Controversial Comedian Leonarda Jonie denies the Holocaust, thinks that only White People should vote, and compares Indian immigrants to parasites and cockroaches

2025.02.02 03:51 ArkansasLeo77 Controversial Comedian Leonarda Jonie denies the Holocaust, thinks that only White People should vote, and compares Indian immigrants to parasites and cockroaches

Controversial Comedian Leonarda Jonie denies the Holocaust, thinks that only White People should vote, and compares Indian immigrants to parasites and cockroaches submitted by ArkansasLeo77 to politics [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:51 AdForeign3283 Prestamo Familiar de Steam

Buenas noches gente! Tengo una consulta para los que tienen el the last of us o el god of war, figuran estos dos en el préstamo familiar? (Se que en las etiquetas de steam aparece que si, pero me ha pasado con juegos que supuestamente tienen prestamo familiar pero sin embargo no aparecen en la biblioteca) Desde ya muchas gracias por su tiempo
submitted by AdForeign3283 to ArgamingConsultas [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:51 Normal_Vacation_4002 Can I make a Custom Rom Based on Stock Rom

As the title says, It is possible to make a custom rom based on a stockrom. Example a stock LG UX Rom will be used instead of a custom rom/kernel.
submitted by Normal_Vacation_4002 to AndroidQuestions [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:51 Leather_Spot_1711 Komah - Barra Funda

Komah - Barra Funda O Komah estava na minha lista há um ano, mas nunca deu certo de ir. Um amiga está deixando a cidade e resolveu reunir a galera lá. Estávamos em 6.
Chegamos às 20:40 e sentamos na mesa às 23:10. Foi a maior espera de fila que tive desde que me mudei para São Paulo.
O arroz de costela com omelete (R$ 80) foi pedido quase unânime da mesa. Um casal de amigas acabou pedindo a costela baseada, gohan e salada (R$ 85).
Sobre o arroz de costela: estava bem bom, a costela estava macia e o ponto do omelete estava perfeito. Só achei que eles pecaram no óleo de gergelim. Chegou um momento que eu não conseguia terminar mais porque estava enjoativo. Isso também aconteceu com meu companheiro e olha que ele é bem menos sensível que eu para comida.
A costela braseada estava desmanchando, sabor suave e levemente picante. A salada estava bem gostosa. O óleo de gergelim era bem presente, mas não estava enjoativo como no arroz.
Eu fui a única que pediu sobremesa. Fui de merengue (R$ 37, sorbet de manga, compota de yuzu/yuja e folha de gergelim/khaennip). Achei interessante a apresentação, parecia um ovo. Estsva gostosa, era bem perfumada, mas dava uma enjoada - principalmente por causa da compota de yuzu que estava doce demais.
Eles deram uma porção de bardana grátis por causa da espera.
O atendimento foi gentil. Sempre solícitos.
Confesso que eu esperava mais. Foi bom, mas faltou algo. Até falei com meu companheiro "poxa, se fossemos ao Barikote teríamos comido um bom domburi e gastado a metade do preço". Não sinto vontade de voltar.
Gastei R$ 141,25 (arroz, sobremesa, água com gás e sobremesa). Acho que a ideia de dividir a costela braseada é mais interessante, porque aí você consegue provar outras coisas e sai mais em conta.
submitted by Leather_Spot_1711 to ComiEmSP [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:51 FreshBakedWater Help windows install!

So I got windows on a flash drive booted it up got to the network part didn't have internet. Tried to do the CMD command to restart so I could bypass it but my keyboard wouldn't type so I powered off the PC and restarted it and now it's stuck on the MSI screen
submitted by FreshBakedWater to buildapc [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:51 OperaCreed1948 GUIMARAS MANGGAHAN FESTIVAL 2025

We are booked for Iloilo from Manila in early May for the Guimaras Manggahan Festival. Finding the resorts lacking, we decided on a day trip on either of the above dates. Aside from the "eat all you can mangoes" event at Jordan, what other activities, places to visit, and dining options would you recommend for a meaningful 10-hour visit? Damo guid salamat.
submitted by OperaCreed1948 to Iloilo [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:51 Get_Ahead Spaghetti and meatballs with mushrooms 🍝

