My mom’s old Polaroid

一、“Windows.old”是否可以删除 “Windows.old”文件夹包含升级win10前系统的“Windows”、“Program Files”、“Users”这三个目录中的文件,将之前的系统文件和安装的程序文件都做了备份。 电脑从 Window 10 升级到了 Window 11 后,发现系统 C 盘剩余空间小了很多,于是查看了一番,发现了一个占用空间超大的 Window.old, 这个文件夹是旧系统文件,如果不准备回退到以前的系统,是可以删除的,但是直接删除会提示无权限删不掉。 相信大家都听过这首歌《Yesterday Once More》,尤其是最近几年来,网络的发达和短视频的红火,很多老歌又重新焕发了它的岁月青春。许多老歌以前觉得不好听,现在再细心听起来,却是回味无穷,就像一壶老酒,越久越香,听得懂的人估计都是有故事的人。 有人说,喜爱听这首的人,大概都已经是 ... AssertionError:The NVIDIA driver on your system is too old (found version 8000).Please update your… 这个我会,我刚清除掉这个毒瘤,首先你先打开你的文件资源管理器,在搜索里搜360se,然后点开,里面有个文件夹叫application,点开,然后找到一个文件叫360base.dll,右键删除它,可能会提醒你文件正在打开无法删除,此时打开你的 任务管理器,往下找你会找到一个叫锁屏画报的东西,点它然后点结束 ... 歌名:老男孩 演唱:郑钧 作词:郑钧 作曲:Mandolin 是否还记得 曾经共度的患难 在命运的面前 我们捍卫过尊严 一起捍卫过尊严 永远别忘记 那些赤诚的少年 在动荡的岁月里 和我用肝胆相照 和我用肝胆相照 Old boy 如今你安在 你是否渡过了 这苍海 你是否渡过了 这苍海 是否还记得 曾经共度的患难 ... 整首诗是在讲述,不要平静迎接死亡,虽然死亡是必然,但是老年人应该热情地与死亡作斗争,抵抗即将到来的死亡黑暗。 原文如下,读来这首诗的韵律非常美: Do not go gentle into that good night, Old age should burn and rave at close of day; Rage, rage against the dying of the li 正常情况下,无用处的时候,可以删除。 "以前的windows安装"是windows系统简体中文版磁盘清理工具中的一个条目,一般对应了Windows.old 文件夹,其中存放了以前版本windows的一些和当前版本可能发生冲突的文件。 所以如果满足以下条件,完全可以删除: ①. C盘 空间非常紧张,影响当前系统正常运行或 ... 你的系统如果是保留文件的重置,或者是更新升级没了的收藏夹,一般在C盘有一个Windows.old。 在这里面去找上一步的User Data文件夹 C:\Windows.old\Users\登录用户名\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge\User Data 今天更新版本到windows10 version 20H2,从c盘磁盘清理检索到的“以前的windows安装文件”可以删除吗?

2025.02.02 03:50 Galacticpurple17 My mom’s old Polaroid

Just found her camera on some boxes, brought up good memories and I wanted to use it again, is there a way to know what kind of film does it use.
submitted by Galacticpurple17 to Polaroid [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 ChocoCharaDreemurr I can't help my partner even though I want to

