[WTB] Killer Innovations VELOCITY V1 SLIDE FOR SIG P365 DLC (Black)

2025.02.02 02:54 iamhidef [WTB] Killer Innovations VELOCITY V1 SLIDE FOR SIG P365 DLC (Black)

Looking to buy Killer Innovations VELOCITY V1 SLIDE FOR SIG P365 DLC (Black) light salt $350-$400
submitted by iamhidef to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:54 IMpertinente_1971 A falta de compreensão e empatia com a depressão!

Tive um quadro de depressão severa por quase dois anos, e senti uma falta de compreensão e empatia por parte de muitas pessoas, as vezes até próximas do que realmente é essa doença. O melhor exemplo de comparação que pude encontrar foi com o câncer, se eu tivesse tido um câncer as pessoas teriam entendido a doença, se aproximado para ajudar e entender as limitações que ele pode causar. Mas com a depressão é diferente, muita gente ainda trata como frescura ou que é só querer que tudo passa só com um pouco de força de vontade. Por isso eu digo, se você conhece alguém com depressão, ajude, apoie e fique do lado. É uma doença cruel demais. Com a ajuda principalmente de minha esposa maravilhosa, minhas filhas e um apoio de uma competente psicóloga e um excelente psiquiatra que soube trabalhar muito bem com a medicação hoje estou melhor do que nunca. Mas guardo uma certa tristeza pela falta de entendimento e empatia de algumas pessoas das quais eu esperava mais apoio. Apoiem e ajudem quem tem depressão.
submitted by IMpertinente_1971 to SaudeMentalPortugal [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:54 Distinct_Draw2354 To the finish line

To the finish line This is my hotel of choice when I travel for work. My booking is done via Concur Solutions which partners with AMEX Global Business Travel. I don’t understand why I have never earned miles for staying at the Hilton multiple stays. Is there anything I can do or I must book hotel stay only via the AA website
Hope someone can provide insight. Thanks
submitted by Distinct_Draw2354 to americanairlines [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:54 TraditionDesperate72 How does this work ?

How does this work ? submitted by TraditionDesperate72 to sportsbetting [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:54 Active_Win_2060 Help with my reverted adansonii please!

Help with my reverted adansonii please! I feel bad 😢 I have neglected it for too long and now it has lost all lower leaves and only has leaves on the ends that are reverted.
I’m thinking of notching between the variegated nodes to encourage new growth but I have never done it before so I’m kinda scared.
What should I do? Any tips on how I can get this to look healthy and variegated again?
submitted by Active_Win_2060 to Monstera [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:54 Forzahorizonguy All Mods may break when GTA 5 E&E comes to PC.

GTA 5 E&E on PS5, Xbox use a new version of rage. Newer than RDR2. With The confirmation of E&E comign to PC. All the mods will be broken and it may take a long time till they come back.
There is still hope though. Rockstar owns the CFX.re team who runs FiveM, RedM too.
If you guys remember in august 2024 GTA Focal and other peopel hinted at a Rockstar modding platform and UGC content coming to GTA 6 and may come to GTA 5 Online. Rockstar has job listings of people who have creating UGC content.
This could be the testing bench for GTA 6 Roleplay/UGC. Fivem Isnt always about roleplay servers it also has lots of minigames.
This could also mean we may see Crossplay Between GTA online ps5, xbox and pc.
I expect we learn more info about GTA 5 E&E PC this Before Feb 6th Take Twos Earnings Call.
I dont expect GTA 6 trailer 2 by then. Maybe a update about development or even a delay to early 2026. Tbh I wont be that mad if it gets delayed if it comes to PC Day 1.
submitted by Forzahorizonguy to GTA [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:54 gahlardduck S24 Ultra - disable automatic screen timeout?

Hey guys, I'm just trying to find out if there's any setting on the s24 ultra to fully disable automatic screen timeout, as the 10 minute maximum isn't enough for me.
submitted by gahlardduck to samsung [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:54 parvanehnavai I always break their TV

I always break their TV submitted by parvanehnavai to thelastofus [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:54 scifiwhy95 Rate my setup

Rate my setup submitted by scifiwhy95 to gamingsetups [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:54 InternationalTwist90 Sup amateurs?

submitted by InternationalTwist90 to cincinnati [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:54 saumvaun New Addition: SBGP011

New Addition: SBGP011 Recently decided to upgrade my black dial watch (Longines Record) and landed on SBGP011: it has a brushed bracelet with no polish, minimal reflection from the dial, 9f85 movement and 100m water resistance. This is the third GS along with SBGA373 snd SBGP017. Cheers!
submitted by saumvaun to GrandSeikos [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:54 IamPerson153 Anyone willing to do this trade?

