Maddie being a “brat”

Brat是英语中的一个俚语,意思是“顽皮、不听话的孩子”。Brat一词起源于英国,在20世纪40年代,美国航空兵团在英国驻扎期间发起了一项运动,来表明他们在“大英帝国”的国土上,年轻而精力充沛的美国士兵与旧式英国生活方式的碰撞。 Brat(或 Bratty)是一个网络用语,通常用于形容一些在言语或行为上表现出不尊重、挑衅或叛逆的人。在某些情况下,Brat 也可以指代那些虽然表现出不良行为,但实际上只是想要引起关注或拒绝接受传统限制的人。 以下是一些 Brat 的常见特征和不听话的瞬间: 1. Brat的“打闹”实际上只是想增加一些娱乐方式,并非真正试图改变权力关系。 4. 并非所有Dom都能应对brat,这需要足够的耐心和包容心。同时,并非所有人都能体会到brat的乐趣。对于严肃认真的Dom来说,即使是轻微的顶撞和反抗也难以忍受。 5. brat作为一个性取向存在,并不意味着他们只与同一性取向的人相匹配。与其他性取向相同,brat可能与任何性取向的人建立性或情感关系。对于支配者来说,与brat进行交往可能会是一场挑战,但同时也会使关系更具火花和刺激性。 你应该没见过sub或者brat的自评表吧),基本上都统称为女m女慕或者男m男慕,心里清楚是什么就好了! 根本不用分到那麼细的。 根本原因是: brat即女sub对应的属性是调皮、作怪、反抗、胡闹、顽皮,以及不守规矩的M(仆人,受虐者)中的一个属性,即比较皮的M,喜欢逗一逗主人。 1、Brat也被称为bratty sub,它是sub中比较有“反抗”精神,喜欢违抗Dom的命令的类型,她们往往是故意这么做,以引起Dom的关注,并享受“作”的快感。 brat属性. 女brat的属性是调皮、作怪、反抗、胡闹、顽皮。 Brat也被称为bratty sub,它是sub中比较有“反抗”精神,喜欢违抗命令的类型,往往是故意这么做,以引起关注,并享受“作”的快感。brat在ddlg中表现的更加明显。 在字母圈中,brat也被称为bratty sub,指的是那些喜欢不听话的submissive(顺从者)。 2. 在字母圈内,"brat"是一个术语,代表违抗命令的行为。它通常用来描述那些喜欢故意反抗、寻求关注和撒娇的人,就像小孩一样。 3. "Brat"是英语单词,主要用作名词。 如何驾驭皮上天的brat?是sub中的皮皮怪,全称brattysub。特征十分的明显——喜欢违抗主的命令,利用各种作死手段让dom气急败坏,他们自带作死体质,生怕你找不到机会惩罚他们。 因为brat的反抗和sub的服从心是有一定矛盾的,所以会有部分人觉得这样的为什么会划分为sub,甚至不应该是属于bdsm圈子之内。在很多人的思想里都会认为m|sub她们的服从度不是应该很高吗,为什么还有这么淘气的小家伙?她们还真的是下位者嘛?

2025.02.01 23:50 Good_Brilliant323 Maddie being a “brat”

So we all know some of maddie’s interviews were bratty.. but she was a kid in a very stressful environment. Also when Melissa went out to get coffee for the lucky video, Christi also made an appointment to set Chloe up with the finest acting coach. So I’m wondering why she didn’t get called out for that? Because in a way it was trying to take advantage of the opportunity, Melissa getting called out was very understandable but why was Christi not called out for doing the exact same thing but in a different manner. Also, tying back to maddie bring a “brat”, during the appointment Chloe said that she and maddie were the better ones out of the group. AGAIN she is a kid just like maddie but I’m wondering why it wasn’t talked about because if maddie were to say that everyone would be up her ass. I’m genuinely wondering so don’t come at me 😭😭
submitted by Good_Brilliant323 to dancemoms [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:50 leakforyou 🍈

submitted by leakforyou to ChantelJeffries [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:50 SneakerUncle720 Sizing help for Crocs Nova Trek

Hi all! Im a size 9US TTS for most of my sneakers(8.5 Mostly for Jordans and 9 usually for anything else), and I just found a great deal online for a pair of Nova Treks for around £41, with no pair available locally to try on. Shall I get a size 8us or a 9us for these Nova Treks?
submitted by SneakerUncle720 to crocs [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:50 Chinohito Command/event for NCR elections?

Playing a Kimball run, and Hayes has rigged the election by stuffing balots (there was enough time remaining for one more of his campaigns and I thought he couldn't flip anything with one so I didn't invest pp for it). So now it would go forwards to the civil war path.
How can I, as Kimball legally and rightfully steal, I mean win, the election with a command? My last save is a while ago, so I don't particularly want to replay a large section. I'll even RP it by removing a bunch of pp as Kimball rigging the election.
submitted by Chinohito to OldWorldBlues [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:50 TheGamingSenpa1 We’re thinking my mom is in the stages of passing away in hospice

Yesterday I was 3 hours away because of college, and I got a call that my mom is possibly in the stages of passing away, and so ai rushed home. Shes not eating or drinking much anymore, it seems the things she could do when I left to go back to college, she cant exactly do anymore. We have to help her to the bathroom, and shes just weak overall. Im only 20 and I seriously cannot vision my mom not being in my life, I cannot picture her being dead longer than ive spent time with her. It hurts that my once independent, fast going mother who was able to do everything by herself, now needs help doing most things. It hurts me a lot to think of my sweet mom not being in my life anymore.
submitted by TheGamingSenpa1 to Vent [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:50 ComfortableBitter895 Data transfer

