Sherman m3a4

2025.02.01 22:52 orel_pavo Sherman m3a4

Sherman m3a4 submitted by orel_pavo to modeltanks [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 Life_Blueberry_5315 Stabbing this morning

Does anyone know details on a guy getting stabbed this morning?
submitted by Life_Blueberry_5315 to Bozeman [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 Morisu_ Yes

Yes submitted by Morisu_ to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 fatsteve69 Is Phoebe's french translator with Sergei the submarine boyfriend??

submitted by fatsteve69 to howyoudoin [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 AutoNewspaperAdmin [World] - Why Trump Is Imposing Tariffs on Mexico | NY Times

[World] - Why Trump Is Imposing Tariffs on Mexico | NY Times submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 flying_trashcan Protesters along Buford Highway condemn ICE arrests

submitted by flying_trashcan to ATLnews [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 canadiangameplays Pra q serve os toon (MINHA OPINIAO

Pra q serve os toon (MINHA OPINIAO submitted by canadiangameplays to ShitpostBR [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 AntiSyst3m Así no era 😐

Así no era 😐 submitted by AntiSyst3m to MemesEnEspanol [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 Specialist-Coast9787 Battery monitor stats

Battery monitor stats Here are my Battery Monitor app stats for the past 2 weeks. I just ride around town so very little if any highway driving. It was a bit colder in the last weeks of January but back in the mid 70s now in central Florida.
Does anyone else use this app v3.7.8 from Leagand? How do your stars look? Especially interested for anyone with recent battery or ICCU problems.
submitted by Specialist-Coast9787 to KiaEV6 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 Kerosene91 Offering Italian (Native) | Seeking German (Native)

Hey! I'm M33. I spent some months in Germany back in 2016. I have still a basic understanding, but with time I lost most of my speaking and writing skills.
My goal would be having conversations via Skype or similar and regain some confidence in everyday German. Clearly the internet is a crazy place, so let's start chatting in English on reddit or telegram and build some confidence (and trust) before moving up. Once we have that, one call a week would be ideal for me, I guess.
We can talk about our interests and passion. I love hiking, climbing and trail running.
I know, I know, lot of rules, sorry. I swear I'm done! Feel free to contact me directly. Thank you..
submitted by Kerosene91 to language_exchange [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 veluring what kind of hawk is this?

what kind of hawk is this? was at the botanical gardens in atlanta and today and got to meet this cute fella, was wondering if anyone knew what kind he / she was
submitted by veluring to birds [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 AutoNewspaperAdmin [Business] - Trump Administration to Remove 4 Major News Outlets From Pentagon Office Space | NY Times

[Business] - Trump Administration to Remove 4 Major News Outlets From Pentagon Office Space | NY Times submitted by AutoNewspaperAdmin to AutoNewspaper [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 HawkeyeNation Free car washes this weekend at the Circle K on Tangerine/Thornydale

They’re also offering half off memberships for 3 months. Not affiliated at all, just know with the dust and the recent rain, I’m sure there are some peeps who could use a deal.
submitted by HawkeyeNation to Tucson [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 Unkown-Es es users r genuinely LAME asl

es users r genuinely LAME asl If it’s rage bait then it’s not funny, like this is a PIXEL game why r we being racist he causes it black history month? Like it’s genuinely giving unemployed vibes.. go do smt better w yalls lives.. PLEASEEE
submitted by Unkown-Es to everskiestrashhh [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 Northern_gardenwitch Los Barriles safety?

My husband and I are traveling with 3 kids to Los Barilles soon. With the travel advisory people keep telling us it’s a terrible idea. Staying in a single family Airbnb near downtown Los barilles, not in a resort. I was under the impression that Cabo, The corridor all the way to La Paz was pretty safe. Is it a bad idea to stay with kids in a house without the security of a resort?
Some friends recently got back from a trip to Cancun and there was an attempted child abduction on the beach at their all inclusive. Two men took a 6 and 4 year old and attempted to put them on wave runners. Luckily their dad intervened and tackled one of them and got his son and the other dropped his daughter and sped off in the wave runners. I know this unfortunate stuff happens everywhere, just trying to be a good traveler and not take any undue chances. What is that area like as far as criminal activity?
submitted by Northern_gardenwitch to BajaCaliforniaSur [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 HomeBeautiful1566 Looking for trades

Looking for trades I’d also sell some, but I’m looking for other cool modern cards, preferably of rookies or autos
submitted by HomeBeautiful1566 to baseballcards [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 Neither-Wishbone-389 Paranoia (?) nach Einbruch bei der besten Freundin

