因为我们没有支付宝🥺 我也有查到取消三天 若是遇到这样情况航空公司是会提前告知并协助安排改至下一个航班吗 不会,因为大陆人都已经无现金化了,全部是支付宝支付,现金买票的机器(有的机器也不收现金,都是扫码支付)很少有人去用了,人工售票大 ... 大家好, 预计今年(2024)4/18出发去新西兰~ 会在南岛自驾 征求已从ezi官网租过车子的好心人士能提供promo code🙏 谢谢您的详细回答🥺所以我想请问,财力证明的部分,只要携带银行卡,现金,不用去特意做财力证明是吗?(我不太懂怎么做欸),现金要带多少呢?(我看有人说是一天100usd生活费,应该是等值于100usd吧? 我和另一个朋友都不会开车但真的很想去黄石公园看看!已经有查到从盐湖城可以坐巴士到西黄石,到西黄石后我们是想要直接在黄石公园内住园区三天,但是就不知道有什么办法可以从西黄石到黄石公园内的住宿饭店呢?想询问看看有经验的大家。我有上网看有那种tour bus可以从西黄石的饭店... 大家好~ 我12/6去了难波八阪神社, 有在神社求了平安鲷以及恋爱鲤两个签, 回来后放papago跟line日文翻译但还是看不太懂 ... 有没有哩程转换小能手可以为小的解惑🥺🥺🥺我也趁着这档优惠是买了夏威夷航空的哩程但要转换到阿拉斯加航空时失败了..显示以下文本You are not eligible for this exchange. Please check the FAQ section for ... 来伦敦自助游 第一步就要先搞懂交通英国的大众运输出了名是比台湾 、香港来的贵第一区(Zone 1) 单次一趟就要£2.8 如果非高峰时间£2.7差不多是台币105元所以在交通上省钱是很重要的除了尽量可以把附近景点放到同一天外还要选择适合自己旅程的交通方式😊Travel... [越南]过阵子要去富国岛,听说搭Grab蛮方便的就下载看看 结果上面没有看到富国岛的选项耶🥺有人也有一样的问题吗~? 出去玩的时候,把同学风神雷神icoca弄丢,希望有好心人可以卖我,帮帮忙🥺... 预计四月初要去朋友去沙巴自由行,超级期待😍😍 但感觉疫情后很少心得分享,想询问一下目前的现况~~[行李寄放]想询问近期有去过的版友们,沙巴市区有寄放行李的地方吗?若前一晚住resort,晚上要搭飞机,是否有可以市区寄放行李的地方?[Resort推荐]不知道大家有没有推荐...

2025.02.02 01:49 CrewRepulsive2296 RESULTS ARE OUT!!! 🥺

RESULTS ARE OUT!!! 🥺 Studied using Ielts flex that came with british council registration and the stimuler app, which I paid around 8 dollars for a month for speaking. Also used chatgpt for essay writing (my scores are usually band 5-6 before my exams hence i had a lot of hesitations but proceeded anyway).
I’m a filipino, non-native speaker btw. Thanks guys!!!
submitted by CrewRepulsive2296 to IELTS [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:49 SicMundusx LTC

Why are the busses so bad lately? The 5 westbound is constantly over 1.5 hours delayed. You can’t go by any of the apps because the busses just don’t show up.
submitted by SicMundusx to londonontario [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:49 Dismal_Doubt404 Divine/Sinner

Divine/Sinner Saturday Sugary
submitted by Dismal_Doubt404 to rosin [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:49 ArtificerWorkshop13 Gonna be learning to run my own tavern, Come join me!! 10 P.M (Est). I need to learn so i can Run my guild !!

Gonna be learning to run my own tavern, Come join me!! 10 P.M (Est). I need to learn so i can Run my guild !! submitted by ArtificerWorkshop13 to PngTuber [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:49 Ytreza42 Charlize Theron

submitted by Ytreza42 to CelebPortraits [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:49 Drknight71 Need use both 8 pin cpu power connectors?

Trying to resurrect an old Z270 Apex from the dead but don't have a psu with dual 8 pin cpu power connectors available right now. Instead I have one one 8 pin cpu power. Short of taking apart my other machines I don't want to do will this board post with only one 8 pin power connector?
submitted by Drknight71 to buildapc [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:49 Jessi45US I love this part. Hopper was right!!

submitted by Jessi45US to StrangerThings [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:49 JZProductions26 Here’s my Interview w/ Greg Cipes (VA for Kevin Levin)! Had a lot of fun! Let me know, who you would like to see me get on?

