2025.02.02 00:00 Frequent-Ad8384 B4B $Jeffrey-Collette
Have all 4 Boost back immediately
submitted by Frequent-Ad8384 to chimeboost [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:00 Pippost_official Enjoying the news we share? - Join us on Telegram for FREE!
submitted by Pippost_official to pippost [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:00 aintdiscoenough Orchard street backed up?
Does anyone know why south Orchard street near Emerson is so backed up? There's a huge line of cars honking and revving their engines.
submitted by aintdiscoenough to Tacoma [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:00 itsmillertime3 Amazon lower grill inserts
Just added these to my ‘23 CE
Pretty straightforward, test fit before pulling the adhesive strips, this gives a good indication where the correct one goes. I didn’t zip tie like others suggested, they fit quite snug and I tugged on them a bit, felt pretty secure. Before and after photos.
submitted by itsmillertime3 to CX5Mods [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:00 fenerhotspurs Quite a dangerous opponent 🇩🇰 #københavn #denmark #danmark #stockholm #norway #sweden #finland
submitted by fenerhotspurs to Androdog [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:00 sections-game Sections #93
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submitted by sections-game to Sections [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:00 garitone The designer of the 4th Gen OB headlight assembly was pure evil
Warning: rant ahead. I love my ruby red pearl 2012 3.6R Limited I bought from my parents, but with one HUGE exception. Never in my life have I had to, or even considered, have a mechanic install a fricking headlight bulb....until now!
I watched a bunch of videos, bought a Hella H7LL bulb, and felt ready to tackle the project. The low beam bulb can only be accessed by half-removing the wheel well liner, or dropping the whole bumper assembly. I tried the former. Removing the 4 plastic push rivets wasn't hard, but two broke (fine). I could see half of the grey cap covering the back of the bulb, but when I reached in, I was only working by feel. I could feel the grey cap, but couldn't twist it due to the metal frame piece right up against it.
I sat in my driveway for an hour total, swearing and hoping I didn't break anything while I was in there. Finally, I called my Subi dealer and they quoted me $45 to replace it. No appointment was needed. I could pull into their Xpress lane and it would take 15-20 minutes. I told them I'd already bought an H7 bulb and asked if it'd drop the price. They said it would knock it down to $25. Great!!!
7:30am today I pulled in, gave them the bulb, asked if they'd show me how to access the bulb, and sat in their nice waiting room with an amazing automatic coffee maker! 30 minutes, nothing. 45, nothing. Finally, after 1 hour, the guy came and got me. When I got back to the service bay, the mechanic had it up on a lift, had taken the wheel off and dropped the entire wheel well liner! He managed to get the cap off and was going to install the bulb. Back to the waiting room.
30 minutes later, the manager came out and told me that he's going to comp my entire service for the delay and that the metal retaining clip had sprung into the engine bay when they tried to put it back on. They didn't have another and were going to call another dealer because Subaru doesn't sell them separately. If they couldn't get another clip, they'd just replace the entire headlight assembly at no charge!
20 minutes later, he came out and said they found the clip and my car was ready.
1) I don't feel so bad about not being able to do this myself
2) I can't believe I got out of a dealership service bay for $0
2) Whoever designed this may rot in hell
submitted by garitone to Subaru_Outback [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:00 AutoModerator The Boss Wars, episode one
Gaia, god of Earth vs God Lord! Fight!
Gaia uses Earth Strike! 400 damage!
God Lord uses Multiverse Eye! Plus 80 defence for God Lord!
Gaia uses Four Leaf Clover! Critical Hit chance quintupled!
God Lord uses God Laser! 550 damage!
Gaia uses Titan Blast! CRITICAL HIT, 300 damage is now 900 damage!
God Lord is now TITAN LORD!
TITAN LORD uses Star Storm!
Gaia defends using Vine Grasp!
Gaia uses Poison Flower! 100 damage!
ULTRA LORD uses Last Hope! 2500 damage!
Gaia is now SHINY GAIA!