Anyone willing to do this trade? submitted by IamPerson153 to bloxfruits [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:54 meejaycoran Slots/casino not working…

Looks like I’m not the only one.. gives me the opps error. Lmk if anyone’s starts operating like normal. TIA!
submitted by meejaycoran to Bovada [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:54 Sensitive-Bowl-5210 I need to borrow a little money for real!!!

I have til Wed night at midnight before I get paid. My card was stolen a week ago so I was broke a day after. I don't have food or essentials but I hate to ask for help in my town. Is there anything I can do to prove that you will get paid back with as much interest as you request period. Please.
submitted by Sensitive-Bowl-5210 to BorrowmoneyOnline [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:54 nittyeatsonions Trinkets Ranked As If They Were Items

Trinkets Ranked As If They Were Items https://preview.redd.it/dry1o3j84nge1.png?width=1140&format=png&auto=webp&s=15dfa80699d379fa9112a2d270e3cfbdf3f9ee15
my main process for what i'd put them as is comparing them to similar existing items and then judging if them being a trinket makes them better or worse, with lower quality stuff having less interesting effects/actively can hurt you/niche usages
submitted by nittyeatsonions to bindingofisaac [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:54 Ted_Oz_25 Everything you said

It all keeps replaying. I deserve some of it, but not all of it. I want to hate you for it, but I still can't get around the idea that my love for you just can't go away. I can tell myself all I want that it's over and there's no going back and then I go to sleep to wake up and have to tell myself all over again. I hate that you asked me to marry you because I ... just can't believe this is how shit turned out. Some days are so heavy I can barely talk, let alone eat a single meal. Sleeping has become so difficult. This form of grief can pass now. I'm over the rollercoaster of emotions that come with it.
submitted by Ted_Oz_25 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:54 HamOrLamb4Mam Flawless

Flawless submitted by HamOrLamb4Mam to rosgold [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:54 miniversion Never underestimate Moo Deng 🫣😥

Never underestimate Moo Deng 🫣😥 submitted by miniversion to SmolTaters [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:54 Jeweler-Capable What sex is this fish

Having issues determining if male or female as I want to get a second of the other. I feel it is a male
submitted by Jeweler-Capable to TropicalFish [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:54 alonelymonk H: 20k caps W: 80 energy bobble heads

submitted by alonelymonk to Market76 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:54 WearyPersimmon5926 Application help!!!

Has anyone applied and been accepted when having a very unorthodox situation?
After the military I kept to myself (due to ptsd and what happened in the military), have had tons of medical issues I needed to address, no work since the military due to injuries, almost done with bachelors but never had any good rapport with a professor as I was all online, and don’t have that great of LOR due to military being 11 years ago and no body excellent outside of that!
Anyone just straight up in personal essay about that and write a strong addendum explaining why my life circumstances are the reason I don’t have this but explain that I want this more than life and explain why?
submitted by WearyPersimmon5926 to HybridOnlineLawSchool [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:54 YUDASH43 I really want to play Pyke

Sometimes I have games where I’m like super monster beast mode and then I’ll have other games where I’m totally broken and like my whole team’s pissed at me. I want to be consistent. Is anyone else having that issue or sometimes you have amazing games and then you have horrible horrible games like you miss every hook shot and it’s not even your team being bad like it’s just you
submitted by YUDASH43 to pykemains [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:54 Greedy_Shoulder_3765 Làm lương súc vật + sản 7tr, sáng ăn tô phở nhói tiền lun

Là 1 nô lệ cho + sản chắc tôi phải hạn chế ăn phở, phở chắc dành cho khách nước ngoài + ng cocc +san.
hy vọng + sản minh bạch ngân sách, tăng lương để tôi ăn phở dễ dàng hơn
Tui là ng yêu nước nhưng k yêu đảng,
để 1 ng yêu nước như tui k thể ăn món qg, là 1 thiệt thòi.
Sau này về già tui sẽ báo thù.
submitted by Greedy_Shoulder_3765 to TroChuyenLinhTinh [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:54 Crazy_Improvement278 Valor Hype (Aus) - Are their Labubus legit?

Hii, I've been looking for labubus in Australia for quite some time and stumbled upon this website called Valor Hype listing them for somewhat reasonable prices. Does anyone have any experience ordering from them and if the labubus are legit? Thank you
submitted by Crazy_Improvement278 to PopMartCollectors [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 02:54 CultCxnt (14)-(20)

(14)-(20) submitted by CultCxnt to GlowUps [link] [comments]
