2025.02.02 03:01 First-Luck-9720 5 Canios (blueprints & brainstorm included)
Git this sick run today and been messing around with it ever since.
This is instructions for how I went about it. I imagine there's a lot to play around with here. Unfortunately there weren't many hanged man's so upgrading canio never went past X9 mult for me.
Ante 1 buy gros Michel after small blind skip big blind and defeat boss blind. Anti 2 use free shop and buy hieroglyph. Back to Anti 1 Skip small blind for high card upgrade. Next shop will have canio in pack. Open tarot packs on Anti 2 for hanged man for upgrading canio. After defeating boss blind spectral pack in shop has Ankh use it on canio. Anti 3 skip small blind for ectoplasm, immolate and incantation. Most celestial packs don't have high card for the next few anti. Recommend buying as many vouchers as possible. Keep playing and saving cavendish, blueprint brainstorm and invisible joker will come up that will replicate blueprint and there you have 5 canios.
submitted by First-Luck-9720 to balatro [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:01 aries777622 Intelligent design, there is a God
My abstract
The fundamentals of cause and effect show absolutely that it is impossible to have a thing (anything) without a cause, there must be a reason for something, and a reason behind something and necessarily there must be rational technique (thought) behind something, it's "how it got there" within the realm of the rational, everything that is has an explainable function that is mathematically pliable (convergent, rational), a real certive behind a procession of events.
If all things that happen are only possible to begin with then only what's possible can happen, the first cause must have been a deliberate and intelligent one (it precluded all dignant and pro vast sytems of logic and functioning mathematics comprised in the cosmos), it is reason that decided that things are and not aren't. In the beginning something had rational thought, decided and said "be", something had a sinew of context, exclaiming that something was anything at all and that this should be this and not that, or other.
For a thing to be probable, it must be possible.
It seems implausible because to first have something you must first have something (to have a first act without a reason would be act because nothing intelligent would have facilitated its creation/design), and consequently to have absolutely nothing, is impossible, something always has to be (Arthor Schopenhauer's and, for everything that is there must be a reason behind it and further more it must be a rational reason, the fact that everything has a reason means that the reason must be explainable). The conditions of nothing are, absolute zero, nothing (is finite, thats exact math, nothing means nothing, the supposition of nothing is zero, without a thing) but I can attempt to suggest the value of existence and being by understanding its regards, purposes / importances / valuations and facts. Rational thought tells us that something is, "I think, therefore, I am". Interestingly enough, without offending some of the counter measures of the utility of survival, part of the intrigue of existence is to consider, its logical relevence is astute and straight forward (a + b = c), you only are if you think, certainly you only live if you think (further more you only live if you understand and so on, the more you understand the more you see, the more you live). In the beginning something had rational thought, decided and said "be", something had a sinew of thought and said something was anything at all and that this should be "this" and not that, or other.
"That there should be something specific and not another thing"
There is valuation, things are redeeming
There must be an intelligent technique behind the conditions of the universe, the conditions of cosmos speak to the authenticity of a heliocentric / and relativistic, gravity centric cosmos; this universe is not random.
Creation is of a naturally positive and redemtive (all things are redemtive, all things come back under proliferating, intelligent, healthy and rational conditions, truth sets all things free, understanding and knowledge are true, true things are always made a new because true things always proliferate, always last, don't grow old, nature and God always rewards what is true) ordanance or value (because it is learned from, making it redemtive and of a conductive nature) is a mathematical pretense, of evolutionary and benificiarily successful clauses (successful and intelligent traits), governed by logical preludes (these preludes or facts understand things to be harmonic and rightful and are supported by evidence), redeemed of posited facts that are not exchangable and based on logical conclusions, non contridiction and a preliminary of schoppenqhauers law of sufficient reason
Creation is inclusive
Cause and effect are paradoxical
When you appreciate, things are redeemed because appreciation is truth, truth is redeemed, true things live and are always glory
A thing must first exist in order for there to be anything at all thing and an effect precludes a dicisive choice, before that there must be a thing or cause for there to be that series of cause and effect and even before that there must be a cause, go far down enough you get to where it is impossible. You could never reach a spot outside the cosmos where there was wall and no back to it or else you would be forced to ask what was on the other side and determine there must be a rational explanation or theres no rational explanation, you don't defy graphic sensibility.
