Is my collection all authentic?

2025.02.01 22:52 DartThrowingBunny Is my collection all authentic?

Is my collection all authentic? Reposting hopefully with better pictures of everything
submitted by DartThrowingBunny to gameverifying [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 babecatj what’s coming into my life

what’s coming into my life I’d love a second opinion, anything you can pickup from this spread.
So I asked the cards what’s coming into my life ( generally ) I feel like some radical change will end a chapter in my life and it’ll bring a renewed sense of hope/peace, maybe it’s all part of the growth and emotional abundance ( empress ) the will manifest. overall I think this is good.
submitted by babecatj to Tarotpractices [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 hiIaNotSam Level 0 Ring

Got a ring with no requirements
submitted by hiIaNotSam to PathOfExile2 [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 throwaaayyyy1 Love the new origins but a few things annoy me

This game is a blast, however I have 2 complaints:
1) every dude in this game seems to be on the verge of making out, it’s right on that edge. Like bro, none of the dudes I know or have ever known act like this lol.
2) constantly having to keep companions alive is a fuckin annoying task. I hate that so much.
submitted by throwaaayyyy1 to dynastywarriors [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 ronnyobrian99 Location:Florida. So close to winning!! Can you accept my invitation? You will get so many free gifts worth $300 in return!Nudge nudge...

submitted by ronnyobrian99 to SheinSharingLinks [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 RA3SHELLE Juvenile turtle specimen

Hey, y'all. First time poster here in need of some advice. Not sure if this is the right sub. If not, point me in the right direction.
Last summer, around July or August, my partner came home with a wet specimen of a baby turtle (not sure what kind) that he made himself. It's been in alcohol the entire time I've had it. We changed the alcohol probably once this whole time and it's starting to evaporae. I'm assuming because the container isn't as airtight as we initially thought it was. Anyway, I'm just wondering if I could let it dry and preserve it in one of those floating frame display cases which I think would look very cool. I'm not familiar with making wet specimens as I usually only preserve the bones. Any advice? TYIA!!
submitted by RA3SHELLE to bonecollecting [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 Oxford-Comma9173 Preset naming bug

Looked and searched but nothing I found so far. With the update, lost the ability to name or rename locker presets.
Xbox S Can be replicated
submitted by Oxford-Comma9173 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 Topdigitalmarketing2 Die Besten Immobilienmakler In Schönefeld– Top-Makler In Ihrer Nähe | ExplodingBrands

submitted by Topdigitalmarketing2 to ExplodingBrands [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 Western-Jackfruit251 how do our brains remember that we forgot something, but we can't remember what that thing was?

submitted by Western-Jackfruit251 to RandomThoughts [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 Electronic-Lock4510 negative words about me

my PA complained about me to one of the women he was sexting. I’m really really struggling to get over this because it feels like that was his true feeling about me. he claims he talked badly about me because it helped justify him cheating but I don’t even trust anything he says anymore. will I ever get over this or is speaking badly about your spouse to another woman too far?
submitted by Electronic-Lock4510 to loveafterporn [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 TwistedCollossus [Gen 9] Early game blue duck!

[Gen 9] Early game blue duck! Never seen either Psyduck or Golduck shinies before, so I’m wondering what Golduck will look like. Just more blue somehow?
submitted by TwistedCollossus to ShinyPokemon [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 Browneyesbrowndragon Anyone here get a vasectomy through prisma greenville urology?

Just throwing it out there. Have a consultation in a month and definitely nervous about damage to the jewels. Pretty anxious about surgery period.
submitted by Browneyesbrowndragon to southcarolina [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 Forsaken-Special-700 Crashed dads rental car

My dad is with Pembridge and 1 month ago my dad got into an accident with a deer and his insurance gave him a rental car for the meantime.
I (his son) got into an accident with his rental car and I’m not under his policy for authorized driver on the rental car however I’m under Bélair direct and have my own insurance and have endorsement 27 included
I’m freaking out and crying because idk if I can pay out of pocket money to fix the rental car. I’m hoping my insurance belairdirect can cover it.
Can anyone please help and give any tips I’m depressed
submitted by Forsaken-Special-700 to Insurance [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 lovelyguest Any Ice activity in OC ??

Hello, anyone seen any ICE activity going on around garden grove , Stanton , Anaheim, Santa Ana , Westminster, Buena Park & Huntington Beach? So OC basically?
If you can provide proof that would be great !
submitted by lovelyguest to orangecounty [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 misader Checking in from the Fertitta Center TTU v UH

submitted by misader to CollegeBasketball [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 PepperMaduixa Anyone know the name of this avatar? (I collect cat avatars..)

