[SOTC] Starter collection - How am I doing

2024.11.24 23:07 Ishaancharan [SOTC] Starter collection - How am I doing

[SOTC] Starter collection - How am I doing Been collecting little over 2 years. Aiming at 1 purchase a year and now trying to get into entry level luxury watch. Thoughts?
Any recommendations for the next piece? I’m thinking Longines Conquest Chronograph
submitted by Ishaancharan to PrideAndPinion [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:07 DreamPirates Anupama Parameswaran Indian Actress #AnupamaParameswaran

Anupama Parameswaran Indian Actress #AnupamaParameswaran submitted by DreamPirates to dreampirates [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:07 E2A6S Last hand wash and wax until spring, northerners you feel me

Last hand wash and wax until spring, northerners you feel me In all seriousness we’ll probably get a nice 60 degree day in a few weeks and hopefully through the winter to keep it clean and protected
submitted by E2A6S to fordfusion [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:07 Turbulent_Tony_146 Just finished my last caravan! Where are you all at?

I started Milepost Zero probably a month after launch, since I didn't want to immediately grind out a new currency. I run a large caravan solo twice a day for 200 caps each. Got all vendors upgraded to the max, and all Tier 2 brahmin upgrades too! Just finished my last run with 1000 supplies!
It's doable solo with the right build (e.g. friendly fire perk) and I would suggest the cold shoulder for the final 'boss' (Blue Devil vs Ogua, Deadly Yao Guai, Glowing Deathclaw). The last one would easy kill my brahmin so freezing it helped so much solo!
I play on a private world just for the caravan runs, makes it much more stable. I've tried on public worlds and yeah, found more bugs and the brahmin freezining in place.
How have people found this event? Are you finished now or still grinding out supplies? Do you visit Milepost Zero often, or just waiting for the new vendor to arrive?
submitted by Turbulent_Tony_146 to fo76 [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:07 xZRx_Dreamz 4 local 804072331790

4 local 804072331790 submitted by xZRx_Dreamz to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:07 niuywe Sparring mode

Sparring mode would be one cool thing to have too.
Something like no time no damage sessions where maybe spectators can also tag in kind of like break rounds. This could easily have mitt works and stuff
submitted by niuywe to ThrillOfTheFight [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:07 WhoPut_U_OnThePlanet Those of you who weren’t seeing enough progress with Removery/Picoway - which location/laser did you switch to?

I have had seven sessions total - the last five at Removery - with minimal progress. I already committed to paying $2700 for the unlimited package, but it may be better to just cut my losses and find another clinic. I’ve seen some people say they ended up with better results after going to a different location and/or using a different laser. What are some other options that may be more helpful?
For context, the tattoo I’m removing has pretty dense black linework which has been stubborn. There is also a small part of my tattoo which is in color (blue/purple/pink) - just in case this affects which laser may be better to use for it.
submitted by WhoPut_U_OnThePlanet to TattooRemoval [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:07 okdocok 196.상담하면서 느낀 점_가족나들이/안중근

196.상담하면서 느낀 점_가족나들이/안중근 https://blog.naver.com/doctor_runne223671831820
수면9시간,식사11시간, 수면식사간격3시간, 행잉레그레이즈 10, 윗몸일으키기 20, 리버스플라이 10, 레그익스텐션 10, 로우백 10, 힙어브덕션 10, 30분, 8=>11km/hr, 턱걸이 5 실시하였습니다. 감기기운이 조금 내려가고 있길래 오늘은 러닝 속도를 서서히 11까지 올렸습니다.

