshole if I ask for some space now? Or should I just push through these feelings and accept this is part of long-distance?
submitted by Gloomy-Celebration26 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 lemkowidmak @LehighMBB: H1 11:32 | LEHIGH 14 | HC 12Timeout on the floor, Tommy Conniff at the line for the Mountain Hawks out of the break#GoLehigh

@LehighMBB: H1 11:32 | LEHIGH 14 | HC 12Timeout on the floor, Tommy Conniff at the line for the Mountain Hawks out of the break#GoLehigh submitted by lemkowidmak to LehighMountainHawks [link] [comments]
