How can we be certain of truth if our perception is inherently limited?

2025.02.02 03:48 SilentIdea6180 How can we be certain of truth if our perception is inherently limited?

submitted by SilentIdea6180 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:48 emanon_dude Jett out!

submitted by emanon_dude to supercross [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:48 _CharlesR Respectfully wondering, is OnePlus Watch bad? I hear no credit given to it and everyone says buy Galaxy Watch instead. What’s the consensus??

submitted by _CharlesR to onepluswatch2 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:48 SSMFA20 Plugged up/ear pressure feeling Buds 3 pro

My left earbud gives me a real bad pressure/suction feeling in my ear. It's only the left bud giving me this feeling and I've tried all the tips. I even flipped it upside down and put it in my right ear and it seems to give me the bad pressure feeling as well, so I don't think it's just my left ear being weird. None of my other earbuds do this, which is why I thought I would see if anyone else has this problem or it's just me...
submitted by SSMFA20 to galaxybuds [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:48 dr_spooks_singula What's The Least expensive thermal clip on for pvs14? this one's the least expensive one I've stumbled across thus far

submitted by dr_spooks_singula to NightVision [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:48 Gold-Patience-9420 Skill based matchmaking should be fixed man

Skill based matchmaking should be fixed man No caption just observe this shit
submitted by Gold-Patience-9420 to CallOfDutyMobile [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:48 Character_Second_116 Slow burn relationship

Do you feel like you need to know a girl “trauma” before “dating” a woman?! I’m using dating loosely because I’m speaking more in curiosity than experience. I can relate to having trauma and baggage but I feel like it’s more complex when it’s a guy and girl who go from situation-ship to relationship. Or relationship adjacent I should say. Because if you’re just constantly hooking up with a girl and everything is surface level you may not divulge into heavier issues of what that specific partner may be dealing with. Or may you do. If you were to switch to relationship and she had a lot of emotional baggage how do you handle that? Do you navigate it and help her deal with or do you start to pull away and let things “sink”?
submitted by Character_Second_116 to AskMenAdvice [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:48 J7tn So I saw beast/pirate in the lobby and I HAD to try to complete exodia

So I saw beast/pirate in the lobby and I HAD to try to complete exodia submitted by J7tn to BobsTavern [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:48 yalliveoil Loch Hass Monster

Loch Hass Monster Found Nessie in my avocado!
submitted by yalliveoil to Pareidolia [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:48 rasta-nipples How important is a bathtub?

I may be in the wrong place to ask this but 100+ yr old 2 bedroom, 3 full bathroom home in a college area, but ‘historic’ neighborhood. Homes in the neighborhood range from 150k to 300k.
The house originally had 3 bedrooms upstairs but the previous couple converted 2 of them into one main bedroom.
So here’s my question. We have 1 showetub combo in the only bathroom upstairs by the bedrooms, I would like to convert it to a full tile shower but people always say “well it hurts the resale since you won’t have any bathtubs in the house for kids”. I would argue that the likelihood of someone with kids or planning to have kids would buy a home with only 2 bedrooms is already low. Would I be dumb to remove the only tub in my house since we don’t use it?? Thoughts?
submitted by rasta-nipples to AskRealEstateAgents [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:48 Loud_Satisfaction_24 I want to know what is retopoflow addon used for

I saw lately some work and when i asked how it is made (i am a blender beginner) they said they used retopoflow. It was mainly characters with different shapes and looks and details and gears etc.
So i wanted to know what does that one do, and if it could make my works easier, this may not be directly related to blender but it's a blander addon though
Thanks in advance
submitted by Loud_Satisfaction_24 to blender [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:48 Icy_Ad4208 TIFU by accidentally googling gay Italian porn TWICE on the same day on my school computer and almost getting expelled

This happened when I was 13 years old and it still keeps my up at night more than a decade later.
In the final grade of my primary school, 3 months of the year were dedicated to doing research projects. We would still have Math and English classes, but for the rest of the school day we would be assigned a project such as researching an endangered animal, doing a robotics course, preparing a presentation etc.
For the second month, we were assigned a specific county and had to do a 50 page report about it, such as it's culture, food, history and language. Afterwards, as part of our economics project, we would have to open a stall and sell products from that county (normally food-related) to the other students. This will be important later.
For my country, I was assigned Italy. Towards the end of the project, I was researching the georgraohy of Italy and was surprised to learn the word "peninsula". Over the course of these projects, I had become quite good at Googling and was used to using the autocomplete feature. So one day, I decided to Google the phrase "Italian peninsula" but after typing in "Italian peni.." I assumed autocomplete would take over. Unfortunately, it completed to "Italian penis" and this triggered a message to our IT director.
After explaining what happened to about 5 different teachers they eventually believed me and let me carry on. However, I then remembered that later that week I would have to open up an Italian stall and sell traditional food. Wanting to be more creative than just pizza and pasta, I had remembered reading about Italian cocktails and thought that making virgin cocktails would be am interesting idea.
You can probably see what happened after this. I typed in 'Italian cock..." and pressed enter, thinking that Google autocomplete would take over. It did not. My IT director came over RUNNING to my desk with a group of about 10 teachers this time, furious at me. I did my best to explain what happened but they were not buying it. They threatened to call my parents and even mentioned expelling me.
Fortunately my search history did show Italian cocktails from a few days earlier but even so, I think some of the teachers (and most of my classmates) still believe to this day that I googled gay Italian porn twice on the same day.
TL;DR: when I was 13, I accidentally googled gay Italian porn twice on the same day on my school computer (due to not understanding google autocomplete). I was almost expelled and I still have nightmares about this
submitted by Icy_Ad4208 to tifu [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:48 illustrythan Workout with iansan (by me)

Possibly the most awaiting travail character till now. But let's see how she fights when she's playable.
I also made a video of the speedpaint:
submitted by illustrythan to IansanMains [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:48 Proper_Word6422 Will I get banned if I now use an automated script for reminding payments to my clients?

