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I have a 2.5ct blue-green sapphire that is beautiful and sparkly in direct light. However it sometimes shows a silk haze and is dark in low light. This was about a 6k natural stone. Sometimes I wish I had something with a bit more sparkle in low light. Does anyone ever feel the same?
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| Hi everyone, I'm a final year paediatric male student nurse working on a Respiratory ward at a Children's Hospital. I've got 3 weeks left of my 12 week placement (not sign off placement) and I'm still unsure how I can go about achieving these Episodes of Care in my clinical setting. My practice assessor is a Band 6 nurse and mostly works nights but does take charge and Ive worked a couple of shifts with him. My practice supervisor is very good in supporting me with my proficiencies and clinical teaching. I've been taking leads on respiratory patients (only 1) quite frequently and have grown confident in advocating and taking initiative with patient tasks care and documentation. Any ideas or advice from other final year students and qualified nurses working in paeds that can help me with this for my ePAD is very much appreciated. Thanks đđœđ submitted by EggMysterious832 to nursing [link] [comments] |
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Will I ever get a boyfriend? I've always wanted to get married and have kids but I hate the sound of my family members moaning and slurping when eating food. Would I ever be able to have children..? I can barely handle the sucking and kissing noises that people make. I don't want to upset them either. Imagine your girlfriend or wife constantly yelling at you to be quiet? I think I have to invest in noise cancelling headphones..
submitted by Sweet_Needleworker_5 to misophonia [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 22:40 Ancient-Fairy339 Let's discuss Spiderweb - consequences, how could it have been avoided?
Disclaimer: jeg er ikke den originale OP'en, men har snakket med personen og fÄtt tillatelse/gÄtt med pÄ Ä dele denne posten pÄ deres vegne - da posten blir slettet pga OG OP ikke har nok karma/for ny profil.
Opprinnelig OP:
KjĂŠre medborgere,
Vi stÄr overfor en kritisk situasjon med nedleggelsen av Operasjon Spiderweb, som har vÊrt en avgjÞrende ressurs i kampen mot pedofili og seksuelle overgrep mot barn pÄ nett. For Ä mobilisere stÞtte og kreve gjenopprettelse av denne spesialgruppen, har vi startet en diskusjonstrÄd for Ä Äpne samtalen.
Bli med i kampen for Ä beskytte vÄre barn idag, og del gjerne samtalen videre.
NĂžkkelpersoner, inkludert i avgjĂžrelsen og inkluderti artiklene: - Justisminister Emilie Enger Mehl - Politimester Hans Vik, SĂžr-Vest politidistrikt - Medlemmer av justiskomiteen, inkludert Per-Willy Amundsen og Sveinung Stensland - Politiavdelingen, Ekspedisjonssjef Steffen Evju.
Vi oppfordrer alle til Ä delta Ä dele samtalen. Hver stemme vil bidra til Ä sende et klart budskap om at barna vÄre fortjener beskyttelse og at vi ikke kan akseptere nedleggelsen av en sÄ viktig enhet.
Vi mÄ handle nÄ!
I fjor besluttet SÞr-Vest politidistrikt Ä legge ned Operasjon Spiderweb, en spesialgruppe som siden 2019 har avdekket pedofile handlinger og seksuelle overgrep mot barn pÄ nett. Dette er den eneste avdelingen i hele landet som hadde som oppgave Ä bekjempe pedofili og seksuelle nettovergrep mot barn. NÄ, etter nedleggelsen, finnes det ingen dedikerte ressurser som arbeider med disse alvorlige sakene for pedofili og seksuelle overgrep mot barn pÄ nett.
Oppsummering av Viktige Punkter:
- Nedleggelsen av Operasjon Spiderweb har etterlatt en betydelig vakuum i kampen mot nettovergrep mot barn, hvor spesialiserte ressurser er avgjĂžrende.
- Siden opprettelsen har Spiderweb beskyttet mange barn og oppnÄdd over 100 domfellelser, og nedleggelsen sender en farlig melding til overgripere - om at det blir lettere Ä unngÄ straff, samtidig som samfunnet nÄ ser ut til Ä svikte de mest sÄrbare, hjelpeslÞse, godtroende og uskyldige vi har i samfunnet - barna.
- Fagfolk, inkludert advokater og politijurister, uttrykker bekymring for at kvaliteten pÄ etterforskningen vil svekkes, som kan fÞre til Þkte mÞrketall i saker om pedofili, seksuelle overgrep av barn og voldtekter av barn pÄ nett.
- Til tross for at det finnes tilstrekkelig politiressurser tilgjengelig, er prioriteringene feil, og dette underminerer tidligere lĂžfter om Ă„ gjĂžre operasjonen permanent.
