2025.02.02 03:50 Covozi ノーモララーの内定を取り消したフジテレビ系列、損失額13~14億円規模 地方局も経営揺らぐ事態に
submitted by Covozi to newsokunomoral [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 03:50 Comfortable-Bother52 Selling Tokidoki/Hot Topic Unicorno plus size hoodie
I am selling this hoodie that I bought off of Mercari in used but good condition. I never wore it just tried it on and it was way, way too big for me. I got confused because the seller used stock photos for the non plus size hoodie. This is plus size, size 2 This came to me without a hood drawstring and some scratches on zipper. Send me any questions! submitted by Comfortable-Bother52 to Tokidoki [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 03:50 Noledgebase Flutter and Firebase Chat App: Master Flutter and Firebase ($69.99 to FREE)
submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 artiesongcomics Is there a way to force a single size for a site?
There's three different sizes a Carrd site be rendered as on desktop browsers, depending on the size of the browser's window. Is there a way to make it so the website is always the same, regardless of the browser's window size?
submitted by artiesongcomics to Carrd [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 PurestBeef All my points from genetic apex are just gone
Title says what basically happened. I was saving like 500 pts cuz im new and i heard a new pack was coming soon so I thought i should just wait it out and buy whatever i needed from genetic apex if i got anything cool from the new packs. Any help would be awesome. Thanks
submitted by PurestBeef to PTCGP [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 Noledgebase Build A Chat Application With Firebase, Flutter and Provider ($44.99 to FREE)
submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 OldStormCrow New player in need of a little advice
I just started today and as an Overwatch player of 9 years, this game has certainly piqued my curiosity.
I am having a devil of a time using kb&m, well, specifically the keyboard part of the equation. I simply can't wrap my head around wasd.
When I play OW, I use a rather unorthodox setup. I use a controller in my left hand just for wasd and other minor functions, depending on what hero I'm using, everything else is bound to my mouse. Again, unorthodox, but it's worked very well for me for years.
I noticed I can take a similar course of action in this game, but when alternating between left hand & right, a rather annoying sound indicating the on-the-fly switch from kb&m to controller plays.
Is there any way to disable that sound? I really want to enjoy this game. Any suggestions are appreciated
submitted by OldStormCrow to marvelrivals [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 tiredofstandinidlyby JJ sequels
submitted by tiredofstandinidlyby to lotrmemes [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 Shadowcoast04 How to Kill Claude La Ronde with Cargo in Sonderzuge Sabotage Mission in Sniper Elite Resistance! Killing him across the river is pretty easy!
submitted by Shadowcoast04 to sniperelite [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 03:50 suedemonkey What if you forgot or miss a turn?
submitted by suedemonkey to claustrophobia [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 Noledgebase Python and Django REST API Bootcamp - Build A Python Web API ($54.99 to FREE)
submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 HugeSeat5753 Joy Division: Unknown Pleasures
Hello, friend!
Welcome to Mazon Labs' Exham VII chapter, Joy Division. Our totally legal and completely ethical research into technological enslav..., cough, integration has allowed us to develop multiple medical breakthroughs, transforming the minds an lives of every being we encounter.
The virological breakthroughs occuring at our Exham facilities have proven to be transformative, helping us to determine the limits of the sentient psyche, all while helping to develop the workforce of the future. Utilizing technological integration with virological experimentation, our ethical, friendly, and totally sane scientists have helped to create the work force of the future!
