Hi and welcome! But excuse the mess!

2025.02.02 00:01 tasteslikechikken Hi and welcome! But excuse the mess!

If you're just lurking and looking around fantastic but I sincerely hope you join and post!
Who am I:
Just a hobbyist who sews. If I had to push myself I'd be low level Advanced Beginner. My hope is to have other's who are looking to push themselves to learn more, get geeky with the information and really share stuff, join some challenges, sew up some fabric.
I would not class myself as intermediate just yet but I'm working toward that.
My sewing experience:
I learned when I was really young but, like lots of things, I didn't exactly stay with it in a linear fashion. I got more seriously into it when I hit 40 and got my first pup, but even then it was sporadic because my work schedule was heinous. Most of what I sewed at that time was for my dogs (or any dog heck...lol) and the focus was dog clothes, collars, pillows. I did a lot of volunteer sewing during this time and I feel like that helped me grow into some of my skills. I'd do some housewares items too but garments? nah too scared!
In 2019 I got very interested in sewing more because it was then that I really noticed how terrible clothing had become off the rack, especially the fact you pay so much and nothing fit. So it was then that I embarked on garment sewing. I started slow with a lowly loose fitting collard shirt. I've graduated to some pretty cool stuff now, but, I got a long way to go. I figure thats OK even if I don't, but I love to learn from others who do these things. I have made my own slopers and I think that was cool. I haven't made any patterns. I probably won't.
On my lunch hour I will spend it with my practice squares, because I'm trying to get my hand sewing up to snuff.
Some weekends I don't sew but I have practice time to work the kinks out.
What am I sewing right now?
Shirts (it seems like its always a shirt...lol)
submitted by tasteslikechikken to sewingismysuperpower [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:01 Glum-Dot1565 Ask Anything Thread

Use this thread to ask anything at all!
submitted by Glum-Dot1565 to starwarsvideo [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:01 Survivingonredbulls It doesn’t hurt as bad this time round…

Me and my ex were together for almost two years, we broke up for about 4 months at one point and that was the hardest most painful thing I have ever been through. Since we got back together it was hell being with him and he repeated the same mistakes and we had to end things again but… idk I feel okay. It’s been about a month and don’t get me wrong, I’m heartbroken and still miss and love him and I have my days where I cry but no where near last time? I’m not sure why this time is different but.. it just feels it. Anyone relate?
submitted by Survivingonredbulls to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:01 DapperSignature1847 What games can be played with a cast on?

I recently broke my right thumb, unallowing me to play video games. I've recently been playing balatro lots, and wondering what other games I could play.
submitted by DapperSignature1847 to Steam [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:01 tommy_rugrats wickerman under contruction

wickerman under contruction submitted by tommy_rugrats to altontowers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:01 Aware-Photograph-443 Help my Brother-in-law/Journeyman Welder

Hey y’all, looking for work leads for my brother-in-law.
My brother-in-law is a journeyman welder with 10 years of experience, mainly in stick welding. He’s been making around $38/hr-$45/hr for the past few years, but for the last 3-5 months or so, he’s had a tough time finding steady work. He’s worked in Ohio, Arizona—you name it—for the past year for a company. The company they moved operations to Canada & couldnt make it, since he has family here in West TN.
If anyone in the Memphis or West Tennessee area or knows of any companies hiring welders, or even union job openings, we’d really appreciate the info. He’s already applied for millwork (I think that’s the name), but hasn’t heard back yet. He's willing to work just about any state and has his own transportation.
Any leads, contacts, or advice would be super helpful. Thanks in advance!
submitted by Aware-Photograph-443 to memphis [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: čuvati

čuvati translates to keeping
Join our new subreddit for language learners @ /LearnANewLanguage
submitted by sharewithme to BCSFeed [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:01 wisepoetess Any Graphic designers?

Hi! I’m looking for a graphic designer for a project I’m working on for my business. Is there any one on here that does freelance or can refer me to any good graphic designers?
Thank you!
submitted by wisepoetess to stcatharinesON [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:01 twiggy1410 Bringing whalers back

Hey everyone I know it’s a crazy long shot but I made a tik tok trying to get attention and bring whalers back if anyone can show support it’ll mean a lot! I started it few days ago already have 500 followers!! tik tok is TheHartfordWhalers
submitted by twiggy1410 to HartfordWhalers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:01 ShotLeather9458 Claim Your Bonus on Chicken.GG!

Use promo code alexnorette on Chicken.GG to unlock free credits and start gambling with extra funds! Start here: https://chicken.gg/alexnorette
submitted by ShotLeather9458 to StrikePot [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:01 TheDirtyJeeper Paint Huffer Metal Flake

Has anybody used the rattle can with metal flake in it? And how did it come out? Building a bike in my garage and want to know if it’s worth it
submitted by TheDirtyJeeper to Spraypaint [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:01 Cool_Algae_6701 Strap positions for short tops?😭

Hello everyone! My absolute favorite thing to do is to use the strap on my girlfriend, and she loves it, but i’ve run into a bit of an issue. I’m quite short, and we have a 9 inch height difference. This causes a lack of variety in the things I’m able to do, which has proven to be a little annoying for me. Does anyone have any specific position recommendations, or just ways I can compensate for my height. Any answer is greatly appreciated lol
submitted by Cool_Algae_6701 to actuallesbians [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:01 FoodWholesale Big Florida panther spotted recently near Babcock Ranch in Southwest Florida. The FWC collared and weighed it at 165 pounds, one of the largest ever recorded in Florida.