- HÄndtering av overgrepsmateriale krever spesialiserte ferdigheter og mental styrke, og Ä delegere slike oppgaver til uerfarne avdelinger kan fÄ alvorlige konsekvenser for bÄde kvaliteten pÄ arbeidet og de ansatte.
- Det er avgjÞrende at justisministeren og Stortinget tar ansvar for Ä sikre nÞdvendige ressurser, for tiden er knapp, og vi mÄ handle raskt for Ä forhindre at flere barn blir ofre for denne alvorlige kriminaliteten.
Operasjon Spiderweb har gjort en uvurderlig innsats, med over 100 domfellelser og et betydelig antall barn beskyttet.
Nedleggelsen av denne gruppen sender en farlig melding til dem som begÄr seksuelle overgrep mot barn pÄ nett: det gir nÊrmest ett grÞnt lys til pedofile overgripere pÄ nett, som kan gi dem Þkt selvtillit til Ä begÄ disse handlingene - med svÊrt Þkt sjangs for Ä gÄ ustraffet - noe som utsetter barn for en stÞrre fare. Vi mÄ ikke svikte de mest sÄrbare i samfunnet; vi mÄ ta ansvar Ä handle for Ä sikre at barna fÄr den beskyttelsen de trenger og fortjener.
Som advokat Odd Rune Torstrup pÄpeker, finnes det allerede store mÞrketall nÄr det gjelder pedofili, seksuelle overgrep mot barn og voldtekter av barn som skjer over internett, og han frykter at disse nÄ vil Þke. "Det finnes store mÞrketall nÄr det gjelder nettvoldtekter. NÄ frykter jeg de blir hÞyere. Mye hÞyere. Og signalene dette sender til ofre for denne grove kriminaliteten er fullstendig feil, sier han."
Kilde: I den samme artikkelen stÄr det ogsÄ: "ForsÞksprosjektet startet i 2019. Siden da har gruppas arbeid fÞrt til over 100 domfellelser, bÄde lokalt, nasjonalt og internasjonalt. Spiderweb har ogsÄ stoppet pÄgÄende overgrep mot barn i flere politidistrikt. I 2021 ble prosjektet permanent, men nÄ legges det ned..... Nedleggelsen fÄr flere profilerte advokater til Ä reagere sterkt."
Det er ogsĂ„ viktig Ă„ pĂ„peke at SĂžr-Vest politidistrikt fikk instruksjoner om Ă„ kutte et bestemt antall stillinger. I stedet for Ă„ fordele kuttene over flere avdelinger, valgte de Ă„ legge ned hele Spiderweb-enheten. Dette valget har fĂ„tt alvorlige konsekvenser for arbeidet mot nettovergrep, og det reiser spĂžrsmĂ„l om prioriteringene i politidistriktet. "Driftsenhetsleder Thor Magne LĂžge i felles enhet for etterretning og etterforskning i SĂžr-Vest politidistrikt forklarer nedleggelsen slik: â Politiet blir stadig blir tilfĂžrt nye oppgaver, samtidig som vi fĂ„r redusert ressursene vĂ„re. Det gjĂžr at vi er nĂždt til Ă„ prioritere ressursene vi har pĂ„ best mulig mĂ„te for Ă„ lĂžse samfunnsoppdraget vĂ„rt. Han pĂ„peker at dette skal evalueres, men at intensjonen er at alvorlige overgrep mot barn fortsatt fĂ„r prioritet. LĂžge innrĂžmmer likevel at han er bekymret. â Jeg er bekymret over vĂ„r totale kapasitet til etterforskning av alvorlige straffesaker i politidistriktet."
Politijurist Fredrik Martin Soma uttrykker bekymring for om kompetansen som er utviklet vil opprettholdes, og om alvorlige saker fortsatt vil bli prioritert.
"Politijurist Fredrik Martin Soma i SĂžr-Vest politidistrikt har vĂŠrt pĂ„taleansvarlig for flere av sakene. Han mener nedleggingen er bekymringsfull. Bekymringen er om vi klarer Ă„ opprettholde kompetansen vi har utviklet og prioritere like godt. Vi mĂ„ jobbe annerledes. Det blir ikke like mange saker, og det er problematisk, sier han. Han pĂ„peker at politiet fortsatt vil jobbe med og prioritere slike saker. â Men om vi klarer det like godt, gjenstĂ„r Ă„ se, sier han."
Dette handler ikke bare om tall og statistikker; det handler om barn som utsettes for seksuelle overgrep og voldtekter. Vi oppfordrer alle til Ä delta i vÄr underskriftskampanje for Ä gjenopprette en dedikert enhet som jobber mot seksuelle nettovergrep mot barn. Vi mÄ kreve at myndighetene prioriterer barnas sikkerhet og investerer i ressurser som kan beskytte dem mot denne alvorlige trusselen.
