知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... And I just can't believe we aren't together And I want to play it cool, but I'm losing you I'll buy you anything, I'll buy you diamond ring And I'm in pieces, baby fix me And just shake me till you wake me from this bad dream I'm going down, down, down, down And I just can't believe my first love won't be around And I'm like baby, baby, baby, oh It's a love story, baby, just say yes. 这是多么美好的爱情故事呀,亲爱的,答应我吧. Romeo, save me,they're trying to tell me how to feel Love Story MV. 罗密欧,拯救我痛苦的灵魂吧 他们总在试图左右我的思想. This love is difficult, but it's real. 我们的爱情面对着重重的困难,却无比的 ... 知乎,中文互联网高质量的问答社区和创作者聚集的原创内容平台,于 2011 年 1 月正式上线,以「让人们更好的分享知识、经验和见解,找到自己的解答」为品牌使命。知乎凭借认真、专业、友善的社区氛围、独特的产品机制以及结构化和易获得的优质内容,聚集了中文互联网科技、商业、影视 ... And all that I can see is just a yellow lemon tree I'm turning my head up and down I'm turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around And all that I can see is just a yellow (another) lemon tree La, la da dee da, etc. I'm sitting here, I miss the power I'd like to go out taking a shower But there's a heavy cloud inside my head I just kept looking down I st-st-stuttered when You asked me what I'm thinking 'bout Felt like I couldn't breathe You asked me what wrong with me My best friend Lesley said "Oh, she's just being Miley" The next time we hang out I will redeem myself My heart, it can't rest till then Whoa, whoa, I, I can't wait to see you again I got my sights ... I’m just lovin’you,(天天好开心) I’m just lovin’you,(不要再犹豫) I’m just lovin’you,(不怕炒鱿鱼) I’m just lovin’you。 【猪猪侠】 片尾曲歌词绿色的旋律 辽阔的森林,落下一片雨, 传来的声音,淅淅沥沥, 是雨点在拥抱小溪 思念的旋律,不言不语 天上的浮云,晨风和 ... 例子:Luckily, I finished the project just in time for the deadline. (幸运的是,我在截止日期之前刚好赶上完成了这个项目。) 二、时间概念不同: 1、"On time"强调准时按照预定的具体时间或期限完成。 一个方框内有个勾(☑)怎么打出这符号☑这个符号可以用word的特殊字符打出来。 2、jk意思是“只是开个玩笑罢了”或者“开玩笑而已”,jk是英文“Just Kidding”的缩写,也有“Joking”开玩笑、戏谑的意思。 3、lol意思是“笑”“哈哈哈”,lol是英文“Laugh(ing) Out Loud”或者“Lots Of Laugh”的缩写,通常在聊天中这个缩写意味着某些事的确十分好笑。
2025.02.02 01:57 Ct-Brynn Just feeling it tooday
Nothing big, just snapped a pic while I was at the kiddos robotics tournament today. And liked what i saw. Lately it seems like everyone else hates us, so give yourself a little extra love❤️
submitted by Ct-Brynn to TransLater [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:57 StrapOnDillPickle Pourquoi ne pas aider notre economies plutôt que la riposte?
Je comprends que nous devons riposter, ne pas plier et ainsi de suite. Honnêtement, je comprends cela, nous ne pouvons pas paraître faibles face à un tyran.
Le problème, c'est que tout cela ne fera qu'exaspérer la crise actuelle du coût de la vie.
J'ai lu que les autorités fédérales souhaitaient mettre en place des mesures d'aide considérables, comme lors de la crise de covid. Est-ce que je suis fou ou est-ce que ce n'est pas une esti d'idée stupide ? Tout ce que cela va faire, c'est impacter les pauvre encore une fois.
Cela ne risque-t-il pas d'alimenter encore plus l'inflation en plus du reste ?
