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2025.02.02 00:41 SourPrivacy Save on Hotels, Get Cash Advances, Earn Money from Surveys & Get $20 to Start with!

Looking for Hotel Savings, Cash Advances, and Easy Ways to Earn Money?
With, you can get all of that and more!

Start saving and earning today with my link: Get Started with
submitted by SourPrivacy to Referrallinks [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 HyHoTheDairyOh Selesnya, no tokens, no +1/+1 counters.

I'm wondering if anyone here has a unique Selesnya deck to show off? Maybe a full color break?
One of the first ever decks I built and played was a [[Kyler, Sigardian Emissary]] list, and I eventually took it apart. I just found the tokens and counters WITH an anthem to be too tedious to keep track of.
I understand that this is what these colors DO, so I'd also be interested to see your deck if the tokens and counters aren't the CORE of the deck.
I've been looking at [[Trostani, Three Whispers]] as a combat focused deck. And [[Karametra, God of Harvests]] is an open book on what to do with her.
Do you have a list? Post it, and I'd love to see it.
submitted by HyHoTheDairyOh to EDH [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Catsuponmydog Any love for the old HAQ?

Any love for the old HAQ? My old 9256 high-accuracy quartz. +/-10 spy when it was released in the 70s
submitted by Catsuponmydog to GrandSeikos [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 adulting4kids Lesson 25

Lesson 25: Astrological Influences in the Major Arcana - Part 4
Explanation: Explore the remaining astrological connections in the Major Arcana. For instance, The Star is linked to Aquarius, The Moon to Pisces, and The Sun to Leo.
Exercise: Research the astrological associations of The Star, The Moon, and The Sun. How do these zodiac signs enhance the cards' meanings?
Activity: Draw these cards and reflect on how the astrological influences enrich their interpretations.
Guided Meditation: Close your eyes, visualize The Star, The Moon, and The Sun. Feel the energies of Aquarius, Pisces, and Leo. What celestial insights manifest?
Additional Insight: Astrological influences form a cosmic tapestry in the Major Arcana. Embrace the interconnected wisdom of the stars and Tarot archetypes.
submitted by adulting4kids to tarotjourneys [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 bumpersticker333 'As pessoas preferem não saber o que tem no alface, tomate ou morango, porque, se soubessem, não comeriam'

'As pessoas preferem não saber o que tem no alface, tomate ou morango, porque, se soubessem, não comeriam' Vai uma saladinha aí
submitted by bumpersticker333 to brasil [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 jg2516 Is it over already?

Besides the obvious (the board and so on) is this simply the fact that the squad is nowhere near, or is Ruud actually doing a pretty poor job?
For me I’m just totally lost with this team. How can they perform like they did at spurs and then be so abysmal a week later? Some of the goals today I mean… wow. Vestegaard and Faes as a pairing are just so bad. Is okoli worse? Coady was awful when he played too.
I feel for Ruud when at the same time he’s been here long enough to surely get a bit more solidity out of them. We seem to routinely be shipping goals, usually at least 3 now.
I hate to say it, but would dyche be worse? Genuinely, I don’t know. I think Ruud will be offski anyway should we not back him. The reality for me is that we are at least 3-4 players short in all the positions that really matter at this level.
If there’s a crumb of positivity at this point I’d like to hear it, watching this lot play is ruining my weekends routinely at this point
submitted by jg2516 to lcfc [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 catmamaO4 found slumber party barbie in a deceased collector's garage!

found slumber party barbie in a deceased collector's garage! were cleaning out the house of a deceased couple and were moving in! im sad to say i will unbox her to clean her bag and box, but then ill be putting her back. i feel bad ruining the lady's stuff
submitted by catmamaO4 to Barbie [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 SickAgainBanduk2017 Anyone used an N64 (with HDMI output) connected to a new portable monitor (Arzopa, etc)

The ones people use as a second laptop screen. Any help appreciated. Thinking of maybe getting one. 16" or so. Maybe one that can display at 4:3
submitted by SickAgainBanduk2017 to n64 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Strawberrie_Cats Need help with this level