Here’s my Interview w/ Greg Cipes (VA for Kevin Levin)! Had a lot of fun! Let me know, who you would like to see me get on? submitted by JZProductions26 to Ben10 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:49 Acaseofwetwater Should I get this game on pc or ps5

I’m debating on which way I want to go. My pc is pretty powerful but I’m afraid of pc bugs or bad performance on launch.
submitted by Acaseofwetwater to kingdomcome [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:49 whooper1 Seeing stars did not give me confidence in M&M’s parenting skills.

Seeing stars did not give me confidence in M&M’s parenting skills. submitted by whooper1 to HelluvaBoss [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:49 MacnCheezBike Finally, the grind is complete.

Finally, the grind is complete. I've poured my Rare XL's into this the last 4 years to maxed it. I understand it's kind of useless, but are you going to tell me you wouldn't max one of the rarest shundos in the game?
submitted by MacnCheezBike to pokemongobrag [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:49 uses_for_mooses Britain has a culture of modesty

Britain has a culture of modesty submitted by uses_for_mooses to GreatBritishMemes [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:49 Fresh-Contact4357 Is this trade worth it?

Is this trade worth it? submitted by Fresh-Contact4357 to SoundMappers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:49 Beautiful_Dream1880 How much of a gap is too much?

I’m a M57, and just started chatting with F31 … I’m not really worried about the age difference. And I’m sure that when the time comes for us to meet we will get some pretty strange looks from other people. How do y’all deal with the stares and dirty looks?
submitted by Beautiful_Dream1880 to AgeGapRelationship [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:49 Vivid_Cream1923 Old external harddrive

Can anyone help me? I would like to recover the old data from this external hard drive but I'm unsure on what I need to do. The cable port I was using stopped working that's why I am unable to plug it in and recover the data
submitted by Vivid_Cream1923 to pcmasterrace [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:49 holypriest69 New power cable for Panasonic UB9000 -- will this work?

Hi. I believe that this cable will work for the UB9000, but the player is quite expensive, and I don't want to ruin it.
The "official" replacement cable for the UB9000 is here:
And some other dude uses this cable for his UB9000:
I am aware that this is mostly a waste of money, and audiophile power cables are snake oil, but I love my player, and I kind of want to get a nice looking cable for it.
Thank you, and I apologize if this is a stupid question.
submitted by holypriest69 to hometheater [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:49 LuhT4 F19

submitted by LuhT4 to Goon [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:49 Relevant-Progress120 I know this is a stupid question but can birds have snow cones? (Without the flavor)

I know this is a stupid question but can birds have snow cones? (Without the flavor) Can parrots have a snow cone?
submitted by Relevant-Progress120 to parrots [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:49 FormingPanda628 Mod to land on major cities without the menu

Im looking for a mod to allow you to land in the city without having to go through the planetary map. It allows you to do it on sites that don’t have multiple landing zones so i don’t see why i cant do it otherwise
submitted by FormingPanda628 to Starfield [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:49 Syrkres Is there a mod which looks for equipment

I know there is the Mech Delivery which you can mail order equipment (and mechs) but I'm looking for a mod which just searches the current system for a "list" of equipment.
- I hate having to check equipment in every star system and look for different pieces of equipment. I would be nice if a mod could just notify me of equipment on a list of some type that I am looking for.
submitted by Syrkres to Mechwarrior5 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:49 Deadlygrateful57 Are there any songs that dead and co only played once?

submitted by Deadlygrateful57 to deadandcompany [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:49 No_Confusion8227 Two 4 stars for sandy shells to complete sets

Two 4 stars for sandy shells to complete sets submitted by No_Confusion8227 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:49 Cautious-Antelope-83 antipsychotics with propranolol to cure DPDR ?

I truely believe its all about beta adrenergic beta2 receptors activation(fear mediated response of nerves and neurons), and trust me! it can make heterodimerization with dopamine d2 receptors, and when this happens it will be more permanently having derealization effects, so the cure must be combination of lipophilic beta2 antagonist (propranolol) with d2 antagonist (most antipsychotics) at the same time! in the longrun maybe about 2 or 3 months to dpdr wear of compeletely !!!
im not sure which type of antipsychotics are the best option maybe latuda and halo with propranolol?
no one wants the fear it self, in case of dpdr its some kind of mental addiction to fear so if you dont feed it, you will kill it!
i just have not tired it yet, i hope somebody tried propranolol with any antipsychotic?
submitted by Cautious-Antelope-83 to dpdr [link] [comments]


submitted by 3rdEyeRoller to InfielesMty [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:49 Difficult_Clerk_4074 I don't remember this line...

I don't remember this line... submitted by Difficult_Clerk_4074 to murderdroneswarzone [link] [comments]