Anyone know a good nibmeister in central europe?

2025.02.01 22:41 Dazzling_Let_8245 Anyone know a good nibmeister in central europe?

A bit ago Ive purchased a used Waterman LeMan 100 but sadly the previous owner wasnt seemingly very nice to the pen and it really needs a thorough cleaning as well as a nib adjustment as the tines seem to close together (I cant see any light through the tipping material) and it has some trouble starting until I apply pressure and spread the tines a bit. Im too worried Ill damage the nib when I try messing around with it.
I have tried googling but havent found anything promising. Do any of you have a recommendation?
submitted by Dazzling_Let_8245 to fountainpens [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:41 paradox28jon [Spoilers C3E120] Favorite C3 moment; episode; line; event; etc?

C3 ends next week.
What was your favorite C3 episode?
What was your favorite C3 moment?
Any lines of dialogue or conversation that you love? What was/were they?
Favorite combat?
Favorite enemy?
Favorite piece of lore that we learned?
Which C3 PC spoke to you the most?
Which C3 NPC did you really enjoy?
Which C3 PC backstory did you wish we had more time to explore?
Which guest PC did you like?
Favorite event?
Favorite location?
Let me know what you liked about C3. Be as specific as you can.
submitted by paradox28jon to criticalrole [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:41 Complex-Value-5807 Dan Hartman - I Can Dream About You (hq)From Soundtrack,"Streets of Fire"(1984)

Dan Hartman - I Can Dream About You (hq)From Soundtrack, submitted by Complex-Value-5807 to 80smemorylane [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:41 belotita Most recent finds.

Purchases from Half Price Books, Bandcamp and End of an Ear.
submitted by belotita to cassetteculture [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:41 SexWithMisonoMika Posting Seia every day until she comes to global. Day 14. Cute undies

Posting Seia every day until she comes to global. Day 14. Cute undies submitted by SexWithMisonoMika to SilentSeia [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:41 Blurple694201 Liberté

Liberté submitted by Blurple694201 to TheDeprogram [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:41 Rurouni-dev-11 Dockerised TTS on MBP M4

Hi all, looking to do some narration work using TTS. I've done some brief research and it looks as though the top 3 models currently are
F5-TTS XTTS-V2 Kokoro
I've already found a Dockerised version for kokoro which also had some voice models available but struggling to find the same for the other two.
I only want local TTS, not voice cloning which is why I'm hoping someone could point me in the right direction to using readily available voices for either F5-TTS or XTTS-V2. Like is there some sort of directory with these .pt files?
thanks in advance
submitted by Rurouni-dev-11 to LocalLLaMA [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:41 Opposite_Record_1475 Ребят прошу как изменить внешность в лучшую сторону и найти девушку и стоит ли бояться первого секса?

Помогите ребят
submitted by Opposite_Record_1475 to Pikabu [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:41 Capable-Abalone-5582 Hallway

Hallway submitted by Capable-Abalone-5582 to LiminalSpace [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:41 Jodie_Bones Vine?

Can anyone tell me how to get vine please?
acnh submitted by Jodie_Bones to acnh [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:41 WamBlamLufba ISO VCR recording of the first SW broadcast on CBS in 1984. Longshot I know but would be cool to own

ISO VCR recording of the first SW broadcast on CBS in 1984. Longshot I know but would be cool to own submitted by WamBlamLufba to starwarscollecting [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:41 Mazout19 Abyssal Power

Abyssal Power submitted by Mazout19 to no_mans_sky [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:41 Different-Phone-7887 Está na hora de acabar com torcidas organizadas e com fanáticos por futebol

É inadmissível aceitar violência por causa de futebol. Briga de torcida organizada, morte, violência íntima. Não dá para entender uma pessoa bater em outra por conta de jogos de futebol.
O ser humano parou de ver o outro como humano. A crueldade está presente nesses ambientes semelhante ao comportamento primata. Todos os anos é a mesma coisa.
Não existe uma pessoa sofrer isso por estar em um time diferente, cadeia para todos os envolvidos. Que governantes e clubes de futebol façam de tudo para banir, prender e isolar da sociedade esse tipo de pessoa.
submitted by Different-Phone-7887 to opiniaoimpopular [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:41 EnanoBostero2001 does stormbound have different servers for each region?, for example, in the ongoing brawl im current at rank 77, does that mean im world's rank 77?, or im at that rank in my server (possibly NA)

submitted by EnanoBostero2001 to stormbound [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:41 acoolrocket Miyuki when she sees an illegal Wikipedia edit on an article she was just reading.

