Just shaved, ready for your ocean

2025.02.02 03:59 Safe_Serve866 Just shaved, ready for your ocean

submitted by Safe_Serve866 to sixwordstories [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:59 Mean_L1sten XRP Skyrockets 280% as Ripple Rides ETF Surge and Regulatory Shifts – Altcoins Bitcoin News

XRP Skyrockets 280% as Ripple Rides ETF Surge and Regulatory Shifts – Altcoins Bitcoin News submitted by Mean_L1sten to kucoin [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:59 10thDoctorWhooves Meow

submitted by 10thDoctorWhooves to BattletoBecomeAGod [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:59 RoxieMillen Selling 4x tn Boris / Volvox tixs @ BASEMENT - 2/1

$40 each OBO
RA screenshot
submitted by RoxieMillen to avesNYC_tix [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:59 Royal-Chicken5873 my fit today

my fit today submitted by Royal-Chicken5873 to EmoGothStyle [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:59 mcgrath50 Repotted some herbs and came across a bunch of these fellas - is it ok?

Repotted some herbs and came across a bunch of these fellas - is it ok? What are they? Are they ok to be in my plants? And if not, what do I do with them?
Thanks so much!
submitted by mcgrath50 to GardeningAustralia [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:59 team_negative1 Surface Pro 1 - from 2013 resurrected with Windows 10 (after 2 days of struggling to install)

Surface Pro 1 - from 2013 resurrected with Windows 10 (after 2 days of struggling to install) submitted by team_negative1 to Surface [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:59 varanusprime Question about where Abel is in Hurry Up Tomorrow

Not sure if this has been brought up but I’m curious where Abel is throughout Hurry Up Tomorrow in terms of purgatory and afterlife.
Dawn FM is meant to be a loop, as Jim Carrey says “you gotta be heaven to see heaven”, essentially meaning until Abel lets go, he is bound to repeat purgatory and keep reliving the past forever (since Dawn FM is a loop). Given Hurry Up Tomorrow is a continuation past the loop of purgatory, where does this album put Abel?
The way I understood it is since he had to relive his memories until he let go, this album is his effort to finally try letting go after reliving his memories over and over for an indeterminate amount of time (I always imagined that the album’s been on a constant loop since January 2022).
submitted by varanusprime to TheWeeknd [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:59 beefSupremeChicken scratches on clasp?

scratches on clasp? So I've had my Hamilton KFA for two weeks and worn it daily. I noticed the following on the clasp today - almost like micro-scratches on the clasp. A little annoying. Anyone know what this is? What's causing it? Anything I can do to prevent it?
I had similar scratches on a bracelet I wore 20 years ago - this is my first watch on a bracelet since back then so I cannot remember. I've been wearing long sleeves as it's winter here.
Sorry about the image being blurry.
Thank you!
submitted by beefSupremeChicken to HamiltonWatches [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:59 ImpactIllustrious780 [IIL] This Meredith monk performance.

Really in love with the vintage sounding organ, the chord progression is amazing along with the vocals. Need more performances like it. Thank you :)
submitted by ImpactIllustrious780 to ifyoulikeblank [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:59 Traffy-D-Law When Santi called that Nia is gonna eliminate 7 Women

When Santi called that Nia is gonna eliminate 7 Women submitted by Traffy-D-Law to SantiZapVideos [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:59 Legitimate_Net_5459 Real

Real submitted by Legitimate_Net_5459 to DDLC [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:59 neirospicy_mama I’m annoyed living here anymore

I’m so frustrated living in America right now. It feels like my rights don’t matter, especially as someone raising a child with a disability. It makes me so angry that medical assistance got frozen when this happened—my kid had no services at all. People don’t understand how devastating that really is.
What frustrates me even more is the mindset that if something doesn’t directly affect you, you shouldn’t care. But you should care. You should care about children and adults with disabilities. It’s not right that they’re the ones who suffer. If my child’s services are taken away, she will suffer. It genuinely feels like society wants us to disappear because we make others uncomfortable.
And honestly, a lot has come out in my area that has shown me just how anti-disability people really are. It breaks my heart to see how cruel both adults and kids can be—to my own child. That’s why I hate living here now. I just want to move because it feels like no one cares enough.
I don’t know, I just hope things get better. All kids deserve an education and the accommodations they need to thrive. It’s not fair. I even lost a friend over this—and she also has a child with a disability! None of this makes any logical sense to me.
I don’t care who you voted for. I care about people having basic human rights and being treated with respect. This isn’t about politics; it’s about what kind of human being you are. And right now, the world feels so dark. We should be coming together, not being so divided.
submitted by neirospicy_mama to venting [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:59 ComplexWrangler1346 Im officially in the Jasmy family now !! I waited a few days to see if it went under .3 cents and it did ! So happy to be invested in this coin now !