Mazon Labs: Joy Division [250 / 250] ~ List Valid ~
CYBORG PRIME - [Leader / +22 / 2VP] Cyborg Prime - - Stinger Bolt - - Chargeburst
CYBORG BETA - [Troop / +15 / 1VP] Cyborg Beta - - Stinger Bolt - - Chargeburst - - [+3] Grenade [Smoke, one-use] - [Troop / +15 / 1VP] Cyborg Beta - - Stinger Bolt - - Chargeburst - - [+3] Grenade [Smoke, one-use] - [Troop / +15 / 1VP] Cyborg Beta - - Stinger Bolt - - Chargeburst - - [+3] Grenade [Smoke, one-use] - [Troop / +15 / 1VP] Cyborg Beta - - Stinger Bolt - - Chargeburst - - [+3] Grenade [Smoke, one-use] - [Troop / +15 / 1VP] Cyborg Beta - - Stinger Bolt - - Chargeburst - - [+3] Grenade [Smoke, one-use] - [Troop / +15 / 1VP] Cyborg Beta - - Stinger Bolt - - Chargeburst - - [+3] Grenade [Smoke, one-use] - [Troop / +15 / 1VP] Cyborg Beta - - Stinger Bolt - - Chargeburst - - [+3] Grenade [Smoke, one-use] - [Troop / +15 / 1VP] Cyborg Beta - - Stinger Bolt - - Chargeburst - - [+3] Grenade [Smoke, one-use]
CYBORG ALPHA - [Specialist / +18 / 2VP] Cyborg Alpha - - Claw - - Chargeburst - - [+2] Combat Blade [one-use] - [Specialist / +18 / 2VP] Cyborg Alpha - - Claw - - Chargeburst - - [+2] Combat Blade [one-use] - [Specialist / +18 / 2VP] Cyborg Alpha - - Claw - - Chargeburst - - [+2] Combat Blade [one-use] - [Specialist / +18 / 2VP] Cyborg Alpha - - Claw - - Chargeburst - - [+2] Combat Blade [one-use] - [Specialist / +18 / 2VP] Cyborg Alpha - - Claw - - Chargeburst - - [+2] Combat Blade [one-use] - [Specialist / +18 / 2VP] Cyborg Alpha - - Claw - - Chargeburst - - [+2] Combat Blade [one-use]
This list looks so wild, haha. Smoke grenades and combat blades... Truly no greater match.
submitted by HugeSeat5753 to deadzonethegame [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 Ecstatic_Technician2 Am I transplant candidate? If so, any idea how many grafts? I've been slowly losing for 30 years and was never concerned about the crown until the past 8 when it accelerated rapidly. I lost temporal lobes around 22 but they have stabilized. Any suggestions in Toronto appreciated.
submitted by Ecstatic_Technician2 to HairTransplants [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 03:50 Noledgebase Flutter UI Bootcamp | Build Beautiful Apps using Flutter ($59.99 to FREE)
submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 Legitimate-Crazy8354 my brain in a nutshell(bcs why tf not)
https://preview.redd.it/p48adh5menge1.png?width=756&format=png&auto=webp&s=26996fbea27ff0195b5cde05a78d7f009d9bf496 submitted by Legitimate-Crazy8354 to TierStars [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 03:50 PascalFromGermany Lufthansa uses picture of BA First to advertise upgrades
submitted by PascalFromGermany to Lufthansa [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 Noledgebase Master Python Web Scraping and Automation using BS4 and Selenium ($59.99 to FREE)
submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 Noledgebase Women Leaders Executive Programme ($27.99 to FREE)
submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 ThrowRA_Berry5051 Is there hope in getting a guy that doesn’t naturally compliment me to compliment me? (Early 20s)
We have been dating for several years now. I would say he primarily would in times where we were fighting when he made a mistake and was trying to like make up for it. I’ve always kinda had insecurities of wanting to be like pretty enough for him to want to take candid photos of me and share them and stuff. I often will get ready to go out to dinner or something and it hurts only since I’ll try to look extra pretty in hopes of a compliment a lot but it very rarely will happen. His take on it is like - I know that he thinks that? And he sees me seeking out wanting a compliment as like my anxiety needing reassurance versus just wanting like to be told something nice I guess. How do I explain this part to him at all? That I don’t want acts of certain things to prove his love for me but just as continuous romantic gestures to show appreciation for our love. It was a big anniversary of ours recently and I totally understood because of how busy he was but he didn’t get me flowers or post on social media and I totally get I wasn’t priority but with things but I just wish even a late post or anything. My birthday post to him also like called him the love of my life whereas his just said “Happy