So where is our first cause/action since the fundamentals of cause and effect seem to be removed from conventional thought, there must be a beginning is not without logical authority as to how we can have a thing without a reason/cause, its no pausable or would seem paranormal, although the alternative also seems to defy logic. It's that the outside of our universe is infinite space because there can not be an end to existence where it says stop without there being reason.
-Nathan Perry
submitted by aries777622 to AcademicPhilosophy [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:01 Willing-Schedule-486 Get $10 just for signing up!
APP “DABBLE” Free $10 just to sign up! No deposit! Download Dabble in app store Enter in the code field: DOORDASH Sign up/Verify email Place bets with the free $10 and cashout! (Funds will be removed after 14 days if they have not been used.) DOORDASH https://click.dabble.com/GaFA/lg25zglp submitted by Willing-Schedule-486 to Referral [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 03:01 jfunks69 There has got to be a way to get this guy out of office, no way do we survive 4 years of this. What needs to happen for him to be removed?
submitted by jfunks69 to self [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:01 Accomplished-Bath450 Como contar sem estragar a família?
Meu irmao fez algo muito errado comigo quando eu tinha 4 anos. Varias vezes. Eu não guardo trauma, mas toda vez que eu vejo ele fazendo algo errado e alguém tenta defender, ou quando ele é hipócrita, eu sinto vontade de gritar aos 4 ventos.
Mas ele é meu irmão e mora comigo e minha mãe. Ele tem trabalho e namorada. Ele tem 27 anos, eu tenho 19. Não quero estragar tudo por raiva.
submitted by Accomplished-Bath450 to desabafos [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: banda
banda translates to band
Join our new Discord Server for language learners @ https://wordofthehour.org/discord
submitted by sharewithme to Lessico [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:01 Hurdle999 H:caps W:Backwoodsman 6 and us covert 10
submitted by Hurdle999 to Market76 [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:01 Impressive-Fox-399 Before 1st session - 2m since
submitted by Impressive-Fox-399 to TattooRemoval [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:01 FinklesteenKid1 Right front wear
Does dampening effect the tire wear up front on right tire? I have got to figure why I wear out my right front so badly
submitted by FinklesteenKid1 to iRacing [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:01 eden_the_exotic What can I do to support my girlfriend with a problematic family?
My girlfriend has an extremely problematic family, her family basically hates each other and she is caught in the crossfire, and I don't know what to do to help her. Our relationship is hidden for the reason you can already imagine, so most of the time we only talk on the phone, there is no way we can see each other often, but even so I want to help her in some way. Any advice?
submitted by eden_the_exotic to teenagers [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:01 United_Sound_4997 Dermatologist in Bacolod?
Sino nami na derma for skin disease? Your suggestions are appreciated 🙂
submitted by United_Sound_4997 to Bacolod [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:01 Whackou Who could I play?
Idk if lola was a good pick or not considering the map but who woulsve worked better here and why?(Lost this btw)
submitted by Whackou to BrawlStarsCompetitive [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:01 Funny_Sxxt-82 22F horny asf, Im on my bed
submitted by Funny_Sxxt-82 to LetsChat [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:01 splitshot [WTS] Thordsen FRS-15 Gen II Standard Stock Kit with DSI Buffer Tube / Spring / Buffer
Timestamp: https://imgur.com/a/4qpsg8z
PayPal FF, please don't write anything in the PayPal comments. More pictures in timestamp album.
Shipping items usually the next business day.
