
2025.02.02 03:01 ChargeDisastrous7698 …Soulmates

Our eyes made live to each other long beforehand
You were something that felt so new yet so familiar to me
Like a place I have never been but also never left
I think I have known you my whole life and loved you a little while longer.
submitted by ChargeDisastrous7698 to UnsentLetters [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 Remote_Ad_1180 Spam this #

They scammed my grandma, saying they found her lost dog and asked for $. It’s 754-246-0244
submitted by Remote_Ad_1180 to ScamNumbers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 2_Blue How Bradley Cooper Once Taped Bags Over Insane Face While Adam Sandler, Chris Rock, Ben Stiller and Judd Apatow Took Turns Making Amy Schumer Kinda Pregnant

submitted by 2_Blue to Equivocal_News [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 hbg93 January 6x6

January 6x6 submitted by hbg93 to lastfm [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 Paige_Rinn Book Catalog Questions

If you start a book in one month, and then finish it in the next month, which month do you consider that book read in? Because I started a book in December and finished it beginning of this month but my husband is saying it only counts towards December 😅
What do you think?
submitted by Paige_Rinn to fantasyromance [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 Willing-Schedule-486 Get $10 just for signing up!

Get $10 just for signing up! APP “DABBLE” Free $10 just to sign up! No deposit! Download Dabble in app store Enter in the code field: DOORDASH Sign up/Verify email Place bets with the free $10 and cashout! (Funds will be removed after 14 days if they have not been used.)
DOORDASH https://click.dabble.com/GaFA/lg25zglp
submitted by Willing-Schedule-486 to ReferalLinks [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 Thanway Tony Soyjak

Tony Soyjak It's been awhile since Brandon's congressional campaign, but I thought about that one Tony Soyjak people were using on twitter to clown on Tony. I couldn't find the original Tony Gonzalez soyjak when i looked it up on google images, I don't have twitter, and although I love GMR, I didn't wanna comb through the episodes to find it. So I made my own.
Theres one traditional soyjak, one that more closely resembles him (like the original tony soyjak, if i remember correctly), and the reference photo. Feel free to steal
submitted by Thanway to brandonherrara [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: banda

banda translates to band
Join our new Discord Server for language learners @ https://wordofthehour.org/discord
submitted by sharewithme to PortugueseFeed [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 HotZilchy just came back to this game after 9 months and started a baby account. i'm at level 20 currently, what titan should i buy?

submitted by HotZilchy to walkingwarrobots [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 lovemotiongraphics Today's Toppled Results Thread - February 02, 2025

Post your results for today's game below!
Remember to use the spoiler tag if you're posting the words you used to topple the wall.
submitted by lovemotiongraphics to ToppledWordGame [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 mikec215 When I choose random skin in the lobby it will switch ingame it’s always the same skin I started with

How can I fix this! I don’t get it I put on random or swap skins and in game I go back to the first skin of the night I played as
submitted by mikec215 to FortNiteBR [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 diormistress guess the size of my feet

guess the size of my feet submitted by diormistress to soleslovers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 Loose_Explanation771 Vent group yoooo

Hey I’m here to talk and remember we will all listen and no screenshots and definitely no making fun of anyone in case they say it’s okay to laugh with them not at them :)
submitted by Loose_Explanation771 to Ventgroupxtrustmexxxx [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 ssa17k Genuinely surprised that they haven’t pulled the plug on TDUSC by now

Genuinely surprised that they haven’t pulled the plug on TDUSC by now submitted by ssa17k to BuiltFromTheGroundUp [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 ASICmachine It’s a good time to buy? (x-post from /r/Bitcoin)

submitted by ASICmachine to CryptoCurrencyClassic [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 Littelloou IELTS

حد عايز يحضر ايلتس ممكن امتحن في ظرف أسبوعين فا لو حد بيحضر زي او عنده خلفية ياريت ينصح خاصة ل Reading and Writing
submitted by Littelloou to No_Zero_Days [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 3xotiic_rowan Do I have a right too feel like this?

