Who’s an eggcellent boy?

1/ N的数列,前N项求和的公式是什么?为1/N的数列,前N项求和的公式是什么只数列求和:An=1/n,求和。求n分之一的前n项和Sn=1 ... COI/Declaration of Interest forms from all the authors of an article is required for every submiss… 等差数列求和公式有: ①等差数列公式an=a1+ (n-1)d、 ②前n项和公式为:Sn=na1+n (n-1)d/2、 ③若公差d=1时:Sn= (a1+an)n/2、 ④若m+n=p+q则:存在am+an=ap+aq、 ⑤若m+n=2p则:am+an=2ap,以上n均为正整数。 等差数列 {an}的通项公式为:an=a1+ (n-1)d。前n项和公式为:Sn=n*a1+n (n-1)d/2或Sn=n (a1+an)/2 。等差数列是常见数列的 ... a与an的用法区别: 一、用法的区别 a 用于读音以辅音音素开头的字母或单词前。 例如:a pen 一支笔,a book 一本书。 an用语读音以 元音音素 开头的字母或单词前。 例如:an apple 一只苹果, an orange 一颗橙子, an egg 一颗鸡蛋, an English book 一本英语书。 二、特殊用法 1、有些单词的首字母虽然是以 ... 1.学士 bachelor、本科生 undergraduate、硕士 master、研究生 postgraduate 2.undergraduate指本科生或大学肄业生。 (1)本科生,即普通高等教育本科层次的在校生、毕业生。区别于预科、专科,学生毕业后可获学士学位。学制为二年制(专科起点两年制本科),四年制(一般),五年制(医学类、建筑学 ... 先来说说你的第二个问题 元音通常指的是元音字母:A E I O U 元音音素指的是音标里面发音为元音的部分。 再说说你的第二个问题 a和an都表示"1个",什么时候用an?当一个名词的第一个音素为元音时,而不是第一个字母为元音时,其前用"an"。比如an hour,虽然hour的首字母是h,但是h不发音,第一个 ... NA : NorthAmerica 北美洲 EU : Europe欧洲 AS : Asia亚洲 OC : Oceania 大洋洲 SA :South and Central America : 中美及 南美洲 另 AF :Africa 非洲 AN : Antarctica 南极洲 球按照 海陆 分布格局,按照大陆和周围岛屿合称一个大洲的标准,全球共分为亚洲,欧洲等七个大洲。 七大洲 的面积和组成各不相同。其名称来历也各有原由 ... 以an为韵脚的字有: Ban:办,半,般,班,拌,搬,板 Can:蚕,残,参,惨,惭,餐,灿 Chan:产,颤,蝉,馋,潺,婵,禅 Dan:但,单,蛋,担,弹,掸,胆,丹 Fan:反,饭,翻,犯,番,凡,帆,返 Gan:感,干,敢,赶,竿,甘,肝,杆 Han:喊,含,汗,寒,汉,旱,酣,涵 Kan:看,坎,槛 ... 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... 判断用a还是an不能简单的只看元音字母。如果是特指某个字母,在26个英文字母中,a, e, i, o, f, h, l, m, n, r, s, x等12个字母的读音是以元音开头的,其余字母则是以辅音开头的,可参见下面的第三条。 a用于辅音前;an用于元音前。一般说来,元音字母发元音,辅音字母发辅音,但需请注意以下3点: 1 ...

2025.02.01 22:52 pringlecansizedhands Who’s an eggcellent boy?

Who’s an eggcellent boy? submitted by pringlecansizedhands to Pareidolia [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 robominder Государство рф своей суицидальностью мне порой напоминает этого барана - так же парадоксально вкладывает чрезмерные ресурсы в сомнительный арсенал...

submitted by robominder to SmartRussia [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 average_consumer97 Special marriage act

Hi I'm currently working in UK and my fiance is in India. We want to get our marriage registered under the special marriage act so that I can process the visa for my partner. I know that we need to submit and application and wait for 30 days
As I'm abroad, I don't have much leave, am I required to be present submit the application, can my fiance or parents submit it for us and is it okay if just come after the 30 days to register the marriage? Thank you
submitted by average_consumer97 to LegalAdviceIndia [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 hamun8 Lens Recommendations for Sony A7 IV

Just started out and still learning and buy some hardware.
What lens would you recommend for weddings if you only wanted to have 1?
I har read if 2 then 35mm and 85mm is loved by many, but if i only want to go around with 1 in the beginning than what to buy ?
Any help is appreciated :)
submitted by hamun8 to WeddingPhotography [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 User48970 How to survive school with no friends?

