2025.02.02 04:48 MrRemy10 My hot take about octopunch
Octopunch shouldn't transform into a submarine nor a boat but instead into a crab The crabs leg can be used as tentacles for his robot mode (Something similar to BW rampage) submitted by MrRemy10 to transformers [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:48 DBZDOKKAN I sold some very expensive pins internationally and now they refuse to ship?
The pin set made it to the "ebay international hub". Sat there for like 2 weeks with no updates. Now I see on tracking that they are refusing to foward the item to Europe. With no reason given. (I forget the exact wording).
I guess they are classifying it as jewelry (which is prohibited). You wouldnt wear these pins they are very large and heavy. Tho technically you could. I dont see them as jewelry.
So anyway, my customer doesnt seem to be aware of this yet. They paid over 200 dollars for these so its a big deal.
From what I've read online, my item will NOT be returned to me. The hub just takes it. I keep my pay and the customer gets refunded by ebay. Is this true?
I would rather get my item back.
Plus there are no instructions from ebay on how i should proceed.
What is my responsibility here To the customer?
Just tell them to file a claim?
Anyone been in this situation before?
submitted by DBZDOKKAN to Ebay [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:48 Thebeavs3 Are there any athletes from other sports you wish would’ve played basketball instead?
Was watching Julius peppers highlights from the 2000 ncaa tournament and was thinking if he decided to play basketball full time after that season instead of football he would have an outside shot at making an nba roster. He averaged 17 mins a game and started 3 games at North Carolina in his sophomore season. I don’t think it’s likely but if any player from another sport had a shot it would be him I think. Maybe Antonio gates would have a better shot though, he would be undersized even at small forward but he did average 20 and 7 his senior year at Kent state and shot 35% on 1.4 3 point attempts. I mostly watch football and basketball though. Are there any other athletes that come to mind for y’all?
submitted by Thebeavs3 to nbadiscussion [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:48 Strongbow85 USCIRF Welcomes Release of Two Religious Prisoners of Conscience Imprisoned on Blasphemy Charges in Egypt
submitted by Strongbow85 to ReligiousFreedom [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:48 rokw_a Global vs SEA?
Hi all, just started playing like maybe 2 weeks ago and so far I'm having fun! Just wanted to ask though if there any significant differences between playing on Global vs. SEA servers? I made a bit of progress on SEA already (got Boreas) so I probably won't be switching soon, but I just wanted to know lol.
submitted by rokw_a to AshEchoesOfficial [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:48 Spiritual_One3923 Sin separated, Christ restores!
A message about the separation sin causes between us and GOD and how Jesus reconciles us back to the father 🙏
submitted by Spiritual_One3923 to JesusChrist [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:48 MattyH19 Daily Chizuru #1643
submitted by MattyH19 to KanojoOkarishimasu [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:48 SpacedWasTaken 17M Hoping to make new friends!
Hey yall my name's Wendigo (Or Wenny for short) and I'm hoping to make new friends! Anybody who's around 13-to-19, (hopefully) live in EST timezone and share similar interests is perfect! Before you ask what are my interests, lemme introduce myself!
2025.02.02 04:48 a_few_ideas99 The Midra Math
Help fellow Tarnished!
I enjoy incantations such as Midra's Flame of Frenzy.
Every source I read says it has had the self build of madness decreased from 7 to 6.
Every time I test it my math comes out to ≈9 (8.9)
Doesn't matter what seal I use to cast. Used to think the 9 was from arcane scaling on the dcs. I now suspect otherwise.
Anybody wanna double check me? I will submit a bug report to FS if I'm not a complete madman.
submitted by a_few_ideas99 to Eldenring [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:48 Aggressive-Check-101 Oda (Put L on his name) and his Fanclub gooner sub be like :-
remember guys, even Oda giving us peak, we shouldn't forget that, ** Maintain The Hate is Our Top Priority ** 🗿 submitted by Aggressive-Check-101 to Piratefolk [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:48 Remarkable_Month_513 My childhood cat randomly reappeared in my bedroom, over 10 years after I last saw him
So this is weird. I had a childhood cat since I was eight. When I was sixteen, he disappeared. Randomly.