It says that my account is linked but I'm still playing the beginning. Is it over for me. I had so many good things
submitted by ComfortableBitter895 to wizardry [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:50 Ok_Supermarket7356 🎲 FREE $10 NO DEPOSIT

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Honestly, it's depressing for me to look at... this tank has changed so much since I got it. I hate having to start over AGAIN. Hopefully this time the plants will do well and I won't mess them up. 😅
The first photo is how it looks currently. Second is how it looked before redoing it. Third is in its glory before everything went wrong.
submitted by monicarnage to ProperFishKeeping [link] [comments]

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I just found out I have a 4cm ovarian cyst on my left ovary pressing on my left iliac vein stent. It is very painful. I also have lots of bloating, constant fullness & have gained 11 pounds. I am waiting on a follow dr appt. Anyone else have this? What was your outcome?
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Hey yall my cousin lives in kernville and whenever I visit him we go fishing but the last year or so we have been having a lot of trouble getting on some, I was wondering if anybody had any tips? We don't care what species we fish for.
submitted by UncleBobbyyy to KernFishing [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:50 ExpressionOfNature Mushin (no mind) shoshin (beginners mind). What’s the difference?

Also where did these terms originate from?
submitted by ExpressionOfNature to zen [link] [comments]

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How should I go about studying for the multiple choice portion, and what stuff should I review.
Then how should I study effectively for the short answer questions.
submitted by CareerFit7657 to McMaster [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:50 Which-Guitar-9925 Hello Friends, Planning on Moving to Tirana

I'm planning on moving to Tirana in a year or so. I'm a single guy, no kids, etc. on a static income. I have tried to research as much as I can regarding the move and living situation there.
I am an American and I now receive $2090/month from Social Security Disability. I currently live in Ventura, CA. The cost of living has become unbearable. Also, just to let you know where I'm coming from, Trump is the president again, and the thought of enduring another 4 years of a buffoon just.... can't happen.
I've looked to move elsewhere over the past decade or so, because of cost of living, etc. I settled on Albania because of all of the reasons YOU love Albania. My plan is to head to Tirana for a month or so at an AirBnB and then go longterm there for a year. After that, I've heard the coast and lakes are great, but baby steps, baby.
All of this being said, I do have some questions, which I can probably find with research, but I figured I'd ask. If I bring electronics, does my power cord comply? I'm a computer nerd, so should I BRING my computer or build one there? What, to you, are the MOST important things to bring, and the things we think we need but we don't?
Also, this really has nothing to do with moving there, but it kind of eats at me. I'm told that Albania isn't a tipping society. Yet, I hear so much about how much the local people struggle. I worked in the hospitality industry most of my life, and I TIP, especially when I know people need it. If I come there and start tipping 20-25% is that going to be some kind of insult or obnoxious tourist behavior?
Any and all tips would be welcome. Again, it's a way off but I am DEFINITELY going, as soon as my finances are in the right place.
submitted by Which-Guitar-9925 to AlbaniaExpats [link] [comments]

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2025.02.01 23:50 rizzm3ga gear mod bug

I did a plane race beat it and got 5 gears and unlocked the air boost but when i relaunched the game i cant deactivate it nor can i use the air boost on rebel dropped vehicles.
submitted by rizzm3ga to JustCause [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:50 thatgaygirlwcats ISO pet stairs

ISO pet stairs Our old girl has been having some trouble jumping up on our bed, even with having an ottoman for her to get to first. Hoping someone has some they’re not using before I go buy one! Pic of our girl enjoying her heated blanket for cat tax
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2025.02.01 23:50 PapaChubNuts Accidentally shot Eileen the Crow, am I screwed?

It was the first encounter outside the cathedral where she helps you fight the other hunter. Bumped L2 with my knee while listening to her dialogue and shot her point blank so now she’s permanently aggro’d. Are there any npc’s like Oswald in this game that’ll make her peaceful again or do I just have to kill her now. If so what am I going to miss from her quest line.
submitted by PapaChubNuts to bloodborne [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:50 jvc72 Buy Signal Fellaz USD - 1 Feb 2025 @ 18:42 -> USD1.964

Ticker: FLZUSD
Exchange: CRYPTO
Time: 1 Feb 2025 @ 18:42
Price: USD1.964
submitted by jvc72 to getagraph [link] [comments]

2025.02.01 23:50 p00pazoid101 I’m scared

I’m pretty sure I have the flu not the stomach one thankfully but the cold one, yesterday I wouldn’t stop sneezing I went to bed early and woke up in the middle of the night having a panic attack because my nose was stuffy throat hurt and I thought I’d get sick. Today literally felt like the longest day of my life I’ve had body aches I’ve been sobbing on the floor because I didn’t want to get sick and I’ve had headaches, my fever won’t go down and seems to be stuck at 101.8 I’m really feeling sick and don’t know what to do I ate earlier when I felt better but after I took a nap I woke up feeling like I was going to get sick again on top of that I’m freezing my head hurts and I have very bad body aches. I don’t know what to do I’m freaking out.
submitted by p00pazoid101 to emetophobia [link] [comments]