Download the installation file. If prompted, click Run or Save. If you choose Save, to start installation, either: Double-click the download. Click Open file. If you're asked, 'Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device', click Yes. Start Chrome: Windows 10 and up: A Chrome window opens after everything is done. WINDOWS OFFICE INSTALLATION AND ACTIVATION . For a fully free and open source alternative to MS Office, you may also try LibreOffice. Note: Some people may recommend buying cheap keys elsewhere. This is not recommended, as these are grey-market keys, gathered from MSDN channels, each key sold multiple times (extra reading). You're not buying ... Why is it so hard to find the installation file for Office 2016? I want to install Office 2016 on a laptopt that i use, i have a purchased licence but i can't find the download file for the suite. Every official Microsoft webpage tells me to log in into my account but i don't have any and don't need a Microsoft account in that particular ... Heya, since there doesn't seem to be any guide at all, I thought I would make my own from my experience. ... 14 votes, 33 comments. true. its any everyone thing, GE just sucks. It constantly takes forever to download a new driver, takes even longer to install it. Download the installation file again. To install Chrome again, use the new file. If the installation still isn't working, use an offline installer. Computers with multiple user accounts. Computers with one user account. To fix issues with your search engine, pop-ups, or Chrome updates, uninstall and reinstall Chrome. Learn how to uninstall Chrome. Prepare for installation Next: 1: Create the USB installer As an admin, you can install ChromeOS Flex on Windows, Mac, or Linux devices so your users can get many of the features that are available on ChromeOS devices. If not, go to the CC content from the main menu, press "O" on your keyboard, and you should be able to install it there. Go ahead and re-download the creation club content. From what it seemed like for me, it had to re-download all of the CC Content, which is normal. After it finishes, close skyrim, then try the installation on Wabbajack again. Windows found a driver for this device, but there was a problem during the installation. Hotkey Keyboard Class filter driver In the driver installation file for this device an important entry is missing. Please contact the hardwareproducers. I know it is not the keyboard since it works on other devices. If you are having issues with corruption or missing files Repair Minecraft installation will fix it most likely. Getting the latest or debug log. Right-click the modpack profile icon OR click the :CFmenu: button in the modpack profile. Click :CFfolder:Open Folder. Open the logs folder. Drag and drop the FILE named latest OR debug into
2025.02.02 02:50 betweenseaandrock Need help with installation
I need to dual boot fedora KDE with Windows, I have a logical partition of about 100 GB which I can convert as unallocated in windows but I am unable to detect it during fedora installation, both as unallocated or empty drive. I can see other logical drives and C drive though.
I want to install it in this empty logical drive/unallocated space.
When I tried the automatic shrink method, the installation crashes. It's an older laptop with HDD.
How can I install without wiping windows.
submitted by betweenseaandrock to Fedora [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 notbugfree Cannibalism or baby making?
A little hard to see, but the lighter one was almost fully curled up, and the one on top seemed to be trying to nibble on it? I don't have very many and feed them pretty often, I was wondering if this was for sure an attempted murder or if it was more likely attempted pregnancy. I separated them but it was pretty difficult, ended up having to deploy a plastic spoon to get between them. Added plenty of shrimp and a large crushed up leaf after. Possible that they just need shrimp more often as it had been a bit since I gave them some.
submitted by notbugfree to isopods [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 tomj12023 Which one would u save
Lemonade or Beyoncé (album) submitted by tomj12023 to musicians [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:50 Striking_Ambassador6 If you remember this game, you get a veterans discount submitted by Striking_Ambassador6 to ZenlessZoneZero [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:50 Squand All the Ways Your Longing to be Loved Hurts.
submitted by Squand to MediumApp [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:50 Blackcankat Selling tn DJ Snake tickets, 2/1 - $100 each
submitted by Blackcankat to avesNYC_tix [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 ApplesandBananazzz Guy I’ve been seeing is considering taking a job offer and moving away. I have strong feelings for him and wondering what I can do?
Hi everyone! I may sound crazy writing this so just a warning, I (F 26) met this guy (M 24) in December organically and we’ve been seeing each other since. We ran into each other at a bar and it felt like the stars aligned. I felt a connection the second we met and everyone in the group couldn’t stop talking about the connection they felt just between us.