NSFW because of sickness and puking descriptions
So for some context, I'm living with my partner as a minor for reasons. I'm autistic and have fairly bad c-ptsd, among other things. I'm higher needs than my partner, but it's not noticable at first glance. I'm smart, I can walk places by myself, I can write, read, and (sometimes, selective mutism) talk completely fine. However, I can't cook for myself, get myself out of bed, go to any typical school environment, and many things like that due to lack of motivation, not understanding, or just getting flashbacks because of it.
My partner is sick right now, but I can't do anything. I really want to, but I've gotten out of bed for them twice today, and that's all I could handle. They asked me to get up a third time to feed the dogs, but between my sensory issues with pet food and the fact that I physically couldn't get up, I just couldn't. I laid in bed yelling at myself mentally for 15 minutes. During this, my partner was spitting in a cup and gagging, at one point throwing up. Once they threw up, I covered my ears and started to have an anxiety attack. Now, I'm not emetophobic by any stretch, I'm actually about as comfortable as one can be when throwing up, but the noises happening right next to me for HOURS in my bed were, and still are, making me feel sick.
After a bit, I remembered how my parents used to treat me being sick. My mom would forget about me for hours at a time when I asked her to make me food or bring medicine, so I didn't get it until she remembered. My dad would tell me I was being dramatic and that I could get up and get my own things, and when he was forced to, he acted like it was a great burden. From fifth grade onwards, they stopped believing me all together, seeing as I faked being sick so often I had more absences than the rest of my class combined (which should have been a sign but whatever). I was terrified that I was making my partner feel how I felt when they did that. So, of course, my brain sent me into a panic attack, still clutching my ears.
My sick partner had to comfort me when I can't even help them. I apologized once I could breathe again. I told them that they shouldn't worry about me while they're sick, but they insisted.
The problem is, they now sound genuinely annoyed with me. They're also autistic and have their own mental shit, but they're lower needs than me. They're the one who does all of the day to day things for me. I would never wish my needs on them or anyone else in a million years, but they don't get it. There's no way to understand not being able to get out of bed for hours when you're perfectly happy and physically able to. They're very understanding and patient with me, but I'm afraid I'm reaching the end of their generosity. What kind of person doesn't take care of their sick partner?
What do I do? I'm panicking. I don't know what I should be doing. They know I can't do it and why I can't, but there's only so much they can forgive
submitted by ChocoCharaDreemurr to internetparents [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 SymdollaK2k05 Indianapolis believed in him🔥

Indianapolis believed in him🔥 submitted by SymdollaK2k05 to BrandonDE [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 CapitalWriter3068 Suggestions for strength training exercises

Hey guys, I was diagnosed with T2 in February of 2024. Since then, I’ve been working on tackling this with diet and exercise. I’ve never been a super athletic person in my life but I’ve read that strength training exercises help. But I’m clueless on the type of exercise to do. Any tips or suggestions?
submitted by CapitalWriter3068 to diabetes [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 cr0qodile Big flower brain

submitted by cr0qodile to Pareidolia [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 bttrwsht Crab molting or dead??

I'm so sorry I can't get a better picture but I can't get closer, I feel too scared and sick looking at him like this. Yesterday when I got home I saw him IN his shell. I left for about 10 minutes, and then checked back in and saw that the shell was empty. I panicked, and looked around under some leaves and saw him in a tiny hole without the shell. He was alive and moved when I moved the leaf. I decided that maybe I should leave him be. I checked tonight, and after poking him I noticed he didn't move at all. It looks like 2 crabs entangled together. If he is dead, I'm really hoping that's just the old exoskeleton and not another crab. I have 4 (counting the crab in question), but I can only find 3 right now. I feel so sick at the thought that this possibly was my fault. My mom got these crabs on a trip, and I've been the one trying to provide everything for them. I have no source of income so getting necessities for them hasn't been easy. I bought a heat mat and it doesn't work very well, so I was using a heat lamp (and spraying water very frequently because of it) but the heat lamp broke. I'm worried this mightve been because of the temperature but my other crabs seem fine. Please let me know what you guys think, if he's dead and what mightve been the cause. Thank you
submitted by bttrwsht to hermitcrabs [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 Life_Art9997 Dhanya latest bingeme available low cost

submitted by Life_Art9997 to StarGalleryForyou [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 Antique-Tourist4237 Got these three at a Con today

submitted by Antique-Tourist4237 to LegoBatman [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 Fox_Bird Revamped / Added some changes to my avatars Veosult and Polly

Revamped / Added some changes to my avatars Veosult and Polly submitted by Fox_Bird to RobloxAvatars [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 elitefan27 should i use boot grease, conditioner or both on my 875s?