I don't use WhatsApp API, I use my personal number. At the end of each week I need to message more than 400 clients to remind them of weekly expenses, so instead of spending 4 hours sending messages I have found the way to automate this with a script. Is it possible to get banned by doing this? Can I avoid being banned for this by using WhatsApp API? Any help would be appreciated
submitted by Proper_Word6422 to whatsapp [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:48 Solnse How do I find a restoration company that isn't going to fleece us?

My wife's ex-relationship completely dismantled her dead mother's '69 coupe down to a pile of rubbish. We went and got the frame, the engine with the transmission kind of hanging off it, rotted tires and boxes of trim and random stuff.
She and her ex co-owned a body shop together (that she financed) and so the idea was to tear down and rebuild her mother's car. The tear-down happened and it sat in the weather on the shop property for years. The rebuild never happened. Over 20 years the other only thing he did was remove the headlight wells and put them on another parts mustang he bought.
Anyway, we have her mom's car. I confirmed with her dad that the engine matches. He had put in a aviation lifters decades ago which we confirmed are there when I removed the cover and sent him photos. He is ex military aviation.
I'd love to get this car restored for my wife. But, it doesn't make sense to spend $60k on a car that would be worth maybe $25k restored? The sentimental value is huge, but we are realistic. And I am realistic that labor costs $$$. Especially these days.
Her ex really did her a dirty. I mean even the engine block is in question. Pistons need to be machined potentially after sitting outdoors in the elements naked? Everything is a rebuild from the ground up.
Is it possible to find restoration services piece by piece? I'm not a wrench turner. I grew up with my dad working on engines, but the most I ever did was doing oil changes or replacing an alternator. I'm technology by profession.
I bought an engine mount and lift to get it up here and secured. But the shell is sitting on our driveway, begging to get attention.
Any advice is appreciated. What would you do? Who do I look for? What questions do I ask them? And what can I get some myself with a set of original auto manuals?
submitted by Solnse to classicmustangs [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:48 Maravilla_23 32M. Watching “Den of Thieves 2”, who’s up & wants to ft or voice notes? [chat]

Hi 👋
Not gonna lie, I had a few rounds of whiskey 🥃 on 🧊 and feel like toooooo chill, or too relaxed to do anything or even type tonight lol.😆
Who’s up still & would like to chat a while! We can do ft, audio notes or better yet, if you have a good voice… why don’t you sign your fav song! 🎵 haha.
Crazy, I know.. blame the alcohol.
Cheers Your tall tanned & handsome bestie
submitted by Maravilla_23 to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:48 kidddip We’re so back

We’re so back submitted by kidddip to Stance [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:48 Justforreddit44 5 🌟 trade

5 🌟 trade submitted by Justforreddit44 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:48 Zealousideal-Tap9700 Toad Ranch Enclosures for Guinea Pigs

Has anyone had success in using the toad ranch enlosures for their guinea pigs?
submitted by Zealousideal-Tap9700 to guineapigs [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:48 maeveleigh Ok serious question

Out of curiosity after smoking a J….how did wagons with horses get across deep rivers? Like horses can swim but how did the wagons stay boyant?
submitted by maeveleigh to CIVILWAR [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:48 ehedfdgfdfg futurama

submitted by ehedfdgfdfg to FullEpisodes [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:48 Andyy_died you cannot look at bamboo hatted kim and tell me he doesn't look like he chew on bones until they're dust and eat them

you cannot look at bamboo hatted kim and tell me he doesn't look like he chew on bones until they're dust and eat them submitted by Andyy_died to TheOdysseyHadAPurpose [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:48 Internal-Driver4102 Dr. Acid! (working title) an acid-based irredeamable villain!

Dr. Acid! (working title) an acid-based irredeamable villain! submitted by Internal-Driver4102 to HeroForgeMinis [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:48 Zestyclose_Custard93 possed sam 😱 😱😱(3am gone wrong)

submitted by Zestyclose_Custard93 to theouterworlds [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:48 Bunnybw Struggling to Climb? Let’s Change That! Personalized, Affordable League of Legends Coaching

Hi, I’m Coach Ember! I’ve been coaching League of Legends players across all skill levels for years. Whether you’re trying to escape ELO Hell, sharpen your mechanics, or finally understand why your teammates keep flaming you (spoiler: it’s not always your fault), I’m here to help.
I’ve been around since the days of AP Master Yi terrorizing the Rift (Season 3 vibes, anyone?), so I know how overwhelming the game can feel. That’s why I’ve built a coaching approach that’s effective, affordable, and approachable.
What You’ll Get with My Coaching

How It Works
  1. We’ll chat about your goals and what you want to achieve in League.
  2. I’ll review some of your games and identify areas to improve.
  3. Together, we’ll create a step-by-step plan to help you climb the ranks and enjoy the game more.
No stress, no judgment—just practical coaching that works. You’ll also get access to my Discord community—a supportive group of players who share tips, celebrate wins, and yes, occasionally laugh at their most “questionable” plays.
Ready to Level Up? Join the Discord today:
Let’s talk about your goals, set up your first session, and start your journey to improvement. Who knows—you might even carry your next game like it’s Season 3 all over again!
submitted by Bunnybw to LeagueCoachingGrounds [link] [comments]