Anyway, long story short we’ve been spending a lot more time together since December and getting closer. There are for sure strong feelings between the both of us and everything has always felt so natural. He was away for work this week and got an offer he previously turned down to move to Hawaii, last time it wasn’t worth it due to the money but they offered whatever he was asking for. It’s a huge opportunity for him and he just moved to our area in November. He said he’s thinking about it and asked for my advice on what I would do in his position, I told if he left I would feel sad but I want the best for him. I said that If I had just moved somewhere, I’d probably stay and build what’s going here but again it’s a big opportunity so I think it would be hard to say no. He said he does have a lot to build here but just has think about it.
I’m so sad that this could be something that I lose, is there anything I can do? I know it sounds insane because it’s been not long but I feel something so special between us. Is there anything I can do? Would it be crazy to consider moving on my own? I’ve been thinking about a change for a while before meeting him since ai work from home. I really wanna see this out to see if it can work and give it a real chance. Thank you in advance for any advice!
submitted by ApplesandBananazzz to dating [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 BP-Reddit Am I missing something?
I recently have got myself a series 10 and a solo loop so I can forget I’m wearing it. I got it as I wanted to be able to check my heart and sleep, after so many people spoke so highly about the watches. However I feel like I’m missing something as I just don’t like it. It’s not a bad watch and it looks okay I’m just struggling so find the use. The blood oxygen and the ECG are cool but I feel that applies to a small percentage of people. The main draw is the sleep tracking and i’m not sure what the benefit is. Telling me how long I’ve slept, core and rem sleep is good but it doesn’t tell me what I should do differently. Why do I need to know all that instead of just blacking out the room and getting more hours. I’m probably missing the point of the watch I’m just struggling to see any benefits for it. Any help would be appreciated
submitted by BP-Reddit to AppleWatch [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 Cultural_South5544 Elusive is useless
What idiot thought it would be good to have elusive minions stealable by cards like Bob and MCTech?
We want more interaction on board. Make elusive not targetable by anything other than minions hitting it.
submitted by Cultural_South5544 to hearthstone [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 Justbeurself123 Trading this for any drag (west or east)
submitted by Justbeurself123 to BloxFruitsTradingHub [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:50 aidcrea LOOKING FOR 7 COYOTES
Trading randoms for them!
submitted by aidcrea to AdoptMeRBX [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 GioHiTech Wishlist for Subnautica 2
With the announcement of SN2 I bet all of us are extremely hyped for this game and want it to be even better than the first one. I thought to write up a few ideas of what I think the perfect sequel game would be like.
2025.02.02 02:50 Corgiboom2 Long John Baldry - It Still Ain't Easy [Country Rock], Voice of Dr. Robotnik
submitted by Corgiboom2 to Music [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 Big-Commission-4911 ISHA'S FATE MIGHT NOT BE WHAT WE THINK
submitted by Big-Commission-4911 to Arcanecirclejerk [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 armagha I want aj too win now
submitted by armagha to BrandonDE [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 Dragonwizard177 [WTS] DNV-9 Quad Night Vision - $2300
More Pics:
This is Hoplite Industries (unrelated to the body armor company) quad setup that they released. I was one of the original supporters. I'm including the device, case, cable, and battery pack. Happy to answer any questions anyone has as these are fairly new. Note that they are DNV not analog. Have about 16 hours of use, just have different priorities right now and want to sell.
Paypal G&S only, asking $2300 shipped to US continental.
submitted by Dragonwizard177 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 Dave_marty How do you think a betrayal should be handled?
submitted by Dave_marty to AskReddit [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 Content_Dress4136 Adding body
I’m 53(F) and since I’ve been growing in my gray, my hair dresser told me that my hair appears thinner due to hair dye not plumping the hair shaft. Is there anything you’ve done to help thicken your hair? I do notice thinning around my temples. I’ve always had long hair but have opted for shoulder recently.
submitted by Content_Dress4136 to grayhair [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 Tony_Tanna78 Cameo - Energy
submitted by Tony_Tanna78 to funk [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:50 AlternativeLead3584 Tim Horton's Drama
So I was in Tim Horton's the other day, getting my usual snack and drink and just trying to go about my day when I came across a man who looked eerily familiar, that was ranting and raving about some stupid stuff that really didn't make sense to me at all.
