2024.11.24 20:22 ShungiteBoyIII (new buffer weight stock) so the weapon class that doesnt need a buff to recoil gets one (ARs) but LMGs are left in the dust?
LMGs already have a low selection of mods and super high recoil in comparison to assault rifles. why dont both weapon classes get this new stock? why are assault rifles favored so heavily?
submitted by ShungiteBoyIII to blackops6 [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:22 randygee007 In/Out with janky/custom clear cover
In: NatParks Mt. Rainer Out: NatParks Rocky Mountain
Funny, didn’t noticed the guy who posted the exact same in/out a couple of days ago when I picked Mt Rainer last night after finishing Rocky Mountain. It too held up quite well in my back pocket for about a month, although it was kept in the clear cover for the last week.
I ripped the clear cover from a Blue Sky brand 2025/2026 calendar planner I found at a CVS (and yes I did buy the planner, I didn’t just take the cover and leave the planner behind). The planner is taller and just slightly wider than FNs so I trimmed the top and melted the edges with a lighter.
submitted by randygee007 to FieldNuts [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:22 SCARaw Kenshi Optimization Video 2024 by Game Engineer
submitted by SCARaw to Kenshi [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 20:22 Ill_Cauliflower_4671 Please help with my Islamic YouTube channel
https://youtube.com/@alsayyeden?si=o1bNb-kuIfsXZ4K2 it isislamic clips of this very respected and knowledgeable sheikh in English subtitles,please help out ❤️
submitted by Ill_Cauliflower_4671 to islam [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:22 gratefulphotog 30m - Stoned Sundaze Doing Chores
As the title says, I’m spending the day doing chores and getting stoned. How are you spending your day?
A little about me, I’m 30, 6’3, beard, full time photographer, hippy and I collect tattoos! I also enjoy playing hockey and golf in my free time. Anyways hope to hear from ya soon :)
submitted by gratefulphotog to MakeNewFriendsHere [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:22 RedZC31SDriver Trashing my 325ti @ Monza trackdays
submitted by RedZC31SDriver to e46 [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 20:22 thekinotion Java Chip Scoop
Hey, my coworkers and I can't agree on the scoop used for Java chips. In my research I've seen tons of opinions, but I would really like an iron-clad piece of proof for which one we're supposed to use. Would anyone know where to find that proof?
submitted by thekinotion to starbucks [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:22 Super_Marzipan2339 I missed the end of the dig event 😭
I had enough lasers. Was waiting to see what I got in purple pack (duplicate 5* gold) and I could have sworn it ended at 4pm est. Anyone else?
submitted by Super_Marzipan2339 to Monopoly_GO [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:22 OddPrize6667 Sou babaca por ter mudado?
Vou precisar falar um pouco sobre mim e como conheci meus amigos para dar um contexto maior, Eu(H17) sempre fui um jovem excluído, sempre fiz parte do grupinho dos favoritos dos professores e esquisitões , 2 anos atrás conheci um grupo de amigos, e estamos juntos até hoje, mas sempre fui incompreendido por eles, por ser muito tímido, quieto e inseguro, e nunca tive um vínculo forte, e hoje acredito que seja pelo meu distúrbio neurológico e problemas como depressão e fobia social (sou diagnósticado, faço terapia e tomo medicação)
Ano passado tive uma enorme recaída e me isolei completamente, até que encontrei esse cara, (H18), que virou meu maior amigo, mesmo ele sendo totalmente diferente de mim.
Agora nesse ano em abril, conheci uma pessoa (M18), ela apareceu do nada no nosso grupo e se tornou o centro das atenções, me aproximei sem espectativas, mas nos tornamos grandes amigos, e pela primeira vez eu me conectei inteiramente com alguém, e pela primeira vez alguém respondia minhas interações na mesma intensidade, ela falava coisas muito bonitas, de acordo com uma amiga próxima, "coisas românticas demais para se falar", coisas realmente melosas direcionadas a mim, ela me tratava diferente dos meus outros amigos, e acabei me apaixonando, não por isso, mas por ela me entender, e esse era o meu maior medo, já que ela está em um relacionamento (conturbado e tóxico, mas está.) e eu em NENHUM momento flertei com ela ou ultrapassei esse limite, apenas respondia a proximidade que ela tinha comigo, todos que souberam da história chegaram na conclusão de que ela estava me usando para suprir a falta de atenção do namorado, mas eu não consigo imaginar isso dela, ou ter raiva dela por mais que isso hipoteticamente verdade.
Com ela se afastando um pouco de nosso grupo, acabei desabafando para esse amigo, e ele deu conselhos normais, mas insistiu que eu me declarasse para ela, para que eu levasse um fora e terminasse de vez com isso, coisa que eu não fiz, por ela me considerar um grande amigo, e eu amar ela incondicionalmente, tanto no outro sentido, quanto como amiga, já que ela foi a primeira a me entender tão profundamente, acabei criando uma forte dependência emocional nela e depois que ela se afastou, fiquei sozinho, muitos amigos começaram a namorar e organizar convenções, nunca gostei de participar mas me obrigavam mesmo quando eu insista em não ir, me sentia insuficiente, todos interagiam, e eu pela primeira vez percebi que a atenção que eu recebia deles era apenas migalhas, e exigiam que eu me divertisse com isso, então desabei, falei umas verdades, comecei a falar coisas sem sentido e procurar problemas aonde não tinha, eu estava sob pressão e tinha perdido o controle, com isso concordamos de forma pacífica que eu precisava de um tempo afastado, com o estresse minhas notas caiam, e as pessoas pararam de confiar tanto em mim.
