Tarkov incredibly laggy

2025.02.02 02:51 Nerfan30 Tarkov incredibly laggy

I was recently having trouble with tarkov taking up all of my memory so I upgraded to 32 gb of RAM, and that fixed the memory usage issue, but the problems that came with it persist, I still have the game freezing and stuttering, high ping, packet loss, really low FPS. I'm not sure what more I could do to fix it as it's only taking up 60% of my RAM on top of everything else that would be running (web broswer, discord, etc.) I have an ethernet cable plugged in and have never had issues like this up until about a week ago.
submitted by Nerfan30 to Tarkov [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Legitimate-Elk-8799 Need some reassurance about tickets i bought

Hello! today my mother suprised me with tickets to the weeknd concert but she bought them before the presale which starts in two days and im unaware and afraid about if we are actually going to get the tickets. I have told her multiple times that she should call her credit card company and dispute the payment before the presale starts so that she can use the money for the presale instead but she is set on staying with the tickets she has on this website. My question is that is this type of stuff regular? like are tickets that are sold before presale known to be mildly legit? I am aware that this is not a 100% safe and legit website but to work with my situation and have some piece of mind id like some reassurance. Thank you. :) (PS i have been looking all over tiktok and only finding fear mongering people so for the sake of my sanity i'm coming to y'all for some actual truth)
submitted by Legitimate-Elk-8799 to stubhub [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Human-c-ity_Junction Short Protection on my model railroad using PSXX breakers, JMRI Panels and Feedback Sensors.

Short Protection on my model railroad using PSXX breakers, JMRI Panels and Feedback Sensors. submitted by Human-c-ity_Junction to Humancity_Junction [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 ketu11 ᦋꪮꪖᡶ ꪶỉᠻꫀ

submitted by ketu11 to capricorns [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Squand All the Ways Your Longing to be Loved Hurts.

All the Ways Your Longing to be Loved Hurts. submitted by Squand to Medium [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 throwawaybuddy_56789 So it looks like we're over

submitted by throwawaybuddy_56789 to sixwordstories [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 RpS_Blue how to unlock large magic chest

hey guys my friends and i are progressig with our base and currently using the medium size chest.
what questline do we have to follow or how far do we have to progress in the game until we unlock the largest chest?
i just want to avoid crafting hundred medium chests when unlocking the large ones is just a few steps away altar lvl 4 currently btw
submitted by RpS_Blue to Enshrouded [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Far-Yogurtcloset2645 Artificial Intelligence in the temple?

My old Bishop told me that in order to do the changes that they have made to the temple endowment session in the last year or two, they have been using AI. For example, he said that some of the characters and the things they do have been done by AI. I am curious to know if anyone has any insight on that, if it's legit? Thanks!
submitted by Far-Yogurtcloset2645 to latterdaysaints [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 CandiceDikfitt Compasses get progressively more extreme

Compasses get progressively more extreme submitted by CandiceDikfitt to PolCompHumans [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 ForwardTop7644 Guam

Hello, does anyone know of any comic book shops that ship physical comics to Guam?
submitted by ForwardTop7644 to comicbooks [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 singletnt Within the span of a week my 4-foot cornsnake has gone missing.

Within the span of a week my 4-foot cornsnake has gone missing. So I just went back to college two weeks ago and my brother has been feeding and spraying him when I’m not there. He has a pretty large enclosure, at-least 40 gallons. I plan on upgrading once I move to my own apartment since he’s a big boy but right now the tank DOES fit him. There’s lots of hides (4+) and things to climb on. But last night I got a text from my mom saying he was missing. I came home tonight and confirmed it. We’re thinking he got out sometime after my brother fed him.
Anyway I was decided to come on here to ask for advice on how to find him. We’re thinking he’s either still in my room or the attic, but honestly he could be anywhere. We have a very large house. He’s so big (picture doesn’t really reflect his size) which confuses me as to how he could vanish without any signs.
If anyone has gone through something similar and knows some good tips for finding him, please let me know. I set a mouse (frozen) in my room tonight to see if he’s still in there. I just want my baby Heathcliff to be safe.
submitted by singletnt to snakes [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 StefanEats My Difficulty Class Revamp