Vi rettet ogsÄ oppmerksomheten mot de ansvarlige for denne beslutningen. Politimester Hans Vik, som har ledet SÞr-Vest politidistrikt, og Justisminister Emilie Enger Mehl, har mulighet til Ä ta initiativ for Ä gjenopprette denne livsviktige enheten.
Vi har tidligere allerede oppfordret dem til Ă„ lytte til bekymringene fra samfunnet og sterkt revurdere nedleggelsen! Folket ble ikke hĂžrt..
Med den nÄvÊrende Þkonomiske tilstanden i Norge er det bÄde utrolig og forkastelig at nedleggelsen av Operasjon Spiderweb kan begrunnes med behovet for Ä spare penger. I en tid der staten har ressurser til Ä investere i ulike prosjekter, bÞr beskyttelsen av vÄre mest sÄrbare - barna - alltid vÊre en prioritet.
kutte i ressurser som er avgjÞrende for Ä bekjempe pedofili, voldtekt og seksuelle overgrep mot barn pÄ nett, sender et klart signal om at Þkonomiske hensyn veier tyngre enn sikkerheten til de som er mest utsatt - barna.
Det er fullstendig uakseptabelt Ä la Þkonomiske restriksjoner gÄ pÄ bekostning av barns trygghet og velvÊre; vi mÄ kreve at myndighetene setter barns sikkerhet fÞrst i alle budsjettbeslutninger.
Leder av justiskomiteen pÄ Stortinget, Per-Willy Amundsen (Frp), og Sveinung Stensland (H) har allerede uttrykt sin bekymring for konsekvensene av denne nedleggelsen og jobber for Ä fÄ politiet mer ressurser. Dette er et tydelig signal om at det haster med Ä handle.
"Advokat Brynjar Meling kaller det en katastrofe. Han mener gruppa har vĂŠrt ekstremt viktig for Ă„ avdekke nettovergrep. â Jeg har stĂ„tt i en rekke saker hvor jeg er av den klare oppfatning av at de ikke ville ha kommer til overflaten og blitt avdekket uten Operasjon Spiderweb."
"Driftsenhetsleder Thor Magne LĂžge i felles enhet for etterretning og etterforskning i SĂžr-Vest politidistrikt forklarer nedleggelsen slik: â Politiet blir stadig blir tilfĂžrt nye oppgaver, samtidig som vi fĂ„r redusert ressursene vĂ„re. Det gjĂžr at vi er nĂždt til Ă„ prioritere ressursene vi har pĂ„ best mulig mĂ„te for Ă„ lĂžse samfunnsoppdraget vĂ„rt. Han pĂ„peker at dette skal evalueres, men at intensjonen er at alvorlige overgrep mot barn fortsatt fĂ„r prioritet. LĂžge innrĂžmmer likevel at han er bekymret. â Jeg er bekymret over vĂ„r totale kapasitet til etterforskning av alvorlige straffesaker i politidistriktet."
Sammen kan vi sende et klart budskap: Barna vÄre fortjener beskyttelse, og samfunnet vÄrt mÄ stÄ sammen for Ä sikre at dette arbeidet ikke blir glemt. La oss ikke la nedleggelsen av Operasjon Spiderweb bli en fallitterklÊring for vÄr evne til Ä beskytte de mest sÄrbare.
Delta i samtalen, start diskusjon og spre budskapet - bli en del av kampen for barns rett til trygghet og beskyttelse mot nettverkskriminalitet. For hvert navn som legges til i samtalen, blir vÄr stemme sammen sterkere.
La oss stÄ sammen for en tryggere fremtid for vÄre barn!
Den Harde Sannheten:
Nedleggelsen av Operasjon Spiderweb skjer i en tid hvor nettvoldtekter og overgrep mot barn er en Þkende trussel. En nylig sak fra Buskerud viser hvor alvorlige konsekvensene kan vÊre: En mann i 30-Ärene ble dÞmt til 15 Ärs forvaring etter Ä ha forgrepet seg pÄ 52 barn, hvorav 44 av overgrepene skjedde etter at han var identifisert av politiet. Dette viser tydelig at nÄr ressurser og spesialiserte grupper reduseres, gÄr det ut over barnas sikkerhet.
Link til saken: Oddgeir HĂžyekvam, tidligere leder av Operasjon Spiderweb, har uttalt: "Generelt viser denne saken at det er behov for et sterkt og handlekraftig fagmiljĂž i ethvert politidistrikt for Ă„ forebygge og bekjempe denne typen kriminalitet."