Im officially in the Jasmy family now !! I waited a few days to see if it went under .3 cents and it did ! So happy to be invested in this coin now ! submitted by ComplexWrangler1346 to JasmyToken [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:59 BigDepartment4932 Two mysteries in Y2 V12.5

Two mysteries within V12.5 definitely left me hanging.
A person texted Ayanokouji, saying, "Wanna hang out?" He accepted the invitation and agreed to a specific time.
At that moment Ayanokouji was going to call 2 different persons and set up times and places they could meet. In fact, because of his agreement to "hang out" with this anonymous person, during his phone call to meet with Suzune, he asked if she would be agreeable to meet 1 hour later than she'd suggested, moving it to noon.
1.) The request to "hang out" had a very informal tone. And Ayanokouji's prompt replay made it clear he felt just as familiar with the sender of the text. Who do you think sent that text to Ayanokouji, with whom he "spent some time together" for one hour?

  1. ) How could Hoshinomiya know about the transfe In the morning --- before either Mashima or Chabashira did? How might she be involved?
What thoughts do you have on these 2 as yet unanswered questions?
submitted by BigDepartment4932 to ClassroomOfTheElite [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:59 xokarmasmileox What does my art taste like?

What does my art taste like? My first attempt at moana.
submitted by xokarmasmileox to ARTIST [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:59 Guy2862xbox Menu Scrolling bug

I have all the dlc enabled and when i'm on the menu (save select, character select, options for starting runs, etc.) it's scrolling without me inputting anything and the only buttons that work are enter and space not anything else plus it's completely fine when I manage to start a run or game I play on computer windows Can someone please help I can't find any tutorials to fix this
submitted by Guy2862xbox to bindingofisaac [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:59 st4rboiii Men outfits

Queer men where do you guys get your Coachella outfits?
submitted by st4rboiii to Coachella [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:59 Throwaway404805 NavyFed holding wired funds from BoA since 1.21

NVF has yet to release funds that were wired from BoA on 1.21.25, and claims they’re still waiting on BoA to respond to a request for information including what the funds are being used for. 11 days!?! BoA received and responded to the request on 1.24.25 These are wired funds! What bank does this?!? The name on the wire and the receiving account match.
submitted by Throwaway404805 to NavyFederal [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:59 Ahs565451 Favorite Danny Motta quotes

Danny is a source of amusement and hilarious reactions. Not sure I appreciate you by sharing our favorite quotes of his.
submitted by Ahs565451 to Dannymotta [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:59 Glittering_Suit_6710 WIBTAH for reaching out to an in-laws ex about possible SA?

I met my husband in 2018 and moved in with him 2019, during this period we found out that one his cousins was SA’ing his daughter. It was a turbulent time and everyone picked sides. The aunt that raised my husband and forced him to raise her sons all sided with the youngest cousin, the perpetrator. Fast forward after years of no contact, I came to find out one of the older cousins had a child, a girl, and was now raising her in the same household as the perpetrator. Him and the mother are no longer together and I see the aunt bashing the mother blatantly online and threatening to take her to court so her son can get full custody. I don’t want to start anything and I don’t want them back in our lives but I feel like I owe this girl knowledge about what happened to our daughter so that hers can be spared.
My husband has told me to drop it and that it would only add chaos to our lives. I should note that our daughter was in kindergarten when this happened and the perpetrator was in high school, the detectives who listened to her story told us that she most definitely was SA’d but they had no physical evidence to prosecute.
submitted by Glittering_Suit_6710 to AITAH [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:59 razorbeloved0909 Ye story showing his dashboard

Ye story showing his dashboard submitted by razorbeloved0909 to GoodAssSub [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:59 HAPPEEnatl Take a study break and come see both the fabulous HAPPEE dogs!! If you like big floofy dogs, you’ll be in heaven!

Take a study break and come see both the fabulous HAPPEE dogs!! If you like big floofy dogs, you’ll be in heaven! submitted by HAPPEEnatl to HAPPEE_HugsandPups [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:59 xatfi Katri Kulmuni joutui niin limaisten kirjoitusten kohteeksi, että kommen­toijatkin alkoivat riidellä keskenään

Katri Kulmuni joutui niin limaisten kirjoitusten kohteeksi, että kommen­toijatkin alkoivat riidellä keskenään submitted by xatfi to xatfi [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:59 InformalMeal2852 Who you got?

Who you got? As an Indian i want Jubli to win but man he's cooked 😭
submitted by InformalMeal2852 to ufc [link] [comments]
