2025.02.02 00:51 Exzot1iix thanks gaijin!
submitted by Exzot1iix to warthundermobile [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:51 Various_Passenger703 Altforalle fogamzásgátló tünetek első hónapban?
Kicsit TMI, bocsánat.
Tldr; Görcsök miatt kaptam az Altforalle 3mg/0,02mg tabit. 9 napja kezdtem, mensim úgy-ahogy enyhül. Plusz hasi panaszaim elég erősek. Gyomorfájdalom, hasmenés, sav. Más is tapasztalt ilyet? Mit tegyek?
Az orvossal a brutális görcsök miatt döntöttünk emellett. Szedtem pár éve ugyanezt, akkor semmi baj nem volt. Hozzátenném: PCOS nincs, vagy nem voltak elég alaposak. Túl vagyok kismillió ultrahangon, egyszer találtak egy cisztát az évek során. Endometriózist sem láttak UH-n. Terheléses cukor, hormonpanel megvolt (medicover) minden negatív, IR alsó határát épp nem értem el. Kb 10 nőgyógyásznál jártam a fájdalmas menstruáció miatt, magánban és sztk-ban egyaránt. Mind azt mondta, hogy fogamzásgátló vagy szüljek vagy tanuljak meg egyutt élni vele.
Fájdalmaimat csak a receptre kapható 50mg-os Cataflam enyhíti, ami szerintem sokkal rosszabb hatással van, mint a fogamzásgátló hosszútávon. Főleg a mennyiséget tekintve.
Na de mióta elkezdtem szedni hasi panaszaim vannak. Fáj a gyomrom, belem, hasmenésem is van, ami savas, görcsös. Aranyerem is kijött tőle. Étvágyam 0. Ételre nézek és jobban fáj a hasam. Liftezik a gyomrom.
Más is tapasztalt ilyet? Mit tegyek? Mik a tapasztalataitok? Hogyan segíthetnék a tüneteken?
submitted by Various_Passenger703 to tanulommagam [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:51 Rusted-but-notbusted Thrifted two bikes for the Dreadnoks. 1/18 scale is as good as it gets for 6” figures ! Eyeing a Ducati on Amazon for Zarana. Harley Dyna and vintage Indian.
Working on in a huge dio that includes a shop for the crew and will hold their rides and gear. submitted by Rusted-but-notbusted to GIJOEClassifiedSeries [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:51 InstantRegre1 18M I've been getting a lot of mixed answers, what does Reddit think?
submitted by InstantRegre1 to amIuglyBrutallyHonest [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:51 Appropriate-Trade136 Guys is this real or not I’m confused
Like yes I believe in manifestation and visualizing and then acting towards your goals a positive mindset BUT this side of Loa where “the 3D isn’t real” “persist persist persist” “you create your reality with your thoughts so if x y and z happens it’s within you” … I don’t get it ?? It’s giving schizophrenia and while I do believe in manifestation rituals I feel like this particular side of the internet is a slippery slope to destroying your mental health
submitted by Appropriate-Trade136 to NevilleGoddardCritics [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:51 HarwellDekatron Blatant corruption news: Trump lackeys are telling journalists they won't be emailing information anymore, they'll have to use Twitter to get that information. I'm sure Elon had nothing to do with this!
submitted by HarwellDekatron to inthemorning [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:51 Kitchen-Tie-4299 Can an iPhone Footage Make a Festival-Worthy Documentary?
I accidentally stumbled upon a village family event during a trip to Eastern Europe. It wasn't planned-I just happened to be there, spent the whole day with them, and ended up filming everything on my iPhone 14 Plus. No external mic, no professional gear, just my phone. I've got around 10 hours of raw footage, and honestly, the content is incredible. The family, the event, the rawness-it's really promising stuff. Now I'm wondering: can I turn this into a compelling documentary that reputable film festivals would take seriously? The only audio I have is from the phone. Is it possible to clean it up with software? More importantly, does the fact that it's shot on a phone matter if the content is strong enough? Would love to hear thoughts from anyone with experience in this space. Thanks.
submitted by Kitchen-Tie-4299 to documentaryfilmmaking [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:51 Herrscher-Of-Entropy "The path to hell is paved with good intentions" What's a real-life example of this?
