Dicționar dexonline. Definiții pentru trigger din dicționarele: DN. TR I GGER s.n. 1. (Fiz.) Triodă cu catod rece, servind ca releu sau ca tub de amortizare. 2. TRIGGER [TR I GĂR] s. n. 1. triodă cu catod rece ca releu sau ca tub de amorsare. 2. 2. ( biol. ) factor declanșator care pune în mișcare un șir de acțiuni și reacții, de minimă contribuție energetică. TRIGGER [TRÍGĂR] s. n. 1. triodă cu catod rece ca releu sau ca tub de amorsare. 2. 2. (biol.) factor declanşator care pune în mişcare un şir de acţiuni şi reacţii, de minimă contribuţie energetică. Ai căutat controller trigger. La eMAG, ești liber să alegi din milioane de produse și branduri de top la prețuri avantajoase ⭐. Trigger mechanism in a bolt action rifle: (A) trigger, (B) sear, (C) striker spring, (D) striker. Thompson submachine gun trigger. A trigger is a mechanism that actuates the function of a ranged weapon such as a firearm, airgun, crossbow, or speargun. Găsiți toate traducerile lui trigger în Română precum factor declanşator, trăgaci, punct de declanșare și multe altele. Un trigger reprezinta un stimul fata de care noi oamenii reactionam intr-un mod exagerat. De multe ori, aceste reactii sunt automate. Cu totii avem sensibilitatile noastre. Trigger (particle physics), hardware or software based device for the (online-)selection of specific event classes from large datasets; Trigger, one event that makes a slope failure in landslides, in the causes of landslides; Environmental trigger, a factor caused (or aided) by the environment; ATLAS trigger system, in the ATLAS experiment Ford confirms he'll trigger 28-day election campaign next Wednesday Premier says vote needed in face of U.S. tariff threat NDP, Liberals and Greens all critical of election call Trigger is a statement that a system executes automatically when there is any modification to the database. In a trigger, we first specify when the trigger is to be executed and then the action to be performed when the trigger executes. trigger n (mechanism control) declanșator s.n. The terrorists used a mobile phone as the trigger for the bomb. trigger n: figurative (provocation) declanșator s.n. declic s.n. The trigger for the war was the assassination of the archduke. Following the success of its first series, Trigger Point’s second season was also well-received when it aired in 2024. On average, it gained 8.1 million viewers and was streamed 30m times on ITVX. trigger (third-person singular simple present triggers, present participle triggering, simple past and past participle triggered) ( transitive ) To fire (a weapon ). Synonyms: activate , detonate , fire , set off The Trump administration's attempt to withhold federal funding is fueling a long-brewing legal battle over the core constitutional principle that Congress gets to decide how to spend taxpayer money. With Rapid Trigger, your character will stop strafing at the precise moment you start lifting your finger, leading to better aiming with your mouse. Whether you're a Street Fighter VI keyboard warrior or you're fighting enormous bosses in Elden Ring or other soulslike games, no input or release latency means you will land those perfect parries ... TRIGGER definition: 1. a part of a gun that causes the gun to fire when pressed: 2. an event or situation, etc. that…. Learn more. A conditional trigger is a DML or system trigger that has a WHEN clause that specifies a SQL condition that the database evaluates for each row that the triggering statement affects. When a trigger fires, tables that the trigger references might be undergoing changes made by SQL statements in other users' transactions. Trigger Point series 3 will air on ITV1 and ITVX, where the first two series are streaming now. More on: ITV Trigger Point. popular now. Trigger Point series 3 plot and cast as filming begins. “Învinge-ți frica !” (titlul original: Trigger) – un serial ce poate sta fără doar si poate alături de capodoperele cinematografiei rusești ! Amintesc doar cîteva: Al 41-lea, Moscova nu crede în lacrimi, Anna Karenina, Război și pace, Solaris, Călăuza și multe altele. Reverso Context oferă traducere în context din engleză în română pentru "trigger", cu exemple: pulled the trigger, pull that trigger, trigger-happy, pulling the trigger, trigger finger TRIGGER meaning: 1. a part of a gun that causes the gun to fire when pressed: 2. an event or situation, etc. that…. Learn more. TRIGGER [TRÍGĂR] s. n. 1. triodă cu catod rece ca releu sau ca tub de amorsare. 