I don't know about you, but I've caught myself giving my players a lot of DC 15 skill checks.
The Unnecessarily Lengthy Preamble 15 feels like the perfect number to come between a difficult task and a heroic character. I rarely call for a DC 10 check, and anything DC 5 feels patronizing- just let them succeed! Meanwhile, I do give a few DC 20 checks, but especially running low campaigns it's almost pointless to call for anything above. But even so, the number 15 gets a little stale after so much use...
Now obviously this is pretty flawed reasoning- skill checks can run the gamut or not, and there's no problem if a lot of things the players want to do end up being "kinda hard.” And yes, there's descriptions and examples for all this stuff, but there's all sorts of disagreements on how exactly to interpret those (see these two discussions where the consensus of each comment section seems opposite the other).
Regardless, I can't help but think about it. Especially when I set a DC 15 and my players get a 14, I can't help but think well that's still pretty good… or worse, they get an 18 or 19 on a DC 20, and I think man, that should still succeed! But I already set the difficulty, so I'm not changing it now. This has happened to me frequently, and it haunts me.
So if your brain is half as weird as mine, you may appreciate this:
The Actual Tip It’s stupidly simple: I changed the DC scale that I use from intervals of 5 to intervals of 4. Now it looks like this:

DC Description
8 Easy
12 Medium
16 Kinda Hard
20 Hard
24 Very Hard
30 Nearly Impossible
There's a few things you'll notice about this right away, and I'll get into each of them below.
The Much-Needed Explanation Let's start at the top and address that the lowest difficulty possible is now 8. Like I said, a DC 5 check is almost insulting to the players. Every example I’ve heard for DC 5 is something like “spot something plainly visible” or “lift something made of styrofoam” where failure would be downright embarrassing. In this game, we don’t roll dice on anything “trivial.” Moving the “Easy” DC down to 8 feels a little more true to the word easy. It puts the odds in the player’s favor 99% of the time, but still allows players to fail without questioning their competence quite as much.
You may still find yourself in certain situations hoping for an even lower DC, perhaps because you do want the possibility to make a character look incompetent. In this extremely niche situation, there’s nothing funnier than telling your player the DC is 2.
Now regarding the mid-range: “Medium” is now indeed closer to 50/50 as an average skill check for an average low/mid-level character, while 16 gets a new category of “Kinda hard.” The casual phrasing is as close as I could get to how I think of it. While I still give out a lot of DC 16 checks, DC 12 shares the load A LOT more than 10 ever did. This is obviously the most important part of the new scale to me. It gives me a little more granularity without requiring me to think much more about how hard something should be.
20 as Hard is obviously unchanged, and I think that’s great. Getting a 20 is Hard. Meanwhile 24 as Very Hard is made just a little easier. To me, 24 is an impressive number and if someone gets a 24, they can clearly do something that’s Very Hard.
Now to address the elephant on the scale- obviously there’s a bit of inconsistency: If it’s based on intervals of 4, why is Nearly Impossible still 30?
Because they were right. 30 is exactly where Nearly Impossible should be. If you call something Nearly Impossible, the point is that it’s a stupidly high number that none but the most skilled of folk should even bother trying. Yes, it leaves a gap of 6. That’s fine. Frankly, our Commoner (or low-level Bard if you want to flatter yourself) brains are useless at judging the difficulty of extremely difficult things with any level of precision. I doubt you understand what goes into convincing a high-ranking military leader to betray their country, doing a standing 360-double-backflip, or performing open heart surgery with a dagger and some kitchen utensils. If you do happen to be one of the best in the world at something, sure, you can tell me what’s a DC 26 and a DC 28, IN THAT FIELD. But for everything else, we get 24 and 30.
The Mercifully Brief Conclusion So that’s the revamp I use for my D&D games. Ever since I switched over I noticed myself calling for more varied skill checks. I can’t say how many 12s would have been 15s, or whether any of my 8s would have been 5s instead of 10s, but it feels like the whole scale is actually worth using now.
But please, let me know what you think. Is this brilliant? Misguided? Is my whole thought process the result of a failed DC 2 Arcana check?
submitted by StefanEats to DMAcademy [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 lonecharlie Resultados bf25