submitted by Herrscher-Of-Entropy to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:51 Smart_Finding_5451 Oracle Jet / coffee remains stuck to the shower screen
I recently got the Breville Oracle Jet, and I’ve noticed that after pulling a (only by singe) shot, some ground coffee remains stuck to the shower screen. Is this normal, or could it be a sign of an issue? I’ve also noticed that this seems to slow down the extraction significantly, sometimes taking nearly a minute to complete a shot. I clean the machine regularly, but it still happens. The device is 1 week old. The issue only occurs with a single basket. Additionally, with a double basket, grind size 36 is sufficient, resulting in a 30-second espresso shot. However, when using a single basket, the shot takes a minute—sometimes 40 seconds, sometimes 55 seconds. What could be the cause of this? by the way, isn't a grind size of 36 on the high side for an espresso shot? I use fresh beans that are 2 weeks old. submitted by Smart_Finding_5451 to BrevilleCoffee [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:51 Parking_Double Sad news on animal suffering made me considering leaving this world
Animal suffering has always been a trigger for me (so does for many people, I know). Today I read a sad news that an animal rescue shelter shared on Instagram. They tried to save a 1 year old guinea pig who went through so much suffering inflicted by his previous owner. He got infection so bad that it costed him his life, despite every rescue effort that shelter did. As a rescued guinea pigs parent myself, this news really broke my heart and somehow sent me spiraling so much to a point where I questioned if God exists. I can’t take this much suffering in this world, especially animals. I’ve been feeling that this world is too much for me ever since I was little (hence suicidal ideation since I was 6 years old), but somehow this particular news feels like an eye opening that life is unfair to those who are innocent. Why they have to suffer like that on the hand of human? There’s so much despair in me that my suicidal thoughts came back. I feel like I don’t fit into this cruel world and if I stayed longer it will break me. I read that INFP have a tendency to live in an ideal world where there’s no suffering and we rarely feel we fit in because reality is cruel. For those who ever felt the same way as I do, how do you deal with it?
submitted by Parking_Double to infp [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:51 StylisticNightmare ➬ Entführung in Erfurt ‧ 16-jähriges Mädchen in Transporter gezerrt ‧
POLIZEI Thüringen 01. Februar 2025, 15:19 Uhr von MDR THÜRINGEN Ein Entführungsfall beschäftigt die Polizei in Erfurt. Nach Informationen von MDR THÜRINGEN wurde am Freitag ein 16-jähriges syrisches Mädchen an der Ecke Johannesstraße/Augustinerstraße in einen weißen Transporter gezerrt. Polizei: Entführung offenbar während fingiertem Treffen mit Freundin Das Mädchen wurde den Informationen zufolge vom Jugendamt betreut und war in einer Schutzeinrichtung untergebracht. Die Tat geschah offenbar bei einem fingierten Treffen mit einer Freundin. Laut Stadtverwaltung war das Mädchen mit einer Betreuerin unterwegs. Diese habe noch versucht, die Entfühung zu verhindern, wurde aber weggestoßen. Das Tatfahrzeug wurde von der Polizei in Gera sichergestellt. Die Polizei selbst bestätigte bei X den Vorfall, ohne Details zu nennen. In den sozialen Netzwerken wird seit Freitag ein Video der mutmaßlichen Entführung verbreitet. Laut Polizei wurde das Video gesichert, die Ermittlungen laufen. Artikel MDR (fno/sth/ahem) submitted by StylisticNightmare to philogyny [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:51 Adept_Extension489 Second Joystick Gremlin Question: Macro with button press and macro with button release
So how would I make two different macros, one that executes when a joystick button is pressed, and a different one that executes when the button is released?
I have found the conditions tab. Tried making two different macros under two different headers, and then apply condition to first macro for joystick button pressed, and apply condition to second macro for joystick button released. But it doesn't seem to work for some reason.
submitted by Adept_Extension489 to hotas [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:51 croakmongoose Someone tell me it’s ok for it to look like this sometimes 🫠
Baby is just about to turn 1 and PPD is kicking my ass. A little bit of mom’s burger and some unsalted fries TECHNICALLY has every food group, right?
submitted by croakmongoose to foodbutforbabies [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:51 wee-pancake Any recs?
Blue spring ride was my absolute favorite anime/manga, really into cute high school romances (maybe some childhood friends) and maybe a kiss here and there :) Thanks everyone! submitted by wee-pancake to AnimeReccomendations [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:51 Disastrous-Potato306 SL Anaylsis?