I have friends but they are in a different grade so we don’t really get to see each other much during school. I only have 2 friends in my grade rn. Those 2 friends have no other friends as well so it is just us 3 together most the time but they are both switching schools leaving me behind and idk what to do. I get along with a few people as well but I can’t really call them my close friends. I don’t want to be seen as the loner in the corner of the cafeteria but I just don’t see myself fitting in with any existing friend groups. I am F btw.
submitted by User48970 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 Diceman__30 Did she like me or was she just being friendly???

One time i was watching videos in class, then this one girl sat next me out of the blue and asked me what was I watching. Then we had a lengthy conversation from that point forward. But she never introduced herself or nothing, neither did I. Days later, she sat next to me again but didn’t say a single word to me nor did i. At one point, she was talking about her fall out with her current boyfriend at the time to her guy friend while she was sitting next to me. Not really sure if that was on purpose. Anyways, On the last day of class, i was sitting by myself and she was making eye contact with me from across the room. Like she would glance at me for a split second then look away. She did this like twice. She was talking to her group of friends along with the instructor when she was doing this. A couple minutes later, she decided to sit next to me again with zero context whatsoever. Her and her guy friend. They were just chatting right next to me, but again she never talked to me or anything. She stayed there until the end of class. This made me wonder, was she trying to drop a hint? Did she wanted me to shoot my shot? Or am i just delusional and she was just being friendly? All of this seems very interesting to me🤔
submitted by Diceman__30 to dating_advice [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 sulphras Looking for a friendly server

I've not sunk a lot of time in the game, made it to the swamps and it's definitely gotten harder. I love the game so far, but its definitely more fun with other people, wasn't sure if there was a few other early players who haven't made it much past swamp that are hosting a server that isn't a no items portals/hardcore run.
Currently been playing a solo run with portals allowing items and x3 resources because I dislike the iron/bronze grind, felt like too much on normal settings and I really want to make it past the swamp without feeling I need to spend the next 200 hours in it.
Anyways thought I'd ask her or see if anyone knows a good place to go to find some friendly fellow Vikings
submitted by sulphras to valheim [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 MarcoBarb Looking to buy a new watch for under $5,000. What should I be looking at?

Tag, Breitling, and Tudor are catching my eye, but beyond that I don't know much about the brands.
submitted by MarcoBarb to Watches [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 Rude-Isopod-4176 How do I go against a ranged top laner

I've been playing heimer for a bit and just now I played against gangplank (only ranged toplaner so far) and I couldn't do much. He out ranges my turrets so they don't really effect him. I'm scared of the people who play heimer support and go against caitlyns.
submitted by Rude-Isopod-4176 to HeimerdingerMains [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 mercer_17 Doesn't matter the weather my Mom insists the laundry must always be hung outside

submitted by mercer_17 to mildlyinfuriating [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 pixelonart [FOR HIRE] Key Art, Full Characters Splash Illustrations, Full-Body, Half-Body or Portraits - Start at $100 - Info in comments!

[FOR HIRE] Key Art, Full Characters Splash Illustrations, Full-Body, Half-Body or Portraits - Start at $100 - Info in comments! submitted by pixelonart to artcommissions [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 Nitro99k Kim Jacinto variants go so hard

Kim Jacinto variants go so hard I don't have a nice background for Knull yet but I couldn't resist picking this up in the shop 😎
submitted by Nitro99k to MarvelSnap [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 Raymond_dw 4080s, 4090 or 5080?