Vi kan ikke la nedleggelsen av Spiderweb bli en av Ärsakene til at flere barn blir ofre for slike grusomme handlinger. Det er en brutal realitet som vi mÄ ta pÄ alvor.
Vi MĂ„ Kreve Handling NĂ„!
Det er avgjÞrende at bÄde justisministeren og Stortinget tar ansvar for denne kritiske situasjonen. I 2021 ble det annonsert at Operasjon Spiderweb skulle bli en permanent del av politiets arbeid mot nettovergrep mot barn, men i 2023, knappe to Är senere, snus denne beslutningen pÄ hodet. Vi mÄ ikke la nedleggelsen av Spiderweb bli permanent. I stedet bÞr dette vÊre et kall til handling!
Vi har appellert til alle politikere om Ă„ prioritere barns sikkerhet og helse, og Ă„ sikre at det finnes tilstrekkelige midler og ressurser til Ă„ bekjempe seksuelle nettovergrep mot barn. Hver dag uten effektive tiltak er en dag hvor flere barn kan bli ofre.
La oss stÄ sammen for Ä gi barna vÄre den beskyttelsen de fortjener. Det haster med Ä sikre at ingen barn blir glemt i denne kampen mot en av de mest alvorlige former for kriminalitet.
Vi kan ikke la nedleggelsen av Spiderweb fÞre til at arbeidet mot pedofili og seksuelle overgrep mot barn pÄ nett blir delegert til andre avdelinger uten spesialisering og de rette ferdighetene.
Om f.eks politifolk som vanligvis har helt andre typer oppgaver i lÞpet av en arbeidsdag, plutselig skal bli satt til Ä hÄndtere slike saker og disse typene oppgaver - sÄ kan de mangle den spesialiserte opplÊringen som er nÞdvendig for Ä hÄndtere slike sensitive saker. Det kan ogsÄ ha en sterk negativ innvirkning pÄ deres egen mentale helse.
Det er uansett helt avgjÞrende Ä ha grupper som Spiderweb, som bestÄr av fagpersoner med nÞdvendig kompetanse og mental styrke til Ä hÄndtere denne type arbeid som involverer overgrepsmateriale mot barn, for Ä sikre at dette viktige arbeidet blir utfÞrt pÄ en bÊrekraftig og effektiv mÄte. Uten slike spesialiserte enheter risikerer vi Ä svekke og undergrave innsatsen mot en av de mest alvorlige truslene mot vÄre barn.
BjĂžrn Arild SĂžlyst Karlsen, som har overlevd seksuelle overgrep som barn, delte sin gripende historie under fakkeltoget i Stavanger, der han appellerte til politimester Hans Vik om Ă„ revurdere den triste beslutningen om Ă„ legge ned Operasjon Spiderweb.
Denne spesialgruppen har vÊrt en livline for mange barn, og har bidratt til over hundre domfellelser siden oppstarten i 2019. ArrangÞrene, inkludert Stine Sofies Stiftelse, understreket at barnas sikkerhet mÄ komme fÞrst, og at ingen skal lide under manglende ressurser.
Politisk stÞtte for gjenopprettelsen av Spiderweb er sterk, med ledere som Olaug Bollestad og Ada Sofie Austegard som beskriver nedleggelsen som en alvorlig svikt. Oddgeir HÞyekvam, tidligere leder for Spiderweb, uttrykker sin sterke motstand mot nedleggelsen og hÄper at budsjettet for 2024 vil tvinge frem gjenÄpning av gruppen.
Siden dette ikke skjedde, er det nÄ avgjÞrende at vi nÄ setter nok lys pÄ saken for Ä presse myndighetene til Ä inkludere Þremerkede midler i budsjettet for 2025.
HÞyekvam advarer om at uten spesialiserte ressurser vil muligheten for Ä oppdage og bekjempe nettrelaterte overgrep mot barn reduseres. Samlet sett krever de en bevilgning for Ä sikre at kampen fortsetter - og som nÄ mÄ gjenopptas, kampen mot pedofili, voldtekter og seksuelle overgrep mot barn pÄ nett, og at alle barn fÄr den beskyttelsen de fortjener.
Sammen kan vi gjÞre en forskjell! La oss stÄ sammen - la oss kreve handling nÄ! La oss gjenÄpne diskusjonen, til samfunnets nytte!
