Dear comunity,my name is glenn geurts and i tried to install the Microsoft Visual C++ 2019 Redistributabble Package but it said it This app cannot be run on your PC so i don't know what to do, maybe A community platform where users can find answers and solutions to Microsoft-related issues and questions. Hello I received this email claiming to be from Microsoft and would like to know if its genuine. Hi Jana, I'm Amr, an independent advisor. The location of the scanned documents depends on the software associated with your printer/scanner. Learn how to find details of Bing's daily wallpaper image when the information icon or link is not displayed. Whenever I start my computer the app starts and disrupts my wallpapers I already have on my pc. Whenever I right click it, it takes me somewhere else instead of the usual options like deleting it. In trying to open a particular program (On1 Resize 2019) in my brand new computer running Windows 10, I get the following messages: The code execution cannot proceed because VCRUNTIME140.dll was not Hi, whenever I try to open Virus & Thread Protection, it tells me "Your IT administrator has limited access to some areas of this app..." I tried multiple solutions, which I found on both Youtube and I have Windows 11; When trying to install software I get the message "the app isn't a microsoft verified app". Change my recommendation setting is disabled. How do I enable apps to install?If I go to Hi, I'm Diego Rios, an Independent Advisor willing to help other Microsoft customers. You can try the following procedures in the links below explain how to remove a Microsoft account from your Windows 10 PC:
2024.11.24 20:21 Ok_Salad8147 What is this ?
submitted by Ok_Salad8147 to PTCGP [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 20:21 Ok-Narwhal6852 Hi there. 18m. I was told to come here and ask what corrupted means. 05edef7921b81157de42bef5789005938c70b276b49031ccead9e26d3273886d2c
submitted by Ok-Narwhal6852 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:21 superminian Side street in Chelsea
submitted by superminian to LondonPics [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:21 ToiletPaperConsummer Hey! Wich model do you like the most?
Made with blender! My first time doing this type of stuff submitted by ToiletPaperConsummer to backrooms [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 20:21 No-Stage2471 fucktribbing slim gfs. Tele: goondays
submitted by No-Stage2471 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:21 PoorApollo Pixel Promo Code
I'm not sure why I didn't get a promo code for the Pixel 9 from Google because I am Gold level and a Google One subscriber, but I would be so appreciative if someone could DM me their code that they don't plan to use!
I'll reply to everyone who sends a code if I used it or not so you can help others - I promise!
Thank you so much!
submitted by PoorApollo to google [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:21 Repulsive_Beyond_899 Sono un uomo di 29 anni e sono vergine, sono così stufo !
Sono un uomo di 29 anni e sono ancora vergine ovviamente non per mia scelta ma per scelta delle donne, non sono timido e ci ho provato tantissime volte con le ragazze che mi piacevano fin dall'adolescenza quando avevo 12 anni ma mi hanno sempre rifiutato e mi dicevano le solite frasi di merda come " Non mi interessi", "Sono fidanzata" o "Non sei il mio tipo", tutti questi rifiuti mi hanno portato alla rassegnazione e a non uscire più di casa, mi sento così solo e sono così stufo della mia verginità, voglio così tanto fare sesso con una donna ma non una donna qualsiasi tipo una escort ma con una donna che la amo con tutto il mio cuore, ho voglia di una donna da amare con tutto me stesso, ho voglia di una donna da coccolare e sostenere nei momenti di difficoltà della vita, solo nell'adolescenza quando avevo 12 anni ho avuto una ragazza e andavamo al mare insieme l'estate, lei mi guardava da innamorata e mi sorrideva era una ragazza stupenda, e una sera durante una festa di compleanno eravamo rimasti soli e lei mi ha guardato intensamente si è seduta su di me e mi ha baciato in bocca, è stata un'emozione unica e sensazionale perché mi aveva baciato la ragazza di cui ero segretamente innamorato infatti non gli ho detto che mi piaceva perché pensavo che lei lo avesse capito dopo quel bacio e poi purtroppo ci siamo persi di vista, il mio rimpianto è non aver detto che la amavo e ora dopo quella piccola esperienza da allora sono vergine e non ci ho provato più con le donne, le poche volte che esco di casa le donne neanche mi guardano e le poche che mi guardano si mettono a ridere, quando vedo ragazze fidanzate provo davvero invidia. La notte guardo il soffitto e mi metto a piangere (si anche gli uomini piangono e sono sensibili, al diavolo i pregiudizi e stereotipi sull'uomo forte e insensibile che non piange) pensando che non ho una donna e forse non avrò mai una donna da amare. No DM per favore.
submitted by Repulsive_Beyond_899 to psicologia [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:21 RutabagaRoutine7430 Twirltching
Has ketamine treatment help any of you with chronic pain / twitches/ Trembling?
submitted by RutabagaRoutine7430 to KetamineTherapy [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:21 mk_8 🥶
submitted by mk_8 to Daliban [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:21 ChiefKamachi Xbox mod
I bought this Xbox and it’s hacked but I really don’t like the start up dash. How do I remove the skin? Thanks in advance submitted by ChiefKamachi to originalxbox [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 20:21 SinesPi Why can't I clone Cutholoids?