아이가 유관순에 대한 글을 써가야 한다길래 엉겹결에 유관순관련 책을 사주었습니다. 가급적 인터넷으로 찾는 것보다는 책을 보는게 나을 것 같아서 말이죠. 유관순, 안중근, 홍범도지난번 유관순 관련해서 책도 읽고 서대문 형무소에 갔다와서 아이 생각의 변화가 느껴져서 오늘은 안중근 의사 기념관에 가기로 하였습니다. 아이는 교보문가에 가서 살 것이 있다고 해서 차를 가지고 나가지않고 버스 환승으로 가기로 했습니다. 문제는 집앞 버스를 제가 서두르다 반대 방향의 버스를 타는 바람에 한정거장가서 내리고 다시 원래 방향 버스타는 곳으로 갔으나 바로 앞에서 놓치고 말았습니다. 부랴부랴 비슷한 방향의 버스를 타고 다시 한번 버스를 갈아타서 서울역까지 갔습니다. 이제 한번만 타면 되는데 버스가 오지를 않습니다. 덕분에 남대문역까지 버스를 타고 가서 밑에서 부터 걸어올라갔습니다. 버스를 제가 잘못타고나서 부터 안중근의사 기념관 가는 도중 아이는 제게 온갖 불만을 터뜨렸습니다. 제가 아무말 하지 않고 묵묵히 갈길을 갔고 아내는 덕분에 여기 새로운 길도 찾고 좋다면서 위로를 합니다. 결국 안중근의사 기념관에 왔으나 12월31일까지 내부 보수를 한다고 합니다. 솔직히 이번 정부에서 무슨짓을 할지몰라 불안하긴 합니다. 올라가는 길은 너무나 아름다웠고 돌위에 쓰여져 있는 글은 멋집니다. "사람은 멀리 생각하지 않으면 큰일을 이루기 어렵다."
대한국인 안중근 동상 밑에는 항상 꽃이 놓여있습니다. 아이는 한참을 쳐다보면서 말합니다. "아빠, 자기 손가락을 잘라서 글을 썼잖아. 오른 손에 든 것이 태극기야" 남산에 올라갈때마다 아이와 백범 광장에서 뛰어놀때마다 동상을 보았지만 오른 손에 든 것을 저와 아태는 망토라 생각했습니다. 아이의 눈은 다릅니다. 동상 뒤에 쓰여진 장부가라는 글은 읽기가 힘들어 집에와서 찾아보았습니다.
안중근에게도 자식이 있었고 자식이 있는 부모가 목숨을 부지하고 싶은 마음이 없을리 없을텐데 말이죠. 외적가치인 생존과 대를 잇는 것을 포기하고 내적가치인 독립을 선택하는 것은 쉽지 않았을 겁니다. 다음 책이 홍범도 인데 아이를 데리고 어디로 가야할지 고민해 봐야겠네요.
롯데 백화점에서 점심을 먹고 교보문고에서 아이는 자신의 학용품을 저도 저만의 학용품을 샀습니다. 2만2천원을 주고 스테들러 연필 12자루자루를 샀습니다. 아내가 뭐라했지만 저도 사치를 부렸습니다.
submitted by okdocok to Mogong [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:07 Turbulent-Farmer7825 Anyone know the worth of this?

Anyone know the worth of this? submitted by Turbulent-Farmer7825 to AnimalJam [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:07 SeaPrior2523 Formula Vee West Coast?

Hey I’m interested getting into formula vee and I can’t seem to find any leagues/races to watch in the Nevada-California region, any help on finding something that surrounds Nevada would be appreciated.
submitted by SeaPrior2523 to SCCA [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:07 andallthatjazs Reputable plumbers in Kildare ?

I was trying to do a diy for a slow draining sink in my bathroom and ended up causing a leak downstairs in my kitchen . Can anybody recommend any reputable plumbers in Kildare please ? If there close to Athy,that's a big plus too.
submitted by andallthatjazs to AskIreland [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:07 brady-allen "Production has no idea what they're doing" "man this shit is going to fall apart so fast"

Clearly production has shown that they are capable of pulling off the show so can people finally shut up and let production cook like they have been for the past month?
submitted by brady-allen to fishtanklive [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:07 Awkward_Blueberry_84 To pursue a diagnosis or not