Si les Etats-Unis imposent des taxes sur notre bois et tout le reste, ne devrions-nous pas profiter de l'occasion pour utiliser notre bois et nos ressources et commencer à construire plus de maisons, à créer des usines, à devenir plus indépendants ? Au lieu de dépenser des milliards pour des programmes d'aide, nous devrions utiliser ces même milliard et les injecter pour aider les gens et améliorer notre autonomie. Cela me semble être une meilleure façon d'aider notre économie.
Je suis stupéfait qu'aucun politicien n'ait proposé quoi que ce soit qui ressemble à cela. La seule solution intéressante qu'on entendu parler c'est de reduire les friction dans les transactions entre provinces. Un bon debut mais pourquoi arrêter la.
submitted by StrapOnDillPickle to Quebec [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:57 acerbitas Couch pillow
submitted by acerbitas to dogsusingpillows [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:57 client42 [WTS] Seiko SARG015 6R15 JDM Sunburst Blue Automatic Watch - $320
submitted by client42 to Watchexchange [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:57 bimb0_limbo Anyone see these weird lights around Crestview hills and southern Cincinnati?
submitted by bimb0_limbo to cincinnati [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:57 Such_Crow8542 Wegwock
submitted by Such_Crow8542 to videos [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:57 meesterincogneato77 If you think the price of a dozen eggs is disgusting, well...
Twelve dozen is gross.
submitted by meesterincogneato77 to TwoSentenceComedy [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:57 Ezzra7626 2meirl4meirl
submitted by Ezzra7626 to 2meirl4meirl [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:57 OkayIan 5090 setup!
Loving this new beast! Runs cool and quiet! Probably gonna turn off the mobo RGB tho. submitted by OkayIan to nvidia [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:57 emordnilap987 Would I like these games?
Hey, the Mass Effect Legendary edition is currently on sale for like $8 on steam, and I was wondering if I should get it.
I'm a big fan of RPGs, especially those with a lot of player customization, reactivity, solid world building, complex political situations with interesting and realistic factions, and challenging moral choices without obvious solutions.
Some of my favorite RPGs are Fallout New Vegas, The Witcher 3, Warhammer 40k Rogue Trader, Tyranny, and the Pillars of Eternity games.
Would I probably like Mass Effect?
submitted by emordnilap987 to masseffect [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:57 onlyprinc "Ela tá enorme"
Recebi a mãe da minha namorada em casa e comprei coisas pra gente comer. Assim que me levantei da mesa e virei as costas ouvi ela comentar com minha namorada algo sobre mim. Virei e perguntei rindo oq era, ela ficou sem jeito e disse "você tá enorme". Eu respondi, disse "é, eu tô mesmo" e eu sem graça.
Ganhei 12kg no final do ano passado e no mês de janeiro perdi 4kg, não perdi mais pq tive uns problemas pessoais que não me deixaram continuar os exercícios.
Fiquei chateada. Estou realmente acima do peso. Isso ficou na minha mente porque sei que mesmo em progresso de emagrecimento vai demorar bastante pra retomar o peso ideal.
Gostaria de ler oq vcs tem pra comentar.
submitted by onlyprinc to desabafos [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:57 dorkenporken I always loved making custom cards, but it's been a long time since I've been into Hearthstone. How did I do?
submitted by dorkenporken to customhearthstone [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:57 -Dazai_osamu- Looking for a new sword
Hello! Does anybody know where I could get a good/reliable Longsword that I could carry/wear on me? Price range is around $450! Thank you very much 🙏
submitted by -Dazai_osamu- to SWORDS [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:57 MuteAC130 Failed drug test
Hi I just need advice I took the drug test at meps and it came back positive, even though I took the test with my recruiter twice at the office and home and came back negative, now he’s not texting or calling me wtf, should I just go to another recruitment office and talk to someone else I just really wanna join, I haven’t done drugs sense’s October.
