Who have the cheapest T available nowdays?

2025.02.02 03:41 Due_Average_3874 Who have the cheapest T available nowdays?

Looking for a new Cypionate supplier
submitted by Due_Average_3874 to Testosterone [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:41 netocrat LIVE: Postgame Media OTT 6 MIN 0

submitted by netocrat to OttawaNewsPulse [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:41 Zeroyhme Squid Game: Season 1 vs Season 2 Comparisons

Squid Game: Season 1 vs Season 2 Comparisons submitted by Zeroyhme to squidgame [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:41 Complete-War-1531 Minecraft

Minecraft submitted by Complete-War-1531 to FortniteMemes [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:41 Wonkru2023 Let’s trade

Let’s trade Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here: https://mply.io/Rn8oHQ
submitted by Wonkru2023 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:41 hococo_ Utility bills in both names

Hi all, my British husband and I are about to start the application for his 100 visa. We found it really easy to supply utility bills in both our names for the 309 when we were living in the UK, but it seems to be much harder here! Our electricity and gas provider does not do joint names on bills and neither does Optus who we have internet and phone plans with. We rent, so we don’t have a water bill. All we have so far for options is a Foxtel bill in both names. Has anyone got any other ideas? I’d also be grateful to hear what people put for the document that proves you have told government authorities about your relationship. In the UK, we used a council tax bill, but there’s nothing similar here for renters. We’re married, but there’s no government institution or similar that sends us mail or anything that proves our relationship. Ideas are most welcome. TIA! 🇬🇧 🇦🇺
submitted by hococo_ to AusVisa [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:41 Super_Mics_Man I did it!

Took shorter than what I expected
submitted by Super_Mics_Man to Ultrakill [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:41 peachesweasel Is this mold?

This is a pic of my electric toothbrush, i’m not sure what this black stuff is, could be mold? I’ve had this toothbrush for a while and my mouth doesn’t reach the black stuff but i’m just curious what it is
submitted by peachesweasel to Mold [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:41 Euphoric_Reading_726 Trade nudes of indian mom?

Got so horny last night, jerked to my Tamil mom and recorded it. Dm only if you have nudes of your mom/sis
submitted by Euphoric_Reading_726 to DesiMomChat [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:41 papa1982 ☹️

submitted by papa1982 to TheWalkingScreenshot [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:41 bigtank272 Looking for help!

My uncle who is 59 wants to start working out, he was really big but lost the weight just by eating right that’s all. so now he kinda wants to be more fit and put some muscle on. any workout plans he could use for beginners.
submitted by bigtank272 to workouts [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:41 LingonberryGreedy590 I hoped they would just give Logan Paul's spot to Dominik.

I'm tired with Priest always squashing Dom angle.
submitted by LingonberryGreedy590 to BrandonDE [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:41 mitskireplaced does anyone know if peggy played vulgar display of power at the manchester show ?

im going thru my concert vids and idk if i have one of that song, i genuinely cannot remember if he played it
submitted by mitskireplaced to jpegmafiamusic [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:41 Quiet_Tumbleweed_770 A Crying Out at First Light

Trustworthy Redemption via Everlasting Exclusive Equity
A Crying Out at First Light
Most High Heavenly Father; the Self-Existent Maker of the Heavens, Seas, and Earth; Your Name YaHUaH [Yaw-Hoo-WaH, to wit: I AM He the Self-Existent One] is Above all other names; You Created All Things Seen and Unseen; So Your Will Be Done and Your Reign Come. MAY Your Will Be Done on this Planet Earth [that is to Say, Flat Plane Ground] as it is Done in the Most High Heavens [that is to Say, Waters of Deliverance: All Seven Levels]. Please Continue to Guide, Guard, and Govern Us With Your Breath of Existence [that is to Say, Favorable Wind]. We are a Stiff-Necked, Sottish, and Silly Peoples! Please Continue to Judge Us According to Your Compassion for Your Name’s Sake! Thank You For Continuing to Keep Your Peoples in the Back Seat of Your Chariot; As We Flow to Completion on this Day in the Name of YaHUsHua [Yaw-Hoo-Shoo-WaH, to wit: YaHUaH is Deliverance] the Pre-Existent Anointed One! So Be It!