SHINY GAIA uses Eradicate! 800 damage!
SHINY GAIA uses infinity! 999999999 damage!
submitted by AutoModerator to bossideas [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:00 Peeecee7896 Benedict Cumberbatch says he was wrong about Doctor Strange not appearing in the next 'Avengers' movie: 'Don't ever believe anything I say'
submitted by Peeecee7896 to MCUNewsAndRumors [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:00 Jenny0240_71858 whats yall fave rebzyyx song?
my fave is deadwinter :’D
submitted by Jenny0240_71858 to rebzyyx_fanclub [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:00 fiddlesticks-app Fiddlesticks Match #8142
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by fiddlesticks-app to Fiddlesticks [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:00 AutoModerator Daily Thread: simple questions, comments that don't need their own posts, and first time posters go here (February 02, 2025)
This thread is for all simple questions, beginner questions, and comments that don't need their own post.
Welcome to /LearnJapanese!
2025.02.02 00:00 NoMasterpiece3714 who to pick?
ik as stand alone glaive is the best choice but i’ve heard odin has really good synergy and pre fights. i’m on 7.2.6 for context submitted by NoMasterpiece3714 to MarvelContestOfChamps [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:00 Minimum-Appeal-818 You took the thought of true love away from me.
submitted by Minimum-Appeal-818 to sixwordstories [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:00 CatLimpx WHY DO I HAVE NO MEMBERS 😭
submitted by CatLimpx to LearningWithPibbyG [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:00 No_Way_6081 California Name Change + Marriage Questions
So my partner and I (both FTM) are planning on getting married ASAP because his work insurance sucks so I want to put him on mine. Originally he was going to do name and gender at the same time, but now he's planning on not worrying about his gender marker due to many political reasons. But in which order should we do the name change/marriage process in?
Should he do the legal name change first to put his chosen name in place of his first and adjust his middle name, and THEN once that paperwork is in do the marriage license to get legally hitched and change his last name? Or should we do the marriage first, and take the marriage license with updated last name in alongside the name change paperwork to change his first name after? Either way we want both things done before he bothers updating his license, bank, ssn card, etc so he only has to do the process once.
If it matters we are in Orange County, and I completed my name/gender marker changes back in 2017. He'll be taking my last name or his moms, he's still deciding.
submitted by No_Way_6081 to asktransgender [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:00 Ok_Assistance5414 So HUNGRY!!
Hi everyone - going on 4 weeks without weed and just wondering if anyone else is hungry all the time. From what I understand it’s usually the opposite - but I have been ravenous and insatiable. It doesn’t seem totally like dopamine seeking - I’m wondering if there might be a hormonal component. Anybody else??
Also want to say how helpful this sub has been as well as the Quit Weed app - highly recommend. Thanks!
submitted by Ok_Assistance5414 to leaves [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:00 AutoModerator When u Ran out of videos
When u ran out of videos be like:
submitted by AutoModerator to SandroCartoonandmore [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:00 7101334 Galactic Hub Worlds 2 Update #2 - The Ark Project 2 - Relocation in the Era of Stellar Multitudes
Greetings, interlopers! I come to you all today with big news, and I'll get straight to the point - following a discussion in the Council, and a shockingly-unanimous 45-to-0-votes poll of the general Hublic, we have made the decision to relocate the entire Galactic Hub civilization. We will not be relocating only the capital, as was previously planned.
The endeavor to spearhead this has been deemed the Ark Project 2, after the historic Ark Project from 6 years ago, where trusted interlopers were given early access to the current Galactic Hub space claim in order to upload and Hub-tag all systems in HUB1. Our new Ark Project will be a bit more broad in scope!
The RationaleThere are a number of strong rationales in favor of relocating. It's not a decision I take lightly, but after reviewing all points, it seems inarguable to me that the benefits of a move will outweigh its detriments.
The ProcessThe new region will be settled in a tiered process with the intent of accurately uploading and Hub-tagging 11 out of 27 of our new regions.