2017- my mom pretended to drop dead as a joke and only stopped when I was panicking for her phoneI was only friends with girls for the first part of my life but by a certain point I dropped Down to one to two girl friends so I was more feminine kinda but not really In end 2022, I got bullied, Sept - 2022 : new bsf : old bully Me and g were happy in our relationship for about 4 months when we got together Feb 2023 - June 2023, 4 months tops, but 4 months in I got sexually assaulted 4 times over a course of 2/3 weeks and I obviously wasn't over it so I didn't tell her but in the meantime I feel like that is one of the reasons we failed, I didn't want physical touch and I grew a barrier between the world but I also feel like she was being very controlling for example she wouldn't let me be friends with girls, that doesn't originally sound abusive but all her friends were boys, in may 2023 I started cutting myself, this is what I did tell her, she did care begging me too stop but that was short lived and stopped withing 3 days I crashed out in school and she ended up making a massive argument and she didn't act half decent again for a whole week, that was July 2023 and in early August 2023I got sa'd again by a completely new folk ( both of them were boys and younger than me and it made me feel less of a man), between late August and late september I tried to kms atleast 5 times but all were unsuccessful , after that point it was 8 months of hell for my relationship it got so much worse but, i talked up about my sa'er in October 2023 to my friend (N) and the abusive gf (G) in November 2023 it helped a bit but not much. In Nov 2022 my stepdad left and came back December 2023 I broke down when he said he was coming back unleashing the pain and suffering he let me go through throughout the whole year, finally late December I wrote to (G) about 50 reasons why I wanted to kms because she said she was better now and wanted to help me, she told her friend though when she promised she wouldn't and that friends told everyone at school so now everyone knew I cut myself and more, I got bullied for that to the point as a way of bringing my anger out I bullied someone for a year, we are now friends but I feel so bad and feel like I don't deserve any joy. Recently shit has gone bad again. At the start of 24' (A) and I fell out and we litteraly hated each other, he'd always kick me in the hallways, make snarky remarks while walking past etc. This went on for about a year until I called him a fat c u nxt Tuesday. He retaliated by hitting me twice in the head, blood starting pouring out my head and I was sent too the nurse they then sent me home, the boy suffered a exclusion but I walked home with no punishment. Other than the mental side effects, during that time I had several panic attacks and stayed up for hours at night because for some reason it triggered me and gave me flashbacks of the first sa'er. I started cutting myself again late dec 25, my anxiety is on a new level and I can't go a few hours without thinking of suic1de. I thought about how I deserved everything that has happened too me and nothings getting better even
submitted by 3xotiic_rowan to mentalhealth [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 Twizzledly Next Artifact to Be Found

With the rumors of an updated Vulkan He'stan model, i honestly can't think of a better time to push the lore forward a tad. I think it would be really cool if the forefather found a new artifact with the update. With that in mind, what artifact do yall think would be next? I'm hoping for the obsidian chariot, soley because I think it's a good excuse to get a new model in lore.
submitted by Twizzledly to Salamanders40k [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 santis_s Necesito ayuda para encontrar un audiolibro desaparecido

Necesito ayuda para encontrar un audiolibro desaparecido Una vez gracias a un trabajo escolar de mi profesora de castellano, me tocó exponer en clase sobre una novela latinoamericana, por lo que escogí "Violeta" de Isabel Allende. Luego de leer algunas páginas de el extenso libro, decidí mejor buscar un audiolibro ya que mi vista se había cansado, encontré una lista en YouTube, la voz era excelente, con un acento colombiano, la lista de reproducción no tenía todos los capítulos pero recuerdo que llegue a escucharlo hasta la mitad del libro, en el momento en que lo escuché note que la lista se actualizaba y subía capítulos cada día. Luego de exponer la novela frente a la clase no volví a entrar en la lista de reproducción, ya ha pasado un año desde la última vez que escuché esa voz, hoy me puse a investigar si aun seguía ahí para continuar escuchando el audiolibro, para mi sorpresa no había rastro de este mismo en YouTube, lo único que logré encontrar ha sido dos capítulos de este audiolibro en "iVoox". Si alguien sabe donde lo puedo encontrar sería grandioso. Gracias.
submitted by santis_s to libros [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 NickiMinajcousin Average DNA for Latin American countries (Green= Indigenous, Red= African, Blue= European)

Average DNA for Latin American countries (Green= Indigenous, Red= African, Blue= European) submitted by NickiMinajcousin to AncestryDNA [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 Few-Carpenter6698 Wallstreet Predicting Stockmarket Crash

Wallstreet Predicting Stockmarket Crash Wallstreet just released an article today predicting a massive stockmarket crash that is going to completely drain 401ks, pensions, and whatever meager savings household have saved. With how things are going, I was already thinking was going to happen. Anyone else thinking differently or....?
submitted by Few-Carpenter6698 to economicCollapse [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 choochoopants Sit on the cat, not on the dog

submitted by choochoopants to shitduolingosays [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 Swim_Boi PSA: Guys can get drugged too

