Cómo puedo conseguir plata siendo menor?

2025.02.01 22:55 YLynnx Cómo puedo conseguir plata siendo menor?

Para resumir, mí familia no está pasando por un buen momento económico y con suerte tenemos para pagar la luz y el gas (cosa que se está dificultando un montón) Mí papá se quedó sin trabajo y quisiera saber si hay alguna forma en la que yo, siendo menor con 17 años pueda hacer algo de plata online, ya sea ofreciendo servicios o con un curso o algo similar. Mípapá tiene un emprendimiento, así que si alguien podría ayudar también lo agradecería, acá está el instagram: @sdzconfecciones
submitted by YLynnx to AskArgentina [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 Jaded-Finish-3075 This is exhausting

This is exhausting Immediately no
submitted by Jaded-Finish-3075 to recruitinghell [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 tPA1007 It's been almost 10 years since the best Valentine's Day show ever

Please come back to Chitown! 🥹
submitted by tPA1007 to AboveandBeyond [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 throwaway-helpm Weird ear anatomy mods

I want to get more piercings but I have funny shaped ears lmao
submitted by throwaway-helpm to shouldimod [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 HkayakH (SPOILER FOR CELESTIAL STAGE) I absolutely love the design for buying a tesseract

submitted by HkayakH to AntimatterDimensions [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 ntmung THE BEST MINI GOLF IN CHICAGOLAND!!!???

submitted by ntmung to minigolf [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 dilemma_dreams444 Guess my big three?✨💫

Guess my big three?✨💫 submitted by dilemma_dreams444 to Zodiac [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 mymuffint0pisallthat Rage at work

I was talking to my coworker and trying to convince them to watch the show. A customer was in earshot of us and chimed in, “it’s true, you should watch it”. So we started chatting about it. I asked him if he was caught up. He then said “I actually work at Apple so….ive seen all of it. You’re gonna love it” and I nearly exploded with excitement. I said “TELL ME ANYTHING PLEASE”. He obviously told me he could say a thing and walked away. I am now filled with rage on my lunch and need to find an Apple employee who is willing to risk it all for me.
submitted by mymuffint0pisallthat to SeveranceAppleTVPlus [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 Hotel_Lotions Observing Pilots

Hello fellow aviators. I’m currently a student pilot working toward my ppl here in Canada, and I was thinking of a hypothetical scenario when I was looking a planes today. How likely do you think it would be for someone to be able to sit an observation chair in the cockpit and watch the pilots fly? Just more as an educational and observational experience. With how strict aviation laws and regulations are, would this hypothetical even be possible at all? I always absolutely geek out when I board commercial flights and look into the cockpit when I’m boarding/leaving the plane and always wondered what it’d be like to be in that cockpit.
Thank you for you time and wisdoms in advance :)
submitted by Hotel_Lotions to flying [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 DestroyerOfAnuses69 Would these fit with a regular tie (besides dress jacket / dress vest)?

Would these fit with a regular tie (besides dress jacket / dress vest)? https://preview.redd.it/yxjavkvwxlge1.png?width=992&format=png&auto=webp&s=05f7ef56dd849a4f10b020f104c53b8b8dc621f5
So something like this but a summer vest that isn't a dress vest and isn't as heavy as shown. I'd pop the collar down to make it look like a normal collar and not have it up or can you guys recommend me other things?
TLDR I'm a guy slowly finding fashion since 2022. I'm building up a high style outfit w/o dress pants and dress jacket (since I already got a ton of normal jackets) and I have a ton of nice jeans that compliment the dark brown dress shoes I got and the new dark brown fedora I bought. I just want to use a tie to spice up some outfits and I know a regular button dress shirt looks boring w/o an accented vest but I don't necessarily want to wear a dress vest all the time.
submitted by DestroyerOfAnuses69 to mensfashion [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 Something_Fishly Something I made in blender

Something I made in blender submitted by Something_Fishly to blender [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 Agitated_Bid_8674 Trading a big megladon and or a ancient depths serpent looking for kraken down to negotiate

Trading a big megladon and or a ancient depths serpent looking for kraken down to negotiate submitted by Agitated_Bid_8674 to FischRoblox [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 captaindeadpl Warum gab es die letzten Tage keine Streams?

War die letzten Tage ein Event wo er teilnimmt oder etwas um das er sich kümmern muss? Oder ist er einfach mal wieder krank?
Auf seinen Kanälen in den sozialen Medien konnte ich keine Ansage finden und wenn er in seinem Stream was gesagt hat, habe ich es verpasst.
submitted by captaindeadpl to HandOfMemes [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 KnobbyDarkling Game broken after recent updates

My game closes on startup. Just 2 seconds of a loading screen and then it closes. Not even a crash report window pop-up. Getting super frustrated and I have seen other posts with the same issue but they just seem to fall into the background.
I have already messaged Embark about this, but they seem to just give the same copy and paste answer of "reinstall, update drivers, verify files". Does anyone know if there is an actual fix or if Embark is at least working on one?
submitted by KnobbyDarkling to thefinals [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 KitKat_5628 Dick and the Fab Five (Source: artofmimi on Instagram)

Dick and the Fab Five (Source: artofmimi on Instagram) The way I just realized now, after staring at it for half an hour, that Garth has long hair-
submitted by KitKat_5628 to Nightwing [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 kakarotbpo Homelab advice for a rookie!