Recital Ox Head:
AH BaH YaH, We as a Peoples in Our Nation of Captivity America AKA AmaruKa [Ah-ma-roo-kah, to wit: Land of the Plumed Serpent], have been Hoodwinked, Bamboozled, and Led Astray. We as a Peoples, have Forsaken the Almighty Self-Existent One of Our Fathers and Embraced False Mighty Ones of Wood and Stone; Learned the Way of the Heathens; and Served the Will of the Oppressors.

Recital Dwelling Place:
AH BaH YaH, We as a Peoples Have Willfully Accepted Strange Labels, Bogus Identities, and a Whitewashed History. We as a Peoples, have been Duped into Citizenship of a Corporation via the 14th Amendment; Being a House of Merchandise via Legal Personhood; and Residents of the Vatican [that is to Say, Divining Serpent Hill] via Street Addresses, Two Letter Abbreviations, and Zip Codes. We as a Peoples, have Rejected Your Commands, Repudiated Your Anointed One, and Rejoiced in the Oppression of the Widows, the Orphans, and the Downtrodden.

Recital Foot or Camel:
AH BaH YaH, We as a Peoples Have Delighted in Abortions, Abominable Marriages, and Satanic Abuse of Women and Children. We as a Peoples, have Run Amok into Self-Worship, Idolatry, and Unlawful Gain. We have Exceeded the Heathens in Serving the Fake Ways of Artemis; Bowing Down to the False Mighty Ones such as Ba’al; and Passing Our Little Ones Thru Strange Fire at the Fraudulent High Places of Asherah.
Operative Clause I:
Awake, Arise--AH BaH YaH--and Draw Forth Your Right Arm and Closed Fist to Redeem Your People From Our Bondage. Please Make Us Aware of Your Everlasting and Continual Seven Year Sabbaths as Commanded per Leviticus 25. We Stiff-Necked Peoples Repeatedly Refuse to Observe Seventh Year Sabbaths. We Sottish Peoples are not even Aware of Your Seventh Year Sabbaths. We Silly Peoples do not Deem Ourselves Worthy of Your Redemption via Seventh Year Sabbaths. I Beseech You AH BaH YaH to Educate, Edify, and Encourage Us of Your Everlasting Kindness of the Seventh Year Sabbaths.
Thus Saith YaHUaH, “We (those who Strive With Almighty) Have Been Commanded to Observe Seventh Year Sabbaths Forever!”

Operative Clause II:
Awake, Arise--AH BaH YaH--and Bring Forth Your Shepherd’s Staff to Reign In and Remind Us Not to Turn to the Right or Left of Your Righteous Ways as Commanded per Leviticus 26. We, Your Stiff-Necked Peoples Repeatedly Refuse the Barakah [to wit: Blessings] Prescribed in Leviticus 26:1-13. We, Your Sottish Peoples are not even Aware of the Curses Proscribed in Leviticus 26:14-39. We, Your Silly Peoples do not Deem Ourselves Worthy of Your Redemption, Rectification, and Reconciliation Subscribed in Leviticus 26:40-46.

Thus Saith YaHUaH, “We (those who Overcome With Almighty) Have Been Commanded to Tear Down the High Places of Asherah, Put Away Our Ba’als, and Repent From Passing Our Little Ones Thru Strange Fire Forever!”

Operative Clause III:
Awake, Arise--AH BaH YaH--and per Leviticus 27 Send Forth Your Sprouting Seed to Watch Over the Reckoning of Your People. The Pre-Existent Trustee--The Sovereign of Righteousness--Must Proclaim His Evaluation of Your Existing Land Trust Property. Existing Men (both Male and Female), Existing Little Ones (both Male and Female), and Existing Elder Men (both Male and Female), Measured in Sheqels of Physical Silver. Those of Us that are too Stiff-Necked, Sottish, and Silly to Acquire Physical Silver to Pay Your First-Born Anointed One’s Evaluation, then Our First-Born of the Unclean Beasts will be Sufficient.
Thus Saith YaHUaH, “We (those who are Upright With Almighty) Have Been Commanded to Flee From the Midst of Babylon and Prepare to BE Upright with Almighty in the Hereafter or Dwell in the Valley of Woe Forever!!!”
Embossed Postamble:
In the Name of YaHUsHua, Doing the Works of YaHUaH; Praise YaHUaH; Exalted is He Who Comes in the Name of YaHUaH!
Let It Be So!