Overnevnte nÞkkelpersoner og eventuelle beslutningstakere og pÄvirkere :
- Politimester Hans Vik, SĂžr-Vest politidistrikt:
Telefon: (+47) 51899164
- SĂžr Vest Politidistrikt:
Telefon: 51 89 90 00
[email protected] BesÞksadresse: LagÄrdsveien 6, 4010 Stavanger
- Justisminister Emilie Enger Mehl, Justis- og beredskapsdepartementet:
[email protected] Telefon: 22 24 51 00
[email protected] Sentralbord: 22 24 90 90
BesĂžksadresse: Gullhaug Torg 4A, 0484 Oslo
- Per-Willy Amundsen, leder av justiskomiteen:
[email protected] Epost:
[email protected] Epost:
[email protected] Sentralbord: 23 31 30 50
PIA: Politiavdelingen (PIA) skal trekke opp hovedlinjene for utvikling og styring av politiet pÄ bÄde kort og lang sikt. Avdelingen har etatsstyringsansvaret for Politidirektoratet og Politiets sikkerhetstjeneste. Lov- og regelverksutvikling, forebygging og bekjempelse av kriminalitet, politiberedskap, nasjonal sikkerhet og internasjonalt arbeid inngÄr i avdelingens ansvarsomrÄde.
Ekspedisjonssjef Steffen Evju, som har etatsstyringsansvar for Politidirektoratet, kan kontaktes for Ă„ uttrykke dine bekymringer om nedleggelsen av Operasjon Spiderweb og behovet for spesialiserte ressurser.
- Steffen Evju, Ekspedisjonssjef, Politiavdelingen:
[email protected] Telefon: 22 24 55 37
Andre relevante linkekilder: Historiene til overlevende, som BjĂžrn Arild SĂžlyst Karlsen - som har delt sin historie om overgrep i blant annet denne artikkelen, nedenfor - understreker viktigheten av Operasjon Spiderweb i kampen for Ă„ beskytte barn. (Oppropet hos Stine Sofie Stifelsen er dessverre avsluttet).
Vi anerkjenner alle barn som har vĂŠrt ofre for overgrep, og deres historier er avgjĂžrende i kampen for Ă„ skape en tryggere fremtid. La oss sammen gi dem en stemme og kreve nĂždvendige tiltak for Ă„ beskytte de fremtidige generasjonene. Sammen kan vi skape en forandring og sikre at ingen barn lider unĂždvendig under manglende ressurser! Takk for din stĂžtte - den kan ende opp med Ă„ bety mer enn man kan tenke seg! ENGLISH! Sorry, I did use translate - to save time.
Dear fellow citizens, We are facing a critical situation with the closure of Operation Spiderweb, which has been a crucial resource in the fight against pedophilia and sexual abuse of children online.
Key people included in the decision and articles here:** - Minister of Justice Emilie Enger Mehl. - Chief of Police Hans Vik, SĂžr-West police district. - Members of the justice committee, including Per-Willy Amundsen and Sveinung Stensland - The Police Department, Head of Expedition Steffen Evju.
We encourage everyone to sign and share the campaign. Each signature will help send a clear message that our children deserve protection and that we cannot accept the closure of such an important facility. We must act now!
Link to sign the petition to demand to get Spiderweb back in operation: Last year, the SĂžr-West police district decided to shut down Operation Spiderweb, a special group which since 2019 has uncovered pedophile acts and sexual abuse of children online.
This is the only department in the whole country whose task was to combat pedophilia and online sexual abuse of children. Now, after the closure, there are no dedicated resources working on these serious cases of pedophilia and online child sexual abuse.
Summary of Important Points:
- The closure of Operation Spiderweb has left a significant vacuum in the fight against online abuse of children, where specialized resources are essential.
- Since the creation hasSince its creation, Spiderweb has protected many children and achieved over 100 convictions, and its closure sends a dangerous message to abusers - that it is becoming easier to avoid punishment, while society now appears to be failing the most vulnerable, helpless, sweet and innocent that we have in our society - the children.
- Professionals, including lawyers and police lawyers, express concern that the quality of the investigation will weaken, which could lead to increased dark figures in cases of pedophilia, sexual abuse of children and rape of children online.
- Despite the fact that there are sufficient police resources available, the priorities are wrong, and this undermines previous promises to make the operation permanent.
- Handling abuse material requires specialized skills and mental strength, and delegating such tasks to inexperienced departments can have serious consequences for both the quality of the work and the employees.
- It is crucial that the Minister of Justice and the Storting take responsibility for securing the necessary resources, time is short, and we must act quickly to prevent more children becoming victims of this serious crime.
Operation Spiderweb has made an invaluable effort, with over 100 convictions and a significant number of children protected.
The closure of this group sends a dangerous message to those who sexually abuse children online: it almost gives a green light to pedophile abusers online, which can give them increased confidence to commit these acts - with a greatly increased chance of leaving with impunity - which exposes children to even greater danger.
We must not fail the most vulnerable in society; we must take responsibility to act to ensure that children get the protection they need and deserve.