Miyuki when she sees an illegal Wikipedia edit on an article she was just reading. submitted by acoolrocket to Miyuki_Takara [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:41 kermitsmiley How to celebrate ASAW discreetly

What the title says. I'm still in school and only 2 people know I'm arospec (apart from this entire subreddit lol).
Thanks in advance :D
submitted by kermitsmiley to aromantic [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:41 __R24C__ Need help finding where to find an engine that will fit

I am looking to engine swap my 2008 f250 with a cat v8 diesel engine but I’m not sure which one will fit or where to even find one that will if you have any ideas please lmk
submitted by __R24C__ to Cartalk [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:41 SubstantialShift629 Bears hire Eric Bieniemy as RB coach

Bears hire Eric Bieniemy as RB coach submitted by SubstantialShift629 to ChicagoBearsNFL [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:41 Mediocre-Currency-10 Any new fanfics to recommend?

I would like to see new, recent fanfics coming out of the oven. If anyone knows of a fanfic that has been released recently I would love to know, I really want to see more recent things and maybe give more visibility to these recently posted fanfics.
submitted by Mediocre-Currency-10 to TimeBomb [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:41 ToshiroHiei I’ve been trying for about 20 years to figure out a game

When I was in elementary school we had a computer lab we got to go to once a week it had a total of three games we could play. Treasure mountain and treasure math storm. The other game was a typing game that was the best version of teaching kid typing I’d ever seen. For reference this was probably in the 1994-1997 range. The main things I can remember are it was about typing and it had missions/activities to complete and in doing so you got to build a town and participate in other games. Btw I could be mid remembering all of this I just know I needed to play it more and I want to see if it’s still out there somewhere
submitted by ToshiroHiei to OldPCGames [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:41 cptnrd Did seal team 6 operators really call out bin laden’s name during the compound raid?

I just finished watching zero dark thirty for the first time, and one thing in particular stood out to me. During the infiltration of Bin laden’s compound, the devgru operators would call out the names of the Al qaeda combatants. Specifically when they are on the staircase and calls out “ osama” several times. Does anyone know the tactical advantage of this? Perhaps for identification? Or it’s to lure them out? Or maybe like a taunt? Or is it purely a movie thing.
submitted by cptnrd to JSOCarchive [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:41 veryblocky Basic medium L ruin for 40k

Basic medium L ruin for 40k Made out of cardboard. Sponged wall filler on the walls to give a concrete effect. Model railway ballast on the base to make the pebbled look. And coffee stirrers cut up to do the upper level.
I know the shape doesn’t look that “ruined”, but it’s just following the UKTC measurements
submitted by veryblocky to TerrainBuilding [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:41 bjkman VIP Tour Packages Have Finally Shipped!

VIP Tour Packages Have Finally Shipped! Hopefully it arrives before my show so I can wear the shirt!
submitted by bjkman to FosterThePeople [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:41 SufficientMeal1442 Sounders vs Charlotte fc

Hey folks,
I am a Charlotte fc fan and for the game I am planning to wear a Charlotte fc jersey.
Does the stadium have a different section for the away fans and is it safe to wear it?
Also will the stadium be full for the match?
submitted by SufficientMeal1442 to SoundersFC [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:41 Temporary-Cable-1293 Isch no en w ume wo luscht zum schriebe het?

submitted by Temporary-Cable-1293 to swisshot6 [link] [comments]