Anyone know the name of this avatar? (I collect cat avatars..) submitted by PepperMaduixa to VRchatAvatars [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 Micoxaflopin Water hammer - arrestor hasn't fixed the issue

submitted by Micoxaflopin to Home [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 Willing-Size-5766 This is fine...

This is fine... submitted by Willing-Size-5766 to antimeme [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 traefrost Pokémon Platinum

Pokémon Platinum É possível melhorar algo antes de lutar contra a E4?
submitted by traefrost to NintendoBrasil [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 Inside-Corgi497 He broke up with me and told me everything I did wrong

My boyfriend of nearly 2 years broke up with me this afternoon. It was over the phone, too, which makes this awkward because I need to retrieve some of my things from his apartment. I hope he hasn't blocked my number yet. I'll coordinate with him later, but for now I just want to get this off my chest.
He also took the breakup as an opportunity to unload everything that he's had a problem with regarding me and our relationship. It was hard to hear him spew so much criticism about me. It caught me off guard.
I know what you might be thinking, but it wasn't like he's been saying these things for the whole relationship and I just ignored it all.
I told him from day one that I value honesty and open communication. He's always known that whenever I had an issue with something, or when I wanted to tell him how I felt, I would initiate a conversation or discussion with him. I'd also ask how he was doing, and how he felt about our relationship. He would always tell me that he still loved me, he was happy, and things were okay in the relationship.
A couple of things that he said I did wrong was that: I never cared about his interests, I never let him see his friends, he was unsatisfied with our sex life, and he's been out of love with me for at least a year and I never noticed. Let's address this one at a time.
Didn't care about his interests- Not true. I admit that I wasn't into everything my ex liked, but I made the active effort to participate in them. For instance, he told me that he was really into painting and going to the gym. I planned for some of our dates to be taking an art class, or to attend a paint and sip session. Many of our dates were even to just spend an hour or two at the gym together. He also really liked true crime; it wasn't my thing, but I would always agree to watch some true crime documentary or show with him. I really do not get this point at all.
Never let him see his friends- I don't get this one either. He was out with his friends at least several times a month. (As you get older, you'd understand just how rare and lucky that is!) Maybe if his argument was that he wanted more hangouts where it was just him and the boys I'd understand, but he always invited me to these gatherings. Or, he'd tell me that his friends invited me to come over. I don't understand how it's my fault that HE didn't take the initiative to plan something with just his friends. And I don't know why he couldn't have just told me that he wanted alone time with his friends. I've told him so many times that I understand that his friends are his, and I have mine.
Unsatisfied sex life- We did have a dry spell for a few months, but I didn't just ignore it. I even remember having a few convos with him about our sex life and if he was happy with it. I invited him to open up with me and share any kinks he had, or things he just wanted to try. He insisted he was fine with our usual sex life; he was just feeling very stressed out at the time. It went back to normal after those few months, so I took him at his word that he was just stressed.
Out of love with me for a year- I don't know how he can be angry with me for "not noticing sooner." I'm supposed to see my partner acting normally and just second guessing if he really wants to be there? I literally asked him several times if he was happy in our relationship, and he'd tell me everything was fine. Was I just supposed to assume he was lying? Is he really that crazy? If he really felt that way, wouldn't it be on him to let me know? I don't know why he waited so long to break up with me, then.
Some of my friends told me that he's probably making stuff up to kick me while I'm down. I don't want to believe he can be that cruel, but who really knows.
submitted by Inside-Corgi497 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 LE__guardian "A imagem perfeita não exis-"

submitted by LE__guardian to farialimabets [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 RuthlessDev71 How you would create your dream horror survival game?

Let's say you can create your dream survival horror game , how would it be? In terms of story , setting ,mechanics , monster , resource management, player perspective , gameplay type etc...
I'm a little bored , i'd like to see how others would want their dream survival horror game made and what not :)
submitted by RuthlessDev71 to videogames [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 Thomascrownaffair1 Explain these footprints I saw at the beach?

Explain these footprints I saw at the beach? submitted by Thomascrownaffair1 to mildlypenis [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 Mountain_Macaroon987 [OFFER] 18f nerdy girl looking for someone

Hey! Im a Californian girl, I love things like arts and craft, cooking, and I play games like minecraft! I am hoping to find someone who wants a genuine connection, really get to know each other. I am fully sfw, unless we get to know each other for awhile. I offer calls too, as long as its not video! Please feel free to dm me! Cant wait to get to know you!
I am an 18+ Adult offering/requesting SFW companionship to other 18+ adults only.
submitted by Mountain_Macaroon987 to HireAGirlfriend [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 22:52 Altruistic-Essay1459 Next Year

Next Year submitted by Altruistic-Essay1459 to Memes_Of_The_Dank [link] [comments]