I’m in the process of setting up a Homelab. In the really early stages, and I have very little experience. Just 2 years of a Computer Science degree about 20 years ago, a little web design / python as a hobby.
I bought a HP EliteDesk 800 G3 SFF Core i5-7500 3.4 - SSD 512 GB - 16GB. And have installed Proxmox. And plan to run Ubuntu VMs.
Also got a TP-Link TL-SG105E 5 port hub to try and manage the network. I have unrelated ‘work’ PC on the network that for security I was going to try to ‘isolate’. Although would be great to use that machine to wake the server with Wake On LAN.
My main goals for the homelab is (in order of priority) run scheduled python scripts daily run a constant python script for a discord bot I want to host Improve network security skills Run a webserver running php / mysql at a minimum Host a NAS Host a Plex server
I would love to have some advice on the best way to achieve my goals and any additional equipment / storage / setup I’ll need.
Just starting to get my head around proxmox. I assume the python scripts can just run on a Ubuntu VM within promox. The webserver - should that be on its own VM? I’m also learning about containers with Docker. Should I run the webserver in a container? Or does it not matter?
With the NAS / Plex can these just be run on a VM on the server I have? Or would need an additional server? Can the NAS just be an enclosure attached to the network? I’ve read / heard about FreeNAS. Would this be run as a VM on Proxmox? Or need to run on a separate server?
Sorry for all the questions. Even if I’m given ideas on half of this I’d count that as a win! If I need to clarify anything, please ask.
submitted by kakarotbpo to homelab [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 Wise-Intention-5550 Basic fit decent or nah?

Basic fit decent or nah? Just got new white denim & I think adidas might fit the best with it.
submitted by Wise-Intention-5550 to StreetwearFits [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 More-Custard9134 Door Lever Lock

submitted by More-Custard9134 to Smilepleasse [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 tiff142317 Is this a normal finding on MRI?

Arachnoid granulations project into and attenuate the bilateral transverse dural sinuses.
submitted by tiff142317 to MRI [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 Edu_Run4491 Legit M523s?

Bro said these were script M523. No fent. What do yall think?
submitted by Edu_Run4491 to pillslover [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 babicherry Super cute personal trainer but I’m shy

I’ve (F22) been working out consistently for a few years now and recently decided to try a different gym. Almost every time I go, I can’t help but notice the most attractive personal trainer that is totally my type. I’m pretty confident, but I’ve never approached any guy before and usually I’ll let them come to me. I know it’s definitely an ego thing and I’m too afraid of the rejection or if they have a girlfriend. Not to mention, I wouldn’t be able to approach him anyways since he’s always training clients and it would be in appropriate since he’s working. I know there’s the obvious: just book an appointment with him, but I feel like that’s way too forward for me. Any advice on how I can get his attention? Or should I just let it go?
submitted by babicherry to Advice [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 Hysciper Question urgente pour taxe de séjour

Bonsoir, je suis en train de effectuer des taches administratives et j'ai découvert l'existance de la taxe de séjour un peu en retard (disons 6 mois après que j'ai commencé à habiter ici pour mes études). J'habite dans le canton de Vaud et pourtant je n'arrive pas a comprendre si oui on non je dois payer cette taxe. Sur certains sites il est noté que je dois payer une organisation mais je ne sais pas laquelle ou ni comment la trouver, et sur d'autres documents notamment sur un détaillant Le "Règlement sur la taxe de séjour et sur la taxe sur les résidences secondaires" (Règlement-type à l’attention des communes vaudoises, Direction des affaires communales et droits politiques de Juin 2023), il est noté noir sur blanc que sont exoneree de la taxe "les personnes qui séjournent de manière durable dans le cadre de leur étude ou de leur apprentissage et qui n’ont pas encore 25 ans révolus ;"
Personnellement je suis un étudiant Français de 19 ans, et je voudrais juste avoir une clarification puisque si ça se trouve il faudrait que j'aille au plus vite payer les mois manqués mais je n'arrive pas a trouver d'infos sur le site EPFL ou nulle part autre qui clarifie à 100% ce doute. Est ce que quelqu'un pourrais me clarifier tout cela s'il vous plait pour que cela ne se transforme pas en un désastre administratif? Merci
submitted by Hysciper to EPFL [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 Ok-Beelzebub666 Sexbeat - Sexbeat

Sexbeat - Sexbeat submitted by Ok-Beelzebub666 to postpunk [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 ajv486 The Ultimate Male

The Ultimate Male Thunderlips kitbash is done! I've settled for no hat since I can't find just the hat anywhere and a loose Jakks with the hat is too expensive to justify buying off eBay just for this.
submitted by ajv486 to Wrestling_Figures [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:55 RowIndividual8756 NBA PICKS

Never betting on collin sexton again 🖕
submitted by RowIndividual8756 to PrizePicks [link] [comments]