2. (biol.) factor declanșator care pune în mișcare un șir de acțiuni și reacții, de minimă contribuție energetică. (< engl. trigger) substantiv neutrutrigger Trigger în psihologie este o bufniță simplă «declanșatorul» unei reacții emoționale ascuțite a unei persoane. Cu cât impactul asupra conștiinței este mai puternic, cu atât mai strălucitoare este explozia emoțională. Iran warns that any attack on its nuclear sites would trigger ‘all-out war’ Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi tells Al Jazeera that Iran would ‘immediately and decisively’ to an US or ... TRIGGER [TRÍGĂR] s. n. 1. triodă cu catod rece ca releu sau ca tub de amorsare. 2. 2. (biol.) factor declanșator care pune în mișcare un șir de acțiuni și reacții, de minimă contribuție energetică. The meaning of TRIGGER is a piece (such as a lever) connected with a catch or detent as a means of releasing it; especially : the part of the action moved by the finger to fire a gun. How to use trigger in a sentence. Traducerea "trigger" în română . trăgaci, provoca, ațîța sunt cele mai bune traduceri ale "trigger" în română. Exemplu de propoziție tradusă: I'm gonna tell them that I pulled the trigger. ↔ Le voi spune că eu am apăsat pe trăgaci. Define trigger. trigger synonyms, trigger pronunciation, trigger translation, English dictionary definition of trigger. n. 1. a. The lever pressed by the finger to discharge a firearm. b. A similar device used to release or activate a mechanism. 2. Something that precipitates...
2025.02.01 22:41 oyvinol Can't dweomer spell trigger
I found an early Spell Trigger scroll and learned it. It is im my spell book. But when I cast Nahal's Reckless Dweomer it does not show up in the list. Any ideas?
According to the wiki it seems like it should work.
submitted by oyvinol to baldursgate [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 DuppyLoLo A question for the community
Hey everyone! I’ve noticed that all posts that link out to YouTube perform poorly, but it’s the only practical way to post long form projects with audio. How should a creator post short films in a way that promotes engagement?
submitted by DuppyLoLo to stopmotion [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 Rough_Rich_687 Slightly modified blade.
submitted by Rough_Rich_687 to knifeclub [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 Distinct-Calendar334 Pokémon Fire red deluxe part 1 | Bug catcher Sam
submitted by Distinct-Calendar334 to TheLucarioMaster [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:41 Previous-Farm9046 Im seeing a lot of arcteryx sales on here-are there any u guys know of in nyc?
Same as title.
submitted by Previous-Farm9046 to arcteryx [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 fragilemuse Roll of Kodacolor-X found at an antique store. Stand developed in Rodinal.
submitted by fragilemuse to forgottenfilm [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:41 Russian_Gunner Skyhunter choice
submitted by Russian_Gunner to D4Rogue [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 MrBlack87 H: Gatling plasma mods in picture W: All 3 for 100 Tesla science 9 mags
submitted by MrBlack87 to Market76 [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:41 keepwaterpure Oily film in tap water?
submitted by keepwaterpure to everythingaboutwater [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 Mynameisjt_ mynameisjt - spacebound
submitted by Mynameisjt_ to SoundcloudPromotion [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:41 Gears_nd_Games Check out my latest GT7 reel, appreciate the feedback!
submitted by Gears_nd_Games to selfpromotion [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 btco_ DJ Honda - h beats collection: Vol.3 [Instrumentals] [2025]
submitted by btco_ to BeatTapeCoOp [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:41 JuniorPlastic3562 Who looks better to you, Paul Walker or Johnny Depp?