A self screening tool suggests my symptoms are highly consistent with ADHD. Since having a child and becoming a carer for a parent, I feel overwhelmed and it's damaging my relationship with my husband and I've found it more difficult to manage a relationship with my siblings. Perhaps this is just life and having to cope with too much, but I can't switch off. Always over think and dwelling on everything. Constant to do list in my head yet feels lik heavy lifting to get anywhere. House is a complete mess.
I'm pretty anti medication, but I guess finding coping mechanisms for whatever is going on would be a good way forward. It may also help to have recognition at work on my strengths but I'm not sure I want to be labelled and assumptions made. I have a very successful professional career and lots of responsibility, although I'm also now feeling like I'm struggling on making progress on priorities.
I live in Scotland. I'm dubious about paying for a diagnosis to be honest, that it may just be a licence to print money and will it actually help. I'm not sure I can really afford it either, I have high outgoings already. Will they want to speak with my family, they are likely to be dismissive and not particularly helpful to the extent I probably wouldn't want to share with them.
Should I go via a GP, will having this on my health record have other impacts. Should I just find a private counsellor on coping mechanisms and relationship help. I feel a bit stuck.
submitted by Awkward_Blueberry_84 to ADHDUK [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:07 Starmaxlord Another great showcase by FSLabs for their A321ceo. What are your thoughtsM

submitted by Starmaxlord to flightsim [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:07 justeenmenecola primal kroger 819855808639 w 1 irl using party power :)

submitted by justeenmenecola to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:07 Yacrazyoldbastard Children of Australia's elite Special Air Service Regiment (SAS) soldiers share their stories of growing up without Dad - ABC News

Children of Australia's elite Special Air Service Regiment (SAS) soldiers share their stories of growing up without Dad - ABC News submitted by Yacrazyoldbastard to AustralianMilitary [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:07 maryqueenofyou Finch is our Mark Jackson and Bickerstaff

It’s time to embrace it. Just like the old Warriors and the 2023-24 Cavs, there’s way more offensive upside to tap into but we’re running a 2012 offense. Imagine if Ant wasn’t shooting like he currently is? We would struggle to score 100 pts every game.
submitted by maryqueenofyou to timberwolves [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:07 Hypernova_Explosion Powe Steering issues. Need help.

I have a 2003 Honda Accord EX, K24 inline 4. My power steering pump went out, so I installed a new one. Got a new return line, new reservoir, flushed the system, replaced the seals, and bled it out. The moment I start the car it drops the fluid level significantly and then starts foaming out of the reservoir. The power steering does not work at all in this state. I have bled, refilled, and started the car 3 times now with the same issue. The pump itself is also squealing like hell. Did I do something wrong, or did they give me a broken pump from the box?
submitted by Hypernova_Explosion to MechanicAdvice [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:07 Eastern-Remove-5848 Who want to jerk to some irl’s or vids or other session : 05ba41209fff1f3e88c88757784361687b43a3eb6b1135c20ef870a5ff8a71d15a

Who want to jerk to some irl’s or vids or other session : 05ba41209fff1f3e88c88757784361687b43a3eb6b1135c20ef870a5ff8a71d15a submitted by Eastern-Remove-5848 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:07 AgileBeginning478 New style of necron

New style of necron My newest warrior I changed their style, improved a little and I am very satisfied. Any advice?
submitted by AgileBeginning478 to Necrontyr [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:07 cherry_pop1 HCC: how does physics online work?

Im looking to take uni physics 2 at HCC for summer 2025, online. Assuming I pass uni physics 1 for this spring lol. I like planning ahead.
How do the labs work if it’s a completely online course? Advice is appreciated 😚
submitted by cherry_pop1 to UniversityOfHouston [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:07 Voltmazter WB Kyogre on me 908905180960

submitted by Voltmazter to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:07 tyman3400 Czemu ludzie na tinderze nigdy nie odpisują?

Nie wiem ci mogę dodać, spodziewam się odpowiedzi sugerujących, że nie umiem zagadać. Albo odgórnej krytyki tindera bez podawania przyczyn. Ale kurcze po co ci ludzie tam siedzą? Nigdy nie udało mi się popisać z kimś dłużej niż 5 min. Zwykle nikt nie odpowiada na pierwszą wiadomość. Reszta to 10 sekund rozmowy i wsm niema nic poza tym. O co biega
submitted by tyman3400 to Polska [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:07 RslashJFKdefector Another from Facebook 😂

Another from Facebook 😂 Credit: Spurs Updates
submitted by RslashJFKdefector to Tottenham [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:07 SiteAggravating8563 Monster Banquet - almost finished

Monster Banquet - almost finished submitted by SiteAggravating8563 to IdleOfficeTycoon [link] [comments]