Efectivamente de hoy en adelante estaremos apoyando 100% a Melody y con mucho orgullo como todos y cada uno de los años.
Ahora bien, se ha votado el nombre esta noche o se han votado las propuestas? La propia Melody ha dicho post gala que va a cambiar muchas cosas de la canción y la puesta en escena la va arreglar para eurovisión. Es decir, ni ella misma cree que lo que ha llevado funcione como está ahora mismo. Si lo único que vamos a valorar son los nombres, puesto que Melody ya tenía la victoria agenciada llevara lo que llevase, entonces mejor optar por una elección de artista como hace Isr**l... No sé, a mi los resultados de esta noche me han dejado la idea del festival en otro punto. Tenemos que valorar los packs completos, los deberes tienen que estar hechos para el benidorm fest. Y Melody no los tenía hechos. A mi parecer en el único punto que ha destacado es en la voz, como es obvio. No se ha llevado ni el punto de la puesta en escena (ni vestuario) ni el de la canción. Había otros artistas que alomejor tampoco cumplían los tres puntos, pero si dos de ellos y eso a mi parecer es en lo que deberíamos centrarnos... si no, de que sirve este concurso? Ahora Melody querrá hacer cambios, la fecha límite está el caer y esto parece ya nuestros tiempos antiguos cuando no sabíamos nada de la puesta en escena de nuestros artistas y esperábamos un caos inminente.
Luego, no he entendido un jurado que vota a Daniela Blasco por encima de la voz y presencia de Mel Ömana, por ejemplo? Qué ha pasado? En qué universo estamos viendo esto? De la votación del público no se puede decir nada, al final es gusto personal. Pero un jurado tiene que tener criterio y eso es inentendible. Por el resto creo que estuvieron bastante acertados.
submitted by lonecharlie to BenidormFest [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Dopelax Rate your avatar 2/2/25

Rate your avatar 2/2/25 This will be an unbiased rating, wdym? I will rate your avatar based on effort and not a personal entertainment so basically I will rate you like its a work of art
Main Character - Your avatar fits for a personal cenima
Meaningful - Deep meaning that resembles you
Creative - Wow! Here comes the funny and the most Creative works!
Unique - Totally one of a kind! Like no one has ever made this such style but only you
Classic - Very common avatar, basically you look like an everyday roblox avatar currently
Minimal - 1 2 3 is enough
No Effort - Probably naked
R6 and R15 are all welcome in this Rating
submitted by Dopelax to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Final-Craft-6992 Cobb Vanth - Mos Pelgo Sheriff Outfit

Cobb Vanth - Mos Pelgo Sheriff Outfit
submitted by Final-Craft-6992 to StarfieldModFeedback [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Typical-Storage-4019 Can anyone with common sense teach me how to remove this battery?

Can anyone with common sense teach me how to remove this battery? I lack common sense so I can’t understand how to remove the battery on my Shimano Dew-E DL bike. First you need a VERY SPECIFIC sized allen key to pop the battery out. Then you need to press the little silver thing shown in the second picture to pop it out further. But how to remove it? I cannot figure out because I’m stupid. I thought MAYBE you need to remove the two nuts in the 3rd picture but no, those are attached to the battery. I thought MAYBE there’s another part of the silver thing you have to press but nope. I tried wiggling the thing violently to remove it but nope.
Anyone with common sense can answer how to remove this battery?
submitted by Typical-Storage-4019 to ebikes [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Sure-Winter2477 deepseek says...

