Mach x as a daily trainer?

2025.02.01 21:51 FirstAvaliable Mach x as a daily trainer?

Basically title. In the last two years, I’ve put most of my miles on two pairs of Sacony ride 15s. Tried these and fell in love. I usually race in endorphin pro 2 or metaspeed edge+. Wondering if I should do the bulk of training in something non plated instead, but these are soooo comfy.
submitted by FirstAvaliable to AskRunningShoeGeeks [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 redditaskingguy Can I use 呢度, 呢邊. 呢處, 呢頭, 嗰度, 嗰邊, 嗰處, 嗰頭 after ANY verb of motion (as long as it makes sense)?

Can I use 呢度, 呢邊. 呢處, 呢頭, 嗰度, 嗰邊, 嗰處, 嗰頭 after ANY verb of motion (as long as it makes sense)? Yip and Mathews say:
Cantonese: A Comprehensive Grammar
Can I say : 1) 行呢度; 行呢邊; 呢處; 行呢頭; 嗰度; 行嗰邊; 行嗰處; 行嗰頭
2) 跑呢度; 跑呢邊; 跑呢處; 跑呢頭; 跑嗰度; 跑嗰邊; 跑嗰處; 跑嗰頭
3) 飛呢度; 飛呢邊; 飛呢處; 飛呢頭; 飛嗰度; 飛嗰邊; 飛嗰處; 飛嗰頭
4) 游呢度; 游呢邊; 游呢處; 游呢頭; 游嗰度; 游嗰邊; 游嗰處; 游嗰頭
Thank you very much Cantonese, the knowledge you share is worth more than fine gold!
submitted by redditaskingguy to Cantonese [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 thecaledonianrose [Thanks] To u/spacesoulboi!

submitted by thecaledonianrose to Random_Acts_Of_Amazon [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 DrWilsta This thang is gotta be in the top 10 cakes out there.

This thang is gotta be in the top 10 cakes out there. submitted by DrWilsta to anyundik [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 TravelerfromtheVR This is how my nights are going for past 4 days. ( 12:00AM - 7:00AM )

submitted by TravelerfromtheVR to ViceCity [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 kareudon Roa?

My shop is starting to get some traction now. Two of my articles got a roas of 11 and 420.. is that good?
submitted by kareudon to EtsySellers [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 Zutroy2117 [OC] 4K Tunnel-Vision🐹🐰

submitted by Zutroy2117 to furry [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 strayris just saw that like half of b.a.p. and onf’s discographies have been removed from apple music😭😭😭

this is the case as far as i can tell(if this is just somehow a mistake or a me problem pls let me know omfg)… plus a bunch of other songs i love, like into you & goodnight kiss by jun hyoseong, and this niche banger by cha yoonji. truly devastating as an apple music user who doesn’t have spotify or youtube music. crazy bc both b.a.p and onf have some of my favorite discographies in kpop(like rain sound is literally one of the best songs ever)…… especially sad over not being able to listen to my favorite onf bsides like yayaya or MOSCOW MOSCOW😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 i’ll have to stick to youtube from now on ig
submitted by strayris to kpoppers [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 Beneficial_Beat_3001 how would a battle between these versions go down?

how would a battle between these versions go down? submitted by Beneficial_Beat_3001 to powerscales [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 spooney90 Treated myself

Yamato BBQ Barcelona
submitted by spooney90 to steak [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 metzle4 Mr. whale you’re a loser and no ones selling

submitted by metzle4 to toshicoin [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 Legitimate_Detail195 Seller says bring your own saw

Seller says bring your own saw submitted by Legitimate_Detail195 to CrackheadCraigslist [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 arca9mom Okay, why have I never seen posts about Samuel/James/Myles???

I saw they were getting updated and I'd never done their route so I started it... Holy shit. I've finished their story in less than 2 days and now I'm a stan.
MeChat, kudos to you. The Premier date literally had me crying and that had never happened before. Weird typos and texting errors apart, this is the drama I've wanted. It's angsty, spicy, sweet and heartbreaking all at once.

I really hope the new update doesn't fall into the cult thing and unnecessary drama about them not believing us, I hope we team up to bring them down.
I guess this is more of an appreciation post than a discussion but damn, I gotta say, to anyone who hasn't done their route, it's one of the good ones.
submitted by arca9mom to MeChat [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 JonSatriani Deep space > Deep space | Live | 02 February 19:00 from CSI-06-19031

submitted by JonSatriani to FCOC [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 Significant-Fox5928 The reason why the 2000s, 2010s, 2020s all feel the same is the same reason why the 30s,40s and 50s feel the same

I know 2000s, 2010s and 2020s have different styles but the normal person still dresses exactly the same. If you went back in time to the 2000s, you probably wouldn't look out of place
It's the sane reason why 30s, 40s and 50s look simalier. I know now we can till the difference but for people living in that era the average person just wore a hat and suit. If someone from the 50s went back in time to the 30s they wouldn't look out of place.
It's because there hasn't been a big even with the yougth to kick off a new overall style or fashion. The baby boomers create the new look for the 60s which lead the 70s looking the way it does.
We don't have that cultural impact moment that causes everything to change.
The roaring 20s did have an impact and cultural change but the stock market crash destroyed tha and set everyone back
submitted by Significant-Fox5928 to generationology [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 Future-Combination29 busco snorlax

busco snorlax to desesperado, alguém com algumas sobrando?
submitted by Future-Combination29 to PokemonTCGBrasil [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 Ismokeweed12432 Xbox w: greatsword H: +

submitted by Ismokeweed12432 to PatchesEmporium [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 Impossible-Teach2 Dmt trip being examined by Mantis Entities

Dmt trip being examined by Mantis Entities submitted by Impossible-Teach2 to MantisEncounters [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 LumpRutherford What languages are popular nowadays?

Haven't messed with programming in a long time. My familiarity is c++ and java.
Me and some friends looked forward to the new Dr Dobbs magazine. Miss those days.
There won't be any deadlines or $$ involved. Just me messing around enjoying myself
submitted by LumpRutherford to learnprogramming [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 san_dilego My Star Wars minifigure collection!

My favorite minifigure is Obi-wan in picture 7. Just look how happy he is!
submitted by san_dilego to legostarwars [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 LisanneFroonKrisK Typically I spend 5 hours a day updating my knowledge (Think science and still insufficient for AI, blockchain, cloud etc.), 5 hours understanding money and getting it(Think of ways to get money) 5 hours on essential personal stuff like healing mental trauma, reminiscing

Which others spend on Gym, Family and TV or social media.
Finally 1.5 hour for toilet, eating and bath. Last 7.5 for sleep.
Now that’s 24 hours how do people find the time to work?
submitted by LisanneFroonKrisK to NoStupidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 Glass--Shards Fat and pink

Fat and pink submitted by Glass--Shards to themedgyms [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 User48384868482 You can grow your hair by 12 inches, only once.

Every hair follicle one your body (eyelashes, armpit, face, eyebrows etc) gets 12 inches longer, but this is a one time use. Even if you just shaved that area, hair still remains, so it will always grow it it has grew before
submitted by User48384868482 to shittysuperpowers [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 Opposite_Cod_1035 TRADING FOR PB TIDALS ONLY

TRADING FOR PB TIDALS ONLY Not for swaps, not for anything else!!
submitted by Opposite_Cod_1035 to WildHorseIslands [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 21:51 TheHonorableBean Into the Doldrums Guitar Solo ( with tabs :) )

Into the Doldrums Guitar Solo ( with tabs :) ) submitted by TheHonorableBean to riskofrain [link] [comments]