submitted by JuniorPlastic3562 to trueratediscussions [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:41 Pale_Insurance_2139 Trump slaps tariffs on Canada, Mexico, China, risking higher prices for U.S. consumers
submitted by Pale_Insurance_2139 to PrepperIntel [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:41 Super-Quantity-5208 Anyone wanna suck some Nazi cock
submitted by Super-Quantity-5208 to PunkMemes [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 FloatingMonkeyPaw Need help with proving the Mrs wrong (I hope) lol
I (M40) started watching Pokémon when it first came out, I've just started collecting Obsidian Flames but according to my Mrs Pokémon cards are for kids and no adult collects them. So I'm asking for age of people that collect so I can hopefully prove her wrong!
submitted by FloatingMonkeyPaw to PokemonTCG [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 Primary-Change5225 trolls
https://preview.redd.it/lmke4kgdjlge1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=43cda2d876271e7f1b3cc35bd2d87dd6f1a80a15 if you see these two players please throw their game, they hid in basement for 15 minutes playing for hatch while we had 3 survs left and 1 gen left to do. they let me get to 2nd state and then let me bleed out submitted by Primary-Change5225 to deadbydaylight [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:41 SkyeRide01 Magical Girl Firefly (By: shii)
submitted by SkyeRide01 to HonkaiStarRail [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:41 Magic-Meg Japanese Canker Sore Covers
I know there are things that are similar to this in the states but I’ve heard mixed reviews and they can sting. These are clear on one side and you touch/place the red side onto your finger. Doesn’t sting, got rid of 90% of the pain. Created a white foam layer after it fell off. I still have a white patch on my canker, which usually would be hurting me but it doesn’t hurt to eat at all ! This was only with one patch ! Definitely would pick this up if you ever find yourself in Japan.
submitted by Magic-Meg to CankerSores [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 Jenna_iscool Botox Provider
Hey guys! I’m an RN and just recently got my botox injection certification but I need to source my own clients. It is concierge botox so it allows clients to do get treatments from their house but I need to find my own clients. Any advice on where to post/ get clients in this area? I’ve already done social media advertising on my platforms but that’s about it. If anyone is interested lmk:)
submitted by Jenna_iscool to lehighvalley [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 2816650237 Update on my 180 dollar 7600xt
So my order has been cancelled and I was informed by the seller that I must pay full price instead of the discounted price, my money should be refunded within 10 business days, I will keep you guys updated
submitted by 2816650237 to PcBuild [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 kietbulll Peace..
submitted by kietbulll to flowers [link] [comments] |
2025.02.01 22:41 Huge_Wish3402 Water in steertube
Bike: Revv1 HT
Backstory: bought new suspension tried to put it on myself, couldnt, sent it to bike shop, they said it didn't fit the bike, put the original front suspension back on.
They put it on wrong even though I kept telling them that I have the parts and it's moving way too much. Im not good with bikes so there was nothing I could do.
This was the first time I rode the bike out in the rain and it is not good. I think water got into my steertube and its making it near impossible to move the handlebars. Like its stuck straight. I can't even dissasemble it to put the bearings back in and dry it off because the shop stripped the allen key to take off the handle bars.
So what do I do now? I got water in the steertube and no way to get it out
submitted by Huge_Wish3402 to bikewrench [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 Ok_Crew_9517 Making some onion soup
Hey everyone
Trying a new recipe and making onion soup for the first time. Hoping it turns out nice with the tasty bread I picked up.
Anyone else like to try new recipes and not afraid of how it turns out?
submitted by Ok_Crew_9517 to CasualConversation [link] [comments]
2025.02.01 22:41 Yobbo99 What animal left this scat? Bear? [Quebec/Vermont border]
Largish animal scat found near house in countryside. Many sunflower seed from birdfeeder (and yes, our birdfeeder has been raided in the past).
submitted by Yobbo99 to animalid [link] [comments]