Deceptiveness and false promises

Las Promises evitan esta anidación, y hacen más simple el manejo de errores. Una Promise tiene un método then() al que le pasas una función, que será ejecutada automáticamente cuando la promesa se resuelva (o inmediatamente si ya estaba resuelta en el momento en que invocamos .then() ). Usa promises cuando te encuentres con operaciones asincronas u operaciones que vayan a tardar un tiempo y que tengas que manejar tambien en otras partes del código. Por ejemplo, pongamos de ejemplo a ajax, ajax no usa promises nativamente por lo que no te va a dar una promise, pero sin embargo es de naturaleza asincrona. Estoy con un inconveniente para devolver un resultado dentro de una función async que tiene un ajax con un await dentro. Probé con 3 librerías ("http", "request", "then-request"). La idea básicame... For the objects of type char, signed char, and unsigned char (unless they are oversize bit-fields), every bit of the object representation is required to participate in the value representation and each possible bit pattern represents a distinct value (no padding bits, trap bits, or multiple representations allowed). Cooperative cancellation (since C++20) The components stop source, stop token, and stop callback can be used to asynchronously request that an operation stops execution in a timely manner, typically because the result is no longer required. sets the result to specific value while delivering the notification only at thread exit (public member function) The class template std::future provides a mechanism to access the result of asynchronous operations: Duda sobre Promises y async await? 0. No logro cargar txt con xmlhttprequest. 0. Promises anidadas. 1. A coroutine is a function that can suspend execution to be resumed later. Coroutines are stackless: they suspend execution by returning to the caller, and the data that is required to resume execution is stored separately from the stack. atomic_compare_exchange_weak atomic_compare_exchange_weak_explicit atomic_compare_exchange_strong atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit

2025.02.02 01:40 TechnicalImplement18 Deceptiveness and false promises

Continuously updating your KYC (liveness checks) to 'verify' your data might seem harmless, but it’s a clear sign of exploitation. Your data becomes more valuable to buyers, while you’re left with empty promises. It’s understandable—many are struggling and looking for a way out, a chance at quick comfort. But ask yourself: who really benefits here?
The Pi Network isn’t mining anything meaningful; it’s distributing an already massive supply of coins. The delays and repeated requests for personal information are tactics to keep you hooked, to make you believe you’re part of something revolutionary. In reality, you are the product. Your data is being farmed, and you’re inadvertently spreading the cycle by bringing others into it.
Be critical. Rethink what you’re doing, who you’re doing it for, and what they’re actually offering in return.
Spoiler: it’s not wealth or comfort, it’s lies and exploitation.
submitted by TechnicalImplement18 to PiNetwork [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 Otomano_CNT Leões da Fabulosa

submitted by Otomano_CNT to BoykisserBR [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 ASecularBuddhist As a persecuted Christian minority, my family was able to emigrate outout of the Middle East. What do Christians from Arabic countries think about the new US immigration policy?

submitted by ASecularBuddhist to ArabicChristians [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 CozyCoffeeLlama Villagers spawning underground in the mountains/frost biome

Villagers spawning underground in the mountains/frost biome Bushranger and another villager are underground.
Platform: PC Reproduce: It happened just after I left the game, and then came back in due to timeout from the server. Both villagers were fine before I left to lobby and came back in.
submitted by CozyCoffeeLlama to LEGOfortnite [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 appIejuicedrinker cfc!
submitted by appIejuicedrinker to sheincodeshares [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 -xlcr- I wonder what happened to the WWE branded Ladders...

I wonder what happened to the WWE branded Ladders... ...they just got Ladder brand Ladders now 😂
submitted by -xlcr- to deadlockpw [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 antihopeful experience with betterhelp?

who has used betterhelp and have you found it useful? i’ve heard mixed reviews. i want to go back to therapy and i feel that the flexibility it offers would be really helpful to me, but i want to hear from other people before i pay for it.
submitted by antihopeful to therapy [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 Tinnit3s Grivel G10 (regular) Crampons with Burton step on boots

Grivel G10 (regular) Crampons with Burton step on boots submitted by Tinnit3s to Spliddit [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 JD-531 Clip of aloc-acoC or more commonly known Coca-cola by @codyhermann on Instagram. Hopefully someone has a more completed version haha.

Clip of aloc-acoC or more commonly known Coca-cola by @codyhermann on Instagram. Hopefully someone has a more completed version haha. submitted by JD-531 to brandnew [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 JoeYTa05 Why does everyone on this sub call Tsukasa "Meatball"?

submitted by JoeYTa05 to luckystar [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 Public-Treacle-1793 Almost a year

It’s been almost a year and I’m still not over him. I want this to end.
submitted by Public-Treacle-1793 to BreakUps [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 pulukes88 Norwegian Jade - Vancouver to Alaska

considering the norwegian jade from vancouver to alaska in july of this year. it would be our first cruise in over a decade.
any tips on travel, shore excursions, or cruise activities would be greatly appreciated!
submitted by pulukes88 to NorwegianCL [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 Ok-Expression2198 Too much slop? Please tear into this resume.