submitted by MuteAC130 to Militaryfaq [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:57 IngeborgdesTodes It all seems pointless
Rant: Playing through the Mando expansions feels so pointless and empty. There are no characters to care about and no decisions to make. The story is unbelievably long winded and I feel like the developers don't know where to go with it. Waiting up to a year for updates hasn't helped either. I have just played through three hours of filler content on the Hutta district and am now stuck on an endless loading screen (a known bug). I know it's an old game but I feel like storytelling has been it's greatest strength and that is why people play and enjoy it still after 10 years. But right now it's like moving through a void. It feels like it will take an eternity for the story to wrap up but still nothing happens. Maybe my expectations are too high, but I don't really understand why the writing has been great so far, and just depressing for the past two years.
submitted by IngeborgdesTodes to swtor [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:57 wesvols Anybody have an extra. Trade maybe.
Trade? submitted by wesvols to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:57 Expensive_Ad_1049 Builder gel on Natural nails feat Lurid Lacquer
I'm growing my nails out and they have bent/broken/bled from me being rough with my hands. Added a builder gel overlay and topped them off with regular polish. How does it look? How about color theory does the color clash or can I easily pull it off? Suggestions? Aimeili builder in bottle ASP builder in bottle in color "Birthday Suit" Lurid Lacquer "Make of this Terrifying Gift" on middle and pinky Lurid Lacquer "Unearthly Silence" on rest of hand submitted by Expensive_Ad_1049 to RedditLaqueristas [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:57 RarePromotion920 Angel Reese unfairly ejected during game
submitted by RarePromotion920 to wnbacirclejerk [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:57 Theothevoid How to eat more??
I didn’t know how to name the title but, I’ve spent the past literal 6 hours slowly nibbling a protein bar, it’s only 190 calories but I feel so full after each tiny bite. I have been trying to eat a bit more cause I’m pretty sure I’ve been undereating, how do I fix this?:/ kinda hard to eat more like this lol
submitted by Theothevoid to Advice [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:56 Salty414 [WTB] KAC MP5 RAS, Zenitco RP5
KAC MP5 RAS $650
Zenitco RP5 Black $75
Please comment before PM’ing no chats. Thank you for looking.
submitted by Salty414 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:56 m00nman What’s the Ref for this AP
Trying to figure out the ref. TIA submitted by m00nman to PrideAndPinion [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:56 hadal- [self] a mini hannya I made awhile back
This is one of my first completely sculptures, made with polymer clay. I haven’t sculpted much since then, need to get back into it. submitted by hadal- to Sculpture [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:56 Additionalredditor [The Fake Saintess Bears Tainted Robes] When you fall for a priest, as a nun, you still call him…
It creeps me out to hear the fl call the ml“father” instead of his name, EDWIN, even though he’s a priest. It reminds me of the ick I feel whenever I hear the term “daddy” used to refer to any man but someone’s biological dad! I am praying things will change soon now that they have confirmed their feelings for each other 🙏 submitted by Additionalredditor to OtomeIsekai [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 01:56 Qwerty_zzzzz PLS PLS PLS PLS HELP
guys my mental health gets fueled by manwhas thus making this a very very important matter
I CANT FIND ANY MANWHAS THAT GIVE ME THOSE NICE VIBES YK i just want similair ones to seasons of lovesome, seasons of blossom, afterschool lessons for unripe lessons, I got reccomended odd girl out which was rly nice and I was about to finish it but this last since is kinda boring icl PLEASE HELP ANYTHING IS APPRECIATED-also to clarify they dont have to be like school like but its just been a common theme with funny drama webtoons, all in all id seriously love any help given tyvm guys
submitted by Qwerty_zzzzz to webtoons [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 01:56 No_Care9417 [Tissot Classic Dream Swissmatic]
I’m looking at dipping my toes in the watch game. This Tissot Classic Dream Swissmatic really caught my eye. Price tag is $525. Based on my limited research it seems to be like a lot of watch for the price range it falls in. This would be the first watch I’ve ever purchased above about $80. So I am looking to make it last as long as possible and it to be considered “nice” as well.
submitted by No_Care9417 to Watches [link] [comments]