Ich mach es kurz und knapp: vor ca. einer Woche ist bei meiner besten Freundin nachts ein ihr unbekannter Mann über ihre geschlossene Balkontür in ihre Wohnung eingebrochen. Sie ist wach geworden als er in ihr Schlafzimmer kam und da rumschlich. Er hat wohl versucht über sie herzufallen, aber sie konnte der Situation irgendwie entkommen und ist aus ihrer Wohnung rüber zum Nachbarn gelaufen. Der hat dann die Polizei gerufen, aber der Typ ist natürlich entkommen und wurde bisher auch nicht gefasst.
Sie konnte noch nicht so detailliert über die Situation sprechen, da sie mental verständlicherweise komplett am Ende und aktuell auch in psychischer Behandlung ist. Daher kenne ich nicht alle Details, aber sie sagt, dass sie den Typen nicht kennt, ihn aber danach nochmal in der Nähe ihrer Wohnung gesehen hat. Die Polizei vermutet aktuell, dass er wohl ein Stalker ist.
Wir sind alle (ihre Freunde und Familie) völlig schockiert und fassungslos und versuchen zu unterstützen wo wir können. Die Sorge um sie und ihr mentales und physisches Wohlbefinden ist riesig, vor allem weil die Polizei leider auch komplett im Dunkeln tappt.
Ich merke aber auch, dass ich selber gerade immer paranoider werde und komplett mein Sicherheitsgefühl verloren habe. Ich habe gar nicht spezifisch Angst vor dem Typen, der bei ihr eingestiegen ist, sondern fühle mich allgemein komplett unsicher, insbesondere in meiner eigenen Wohnung.
Seit einer Woche schlafe ich nur noch mit Licht im Flur, werde andauernd wach nachts, prüfe erstmal genauestens meine Wohnung wenn ich nach Hause komme und gucke auf der Straße andauernd, ob mir irgendwelche Menschen folgen. Alleine in meiner Wohnung zu sein macht mich extrem nervös und ich merke, dass ich sehr angespannt bin, sobald es in Richtung Schlafenszeit geht. Das habe ich natürlich keinem bisher erzählt, weil ich irgendwie auch nicht komplett egoistisch rüberkommen möchte. Aber das hat mich schon komplett geschockt und beeinflusst und ich weiß ehrlich gesagt nicht, wie ich da wieder rauskomme. Jedes Geräusch in meiner Wohnung lässt mich aufhorchen und ich werde beim kleinsten Rascheln von Blättern sofort wach.
Was kann man da machen? Ich würde mir sofort therapeutische Hilfe holen, wenn nicht überall monatelange Wartelisten wären.
submitted by Neither-Wishbone-389 to Staiy [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 trapdoorberk99 Where was I 5 years ago?

Where was I 5 years ago? submitted by trapdoorberk99 to whereintheworld [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 Fine_Remove7235 PWHL Hobby Box Rip

PWHL Hobby Box Rip submitted by Fine_Remove7235 to PWHLCards [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 up_down_andallaround First in-person class

The prompt was to do an abstract with shapes. This is what I came up with. Not sure if I’m finished with it yet, but this took 2hrs.
submitted by up_down_andallaround to watercolor101 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 PeopleDisgustDaddy Just opened up store front and looking for suggestions for brands to carry

Really wanting to provide people a place to live their tablets . Any suggestions of brands to carry or to avoid?
submitted by PeopleDisgustDaddy to 7ohm [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 CCD831 Rekordbox 6 SoundCloud Bug

Apple M3 Pro MAC OS 15.1.1 Rekordbox 6.8.5
Just recently, I've started having issues with streaming tracks from SoundCloud. I can see them in my likes, add them to playlists, but when I load them to a deck it will only load the first 30 seconds of the track and will end abruptly. This happens seemingly randomly, with only some songs having the issue and others loading completely fine. It's not specific to "older" tracks in my likes or more recently added tracks. The track analysis under the waveform will show the entire track analyzed, but the ticker will move very fast through (because the audio is only 30 seconds when the full track is much longer).
I DJ open format at the same bar for ~10 hours per week and I use SoundCloud Go+ to stream requests and to keep the music fresh. Roughly 20% of my set is streamed, and I have an ethernet cable plugged in with over 200 Mbps download speed. I have never had an issue in the last three years with streaming, and downloading my entire library would be incredibly burdensome.
Any guidance or suggestions would be greatly appreciated; every time this happens and I don't catch it the 500+ person bar goes silent (and dark because I use rekordbox lighting).
Thanks in advance!
submitted by CCD831 to Rekordbox [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 hsolov Fairy Glamor - Onyx Rose

Fairy Glamor - Onyx Rose Just sharing this color since I scoured the Internet looking for a swatch of it and couldn't find it. This is Fairy Glamor - Onyx Rose, one of the limited edition Black Friday freebies. I guess they still had stock of it as it was part of a mystery box from my recent order.
First time using their dip and it turned out well! I can't take credit though - took it to my local nail salon. My nail tech loved it though! She took photos for her IG. Never seen anything like this!
submitted by hsolov to DipPowderNails [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 Marky-Man [WTS] Mossberg Cases, Hat, and 590 MLok Forend

submitted by Marky-Man to mossberg [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 QueenDymphna Too far away from my eponychium?

Too far away from my eponychium? This is my first try at using a sticker form with hybrid gel. I'm not sure if I like this technique or not. Regardless, did I get close enough to my eponychium? I can't decide if this gap is too big or about where it should be. TIA!!
submitted by QueenDymphna to Polygel [link] [comments]