Now over 10 years after he disappeared, he just appeared sitting on my bed. In a new giuae by the way, across the country. Randomly. My girlfriend was just confused how he got in there, all doors and windows were locked
Exact same cat. When I called his name he looked at me. Same markings, he is a calico
I brought up some old pictures and he's the exact same. Same fur, eye color, markings. Everything, except he was missing his collar. And he looked the exact same
It's been five years since we found him and he has been like a normal cat. But he couldn't be the same one I used to have because he would've died long ago
To make it much more interesting, when my dad visited he remarked how he looked just like the one I they used to have
Just thought I would post this, I feel like it's appropriate for the sub. Weirdest thing ever.
submitted by Remarkable_Month_513 to Glitch_in_the_Matrix [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:48 ChemicalArtichoke853 El botón de power de mi Xiaomi pad 6 dejo de funcionar
El botón de mi Xiaomi pad 6 dejo de funcionar de repente, no se cómo solucionarlo, tengo miedo que se apague y no vuelva a encender, el dispositivo tiene 3 meses de uso y era totalmente nuevo, necesito ayuda
submitted by ChemicalArtichoke853 to XiaomiGlobal [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:48 ExacSonix-Atom19 Que es lo que más les atrae en un Hombre Chicas ?
Se que los gustos son muy distintos , ya depende de cada quien No más quisiera saber , alguien frió , serio , gracioso pero tampoco tan inmaduro ? Y nada que ver si es rico o pobre
submitted by ExacSonix-Atom19 to RedditPregunta [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:48 EnzoKosai Will there ever be a new 5 Bay NAS?
I have a DS1512+ and a DS1019+.
Will Synology ever release a new 5 Bay NAS?
submitted by EnzoKosai to synology [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:48 SwitchIsHere2 We just witnessed the best schitzo twitter rant live
submitted by SwitchIsHere2 to GoodAssSub [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:48 Codswallop_30 Can Helix Native sound as good as Fractal with the same IRs?
I have an FM3 that I’m considering selling to fund other physical gear. I do have Helix Native already and I don’t gig or use these tones other than my bedroom. I use a physical clean amp for church so having the FM3 may be a bit much. However it does have a good feel and sound with quality presets. Can Helix Native match this with a bit of tweaking? Any thoughts on this move?
submitted by Codswallop_30 to GuitarAmps [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:48 2003rapvideos Had a gut feeling that I needed to go record shopping today and came across this gem
Just wanted to share my excitement due to wanting this pressing for a while now. Doesn’t include the CD but I felt like a kid on Christmas when I found it. So very happy to add into my collection and I’m going to give it a spin right now!
submitted by 2003rapvideos to jasonmolina [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:48 slipperqueen Audrey Season 1 is unhinged
Rewatching since David passed (RIP), and I just came to the episodes where Audrey is in Coop’s bed. And it really struck me that this behavior is unhinged. Much of her behavior is unhinged — threatening Emory with a sexual harassment accusation, her behavior with her father, and this with Coop — and in the “soapy” context of Season 1 it “fits” as a genre convention. But in light of Season 3, where it’s unclear whether Audrey is in a psych ward or dreaming or something else, her behavior really does come off as indicative of a significant personality disorder. I know the production history (Audrey was going to be a love interest of Cooper’s before Kyle squashed that idea, rightfully so), but given ‘the text,’ it makes more sense how Audrey turns out in the Return. Just some rambling thoughts…
submitted by slipperqueen to twinpeaks [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:48 Buuuuma Alberta will stand up for farmers in light of U.S. tariffs, says agriculture minister
submitted by Buuuuma to Albertapolitics [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:48 lss_bvt_ios_02 Test hide notifications
submitted by lss_bvt_ios_02 to RestrictedTests [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:48 3XX5D small dump
submitted by 3XX5D to WeDoALittlePosting [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:48 Firm_Landscape_9986 TLDR; I feel like my therapist gave me very reactive/maybe bad advice about work drama and now it’s causing me to spiral.