How do I get to the button down the hole??? I'm really confused
submitted by Strawberrie_Cats to animalWell [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 crimzon_cross New Pickup

Jujutsu Kaisen: Hidden Inventory/Premature Death Arc. The slipcover is foil. Really nice from Crunchyroll.
submitted by crimzon_cross to AnimeCollectors [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Traditional-Page1701 Please help with my living room layout

Please help with my living room layout Moved into a new place and need help deciding on the layout of the living room. The main issue is that there's a lot of nooks and crannies and doors limiting the options. I need to fit a dining table, couch, and tv. Some storage is optional. The white bit in the middle is a fireplace.Thank you!
submitted by Traditional-Page1701 to FengShui [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Business-Shoulder456 Alguien que haya estado en CEIM?

Alguien que haya estado allí? (Centro de entrenamiento industrial y minero) Cómo es el proceso de admisión y que requisitos suelen pedir para entrar? Mxas gracias.
submitted by Business-Shoulder456 to EducacionChile [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Aggravating-Idea-548 Twilight?

I was just watching it a day or two ago, where did they go!? I don’t remember there being an expiration date for leaving?..
submitted by Aggravating-Idea-548 to Hulu [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 shortlegs124 I know how can i get in your and control you to get everything

I know how can i get in your and control you to get everything submitted by shortlegs124 to CashCowChannels [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 RemarkableTomorrow91 Ernst Röhm SA Dagger

Ernst Röhm SA Dagger Hi all,
Does anyone have any idea how many daggers might be left with the full Ernst Rohm inscription such as in the picture below? I know c.100k were originally distributed and the vast majority had the Rohm dedication ground down. But I’m just curious about how many daggers with the full inscription may have survived.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by RemarkableTomorrow91 to Militariacollecting [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 PKenobi Com amigos assim, não preciso de inimigos

Com amigos assim, não preciso de inimigos submitted by PKenobi to ShitpostBR [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Puzzleheaded-Ad-5440 How to ask for medial leave again?

Earlier this morning after I got him from work, I accidentally broke a ceramic bowl with my foot and a piece of it kinda went flying and cut into my foot. I had to get 3 stitches. I can barely walk and it hurts more after I woke up.
Question is, do I just text my LL and let him know the situation and that I need a few days off since I can’t walk? Or is there a specific route I need to take to ask for a few days off? The stitches come out in 10 days. I don’t think (hope not) that I’ll need to be off for that long.
submitted by Puzzleheaded-Ad-5440 to meijer [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Jamesatny Philly agency paycheck

Hey guys. I work remote as a freelancer for an agency based in Philly. I live in Florida now and have worked remote for 5 years. I got my first paycheck and saw I was charged PA and Philly tax. This is the first time I am getting state income tax taken out since working remote. For those of you in a similar situation, is this normal? Or a mistake? I am going to talk to an accountant but just curious if this happened to other AD people.
submitted by Jamesatny to advertising [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Any_Praline_8178 Current - POV

Current - POV submitted by Any_Praline_8178 to ROCm [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 spiritualsages What do you miss the most from the early 2000s internet?

submitted by spiritualsages to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 Terrible_Park7890 Y'all Ever think you are depressed but you don't know?

Y'all Ever think you are depressed but you don't know? I'm not trying to gain sympathy points or anything I'm just curious because I think I may be depressed and I don't know it. My sleep schedule is shit I spend all day in my room and I've been washing out at people.
And I don't know why.
submitted by Terrible_Park7890 to hazbin [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 glowjisu 241020 Lia

241020 Lia submitted by glowjisu to choijisu [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 BartholomewCubbinz An Argali mountain sheep killed by its own horns.

submitted by BartholomewCubbinz to natureismetal [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 PacketLoss-Indicator tragedy in a single image (7b golden)

tragedy in a single image (7b golden) submitted by PacketLoss-Indicator to celestegame [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 00:41 zachattack3907 “Femme boy”

“Femme boy” submitted by zachattack3907 to shitposting [link] [comments]