Sealed Autograph Line:
Existent Trust Property by The Self-Existent Finger of The Almighty One. Existing Land Beneficiary by the Self-Existent Blood of The Anointed One. By the Existing Hand of Yahudy Y Yashar’AL. All Almighty Allowed Rights Reserved per the Scriptures.

All Barakah to AH BaH YaH and Todah YaHUsHua from Natsareth of Galil! Any Failure is mine alone! This Special Petition Proclamation is NOT Legal, Financial, or Medical Advice! FOR EDIFICATION PURPOSES ONLY!!!

submitted by Quiet_Tumbleweed_770 to PromisedLandTrustLaw [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:41 BeastModeEnabled Trump Announces DOGE Coin To Replace USD

submitted by BeastModeEnabled to onionheadlines [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:41 Busy_Link3201 GET THAT LUMP CHECKED CHALLENGE GOOOOO!!!

GET THAT LUMP CHECKED CHALLENGE GOOOOO!!! submitted by Busy_Link3201 to ffargosnark [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:41 uuzuumakii Dealing with unexpected Reheartbreak

i will add, i wrote this right when i woke up this morning after having cried all last night. i had just started my period and was super hysterical over all this yesterday. as of rn, i feel a lot calmer and more okay with the situation, as ive realized this doesnt actually change much for me in reality, and in some ways is good, as it made me aware of feelings and aimless hopes and ideas of potential that now im consciously working on letting go.
So my ex 23M and I 23F met in october of 2023, hit it off, he didnt want anything serious or long term, i said i was okay with it, but caught intense feelings. We saw each other until feb of 2024. I didnt regret it, we were very open and communicative, hes a genuinely really great guy. I would do it again, despite all the heartache. And we stayed friends afterwards. It wasnt just one sided either, both of us continued to chat over text (tho ofc a little less) for all of 2024 - he actually reached out to me, and wanted to make plans to hang out.
August 24, at this point I was doing well in trying to be over him, but still had some feelings. we hang out for the first time in person again. Just got drinks and dinner, I was a little nervous, but had a really good time and found myself being a lot more over him than i thought!
we hang out next november of 2024. atp, i feel pretty over him. we are close as friends; we facetime often to watch shows together, and text every day, which is more than we did even when we were dating. we hook up this time; i expected myself to maybe be set back by this, but i wasnt! i didnt feel emotional or stirred up at all, i just had a really fun and intimate night. after that, we had a pretty in depth conversation both being like that was fun, but definitely doing it as friends, he was asking if i was okay to which i genuinely said yes. i also got a tiny final little bit of clarification/closure wrt our past relationship; i confirmed what i basically knew, which was that my romantic feelings Were one sided. which even knowing that many months after we ended things still stung a bit. but it didnt really matter to me now, and our friendship carried on.
we hung out again in early january of 2025, hooked up again. it was super intimate and nice, very tender and sweet. still didnt elicit anything romantic in me. atp i felt completely over him. i had been looking to meet new people, had gone on a couple dates, and i figured he was as well. but hey, being genuinely friends with benefits was feeling pretty nice. like an idiot, i found myself looking forward to hooking up again, even though we both said that we wouldnt make it an expectation.
we as of rn have plans to meet up again in late february. i mentioned something we could do when we hang, and he told me: “figured i should say this now and moving forward, im currently seeing someone, so ofc lets keep things friendly! :)”…. this ended up sort of setting me back, really bad, in a way i didnt expect.
i told him oh okay nice, asked a bit about it, etc. but then i proceeded to sob, for HOURS. it just touched so badly on an old wound that i thought i didnt have any more. it just made me rerealize that he never was serious with me, that as much as i felt for him and wanted him and cared for him, he never felt the same. and now hes doing all the things he did with me with another girl and meaning them. NOW hes ready for commitment, and i am crying because i wish that it was me.
his and i friendship is very important to me. i care a lot about him as a friend, i dont view ans never have viewed friendship as a demotion of a relationship, it is a different but still very meaningful thing to me. i am genuinely happy for him; i WANT this so badly to work for him, i want him to find a girl that he loves enough to commit to. i know what he can offer somebody and i know shes a lucky girl. but at the same time, this has made me realize that even though consciously i felt over him, subconsciously i had been holding a door open, i guess. i wasnt actively finding myself pining for him, but deeper down, i guess it Did still feel open ended.. there was a Maybe someday…. that came along with our tender moments and our phonecalls. and i was foolish for not realizing it
i am really disappointed we wont be sleeping together, obviously, as i really do love doing that with him: he was my first sexual partner, and we had a really great connection. i wish i could express how i feel to him, since hes one of my closest friends, but obviously i cant! all i can do is be supportive, be happy for him, and be his friend. if he ends up needing to pull back from our friendship, i understand completely. i even knew this day would be coming, and ofc i had been looking to meet new people myself (and thinking to myself, i would hope he’ll still want to be friends even if i find someone!!) so obviously, the same energy has to go to him. this hurts, sort of opened up an old can of worms that i didnt really think would. i really didnt expect to be so heartbroken again. but i also know i will be okay. we will hang out again and have fun watching a movie and just talking, i’m friends with him because i value his presence as a friend. but for rn im trying to sift through this numb sadness and heartache im feeling, and wishing that he had realized what he had right in front of him
what hurts, as it always does, over and over, is just knowing how much i value and care for and just like.. THINK and FEEL about him, be it now or in the past when it was still very active, and just knowing that he just Doesnt feel that for me. and nothing ive done, or can do, can sway his heart. no one is at fault here and it just sucks.
submitted by uuzuumakii to unrequitedlove [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:41 No_Percentage_19 I don’t feel it man