TLDR; I feel like my therapist gave me very reactive/bad advice about work drama and now it’s causing me to spiral.
Recently, I (30something female) have been paired (as an assistant) with a male at work who has had at least 2 HR issues with treating his women assistants like crap (all verbal stuff, as he doesn’t work in the same location). So far he has been extra nice to me (like flowery/kind) but I have been told that has a history of being extra nice until he is mad and then he has been really rude and has said hurtful things. His last 2 assistants went on a mental health leave- but I also know one of the two has some underlying mental health issues as well.
I have been told by his boss and the other partner at the firm that I assist that if he is out of line, they will handle and have convos/scold, etc. so far he has been grateful and nice. I’m one of the top assistants and he was basically told that if he can’t work with me there’s no one else. I’ve been doing this job for about 7 years.
Anyway, because I know how he has treated other women, I set up a preemptive Therapy appointment to get ahead of things and learn different coping mechanisms for dealing with someone like this. My therapist didn’t have any advice other than exiting the relationship immediately as she already sees how much stress the what ifs are causing me. She even said she would write me a request for a medical leave if that’s what it took. She was adamant that there was no other option for me and said I seem to be experiencing an adjustment disorder.
I wasn’t -that stressed out about the new situation until I saw how serious she was. I now feel like a giant weight on my chest- I tried to talk to the bosses about it but they were dismissive as nothing has happened yet and actually made me feel like it was weird of me to even bring it up.
It’s hard, I know my job and I know that they won’t let me exit the relationship if nothing bad has happened. My therapist then suggested that they can’t grab my hands and force me to type or answer the phone. While, this is true- I risk being let go if I don’t do my job…and then get paid 100k as an assistant so it’s a great gig.
The plus is that this man says he’s going to retire in the next few years and doesn’t have that much workload (as I also assist someone else who has a big workload).
It’s just strange because I wasn’t even feeling THAT terrible about it, just anxious/nervous about the change and potential for uproar, but after my therapist made such a firm stance on what I should do, I feel worse.
I was debating on seeing a new therapist, although I had seen her in the past and she really helped me with work/life balance stuff.
Would it be odd to get a second opinion from a new therapist? I just felt like her advice of refusing to work with him preemptively before he does something OR find a new job wasn’t really the help I was looking for.
Just need some thoughts/opinions? I have been feeling pretty terrible and dreaming about potential situations and literally just feeling HEAVY since this therapy appointment (followed by me overreacting to my bosses about the new pairing).
Also for anyone into astrology im a libra, so that may give you some insight. (lol)
submitted by Firm_Landscape_9986 to therapy [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:48 lordlemming My ranking of these sauces as Marinara sauce replacement for Mozzarella sticks
submitted by lordlemming to notinteresting [link] [comments] |
2025.02.02 04:48 TheFriendlyQu Newbie here
I just came across this sub after reading a specific thread that was made some time ago. I'm going to do more reading, psychedelics aren't new to me but could someone explain all the terms used here to me? I don't exactly understand what people mean when they mention "parts", "bypassing protectors" or even protectors on their own, "exiles" or "backlash".. I'm genuinely curious, I almost feel like for me there's something in all of this, if I understand what little I do correctly. Thank you.
submitted by TheFriendlyQu to InternalFamilySystems [link] [comments]
2025.02.02 04:48 Ryegue Crazy drives everywhere
This was from some of my first few hours playing the game, absolutely hooked now almost at 100 hours submitted by Ryegue to ArmaReforger [link] [comments] |