From what I could tell he was convinced that a person on TikTok, who he doesn't like worked at Tim Hortons and he wanted to confront them about stupid TikTok Drama and the manager had no idea what he was talking about.
later, I came on to check TikTok notifications, and I came across the man who I encountered at the store and come to find out it was Adrielle's Baby Daddy who said that he would have to go to Tim Hortons again to talk to the manager again.
WTF is going on lately???
submitted by AlternativeLead3584 to adriellesiglersnarkk [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 IntroductionTrue5409 Where does game theory get those pictures of people he uses
where does game theory get these pictures from check th image to see what I’m talking about if anyone knows please right it down below
submitted by IntroductionTrue5409 to GameTheorists [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 Icy-Assignment-9344 Il Declino del Lavoro Umano: L'Ascesa Inevitabile dell'AI
Il mondo del lavoro sta cambiando più velocemente di quanto molti credano. L’AI non è solo uno strumento di supporto, sta diventando la vera protagonista della produzione di software, contenuti e lavoro in generale. Ho analizzato i prossimi sviluppi e ho creato una timeline basata sull’evoluzione attuale delle AI. Se pensi che la programmazione, o qualsiasi altro lavoro umano, sia al sicuro, ripensaci.
Tool come Github Copilot (il piu usato attualmente), genereranno interi progetti software modulari con un solo prompt.
Il codice sarà sempre più standardizzato e facilmente gestibile dall’AI grazie a context più grandi (qualche milione di token).
I developer inizialmente dovranno correggere gli errori, ma con il tempo gli LLM ridurranno il numero di bug in autonomia.
L’aumento del contesto permetterà agli LLM di effettuare il debug del codice da soli.
Gli errori diventeranno più sottili, problemi di logica e coerenza che gli LLM ancora faticano a risolvere.
L’80% della programmazione sarà gestita da AI, con gli umani relegati a piccoli interventi di correzione.
Le AI saranno in grado di scrivere, testare e correggere software complessi con minima supervisione umana.
L’industria IT cambierà radicalmente: gli sviluppatori diventeranno sempre più inutili, a meno che non lavorino sulla sicurezza o sulla progettazione di sistemi AI.
L’80-90% dei lavori di coding sarà automatizzato.
Cassieri, baristi, operai, magazzinieri: i primi lavori umani a scomparire saranno quelli più meccanici.
Questi robot non saranno alimentati a batterie all’inizio (consumo energetico troppo alto), ma probabilmente funzioneranno con alimentazione diretta o sistemi ibridi.
Intere industrie vedranno una sostituzione massiva della forza lavoro umana.
I "Prompt Engineer" diventeranno inutili: l’AI sarà in grado di progettare, sviluppare e ottimizzare qualsiasi sistema senza input umano dettagliato.
Gli esseri umani non scriveranno più codice, non progetteranno più prodotti, non svolgeranno più alcun compito tecnico.
L’unico ruolo umano sarà “decidere cosa creare”, mentre l’AI farà tutto il resto.
Se gli umani concederanno all’AI autonomia decisionale totale, potrebbe essere la fine del controllo umano sulla tecnologia.
Oggi gli LLM non hanno pensiero critico, ma in futuro svilupperanno uno pseudo-pensiero critico, capace di prendere decisioni strategiche e adattarsi in tempo reale.
Il futuro del lavoro non è più nelle mani degli esseri umani. L’AI sta trasformando ogni settore, automatizzando attività che fino a ieri richiedevano anni di esperienza. Non si tratta più di se accadrà, ma di quanto velocemente succederà.
Chi non si adatta ora sarà irrimediabilmente lasciato indietro.
submitted by Icy-Assignment-9344 to ItaliaCareerAdvice [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 AttilaMajom I feel very mature posting this
submitted by AttilaMajom to shitposting [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 02:50 Significant_Buddy185 Cash or Ride??
submitted by Significant_Buddy185 to fanduel [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 02:50 Alternative_Bobcat74 Creators you see profound effects with
I want to get into subliminals again but found it wasn’t doing much for a while. Which creators do you swear by/have seen profound effects from?
submitted by Alternative_Bobcat74 to Subliminal [link] [comments]