Help me please

2024.11.24 22:31 One_Tip_4468 Help me please

Im 16 female, I don’t smoke I’m5ft 3 weighing 56 ish kilograms and I take antidepressants, birth control and adhd meds, iv been on these meds for months.
For the past 5 days I haven’t slept. I read somewhere that something is better then nothing so I lay with my eyes closed for hours on end and occasionally have dreams while awake. The dreams are like watching a movie, I feel conscious and when it ends I’m back to laying awake it’s not like I woke up it’s just like the movie finished. I haven’t slept in 5 days. My insomnia has been getting worse in the past months but this is the worst it’s ever been. I usually don’t manage to sleep for 1-2 days then I’m fine but these past days are the first time I hard dreams while awake. In the past 2 days I tried 2 different sleep tablets. Iv had insomnia all my life and iv tried everything from candles to meditation. Please help me my head is pounding and I can’t do this anymore.
submitted by One_Tip_4468 to AskDocs [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:31 Correct-Dimension-78 I know I said I'd keep my dms off but it's so hard.

I miss my person. I miss him so much. Maybe in another universe he didn't have to move. Maybe in another universe I'd be giggling and smiling and thinking of a date we went on.
Maybe in another universe I wouldn't feel so unlovable. Maybe in another universe I actually deserved to be love.
Take a look at my page. All the horrible shit I've done and thought. I never deserved him anyway. He deserved better.
submitted by Correct-Dimension-78 to personalpitothrowin [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:31 RoyalAd9563 Any Volleyball girls here who wanna chat ? 🏐

submitted by RoyalAd9563 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:31 True-Noise4981 What is the safest way to deal with a new spazzy young male white belt?

An an older 4 stripe white I normally won't roll with new white belts, particularly the young ones. However occasionally I wanna give it a go just to test the limits.
As a smaller older guy at 155 lbs I gotta be careful.
I feel like working from closed guard is the safest bet in the Gi. No gi I think I'm going to stay away from them until I improve enough and know I can perfectly control them. I'm wondering if I should focus most on mount as thats where I am typically able to submit blues and other 4 stripe whites.....
Also trying to have a conversation at the beginning doesn't work with a young males, it's pointless....
submitted by True-Noise4981 to jiujitsu [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:31 sakurascope 「難民なんて全部ウソ」「働くため日本へ」川口の難民申請者の8割、トルコ南部3県に集中 「移民」と日本人 クルド人が川口を目指す本当の理由①(下)| 産経新聞

「難民なんて全部ウソ」「働くため日本へ」川口の難民申請者の8割、トルコ南部3県に集中 「移民」と日本人 クルド人が川口を目指す本当の理由①(下)| 産経新聞 submitted by sakurascope to newsokuexp [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:31 Dependent_Pea_5227 Palkia raid 091130370799

submitted by Dependent_Pea_5227 to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:31 snarkshark41191 I really hope the opposite wall says “OR ELSE” !!

I really hope the opposite wall says “OR ELSE” !! Saw this on the Target website as part of a review for the curtains. Why are the walls screaming at me??
submitted by snarkshark41191 to homedecoratingCJ [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:31 No-Understanding3849 Security Circle colombia

submitted by No-Understanding3849 to PiNetworkSC [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:31 MxRadler 2 locals Hosting prime groudan Add 806924231739 or 922525614603

submitted by MxRadler to PokemonGoRaids [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:31 Due_Reindeer5051 Black Friday deals?

Anyone know if there will be any Black Friday deals this year?
submitted by Due_Reindeer5051 to CarnivalCruiseFans [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:31 jztftdisk see my moms feet so you could post them for all to see 0534f68a72897730f9a864c17de6e75ce5ce9084eb6413b51e597242bcbd723618

submitted by jztftdisk to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:31 DesperateMonitor8508 Looking to buy a new school laptop. Business Administration major. Was looking at MacBook, HP, and Dell what do you guys recommend?

submitted by DesperateMonitor8508 to AskReddit [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:31 Dotoo 斎藤知事 公選法違反か

submitted by Dotoo to newsokuexp [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:31 toxic_nerve Seperate Pipes or One Long Line?

I'm fairly new to this game and still learning how everything works. I recently learned the value of planning ahead a little and when building to make things easily repeatable as well as easy to connect new sections.
One of my best learning experiences was figuring out a coal generator plant. Water was the hardest part and I was still pretty disorganized, so my first plant worked, but it was small and I didn't plan my space for expansion very well. It was also much further from water than it should have been, which was part of my nightmare with getting it to work in the first place.
My second attempt was much better and I plan on adding another section or two to it before I actively start working towards oil power. I wanted to better understand pipelines before I start that project. Which leads to my question.
TL;DR: When making a coal plant is it better to interconnect all the water extractor lines to the coal generators? Or is keeping the lines seperate with proper ratios (I currently have 1 WE per 2 CG for a total of 16 CG and 8 WE) the best way to go? I'm going for reliable and constant power, and i known water can be finicky. Does the interconnected water line help with the flow of the water? For reference, sometimes it helps me understand to explain it like you would to a 5 year old.
Thanks in advance!
submitted by toxic_nerve to SatisfactoryGame [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:31 enisww İzmir'de 10 k vazol nerede bulabilirim