Other Implications / FAQ
Wiki ChangesThe relocation will not affect the Hub’s Miraheze Wiki too drastically. The main change for the average user will need to be understanding that anything before the Worlds 2 update, and some things from after the update, will pertain to Legacy Hub Space instead. We may be able to address this with notes in the version tags after the new location becomes public. Other aspects of the relocation, such as archiving the outdated albums and replacing them with fresh albums, will mostly be handled by the wiki staff.
So It BeginsThat’s all for now. Good journeys interlopers, and thank you all for being part of this wonderful community. A new era awaits, the Era of Stellar Multitudes!
2025.02.02 00:00 SwimmingOk4643 Famous writers/scribes other than Van Richten & Tasha in D&D Lore?
Looking for a famous writescribe in D&D lore that I can use as inspiration for an NPC in Candlekeep.
submitted by SwimmingOk4643 to Forgotten_Realms [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:00 WagTechs Turnips 114 bells
Opening for a little bit just comment and I'll send you DM submitted by WagTechs to TurnipExchange [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 00:00 stalkerist 😱🥶🤯 реалии полевой медицины у орков: русскому солдату заживо и без наркоза отпиливают руку и ногу - воюй, ванька, воюй!
Наглядная иллюстрация вот к этому тексту (см вставку ниже) от израильских спецов медицины — реалии полевой медицины ВС РФ.
Русскому солдату заживо и без наркоза отпиливают руку и ногу. Сообщается, что это военнослужащие 15-й отдельной мотострелковой бригады (в/ч 90600). Заживо режут своих солдат из-за отсутствия техники для эвакуации. Что логично — вся техника идет на нужды бесконечных штурмов, включая самокаты, легковушки и вообще все, что имеет колеса.
Но ладно, эвакуация невозможна. Однако сама операция проводится подручными средствами, в полевых условиях. Я не врач, но, как сообщают знающие люди, шансы выжить после такой операции крайне малы.
А я напомню, как тот израильский отчет русские пропагандисты называли "ипсохой". Правильно, резать пилами ведь будут не их.
На страшной оборонительной войне, когда у тебя нет денег, средств и ресурса, всякое бывает. История знает много случаев героической борьбы малых и бедных против великих — и полевые госпитали, и антисанитарию, и попытки хоть как-то спасти солдата.
Но РФ — богатое государство, ведущее войну наступательную и захватническую (то есть обладает инициативой), кичащееся тем, что они "вторая армия мира", и где позолоченное величие помножено на аналаговнетные орешники. У Алаудиновых, Путиных, Белоусовых и прочих Киселевых много денег. Очень много.
И вот армия империи, где верхушка живет в шелках и где какому-нибудь Алаудинову точно никто не будет ничего резать заживо, а обеспечат самую лучшую доступную эвакуацию и медпомощь, — эта армия содержится на уровне скота на скотобойне. Где людей, если не бросают умирать, то просто распиливают на куски свои же. Где не обеспечен даже минимум для собственных солдат.
То государство, которое не уважает своих военных, в итоге будет пожрано этими же военными.
Мнение специалиста: Доктор Михаэль Малкин, подполковник АОИ и член школы военной медицины Израиля, вместе с Юлей Балмаков, участницей специальной исследовательской группы при медицинском корпусе АОИ, составили документ с медицинскими аспектами в российско-украинской войне. Перевел и подготовил краткую выжимку их отчета.
• Российскую военную медицинскую службу вообще трудно с чем-либо сравнивать или измерять принятыми стандартами.
• Уровень смертности в ВС РФ на поле боя равен 33%, что приравнивает этот показатель к уровню смертности солдат во время Второй мировой войны.
• Главная причина смерти в ВС РФ на поле боя — потеря крови от ранения в конечности.
• Типичные причины смерти солдат ВС РФ на поле боя это обморожение в силу плохого зимнего обеспечения, черепно-мозговые травмы, так как российские солдаты часто не надевают шлемы, либо эти шлемы старые или плохого качества, а также ожоги.