As lawyer Odd Rune Torstrup points out, there are already large dark figures when it comes to pedophilia, sexual abuse of children and rape of children that happen over the internet, and he fears that these will now increase. "There are big dark figures when it comes to online(sic. Child) rape. Now I fear they will be higher. Much higher. And the signals this sends to victims of this serious crime are completely wrong," he says.
The same article also states: "The trial project started in 2019. Since then, the group's work has led to over 100 convictions, both locally, nationally and internationally. Spiderweb has also stopped ongoing abuse of children in several police districts. In 2021, the project became permanent, but now it is being shut down... .. The closure causes several high-profile lawyers to react strongly"
It is also important to point out that the SĂžr-West police district received instructions to cut a certain number of posts. Instead of spreading the cuts across several departments, they chose to shut down the entire Spiderweb unit. This election has had serious consequences for the work against online child-abuse, and it raises questions about the priorities in the police district.
"Operation unit manager Thor Magne LĂžge in the joint unit for intelligence and investigation in the South-West police district explains the closure as follows: - The police are constantly being given new tasks, while at the same time we are having our resources reduced. This means that we have to prioritize the resources we have in the best possible way to solve our social mission.
He points out that this will be evaluated, but that the intention is that serious abuse against children will still be given priority. LĂžge nevertheless admits that he is worried. - I am concerned about our overall capacity to investigate serious criminal cases in the police district."
Police lawyer Fredrik Martin Soma expresses concern about whether the expertise that has been developed will be maintained, and whether serious cases will still be prioritized.
"Police lawyer Fredrik Martin Soma in the SĂžr-West police district has been responsible for prosecuting several of the cases. He believes the closure is worrying. The concern is whether we will be able to maintain the competence we have developed and prioritize equally well. We have to work differently. There will not be as many cases, and that is problematic, he says. He points out that the police will continue to work with and prioritize such cases. - But whether we manage it as well remains to be seen, he says."
This is not just about numbers and statistics; it is about children who are exposed to sexual abuse and rape.
We encourage everyone to use and raise their voice to restore a dedicated unit working against online child sexual abuse. We must demand that the authorities prioritize children's safety and invest in resources that can protect them from this serious threat.
We also want to draw attention to those responsible for this decision. Police Chief Hans Vik, who has led the South-West police district, and Minister of Justice Emilie Enger Mehl, have the opportunity to take the initiative to restore this vital unit.
We urge them to listen to the concerns of the community and strongly reconsider the closure!
With the current economic situation in Norway, it is both incredible and reprehensible that the closure of Operation Spiderweb can be justified by the need to save money. At a time when the state has the resources to invest in various projects, the protection of our most vulnerable - the children - should always be a priority.
Cutting resources that are crucial to combating pedophilia and sexual abuse of children online sends a clear signal that economic considerations outweigh the safety of those most at risk - the children.
It is completely unacceptable to allow financial restrictions to come at the expense of children's safety and well-being; we must demand that the authorities put children's safety first in all budget decisions.
Chairman of the justice committee in the Storting, Per-Willy Amundsen (Frp), and Sveinung Stensland (H) have already expressed their concern about the consequences of this closure and are working to get the police more resources.
This is a clear signal that it is urgent to act.
"Lawyer Brynjar Meling calls it a disaster. He believes the group has been extremely important in uncovering online abuse. - I have been involved in a number of cases where I am of the clear opinion that they would not have come to the surface and been uncovered without Operation Spiderweb."
"Operation unit manager Thor Magne LĂžge in the joint unit for intelligence and investigation in the South-West police district explains the closure as follows: - The police are constantly being given new tasks, while at the same time we are having our resources reduced.
This means that we have to prioritize the resources we have in the best possible way to solve our social mission. He points out that this will be evaluated, but that the intention is that serious abuse against children will still be given priority.
LĂžge nevertheless admits that he is worried. - I am concerned about our overall capacity to investigate serious criminal cases in the police district."
Together, we can send a clear message: Our children deserve protection, and our community must stand together to ensure that this work is not forgotten.
Let's not let the closure of Operation Spiderweb become a declaration of bankruptcy for our ability to protect the most vulnerable.
Let's discuss and spread the message, and become part of the fight for children's right to safety and protection against online crime. With each name added to the conversation, our voice grows stronger.
Let's stand together for a safer future for our children!
The Hard Truth: The closure of Operation Spiderweb occurs at a time when online rape and abuse of children is a growing threat.
A recent case from Buskerud shows how serious the consequences can be: A man in his 30s was sentenced to 15 years' detention after abusing 52 children, of which 44 of the abuses occurred after he had been identified by the police. This clearly shows that when resources and specialized groups are reduced, children's safety is compromised.