Amk geçen Karşıyakada 12k vazol aldım bir tobacodan tadı çok garipti içini açtım likit çok az var ve garip gözüküyor içinde ve süngeri 10 k likla aynı ama İzmir'de artık 12 k bulmak bile zor bildiğiniz 10k çekim kivili vazol satan biryer varmı
submitted by enisww to Izmir [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:31 Silver_Sea_6620 Janaina (Nikon D750. + 85mm f1.8)

Janaina (Nikon D750. + 85mm f1.8) submitted by Silver_Sea_6620 to portraitphotography [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:31 SwimmerFriendly9737 Any f wanna make a yng bwc cum? Dm with age and pic on session in (comments) Or kik (juli_fll)

submitted by SwimmerFriendly9737 to Snapchatgerman [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:31 mountaingoatnn I wonder what is the probability of surgery making things worse?

First I want to apologize for the negativity.
I have been having awful back, flank, hip, leg and moderate lower abdomen pain 24/7 at level 5-9 out of 10. Also have bm and urination urgency symptoms. Lower back and hip pain was my first symptoms that lasted several months before I felt any abdominal pain. All the pain is getting worse every day. I stopped working 2 months ago. I cannot be upright for more than 1 hours at a time without feeling dizzy and fainting. I spend most of my day laying down. My periods are completely normal tho.
I did a lot of testings and imaging to rule out conditions and it narrows down to spine issue or endo/adeno. Spine mri didnot show anything major, but I still did pt and injections - no improvement. So currently I’m looking at endo/ adeno treatment now, possibly surgery. Gyne believes I have endo but not sure if it causes this much back pain as a major complaint, instead of abdomen pain. Still I am seriously considering the surgery because I cannot live like this any longer and need to do something about it. Even if it does not solved the pain but I need to move forward with some experiment.
I’m very nervous about surgery tho because I see quite frequently people suffer even more after surgery; I wonder what is the probability of that. I am hoping most people get relief to some degrees? Sorry I don’t want to offend anyone or cause even more stress here. I’m just really nervous and not sure if I’m making a logical decision. Please any suggestions are welcome!
Btw here are the doctors I have seen to rule out other conditions : rheumatologist, urologist, gastroenterologist (normal colonoscopy), neurologist (brain mri is normal), vascular doctor (no venogram done but he was very sure this won’t be caused by pelvic congestion).
submitted by mountaingoatnn to endometriosis [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:31 jilinjames Bums Lottery Daily Combo 24 November 2024

submitted by jilinjames to cryptopaa [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:31 LoneSpartan1 Friendly reminder Koby isn’t even Top 20 EOS (not epilogue)

Friendly reminder Koby isn’t even Top 20 EOS (not epilogue) That’s all ☕️
submitted by LoneSpartan1 to OnePiecePowerScaling [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:31 just10c03 Contact Information

Has anyone had any luck reaching out to customer service? I have tried both [email protected] and [email protected],.I have also sent Lafras a message on Facebook and have not heard back from either, looking to get a refund for my MVM plus. I don't want to go through PayPal but it's getting to where I don't have an option, no one is getting back to me.
submitted by just10c03 to myVodkaMaker [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:31 Flamingo_Ornery Looking for a good couples game

Need a couples game
She keeps spitting on me and I need time to play so she doesn't spit on me ( she has a new retainer as on 2 days ago, it's not intentional.... I think)
We have played:
It takes two Unravel Gears of war Crackdown 3 Borderlands Overcooked series
I know it covers alot, hopefully I can get some awesome suggestions for us. She likes action hence the shooter stuff but also loved the cute aspects of the rest
submitted by Flamingo_Ornery to CoOpGaming [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:31 socialistmajority Alabama Sheriff Legally Took $750,000 Meant To Feed Inmates And Bought Beach House

Alabama Sheriff Legally Took $750,000 Meant To Feed Inmates And Bought Beach House submitted by socialistmajority to Bad_Cop_No_Donut [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:31 bigdaddydurb Sesh on my new table

Sesh on my new table submitted by bigdaddydurb to Fingerboards [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 22:31 Illustrious-Fish5547 Queer beim Bundesheer

Hi Leute , wie ist es beim Bundesheer als queere Person ? Also gibt es Mobbing gegenüber Schwulen, trans Leuten , etc. ? Oder kann man sich eh sicher fühlen ? Wird man gleichberechtigt und hat Chancen auf eine gute Position im GW, oder kommt man automatisch in die Küche oder so? Ich Frage für nen Freund XD
submitted by Illustrious-Fish5547 to Bundesheer [link] [comments]