Any tips for IB Math AA SL, transitioning from Honors Pre Calc? Lots of people in my grade want to take IB Math Applications SL, but a friend of mine said it's a snooze sess (she currently is in it) and that I should take Analysis instead. Is it any harder besides the usual lock in? Not like it's HL right..
submitted by Disastrous-Potato306 to IBO [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:51 2handedslam RESP for U.S. Citizen Beneficiary
RESP situation as follows:
- Parents ("RESP subscribers") are are Canadian citizens only, with no ties to the U.S. - Children ("RESP beneficiaries") are Canadian / U.S. dual citizens - Parents and children all currently live in Canada
Assuming we set up an RESP for the children - would there be any U.S. tax implications for them on investment income / realized capital gains in the account?
It has been difficult to find the answer to this as articles, etc. I've found on this topic focus on the subscribers being U.S. persons (not beneficiaries)
submitted by 2handedslam to PersonalFinanceCanada [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:51 Fab-Fit-Forrest ITAP of windmills.
submitted by Fab-Fit-Forrest to itookapicture [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:51 wizard903 [WTS] Seiko 7548-7000 Diver on original GL831 rubber, optional fitted Uncle Straps Z199 bracelet (reduced)
submitted by wizard903 to Watchexchange [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:51 Illustrious-Low4128 Monday.
Could be fun could be dumb. Hoping for fun but knowing this market, it will find a way to dunk on bears and bulls alike. submitted by Illustrious-Low4128 to wallstreetbets [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:51 Sullyhogs My theory about Carol Ferris
So we’re unsure if Lanterns will have Carol Ferris in it. My theory is that she’ll definitely make a cameo, but because it takes place on Earth, I think she won’t feature heavily because she’s one of the Star Sapphires at this point. Thought?
submitted by Sullyhogs to DCU_ [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:51 Jp_111112 What is this? Korean fried chicken, cola and radish for ants?
submitted by Jp_111112 to thingsforants [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:51 itsmelhi I just published the first chapter of my story and I’m really nervous because the first bit is in email/text form
I started posting my work online at a really young age because it was fun, and then I just stopped after trying to make it as a serious writer. Doing that kinda dulled my writing sparkle though so I thought I’d try a more casual approach to writing and post my stuff online again. But I just posted the first chapter of my best friends to lovers romance novel and I feel really nervous! The first chunk of the chapter is in email and text form (which stops towards the end of the chapter) and in a bit worried this will be off putting to some readers. Here’s the bio if you’re at all interested: DAMON He's magnetic and mercurial, with a hare trigger temper and hoards of friends. People orbit him like he's the sun. ANNIE She's shy and reserved, and would much rather spend time with her knitting needles than with other people. They couldn't be more different, but Damon and Annie have been best friends since they were kids. She's the only person who can get through to him when he's in one of his infamous tempers, and he's one of the very few people in the world with whom she can be herself. But they're just friends. Best friends, but still just friends - that's it, nothing more. Yeah, sure, Damon's strikingly attractive and would do anything for the few people he loves, but he's also moody and intense and...weirdly possessive of her. Then, Damon does something that leaves Annie feeling hurt and betrayed, and for the first time ever she wonders if it's time to put her friendship with Damon in her rearview mirror. But Damon won't let Annie go that easily. Stubborn and determined, he'll do whatever it takes to claw his way back into Annie's good books. And this time, he's not stopping at best friends, because he wants more. Much more. And Damon always gets what he wants. And here is the link to the story: https://www.wattpad.com/1513145572?utm_source=ios&utm_medium=link&utm_content=share_reading&wp_page=reading_part_end&wp_uname=melherehi submitted by itsmelhi to Wattpad [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:51 MethodDistinct6654 Another tiktok😊😉
submitted by MethodDistinct6654 to socksoverleggings [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:51 jellichann LF OFFERS!
submitted by jellichann to AdoptMeTrading [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:51 Foreign_Purple9571 dubai matcha..
listen im sure it’s great or whatever but if i have to make chocolate cold foam + iced matcha one more time… i might start to crash the fuck out
chocolate cold foam is on the same level of “i hate” as the salted caramel cf.. that this takes me out every damn time
submitted by Foreign_Purple9571 to starbucks [link] [comments]