Oddgeir HĂžyekvam, former head of Operation Spiderweb, has stated: "In general, this case shows that there is a need for a strong and active professional environment in every police district to prevent and combat this type of crime."
We cannot let the closure of Spiderweb become one of the reasons why more children fall victim to such cruel acts. It is a brutal reality that we must take seriously.
We Must Demand Action Now!
It is crucial that both the Minister of Justice and the Storting take responsibility for this critical situation.
In 2021, it was announced that Operation Spiderweb would become a permanent part of the police's work against online abuse of children, but in 2023, barely two years later, this decision is turned on its head.
We must not let the shutdown of Spiderweb become permanent. Instead, this should be a call to action!
We appeal to all politicians to prioritize children's safety and health, and to ensure that there are sufficient funds and resources to combat online sexual abuse of children. Every day without effective measures is a day when more children can become victims.
Let's stand together to give our children the protection they deserve!
It is urgent to ensure that no child is forgotten in this fight against one of the most serious forms of crime.
We cannot let the closure of Spiderweb lead to the work against pedophilia and sexual abuse of children online being delegated to other departments without specialization and the right skills. If, for example, police officers who usually have completely different types of tasks during a working day, are suddenly to be put in charge of such cases and these types of tasks - then they may lack the specialized training necessary to handle such sensitive cases. It can also have a strong negative impact on their own mental health.
In any case, it is absolutely essential to have groups like Spiderweb, which consist of professionals with the necessary expertise and mental strength to handle this type of work involving child abuse material, to ensure that this important work is carried out in a sustainable and efficient manner. Without such specialized units, we risk weakening and undermining efforts against one of the most serious threats to our children.
BjĂžrn Arild SĂžlyst Karlsen, who has survived sexual abuse as a child, shared his moving story during the torchlight procession in Stavanger, where he appealed to police chief Hans Vik to reconsider the sad decision to close Operation Spiderweb.
This special group has been a lifeline for many children, and has contributed to over a hundred convictions since its inception in 2019.
The organisers, including Stine Sofie's Foundation, emphasized that the children's safety must come first and that no one should suffer from a lack of resources.
Political support for the restoration of Spiderweb is strong, with leaders such as Olaug Bollestad and Ada Sofie Austegard describing the closure as a serious failure.
Oddgeir HĂžyekvam, former head of Spiderweb, expresses his strong opposition to the closure and hoped that the budget for 2024 would force the reopening of the group.
Since this did not happen, it is now crucial that we now shed enough light on the matter to pressure the authorities to include earmarked funds in the budget for 2025.
HĂžyekvam warns that without specialized resources, the ability to detect and fight online-related sexual abuse against children will be reduced. Collectively, they require a grant to ensure that the fight against abuse continues and that all children receive the protection they deserve.
?Together we can make a difference!*
Let's stand together - let's demand action now! Key persons and any decision-makers and influencers:
- Chief of Police Hans Vik, SĂžr-West police district:
Phone: (+47) 51899164
- South West Police District:
Telephone: 51 89 90 00
[email protected] Visiting address: LagÄrdsveien 6, 4010 Stavanger
- Minister of Justice Emilie Enger Mehl, Ministry of Justice and Emergency Preparedness:
[email protected] Telephone: 22 24 51 00
[email protected] Switchboard: 22 24 90 90
Visiting address: Gullhaug Torg 4A, 0484 Oslo
- Per-Willy Amundsen, head of the justice committee:
[email protected] Email:
[email protected] Email:
[email protected] Switchboard: 23 31 30 50
The Police Department (PIA) must draw up the main lines for the development and management of the police in both the short and long term. The department has agency management responsibility for the Directorate of Police and the Police's security service.
Development of laws and regulations, prevention and combating of crime, police preparedness, national security and international work are part of the department's area of ââresponsibility.
Expedition manager Steffen Evju, who has agency management responsibility for the Norwegian Police Directorate, can be contacted to express your concerns about the closure of Operation Spiderweb and the need for specialized resources.
- Steffen Evju, Head of Expedition, Police Department:
[email protected] Telephone: 22 24 55 37
Other relevant links/sources: The stories of survivors, such as BjĂžrn Arild SĂžlyst Karlsen - who has shared his story of abuse in, among other things, this article, below - underline the importance of Operation Spiderweb in the fight to protect children. (The appeal at Stine Sofie Stifelsen has unfortunately ended).