Bakkt and TruthFi are distinct entities operating in different sectors, but both are connected to the broader financial and technological landscape.
### Bakkt
- **Overview**: Bakkt is a digital asset platform launched by Intercontinental Exchange (ICE), the parent company of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). It focuses on enabling the buying, selling, and storage of digital assets like Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies.
- **Key Features**:
- Institutional-grade custody solutions.
- Bitcoin futures and options trading.
- A consumer app for managing digital assets, including loyalty points and cryptocurrencies.
- **Mission**: Bakkt aims to bridge the gap between traditional finance and digital assets, providing secure and regulated infrastructure for institutional and retail users.
### TruthFi
- **Overview**: TruthFi is a financial technology company that provides tools for analyzing and managing cryptocurrency portfolios. It focuses on tax compliance, portfolio tracking, and financial reporting for digital assets.
- **Key Features**:
- Tax reporting tools for cryptocurrencies.
- Portfolio tracking across multiple exchanges and wallets.
- Integration with accounting software for seamless financial management.
- **Mission**: TruthFi aims to simplify cryptocurrency accounting and tax reporting, helping users stay compliant with regulations.
### Relation Between Bakkt and TruthFi
While Bakkt and TruthFi operate in different niches within the cryptocurrency ecosystem, they are indirectly related through their focus on digital assets:
- **Bakkt** provides the infrastructure for trading and storing digital assets.
- **TruthFi** offers tools for managing and reporting on those assets, particularly for tax and compliance purposes.
In summary, Bakkt and TruthFi are complementary players in the digital asset space, with Bakkt focusing on trading and custody and TruthFi specializing in portfolio management and tax compliance.
submitted by Sure-Winter2477 to BKKT_Stock [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Sans_culottez The Battle of Evermore

The Battle of Evermore submitted by Sans_culottez to CollapseMusic [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 MindlessAge4327 When does this bet settle? April?

submitted by MindlessAge4327 to DraftKingsDiscussion [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 zigon2007 Mechanical Linkage mechs

Mechanical Linkage mechs Has anyone experimemted with mechs based entirely on mechanical linkages? (Rather than a logic system) I've been working on this today and wondered if anyone else has experimented with similar designs
submitted by zigon2007 to trailmakers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 arrowheadtastesbad Traders!! :)

Traders!! :) submitted by arrowheadtastesbad to DisneyPinSwap [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 jg379 'Poison Ivy' by GoldKanet

'Poison Ivy' by GoldKanet submitted by jg379 to FemaleFantasyArt [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 RequiemBurn Not my best run but I will take it

Not my best run but I will take it submitted by RequiemBurn to brotato [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Born_Blizzard Blink Twice Questions

I finally got around to watching Blink Twice and while I enjoyed it a lot, I have questions!

  1. Wouldn’t the women feel that they had been SA’d in the morning even if they don’t remember?
  2. A lot of the guests are paired up as pseudo couples during the day but none of them are ever seen being physically affectionate. Isn’t that weird considering how much they’re partying?
  3. Why near the end of the movie does Slater say that Frida is his basically best friend? Don’t they barely know each other?
submitted by Born_Blizzard to horror [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:51 Jaded-Frosting7772 Lease Transfer Studio Downtown - Bounty $$$

Hi everyone,
I am currently searching for someone to take my lease of a renovated studio in downtown Montreal from March 2025. I am also offering a reward of $250 for a referral of a tenant who gets approved in the application, so please share it with people that could be interested!
Please DM me to schedule a visit or for more info!
Here is the description and some photos in the comments:
Address: 1555 Boul. René-Lévesque W.
Available from: February 22, 2025 (Flexible move-in date)
Rent: CAD 1225/month starting March 2025
Contract: Renewable annually
Included in the rent:
✅ Heating/Air conditioning
✅ Hot water
✅ Electricity
✅ Wi-Fi of 1500 mpbs
✅ Refrigerator, stove, and curtains
Building amenities:
✅ 24/7 Gym
✅ 24/7 Concierge
✅ Laundry facilities
✅ Heated indoor pool
✅ Study room
✅ Terrace
✅ Pool table
✅ Maintenance team
✅ Accepts cats
✅ Parking and locker available for an additional fee
Details: The studio is located just 5 minutes from Guy-Concordia station (green line) and Lucien-L'Allier station (orange line), perfect for those seeking convenience in downtown Montreal. It is close to restaurants, supermarkets, and all essential amenities.
Note: Furniture is negotiable.
submitted by Jaded-Frosting7772 to montrealhousing [link] [comments]