Big Florida panther spotted recently near Babcock Ranch in Southwest Florida. The FWC collared and weighed it at 165 pounds, one of the largest ever recorded in Florida. submitted by FoodWholesale to WildFloridaPanthers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:01 Narrow_Cabinet_9123 Vems syrra kan få mig att spruta? DM

submitted by Narrow_Cabinet_9123 to tiktoktjej [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:01 cytotec-panama Estamos ofreciendo una excelente oportunidad para quienes buscan calidad y buen precio en electrodomésticos usados. Contamos con una nevera Samsung Inverter de 390 litros en 990.000, ideal para quienes necesitan mayor capacidad y eficiencia en el consumo de energía.

Estamos ofreciendo una excelente oportunidad para quienes buscan calidad y buen precio en electrodomésticos usados. Contamos con una nevera Samsung Inverter de 390 litros en 990.000, ideal para quienes necesitan mayor capacidad y eficiencia en el consumo de energía. submitted by cytotec-panama to outletzonecol [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: mantener

mantener translates to keeping
Join our new subreddit for language learners @ /LearnANewLanguage
submitted by sharewithme to Vocabulario [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:01 DarthNoxFanboy Fan Hörspiel

Moin zusammen, ich begeistere mich total für Star Wars und Hörspiele, wodurch ich auch wieder auf die Darth Bane Triologie kam, die in alten Tagen noch auf YouTube vertont wurde.
Mit den neuen KI Features, wie zum Beispiel Elevenlabs, bin ich am Überlegen selbst Hörspiele (mit den professionellen Stimmen) zu erstellen und sie auf YouTube hochzuladen. Glaubt ihr es gäbe eine Zielgruppe oder würden meine Mühen nur in den Unweiten der Galaxis verschwinden? Ich persönlich hätte Lust auf die Ära der alten Republik.
Falls ihr Tipps oder Beiträge habt, was ihr gerne hören wollt und auf was ich achten sollte, würde ich mich sehr über hilfreiche Kommentare freuen 💪
submitted by DarthNoxFanboy to KriegDerSterne [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:01 jennijennijennijenn Pergunta para os adolescentes (18 -) Nerd é o novo emo popular?

Na escola o esteriótipo de nerd ainda é taxado de otário perdedor ou é o banbanban, comedor(a) e ovacionado(a)?
Nerd: pessoas anti-sociais e saudosistas que são atraídas por cinema, literatura, RPG, tecnologia, coleções, ficção científica, história em quadrinhos, jogos de xadrez, estudos, outros e compra caderno de Naruto 🤓
Tenho 25 anos e na minha época de escola era EXTREMAMENTE ridículo quem curtia animes e etc, era tirado de otário mesmo, mas nunca neguei meu amor pelo maior BL da história, Naruto e a raposa rabuda de 9 caldas ❤️
Faço esse questionamento pq vi um vídeo no tiktok de um adolescente mostrando material escolar e tudo era na temática Naruto e todos estavam elogiando nos comentários, o mundo mudou?
submitted by jennijennijennijenn to conversas [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:01 HammondXX Canada was notified this morning by the U.S. that they will be subject to tariffs: 25% across the board with exception of energy, which will be 10%. Would take effect Tuesday & be in place until the fentanyl issue is sorted, per CTV

Canada was notified this morning by the U.S. that they will be subject to tariffs: 25% across the board with exception of energy, which will be 10%. Would take effect Tuesday & be in place until the fentanyl issue is sorted, per CTV submitted by HammondXX to americanoligarchy [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:01 ImEliasK Its currently February 02, 2025 at 01:01AMat GMT +2

Its currently February 02, 2025 at 01:01AM at GMT +2
submitted by ImEliasK to gmt2 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:01 Different_Permit_535 Will Import Duty Decrease?

submitted by Different_Permit_535 to IndiaTech [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:01 Dynasty_Handbag Switching out my Herman Miller inspired modern chair with vintage Eams I recently had reupholstered in white leather. The Eams won't be as comfortable, but I do like the way it looks (-:

Switching out my Herman Miller inspired modern chair with vintage Eams I recently had reupholstered in white leather. The Eams won't be as comfortable, but I do like the way it looks (-: submitted by Dynasty_Handbag to malelivingspace [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:01 dntmesswithjess What should we be purchasing to prepare for costs to rise?

Hello, what are some items that we should be looking to purchase with potential hard economic times? I am aware of the predicted government shut down in March which is supposed to be much worse than the previous shut downs.
submitted by dntmesswithjess to TwoXPreppers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:01 titiver Does torpedo damage can count as spotting damage ?

Like if I torp from the angle of an island an turn around while the ship I torp is spotted by an ally, does this ally get spotting damage ? I'm just curious
submitted by titiver to WorldOfWarships [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:01 TheRealRetroBitch Xiu Xiu Trading Card from Insound

Xiu Xiu Trading Card from Insound No idea how I got this. I'm a collector of vintage pop culture ephemera in general i.e. flyers, posters, records, etc. So, it probably fell into the mix somewhere along the line.
Obviously 2 of 10 means there's more. Anyone have the whole set?
submitted by TheRealRetroBitch to xiuxiu [link] [comments]