Hello all, first-time poster here. I just got a pair of 875s over the holidays and am wondering what I should use:
Boot grease Conditioner Or both?
To care for my moc toes.
submitted by elitefan27 to RedWingShoes [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 luckydiama123 PALETTE PALS FOR ALL THESE

PALETTE PALS FOR ALL THESE submitted by luckydiama123 to MonopolyGoTrading [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 Psychological-Ice285 Prob gonna be dead by 25

Tldr existance is miserable and i just want to sleep. Probably gonna end it eventually but might as well enjoy it while im still here. Ive done absolutely nothing my entire life and the only little things ive cared about always get torn away from me. Is having a loyal caring girlfriend to marry one day and die together too much to ask for? I dont know but I just can’t see myself doing 1 or 2 more decades of this bullshit
submitted by Psychological-Ice285 to teenagers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 Ok_Reception_514 Packet loss in trios only, Sydney servers

Getting horrible packet loss in Sydney servers only. Anywhere between 5–17 on the performance display after jumping out of the ship.
Latency reading is fine and claims that I am playing at around 20ms but rubber banding is terrible and bouncing me around all over the place.
Issue only happens in trios. Never happens in ranked or mixtape.
Anyone else experiencing this?
Side note: I recently had to contact Superloop to fix a routing issue which was impacting all game modes (Sydney server IP was being routed through Singapore which they corrected). But now this new problem is happening in trios only.
Any ideas?
submitted by Ok_Reception_514 to apexlegends [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 SilentSecurity_ which character is the best at trap evasion?

Among semi realistic characters i think Red John and Hannibal have to be in top 5.
submitted by SilentSecurity_ to IntelligenceScaling [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 Apprehensive-Ice7044 New grammy post

submitted by Apprehensive-Ice7044 to GoodAssSub [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 Antogames97 Azura founding out she only got third place in CYL (Yes, I reused that video from the Engage DLC)

Azura founding out she only got third place in CYL (Yes, I reused that video from the Engage DLC) submitted by Antogames97 to FireEmblemHeroes [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 screameowxx BBQ 3MQDH3

submitted by screameowxx to unioncircle [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 N0Boom i got the box AND the figure

i got the box AND the figure glad i actually got the figure this time. i’ve been debating whether or not to get this figure since i started collecting and i’m happy i finally picked him up
submitted by N0Boom to SHFiguarts [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 revivedalton Does my plan sound good?

Hello everyone, Im looking for some opinions and suggestions on my plan for my MCAT. Some background about me is that I took my pre reqs a while back and did okay in them but definitely don’t remember much. I’m planning to test in late june and was going to do 3 months of content review followed by 2 months of pure practice.
For my content review I’m doing Kaplan chapter followed by JS Anki deck and Uworld questions for that specific chapter.
I’m also doing the daily Jack Westin cars passage and 40 Mr pankow p/s cards each day along with corresponding pages of the 300pg doc
Is this enough time to score around 503-508?
submitted by revivedalton to Mcat [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 Duwang312 I wouldn't mind the devs adding photo mode as a core feature going forward. The new event is hella fun 📸

I wouldn't mind the devs adding photo mode as a core feature going forward. The new event is hella fun 📸 submitted by Duwang312 to ZenlessZoneZero [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 estsete-lady Looking for 18+ players

Hey all!! I literally just made a survival smp, looking for some friends to join! I’ll turn it into a server once we get the people but for now it is just a realm! 18+ I promise you won’t regret joining :) come start ur yearly Minecraft phase here
(btw we have a anti cheat and land claim addon)
Comment below for the Link :3 server Icon
submitted by estsete-lady to mcrealmsservers [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 AgentX-1138 Found Chameleon tonight on my Target run... had to have some fun with him right away!

Found Chameleon tonight on my Target run... had to have some fun with him right away! submitted by AgentX-1138 to MarvelLegends [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 abhis49 Mahakumbh 2025

Hello Everyone. Is anyone going to mahakumbh from baroda? When are you going and how are you planning to go? Would love to join someone going there.
submitted by abhis49 to vadodara [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 Few-Insect-4311 Recoil at long range on console

In my opinion all ARs should be atleast somewhat viable at 25m+ but I’d like to know your opinion
submitted by Few-Insect-4311 to RainbowSixSiege [link] [comments]

2025.02.02 03:50 The_BBQ_Man Three types of noodles boiled in two cans of French onion soup

Three types of noodles boiled in two cans of French onion soup submitted by The_BBQ_Man to shittyfoodporn [link] [comments]