Hi, so im planning on upgrading my current pc. 💸
Im a videographer🎥 and since I work with heavy footage (4k, up to 120fps, 10bit etc.) my current pc can’t keep up anymore. 😕 Right now I have an rx5700xt, Ryzen 7 3700x and 32GB 3200mhz ram.
I want to make a huge upgrade and get top tier equipement, for editting and I also game regularly, mostly on 1440p 240hz.
I want to go for a Ryzen 9 7950x3d and 64GB 6000mhz ram, but im not sure which GPU I should buy. I have an all white build so I want an all white GPU. I really like the look of the Rog Strix white editions 🤩.
My budget for the GPU is €1800,- I can’t find 4090’s for that price and even second handed they are hardly available. 5080’s aren’t available yet but I think it should be possible to get these within my price range, but im not 100% sure. But I don’t know if there worth the money compared to the 4080 super and how much more powerfull they are… anyone that can help? 😊
submitted by Raymond_dw to GamingPCBuildHelp [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 936541 Jack of all trades, master of none

Jack of all trades, master of none submitted by 936541 to MEATengines [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 kieraix My wife got me Laminated Denim as an early Valentine's Day gift. Only 2 albums to go until I have all* albums. I married the right woman, y'all 🥰

My wife got me Laminated Denim as an early Valentine's Day gift. Only 2 albums to go until I have all* albums. I married the right woman, y'all 🥰 submitted by kieraix to KGATLW [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 Volvo_850_fan Screenshots

Screenshots Just a few screenshouts I took today I hope you like them😁
submitted by Volvo_850_fan to snowrunner [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 Lilly-Mae9 Doing commissions!

Doing commissions! 10k diamonds for a commission! I’m trying to improve my art skill lol 💜💜
submitted by Lilly-Mae9 to RoyalHighCommissions [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 -Greensleeves- Is Dino Crisis 2 the Resident Evil 6 of the series?

Hello, I'm a long time resident evil fan and survival horror is one of my favorite videogame genres. I never came around to play dino crisis, but heard a lot of good things about the series. So when the Dino Crisis Bundle on GOG dropped a couple of days ago I immediately bought it and played through the first game. I had a blast. It has some similarities with the resident evil series but is also unique in its own ways and it felt like a really nice and "fresh" (for me at least :D ) spin to the known survival horror formula. I even started a second playthough to unlock the different endings but midway through i wanted to try the second game.
Well my excitement quickly turned into confusion and slight disappointment after I started the game on hard. Even in that difficulty you start with a non reloadable 100 shot shotgun and the dinos just keep respawning forcing you to rush through the areas. You also get points for kills and combos for kills in quick succession and those points are used to buy ammo and health items. WTF?
I know I could have informed myself better about the game but that is like the polar opposite of the previous title. I didn't play much further after the game switched to Regina, so I dont know if it will continue like that. Dino Crisis 2 just feels completly different, and not in a good way. I dont know if hard difficulty is the wrong approach here or my expectations were wrong but i didnt think Capcom would turn the series into an action shooter. I just want to ask the community (preferably spoilerfree) is this game what Resident Evil 6 is to the RE-series? A shift away from survival, puzzles and exploration to action shooter?
submitted by -Greensleeves- to DinoCrisis [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 Technical-Nothing959 Para los que tienen perros y los dejan orinar carteles, son unos hijos de mil puta.

Ni que hablar de los que los dejan cagar en la vereda y no limpian, son carteles de negocios! Gente inmunda.
submitted by Technical-Nothing959 to Cordoba [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 jalluka do you like it?

do you like it? I'll color it tomorrow, now it's midnight here and I'm dying of sleep
submitted by jalluka to Ultrakill [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 MissMarbletheBengal UTI :( advice please 🩶🖤

UTI :( advice please 🩶🖤 Hi! My name is Marble and I’m 6 months old. Mom took me to the vet yesterday and I have a UTI sadly. I’m on medication for it. Any recommendations on drinking more water and anything else I should do to avoid? #Missmarblemeow
submitted by MissMarbletheBengal to cats [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 Novel_Finger2370 This Man Claims Ex-Military Officer Worked At Area 51 Reveals UFOs Run on Space-Harnessed Electricity, Creating a "Void" for Travel

submitted by Novel_Finger2370 to ufo [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 scribbles987 I'm in love with this one

I'm in love with this one Given it was only a 30cmx30cm I was very unsure about this one and honestly it wasn't until it was almost finished that it all came together. Just wish I could find an Australian Kelpie now
submitted by scribbles987 to diamondpainting [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 gfxhaptic Geist - MEMORIA (2024)

Geist - MEMORIA (2024) submitted by gfxhaptic to postprocessing [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 cciiaxa Same, Reaper, same.

Same, Reaper, same. submitted by cciiaxa to hudsonvalley [link] [comments]