For sale, no trades:
2025.02.02 03:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: die Band
die Band translates to band
Join our new Discord Server for language learners @ https://wordofthehour.org/discord
submitted by sharewithme to Sprache [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:01 Ov3rthink3r_ Change in slender man
I don’t know if it was just me but I fully remember back in like 2015 that the thing about slender man was that you can’t look at him or your face goes blank and you die from suffocation. Does anyone remember that or was it just a thing where I was from? Everywhere I look I can’t find evidence of this being a thing.
submitted by Ov3rthink3r_ to creepypasta [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:01 dia4444 my sisters homemade birthday cake :)
it turned out great!! my biggest issues is with icing, I wanna get better at that and the layers of frosting between the cake weren’t as thick as they should’ve been but it’s my first homemade cake and the first cake I’ve iced! I think I did well for my first time :) submitted by dia4444 to BakingNoobs [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 03:01 Conscious_Rule_8938 He lowkey look like u
submitted by Conscious_Rule_8938 to THEAGENCYREDDIT [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 03:01 Otherwise-Two9036 request: can Canada put tariffs on social media products, please
It's very clear that unless the trade wars affect data, digital products and services, and platforms, then it's not going to have much effect outside of screwing the common citizen
however, tariffs specifically on platforms and products of the CEOs who wanted to look like they were kissing the ring at 47's inauguration (when really they were just donating couch cushion change relatively speaking) would actually have a significant positive impact on society in general, and also open up those spaces for other companies to step in, thereby diluting the effect of american tech giants on neighboring countries
please hit those fucking guys with a 100% tariff on all transactions - since Canada isn't the home of any of those platforms, the worst that can happen is probably already happening anyway - do everyone a favor and send FAANG packing for us, please
(yes I know this is a crazy idea, but at this point crazy is on the fucking table)
submitted by Otherwise-Two9036 to AskCanada [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: un groupe
un groupe translates to band
Join our new Discord Server for language learners @ https://wordofthehour.org/discord
submitted by sharewithme to Traductions [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:01 Couragejdfootlicker YOO THIS GUY LOOKS LIKE SYPHER
submitted by Couragejdfootlicker to sypherpk [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 03:01 Substantial_Nature16 Hey guys, I know nothing about PCs so please let me know which one of these are the best (if any)
I have a pc that I got on Christmas really long time ago, no idea what brand it is, all I know is that it’s very low performance, when I first start playing a new game I have no issues with lag or bugs but after awhile of progress it just starts to lag a lot, fps drops down dramatically and it’s just not a good experience most of the time
I can comfortable play sims 4 and planet zoo until a certain point, after awhile it becomes laggy and glitchy
Games I play :
Minecraft Marvel rivals Sims4 Spider man remastered Planet zoo
I’m very laggy in most of these and all I want is a pc that won’t be laggy anymore so I would appreciate if yall could help me choose from the list I provided as I’m not very educated on pcs and how to tell that they will be good and not laggy, my budget is not too good either so not a lot of choices for me
submitted by Substantial_Nature16 to pchelp [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:01 The_Benchman I know not a basketball page but hell ya!
submitted by The_Benchman to TexasTechFootball [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:01 Ello-Asty I appreciate the tranquility LV offers
submitted by Ello-Asty to vegaslocals [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:01 Full-Reality-3354 Do i bother trying to be competitive if my ping is 40ms+?
Hi guys, My ping varies from 38-52ms, maybe 35 on a good day. I usually scrap 8-9 wins on WL( got 10 only two times this year and that was when i was playing with 18ms at my friends house). Maybe its psychological from seeing streamers and sweats playing with 8ms and being great coze of their skill, but i blame it for every bad thing that happens to me at the game. Im not saying that i would win more at the moment with an exellent ping,but i just dont want it holding me back from getting better, coze i think that if i try getting better rn it will be a vain attempt since im in big disadvantage from the start. Hows your experience with ping and is it that important as people claim it to be? Thanks.
submitted by Full-Reality-3354 to EAFC [link] [comments]