birthday ❤️” for me. Maybe I’m just overthinking but sometimes it also just feels he doesn’t care to give extra effort or is even like checked out. How some girls get asked to be their valentines I know I would never even dream of that- and I know that’s a silly thing anyway- but I guess sometimes I just hate with compliments and flowers and things I think I’ve just interpreted or like settled now with my brain thinking I’m just like not enough for those things. I feel like I constantly am insecure of my looks/career etc wanting to change things to hope to meet up to someone seen as who would get those efforts naturally and I know that’s sad. Sometimes it just feels like because he secured me as a girlfriend he doesn’t understand like reasons to still show me pursuing attention I guess. Some other things I’ve accepted that I hate is he doesn’t go down on me. I honestly feel like with our sex life we kinda ticked off a lot of boxes and I feel like it just has felt he isn’t into it as much anymore either which itself would make up for compliments etc I don’t think I ever cared about not getting compliments until we started having less sex.
submitted by ThrowRA_Berry5051 to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 Agile_Ad3251 Hand it to me orders
If your delivery instructions say “handed to me“ I need you to be at the door ready to accept your order. I shouldn’t have to knock. I shouldn’t have to call. in fact, you should be opening the door as I’m putting my car in park.
submitted by Agile_Ad3251 to doordash_drivers [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 Noledgebase Dart and Flutter | The Complete Flutter Development Course ($69.99 to FREE)
submitted by Noledgebase to Udemies [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 _the_sky_10 Want someone for this valentine's week
submitted by _the_sky_10 to sixwordstories [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 Lawnerd2022 JD Advising CA essay outlines
Does anyone have the JD Advising CA outlines specifically for the essays ??
submitted by Lawnerd2022 to CABarExam [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 Exciting_Check6035 Message to send to s.o I’ve been seeing for 3 months
Hi all, I really need some advices. I (25 F) have been seeing this guy (34 M) for 3 months. We’re exclusive and off dating app (how we met). Problem is he’s having a job offer oversea in the US for 5 months (starting in May this year). This opportunity came quite abruptly recently and it is one of his dream check list so he doesn’t want to turn it down. I’m 100% support this and would never hold him back. We both discussed prior that none of us likes doing LDR. And by the time he’s leaving, we only just been dating for 7-8 months. I don’t like LDR but I really want to try, considering I really like him and it only gonna be 5 months. He thinks it’s not a good idea, and suggested it’s better to keep dating for now till May, knowing this will be put on pause. And when he’s back, if both of us are still having feelings for each others then we can try again. He thinks it’s better this way rather than destroying our connections completely if we try LDR and it doesn’t work out. What’s your opinion on this? Should I cut it off now to avoid getting more attached to him? Or should I try to talk to him about LDR? I’m thinking of sending him this message below. Any advices is much appreciated 🙏🏻🙏🏻
‘Hey, so I have been thinking alot abt the whole situation and honestly don’t know how to feel about this. My feelings for you are developing and I do want to see how it goes. You have been amazing so far, and I enjoy my time spending with you. Till this point, I’m still unsure of how you feel about me, and if you see there’s future for us or not. So I do need you to think abt it and let me know if we’re on the same page. I’m intentional dating to find life partner and I don’t want to be put in a situation where it’s either casual or unreciprocated. With the last 3 months, I believe you already have an idea of who I am as a person.’
submitted by Exciting_Check6035 to dating_advice [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 03:50 Proof_Wrap_2150 Why does Justin Trudeau speak French as if he’s trying to impress everyone that he speaks French?
submitted by Proof_Wrap_2150 to RandomThoughts [link] [comments]