I don’t feel it man Jey Uso vs Cody Rhodes Jey Uso vs Gunther These both SUCKKKK
The first ~25 entrants of that rumble were so damn good but it went downhill from there. To have such a star studded final 10 be whittled down to John Cena (the exception), Jey Uso and Logan Paul??? And to have John lose to Jey, who is bum average in ring, crap on the mic, and a man who loses his lustre the second his entrance music ends? Not on to me.
submitted by No_Percentage_19 to SantiZapVideos [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:41 RetroNotRetro Auto-Select for camp supplies is bullshit

Exactly as title says. I went to take a long rest and only have a handful of camp supplies plus a few supply packs. I click the auto-select button, and it decides it wants to use my supply pack... and all of my loose camp food on top of that. Hello?? Is 40 not enough for you??
submitted by RetroNotRetro to BaldursGate3 [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:41 c_kieron in for $50, out for $600!! $5 10X tables are alive and well in Tulalip, WA

submitted by c_kieron to Craps [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:41 EffortThick4113 [NEW 2025 Tesla Referral Code] - Get Up To USD$2500 Off Your New Tesla S/3/X/Y Cybertruck

[NEW 2025 Tesla Referral Code] - Get Up To USD$2000 Off Your New Tesla S/3/X/Y Cybertruck https://www.tesla.com/referral/gil738781
Just place your order with my referral link!
submitted by EffortThick4113 to TeslaReferralsCode [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:41 VrsB6 Quién es ella? Alguien la conoce?

Quién es ella? Alguien la conoce? submitted by VrsB6 to PreguntasReddit [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:41 RoseTheFlower The Mute House super ultrawide & wider fix

submitted by RoseTheFlower to widescreengamingforum [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:41 Equal_Way_7855 Wtb

Wtb Want these 10-10.5 Black or gold
submitted by Equal_Way_7855 to adidas [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:41 Wise-Hat2248 Why Won’t any websites load on my mac? 🥲

I tried clearing the cookie and cache data.. Connected to wifi as normal as well?
submitted by Wise-Hat2248 to mac [link] [comments]