Com o tempo recuperei minhas notas, me aproximei dos professores, fiz novas amizades, e comecei a ler livros excessivamente, isso virou meu novo apoio emocional, e parei de me importar com oque as pessoas falam, isso incomodou meu amigo, ele fala que os livros estão me destruindo, e que eu deveria confiar mais nas pessoas, mesmo eu me tornando uma pessoa sociável, ele insiste em dizer que eu me tornei indiferente, hoje tenho coragem de falar na cara oque penso, e muitas vezes sou rude, mesmo a culpa não sendo minha, já que na maioria das vezes, ele mesmo começa falando coisas ofensivas e espera que eu escute seus "conselhos de amigo" Dizendo que estou exagerando e que eu deveria voltar a ser como antes (?)
Eu juro que tentei resumir, deixei isso guardado por muito tempo, então desculpe por todo esse texto. Apenas quero saber oque aconteceu de errado, e como poderia mudar. (Também aceito conselhos) E realmente espero que ela não veja isso xD.
submitted by OddPrize6667 to EuSouOBabaca [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:22 aaa12yyt X hits DJT & Truthfi, too.
submitted by aaa12yyt to DJTSTOCK [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 20:22 AutoModerator Law of attraction quotes manifestation quotes #shorts #lawofattraction #...
submitted by AutoModerator to ARiseAboveDivision [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:22 AGiardino1616 Any Value Guesses?
I know, I know… this is an annoying question for this group. I’ve gone down the usual rabbit holes with 130Point and eBay to do comps, and results are sparse to begin with, but I think this one is super specific. A 2008 George Washington card /88, but specifically 17/88 which is the year of the first presidential election. I’m not someone who puts a lot of stock into number-match cards for athletes, 1/##, etc. but I feel this is an exception. I’m stumped. submitted by AGiardino1616 to baseballcards [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 20:22 svetlishko Educated by Tara Westover
I know this will not be the most popular opinion but here it is: I was looking forward to listening to this one due to all the raving reviews and I absolutely love Julia Whelan’s work. I have about an hour left of this book and I feel so exhausted from this biography, I can’t wait to finish it…am I the only one?
submitted by svetlishko to audiobooks [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:22 AgeFew3109 Driving in blizzard
Planning on driving up Tuesday afternoon and getting there around 7pm. We have AWD with snow tires, is there a good chance the road will be closed or there’s too much snow? Opensnow has the storm booked at 40 inches or so.
submitted by AgeFew3109 to Mammoth [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:22 MiPushainaTocar Pink Gloriosum not pinking
When I bought this one it would give me these nice pale pink new leaves, now they just come in green, even the sheath is plain green. Did i make her mad or get scammed? The first two are her old pink tones, the third photo is her sad green. submitted by MiPushainaTocar to houseplants [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 20:22 stupidHuman15 Are there any 4 stars that chascas weapon is good on?
submitted by stupidHuman15 to Genshin_Impact [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:22 Character-Yogurt-533 Embarrassed and need advice.
I'm going to an event early next year. Staying at a hotel during the event which has a pool.
My partner says we should use it. The issue is, I can't swim at all due to having a phobia of the water.
My partner wants to help me feel more comfortable and deal with the fear, to help to teach me but I am terrified of people at the event seeing me struggling/using aids in the pool
What should I do? Do you think I'm overthinking this? How would you all react if you saw someone in my position?
submitted by Character-Yogurt-533 to Phobia [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:22 td4rkp Michael Jackson no Minas shopping
Estou frequentando o Minas Shopping umas 2x por mês, e todas as vezes que fui, sem exceção, tinha um camarada vestido de Michael Jackson fazendo dancinha e charme pra galera.
Daí fiquei pensando: esse cara faz serviço pro shopping como uma forma de entretenimento? Ou seria apenas um indivíduo feliz da vida, aposentado, querendo levar a felicidade pra todo mundo gratuitamente? Ou também tem a possibilidade de ser um policial / agente do FBI disfarçado..
submitted by td4rkp to BHConversas [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:22 LobsterLuke04 Weather boosted Dialga 898922114919
submitted by LobsterLuke04 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:22 Downtown_Ad6056 Primal Kyogre Raid: Add me 039596870872
submitted by Downtown_Ad6056 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:22 xanderboy2001 Jellyfin LXC with Nvidia Hardware Acceleration
Hey everyone, I’ve been trying to figure this out for weeks now and can’t seem to get anywhere. Has anyone been able to get hardware acceleration working in an lxc running Jellyfin? I installed the lxc with the community script at https://community-scripts.github.io/ProxmoxVE/scripts?id=jellyfin and left the settings at default other than making it a privileged container. I’ve installed the nvidia drivers on the proxmox host (version 535) and the same version in the container. Still though, a fatal playback error anytime I try to run with hardware acceleration enabled. I know nvidia drivers are a PITA but has anyone been able to get this working?
submitted by xanderboy2001 to Proxmox [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:22 DMERICS Hosting primal Kyogre with 3 locals and max friend and PPower 688891016460 and hunting shundo
submitted by DMERICS to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:22 djp1325 [WTB] DeadAir DA102 (5/8-24)
Wanting to buy DeadAir DA102 brake which is in the 5/8-24 thread pitch. New or like new. Preferably with shims as well. Wanting to spend $45-$55 based on past listings I’ve seen. Let me know what you got, feel free to PM.
submitted by djp1325 to GunAccessoriesForSale [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:22 Fun_Examination5329 How long can I keep pen before starting.
I have just received my pen and I have it in the fridge however I have come down with Covid and feel terrible so I want to be completely recovered before I use it for the first time. Realistically how long can I keep the pen before using it.
submitted by Fun_Examination5329 to mounjarouk [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:22 MajoraJoestar Next week layout ! 🍂🪶🐕
submitted by MajoraJoestar to hobonichi [link] [comments] |