Just found my first Cutholoid, and captured it in a Wild Swarm playthrough. Culled it immediately in order to start cloning it, but it's not an option to build or to develop in the ship planner. What am I missing?
submitted by SinesPi to Stellaris [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:21 axleflunk Simbal already fucking it up! Get in there, bro!
submitted by axleflunk to fishtanklive [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 20:21 AdvertisingKey7474 I need advice, my life is fucked up
Hey everyone, I could really use some advice right now because I’m going through a tough time. I’m 30 and feel like I’ve hit rock bottom. I lost both my parents by the time I was 19, and I’ve been struggling financially due to inherited debt. Recently, I also got out of a 3-year relationship with someone who meant the world to me. I made a big mistake while drunk and ruined her friend’s birthday, and that was the last straw.
I feel overwhelmed, mentally drained, and like I can’t catch a break. I want to get myself together, but I don’t know where to start. If anyone has been through something similar or has advice on how to rebuild when life feels this hard, I’d be really grateful.
submitted by AdvertisingKey7474 to mentalhealth [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:21 Aware_Broccoli8517 Market for Power deck?
Unfamiliar with the sports card market. What’s the chances this sells quickly?
submitted by Aware_Broccoli8517 to sportscards [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:21 cookinbrak NorthChase rehab
I visit my wife there every day. Today we were watching football when the fire alarm went off. It was silenced after about a minute, so I figured it was found quickly. Then I hear "Fire in laundry!!" Her room is on the same hall as laundry, so I went to see if I could help. The lady told me it was a drill. I talked to her for a minute before pointing out that no employees had showed up. They just silenced the alarm and went back to their phones.
She just returned there after a 3 week stay in ICU and hospital after getting pneumonia and an infection from non-functioning oxygen machines.
submitted by cookinbrak to Wilmington [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:21 Cripcodex Ashley Marie Lakomowski
submitted by Cripcodex to kasligacilar [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 20:21 Better-Spot-8044 Working long days (12 hour shifts)
I work 4 long days in a row for 4 weeks and then 3 for another 4 weeks. I’m absolutely shattered by these, anyone else do the same? Any tips on coping? 😅🫠
submitted by Better-Spot-8044 to NursingUK [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:21 Dangerous_Fox3993 Stupid purple frogs!
AAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!! how do I catch them? There must be more to it then just running around like a crazy person trying to catch them 😭 there soooo hard to get !
submitted by Dangerous_Fox3993 to DreamlightValley [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:21 Alternative_Leg_3111 Can connect to dedicated server through LAN, but not WAN
I've got a factorio server running on linux that I can connect to fine through LAN, but not through any WAN IP. I've made sure the ports are open just fine, I can connect to my terraria server through my WAN IP fine. But when I set the factorio server port to 7777 like terraria, I can't connect at all. The server is not publicly browsasble, and changing the LAN connection setting doesn't change anything. Any help is appreciated!
submitted by Alternative_Leg_3111 to factorio [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:21 BravoWilco Red Forest treasure
Wow just found this beauty on an artifact expedition. submitted by BravoWilco to stalker [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 20:21 nfultz Metro Committee Approves Revoking $435K Culver City Grant due to Bike Lane Removal - Streetsblog Los Angeles
submitted by nfultz to nfultz [link] [comments] |
2024.11.24 20:21 FoltzyBear Looking for a church
Hey guys
I am an Over the Road truck driver that gets to be home on Sundays and Mondays. The problem is that I won't always get home early enough on a Sunday to attend a service.
So I was wondering if any church in the area has a service Sunday night or anytime on Monday.
I come from a United Brethren (I think that's what it was) church and am looking for something similar or a non denomination. I really don't know the difference between all of them and just want a place to have a community again.
submitted by FoltzyBear to lansing [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:21 BothFeel What is this?
This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by BothFeel to Pixelary [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:21 badboyzpwns Has the strike delayed your card delivery
Just wondering if it affected others, its like the 13th business day for me and I haven't received my card. I think its not tracked and all I can do is wait?
submitted by badboyzpwns to EQBank [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 20:21 brookscharlie ER results - positive
Hi everybody!! I’ll put a TW since I got a good amount of eggs retrieved. I really only told my mom and boyfriend about the whole retrieval process, so I don’t have many people to share this positive news with.
I ended up getting 34 eggs retrieved and 32 were mature and frozen!! This whole process was extremely hard and I’m super grateful it paid off. Now we hope I don’t get OHSS - this recovery is brutal and it’s only the 2nd day.
I only had one chance before surgery for my stage 4 endo & hydrosalpinx that could possibly damage my ovaries. Now I’m feeling much more confident going into it!
submitted by brookscharlie to IVF [link] [comments]