• Израильские исследователи не зафиксировали ни одного задокументированного случая оказания специальной помощи солдатам с ожогами на поле боя, то есть до доставки солдата в больницу.
• Основная часть раненых солдат ВС РФ эвакуируется только колесным транспортом в полевые больницы на территории границы Украины с Россией. Затем, после первой помощи раненые ждут в этих полевых госпиталях своей очереди на эвакуацию на вертолетах или самолетах вглубь России. Но эвакуация, как правило, всегда задерживалась.
• Большая часть российских раненых эвакуировалась с поля боя без оказания первой помощи, и их раны только усугублялись.
• Слишком долгая первичная эвакуация с поля боя — в среднем 24 часа плюс ожидание своей очереди на полет.
• Основное первичное "лечение" раненых в больницах — ампутация пораженных конечностей.
• В России нет отлаженного медицинского корпуса, который работал бы только с ПТСР. Тему военной постравмы в России впервые затронули только пару десятков лет назад — после кампаний российско-чеченских войн.
• Работа с ПТСР в России осложняется культурными стереотипами и предрассудками. Постравма приравнивается к малодушию и ментальной слабости.
• Русский солдат характерен низким уровнем мотивации и боевого духа. Высок уровень отказничества и дезертирства. Командование борется с этим угрозами, манипуляциями, оскорблениями и вызыванием в солдате чувства вины.
• Собраны свидетельства, что русский солдат выплескивает свою подавленность и чувство унижения на украинское гражданское население в оккупированных территориях, над которыми издевается и грабит их имущество.
• В российской армии есть нормы и требования к санитарии и гигиене, но на практике они не выполняются. Российские подразделения не следят за гигиеной, это включая оккупированные города, такие как Мариуполь, например. Все это приводит к заражениям и болезням и может привести в будущем к эпидемиям.
• Питание солдат организовано плохо; оно низкого качества. Это тоже приводит к невысокому боевому духу и болезням.
Дальше в документе следуют рекомендации для израильской армии, что нужно продолжать делать и какие ошибки не совершать, чтобы не скатиться на такой уровень медицины и гигиены, как у ВС РФ. Но отдельно подчеркивается, что АОИ нужно отрабатывать боевые действия на случай большой войны и на случай отсутствия воздушного превосходства. Что, как по мне, очень и очень правильно.
submitted by stalkerist to tjournal_refugees [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:00 ipitythefool121 Request/idea?
I'd love to see an image of this famous panel from berserk but it's either sanguinius or a blood angel screaming "horus". I'm no artist but it's an idea I'd love to see drawn
submitted by ipitythefool121 to Warhammer40KArt [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:00 sections-game Sections #81
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submitted by sections-game to randomstuffaboutstuff [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 00:00 Deep_Information_432 Does it make sense to validate PCA/clustering of infrared spectra (for determining the identity of unknown spectra) with a reduced chi square/ F-test analysis?
I am working on a project where I have infrared spectra for several different compounds. I perform PCA on these spectra and get a cluster of points for each distinct compound. Each point in the PCA space refers to a single spectrum. I have 10 points for each cluster, corresponding to 10 individual spectra for each compound.
Now, I have spectra collected of samples containing an unknown compound (the identity is one of the original compounds) and plot those into the PCA space. Using soft k-means clustering, I determine the identity of the unknown spectra based on how close those points fall to the original clusters (with probability).
Is it required to perform an alternative analysis to validate the PCA procedure?
My colleagues are saying I need to average the 10 spectra per compound. Then for each average spectrum, fit it to a sum of Gaussians or whatever equation describes the spectra in PCA (like a PCA reconstruction). Then, fit these models (1 model equation for each compound) to the unknown spectra. Calculate a reduced chi square for each model spectrum as it compares to a given unknown spectrum.
Then perform an F-test to get out probabilities of what compound corresponds to the unknown spectrum.
Overall, this alternative analysis does not seem like it would add much value. Please help me understand where to go from here. Thanks.
submitted by Deep_Information_432 to AskStatistics [link] [comments]