TW: drugging/roofies
I (22 M) recently introduced my gf to the EDM scene. I took her to see Diesel (Shaq) back in October 2024 and she loved it. For Christmas, she bought us tickets for Volpeverse on NYE. This was my 2nd time seeing Ray Volpe and her first time.
I've been going to shows/festivals for about 2 years now and have never had a single issue. This scenario started no different than any other. We began pre-gaming about an hour and a half before we left for the venue. Neither of us were excessively drunk, but decided an Uber was our best bet, reguardless.
After we arrived at the venue, each of us had a single drink (Vodka Rebull) and watched the first opener. Between openers, we decied to have one more drink and sober up for the rest of the night. I went and got us the drinks (some kind of flavored mix drink, 2 different flavors - this is important later in the story). Brought the drinks back and continued watching the show.
About 5 minutes later, she told me she didn't like her drink and asked if we could switch. I didn't mind the drink she had, so I agreed. Finished the drinks and threw away the cups. This is when things started to feel off. I started to feel super dizzy/tingly and my vision became blurred. My first thought was "damn, how strong was that drink?" Ended up just brushing it off. About 20 minutes later, I needed to pee really bad. Last thing I remeber is leaving for the bathroom, standing in the bathroom at the urinal, and that's it. Absoutley zero memories after this.
This rest of this story is an account of what I was told by my gf after the fact: I was gone for over an hour. She didn't come look for me because she was worried that I'd come back to our spot while she was looking for me. She also couldn't call or text me because her phone was in my fanny pack, which I had (realized after the fact that this was a bad idea). She told some people around where we were that she didn't know where I was. Eventually, a guy found me and brought me back to her. Apperently, I was super aggitated and having massive mood swings, going from confused to angry to sad to affectionate, seemingly at random. I guess I had some kind of breakdown and kept repeating over and over "I can't see anything and I don't know where I am." At this point, she picked up that something was wrong and took me to security. The mood swings continued. I was going back and forther with her and secruity that I was fine and wanted to stay or that I wasn't okay and needed to go home. For example: secuity asked if I needed to go to the hospital and I became EXTREMELY upset and began shouting about how I couldn't go to the hospital and need to stay at the show and then immediatley had a break down saying I didn't know where I was and didn't know what was going on and that I wanted to go home. I also was shivering profusley and kept saying I was super cold (it was probably 75-80 degrees in the venue).
Eventually, security and my gf were able to convince me to get into an Uber and go back to her apartment. This is about 2.5 hours after I initally left for the bathroom. We get back to her appartment and my gf starts freaking out because she's alone with me and doesn't know what to do, so she calls my mom. My mom was into the underground hardstyle/techno scene back in the 90s. She was the first person to suggest that I might have been drugged and told her just to lay me on my side and stay up to make sure I kept breathing and didn't throw up. About an hour after getting back to her apt, I finally started to calm down and "even out" and this is also where some of my memory comes back. This was about 3.5-4 hours after the initally bathroom trip. Woke up the next morning with zero memory of what had happened and zero ill side effects.
My thoughts: This was definitely something other than alcohol. In total, I think I had about 5 beers and 2 mixed drinks - not enough to cause me to have an completely unhined breakdown/blackout. I also felt entirely fine up until Iafter I finishe that final mixed drink. My GUESS as to what happened is that someone slipped something into my gf's drink while she was holding it and I ended up consuming it after we switched drinks.
I've never used any form of drugs, so this was a terrifying experience for me. I am incredibly lucky that I didn't leave the venue and that I was at the show with someone else. Not sure exactly what I was given, but my guess is that maybe it was a moderate dose of GHB, but I'm not really sure. I did not take any kind of test because it wasn't important to me to know exactly what it was, we never would've known who did it, and some sources were saying different kinds of date rape drugs only stay in your system for 12ish hours.
I share my story not to ask for pitty or to scare people, but to remind others that there ARE bad actors at events, especially on busy holiday nights where they know they can pray on unsuspecting individuals. Stay safe, keep your head on a swivel, and look out for each other.
submitted by Swim_Boi to EDM [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 Fly-On-The-Wall128 Seriously, what did Eurylochus expect him to do?

Seriously, what did Eurylochus expect him to do? submitted by Fly-On-The-Wall128 to Epicthemusical [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:01 SpinningYarmulke 40,000 Smiles

submitted by SpinningYarmulke to GenesisMotors [link] [comments]