Wrote my resume and am entirely unsure if it comes off if I actually know what I'm doing. I'm a first year Engineer (Software, but transferring to Electrical) at a medium sized Canadian Uni known for its Aerospace program and rocket design team. I've been pretty locked in on the team, but my cumulative GPA (from my transcript) is just 2.94 due to a bad elective mark. Any resume critique/advice? Or just advice in general. Thanks!
submitted by Ok-Expression2198 to ElectricalEngineering [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 myconfessionacc What will the band members do next?

After the dust settles around this final (doubt) goodbye for Sum 41, what do you all think the guys will do for the next few years, possibly for the rest of their lives?
Here is what I think: Deryck will continue producing and writing for a few years. At some point i believe he will either release a solo album or start a new band, with a more Elvis Costello / Beatles vibe.
Dave will join an existing band continue to tour. I hope it's a big name band so he can get wayyyyy more recognition than he has. Dude is lowkey one of the best guitar players I've ever seen.
Cone will bounce around as a touring bassist for various smaller scale bands, maybe fire up Operation M.D. for one last album.
Tom will ride into the sunset with Gob.
Honestly not sure what Frank Zummo will do. He joined the band after I somewhat fell out of love with them. Wish him well though, seems like a cool dude.
submitted by myconfessionacc to Sum41 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 TheLuciusGraham More people need to do this. Chilean guy confronts Israeli war criminals on holiday in Pucón.

submitted by TheLuciusGraham to lostgeneration [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 No_March_7042 All this, and Dead Island is dead.

All this, and Dead Island is dead. Came out here for nothing. Where can I find some free XP?
submitted by No_March_7042 to ARK [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 deathking482 What is the name of this symbol? Anyone have a vector copy of it? I can't find a high quality version of it online. I know it represents the artist.

submitted by deathking482 to magicTCG [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 Longjumping_Smile333 Lol why tf was Sabonis rebounds at 14.5 dude is doing nothing

submitted by Longjumping_Smile333 to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 Nia2Ania Idina Menzel Reveals She Hasn’t ‘Read Any Scripts’ for Frozen 3 (Exclusive) - Parade

submitted by Nia2Ania to Elsamaren [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 Major-Bank8037 PBCC Bar Update

PBCC Bar Update Hi guys I posted in here a couple weeks ago about PBCC bar i would buy from a bakery and asked for recipe suggestions. Ive baked maybe 6 since then and the results have been really good! So i will share what I’ve learned.
The recipe for the PB I tried with pb/condensed milk and using tube cookie dough from the store-the ratios with condensed milk:PB was bad, not nearly PB enough. Then i tried 1.5 cup PB, 1.5 cup powdered sugar, 1.5 tsp vanilla extract. IT IS VERY GOOD. It smells like butterfinger and after 4 more times i started thinking this is like the form of PB you want to use for confections. Hence, its often called confectioners sugar that makes perfect sense.
So i experimented with some homemade dough recipes and its pretty great. It goes how you would expect, spread dough in bottom, spread PB mix on top, but then instead of a full dough layer to seal it, “crumble” the cookie dough onto the topNo different recipe than your usual fav chocolate chip cookie dough but maybe half, or thirnd, or even less chocolate chips. but if you want me to post mine I can.
In my last bake, I had some remaining dough and PB mixture, and just rolled them together into a couple cookies and it was just as good as the bar, possibly even better. Tonight I tried ripping off another bakery’s delicious good, a chocolate cookie with PB filling. They are just out of the oven and dont look all that right, but probably will taste awesome too. It is the chocolate cookie recipe from the back of the reeses chips package that i kind of expect everyone here to be familiar with, flattened, drop in the same PB mix from above, and seal then roll into a ball.
I was extremely impressed with this sub, i kept scrolling and telling my wife that after 20 years online, ive finally found my community. Thank you all for being here! Open to any related dialogue 🥲
submitted by Major-Bank8037 to PeanutButter [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 therealwizward Graduating this May

Hi, I am graduating this year with a Bachelors of Arts in Environmental Studies and American History. With everything happening on the federal level, I am out of hope. Does anyone know what to do to?
submitted by therealwizward to Environmental_Careers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 AcuppaJoe61 Did I Order the Wrong Size?

Did I Order the Wrong Size? My original white mixing paddle became chipped, and I wanted to replace it with a stainless version. I went online and searched the KitchenAid accessories website for a SS paddle and ordered what came up. It is significantly smaller than the original; to the point that it doesn’t mix anything, but rather just skims the top of my ingredients. Are there different sizes? Did I order the wrong part? I don’t recall seeing sizes even offered?
submitted by AcuppaJoe61 to Kitchenaid [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 Enzenhofer Tetris Variation with Horizontal and Vertical Lines and Area Rotation

Tetris Variation with Horizontal and Vertical Lines and Area Rotation submitted by Enzenhofer to Tetris [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 Interesting_Stuff941 Fire Emblem Fighting Game [Day 28] DLC Season 1 (Sorry for the delay)

Fire Emblem Fighting Game [Day 28] DLC Season 1 (Sorry for the delay) Chrom and Camilla joins the roster.
Choose a Two Fire Emblem characters, and the characters with the most votes will be placed in the roster.
One character per comment.
Warriors and Tokyo Mirage Sessions characters are forbidden.
Versions of the same character are forbidden.
submitted by Interesting_Stuff941 to createaroster [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 01:40 -mcmilliomofo magamemecoin

submitted by -mcmilliomofo to SmartChainCryptos [link] [comments]