We recognize all children who have been victims of abuse, and their stories are crucial in the fight to create a safer future. Together, let's give them a voice and demand the necessary measures to protect future generations. Together, we can create a change and ensure that no child suffers unnecessarily from a lack of resources! Thank you for your support - it could end up meaning more than you can imagine! submitted by
Ancient-Fairy339 to
Norway [link] [comments]
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2024.11.24 22:40 Master-Studio-6200 Grading Card
Hey everyone so I pulled the gold pikachu from surging sparks and itâs in great condition, Iâm so lost on whether I should send it in to PSA or Beckett, I noticed theirs no Beckett 9.5 or 10s on it and wondering if I should risk it? Or just go PSA and get most likely a 9 or 10
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2024.11.24 22:40 DrZuues These mid girls acting so extra
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2024.11.24 22:40 GalilsAGirl [PC] [2010s] Time travelling point and click game!
I remember seeing an old YouTube playthrough of an adult point and click game adventure game but I forgot the name and couldn't find it. I would really appreciate it if anyone could help me out so I can give it a try myself!
The game was a point and click adventure game probably released in the mid 2010s. It was about how this evil mad scientist guy went back and time stopping major historical events. For an example: He stopped the apple that fell on Isaac Newton's head - preventing him from 'discovering' gravity and instead got Newton fascinating into writing 'Harry Potter' fanfiction just so he could take the credit of discovering gravity himself. I also believe he did this with Ludwig van Beethoven and Leonardo Da Vinci too. The game must've been for adults, there was a lot of swearing, sex jokes, and I think nudity at some point?
I couldn't remember the art-style for the life of my, sorry.
The protagonists may have been an overly non-chalant dude and some nerdy scientist girl. The man was sent back in time to correct all the alters in time and to defeat the mad scientist villain while the scientist girl was sort of the mission planner and brains behind everything.
The only memorable scene from the game (beside Newton) was the final scene where the main character defeated the big bad evil mad scientist dude and in turn got a kiss from the girl when he returned.
submitted by GalilsAGirl to tipofmyjoystick [link] [comments]
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2024.11.24 22:40 GovPattNeff "Easy" Small Engine Designs?
In a few days I'll have a few days off work for the first time in almost a year, and I've been itching to make something since I haven't been able to do much since starting my new job.
Are there any relatively simple model engines that can be built in a weekend? I'm not interested in the coke can Stirling as I've already had my fun with those. I have a 10" lathe and full size milling machine, plus basic welding and soldering/Brazing equipment in my garage so I'm pretty well equipped. I have casting equipment too for aluminum and brass/bronze, but mold making is pretty time consuming so I'd rather not do that for more than a couple simpler parts if I don't have to.
I''d love to be able to use these next few days to crank out a simpler project that I can potentially complete before I have to go back to work. Mostly looking for Stirling engines and flame lickers with minimal parts. I have plenty of scrap and stock around the garage already so I shouldn't have to order too much.
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2024.11.24 22:40 Cool-Sir3483 GOAL - The Journey Begins (M4A)
On a big night, the biggest sport's final on TV. A man standing just in front of the doors of his biggest success, in few seconds he could be one of the greatest sportsmen to ever lived. As the refree blews whistle, he takes small steps towards that ball lying infront of him.
Wohoo... Sounds great right? I know, I know it's quite dramatic but why not? Who doesn't like that kind of scenes, that feeling of GOOSEBUMPS! đ„¶
Hi everyone I'm looking for a good partner to do a Roleplay on a Journey of a Rookie Soccer player to becoming a Legend in the game. It would be a very long play, so I need a long term partner, I would prefer female, but if you can play female roles, the I'm ok with you being of any gender.
The story, okkk.... LOOK I have this idea of making a long plot around this theme, so I would prefer it to be very natural. Yes, we'll plan scenes but not entirely.
So the story idea is, A love story between a Rising Star SocceFootball Player and a Young A Lister Hollywood Actress, but believe me that's not the only thing here. We can include a lot and lots of scenes in it, but for that I need a partner with good imagination skill.
Now as for requirements, 1. I'm not gonna restrict you for your length of replies, but they shouldn't be too long or too short, rest everything I leave it up to you.
- I like to do Roleplay in 1st person, but if we had a good bond then I'm ok with 3rd person too.
- I'll play as my OC, but I want you to Play "A Real Actress/Singer" so No OC for female role.
- I do Roleplay on Discord or even Telegram, so both options are open for you
- No Ghosting!
- You can share me anything in your mind, whatever it is for story' building, No need to hesitate.
- We can be Friends too, if we gel well together â€ïž.
Now for actress preference, see It can be discussed further, but I think Hailee Steinfeld is good for this role, but would love to hear your choices.
"All participants and characters are 18+"
submitted by
Cool-Sir3483 to
roleplaying [link] [comments]
2024.11.24 22:40 jackwhotton1 Zombies Terminus Glitch
Can someone help me please
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