Spaghetti and meatballs with mushrooms 🍝 submitted by Get_Ahead to aldi [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:51 TheFlickOfWrist Vocalist help Scarlett solo gen 3

Im new to this and I can't seem to connect my scarlett solo gen 3 to my fender frontman 20g amp I have a shure sm58 mic btw can anyone tell me how to set it up?
submitted by TheFlickOfWrist to Focusrite [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:51 feel_swag_inc CSS Profile

So the college I want to attend requires a complete CSS profile in which the deadline is today, but we started it a week ago. It said something about line 12 part a or b or whatever of my parents tax documents but it literally does not have that on any of her papers? It has line 12 but no letter parts to that line so I'm so confused.
submitted by feel_swag_inc to collegehelp [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:51 CMIUCan jufuluguta tariff

jufuluguta tariff submitted by CMIUCan to DHMIS [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:51 Fair_Tale3317 Anyone have a free og account or one I can play on 😃

Does anyone have a free og account or one can play on 😃 thanks if so
submitted by Fair_Tale3317 to FortniteAccountsSale [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:51 electrobman6234 How A Lemon Battery Works 🤔

How does this works ??????
submitted by electrobman6234 to ElectroBOOM [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:51 shylock2k202 Can you be the last one standing?

Can you be the last one standing? submitted by shylock2k202 to StellarShroomz [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:51 Ireddit189 Watch stopped working all of a sudden

Watch stopped working all of a sudden I opened it to check and found these 2 spots.
Can anyone provide any feedback?
submitted by Ireddit189 to GalaxyWatchActive2 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:51 An_Average_Guy7567 Single Action Mod Menu?

Is there a mod menu I can use for just a single action? Some hacker a while back (2022 probably) took my account and changed it to level 5880. Nothing else was touched, just the level. It's been a few years now and I find that I tend to get targeted as a hacker for my high level, alongside with nobody wanting to do any heists, jobs, etc. with me because of my level. I just need a mod menu where I can install it, change my level back to what it was, and never touch it again. Any suggestions?
submitted by An_Average_Guy7567 to Gta5Modding [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:51 Tanshoku_ JARCA IS JACKED!!!!

Body text
submitted by Tanshoku_ to Splynters [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:51 Dry-Standard-7727 Confusion about housing

I got in to the honors college and got accepted into the live and learn dorm thing (applied without really thinking), but have decided that i want to go live some of my friends who got accepted for academic housing (the other one thats not the towers). Do I have to switch my housing type to go live with them or could I just put them down on the roommate selection? And what are the chances that I would be able to switch my housing type at this time?
submitted by Dry-Standard-7727 to ucf [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:51 VoodooElNino Have you worked for Wizard Manpower Services?

Looking at contacting them, need to know what their HMO company is, plus your experience (how long, if they have any issues notable)
submitted by VoodooElNino to PHJobs [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:51 heraymo1 Can't pay utilities with new CVS OTC visa card

I called and asked them if we could still pay utilities they said yeah but I have to go down to their office and pay there> so how does this help disable the precious card and let me pay it online?
submitted by heraymo1 to medicare [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:51 Ok-Result9633 Is this negative or positive… unknown

Is this negative or positive… unknown submitted by Ok-Result9633 to TFABLinePorn [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:51 Opposite_Pomelo2618 Address

I put my address in thinking I was finally gonna get my first wheel and I forgot to add something to my address I emailed moza do you think I will be fine ???
submitted by Opposite_Pomelo2618 to moza [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:51 Soya-Kun Mast (by @HiroSenpaii)

submitted by Soya-Kun to NikkeMobile [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:51 corvidski caitvi leyendecker !! had 2 draw them

caitvi leyendecker !! had 2 draw them submitted by corvidski to arcane [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:51 karlbernadel1 Looking for Basketball buddy

Anybody down to play some pickup basketball on the weekend. Looking to get some exercise in while having some fun. Let me know.
submitted by karlbernadel1 to fortlauderdale [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 Sceadu_Fiend Thanks to the old gypsy woman, I've lived for a thousand years.

Along with immortality, I should have asked for eternal youth.
submitted by Sceadu_Fiend to TwoSentenceHorror [link] [comments]