2024.11.24 23:01 Flimsy_Bandicoot4417 MU

In 1970, I owned a house between 22 & 23rd & Wells. In my rentals I check door tops that might be hollowed out and contain rings or gems, the easily removable cold air returns or loose hot ones for "treasure". I rented to MU students. Of course I found metal 35mm cannisters of MJ seeds, but also I presume purloined, 3 ~2" Mesoamerican carved stone heads. To whom at MU would I contact about something that happened over 50 years ago?
submitted by Flimsy_Bandicoot4417 to milwaukee [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:01 itIrs Recommended DVD-RW drives? (robust reading, and quality scanning)

What are/is the recommended DVD-RW drive nowdays?
Something that can handle tough-to-read CDs and DVDs, and with good error scanning capabilities (C1, C2, PIE, PIF...).
It's been a while since I've checked the market. Although optical discs are no longer in vague, there's a surprising variety of drives, with many of the old classics. LiteOn, LG, Samsung, Optiarc, Pioneer, Asus...
OptiDriveControl lists some models, but it's out of date:
Is there anywhere info on the chipsets used in various drives?
submitted by itIrs to DataHoarder [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:01 kachwala Mileage is not accurate ..

I recently got a Corolla LE AWD Hybrid, it jas over 7k Km on it, but I am noticing is the distance to empty is not accurate. When I have a full tank its shows 780 ..800 km range, however I only get 650 to 700 km . I am on the high way a lot. Wanted to inquire if this is normal? I understand that it depends a lot on the way you drive but I am gentle on the gas pedal..driving ard 110km/hr ish. Please advise!
submitted by kachwala to COROLLA [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:01 Solidchaos55577 Warzone 1 Highlights 2 End of Verdansk

first up vote the post so i know you actually are reading what i am saying before doing anything, i am here for w4w only normal speed if your video is longer than the video i will give watch the same watch time, l4l c4c no s4s
submitted by Solidchaos55577 to Sub4Sub [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:01 realAtmaBodha The Endless Destination Never Began

Nothingness has no place in Enlightenment for the simple reason that for there to be nothing, there must also be death.
Since the true reality cannot die, the absence of anything is always an illusion trapped in the dualistic realms of limitation.
Those that say the void is endless, are wrong for the simple reason that it ends with you. Nothingness cannot be nothing when it is observed, because sentience is much more than nothing can be.
This is why it is said that the true incomparable living Reality, this Truth, is One without Other. There is nothing that can exist outside of This. When the boundaries fall and the obscuring clouds dissipate, what is left is the uncontainable Exalted. This is the real you, the limitless identity that worldly influences want to hide from you.
submitted by realAtmaBodha to thinkatives [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:01 TheAnnoyingArtKid Computer science CIE input output syllabus

Computer science CIE input output syllabus
I was just wondering has there ever been questions asking candidates HOW the individual input and output devices work? like in the syllabus it only says to "Understand what is meant + why it is required" I'm just revising right now and tbh i cannot be asked to learn something that isn't gonna be on the exam, and i remember my teacher explaining how each input output devices worked like the specific mechanisms etc. hope this question made sense :')
submitted by TheAnnoyingArtKid to igcse [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:01 Fazbear05 Favorite characters who sing.

Favorite characters who sing.
  1. Drill-X (Skylanders Giants)
  2. Rockstar Bonnie (Five Nights At Freddy’s: Ultimate Custom Night)
  3. Ella (Total Drama: Pahkitew Island)
  4. Music Meister (Batman: The Brave and The Bold)
  5. The Gnome (Powerpuff Girls)
submitted by Fazbear05 to FavoriteCharacter [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: ongemakkelijk

ongemakkelijk translates to awkward
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @
submitted by sharewithme to DutchFeed [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:01 halt__n__catch__fire If you had a time machine, which year would you go back to, to watch such great movies for the first time? 'Back to the Future' would take me straight to 1985!

If you had a time machine, which year would you go back to, to watch such great movies for the first time? 'Back to the Future' would take me straight to 1985! submitted by halt__n__catch__fire to 80s [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:01 Grouchy_Tomorrow_480 Why do I remember j Cole colabing on midle child with xxx tentacion

submitted by Grouchy_Tomorrow_480 to Jcole [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:01 ViceJamesNL Need advice on what lens to buy

Hello! I am a fairly mew photographer. Next year, im looking to buy a Sony a7 iii, but I don’t have the highest budget, so I want to buy a lens with it that works for both urban, nature and portrait photography. Ive found the sigma 24-70 f2.8 DG DN contemporary. Would this be a good option? Thanks!
submitted by ViceJamesNL to SonyAlpha [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:01 juuzo555 Asiaticas

Hola, alguien sabe de algun club para varones en santa cruz donde hayan chicas asiaticas? Saludos...
submitted by juuzo555 to BOLIVIA [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:01 Vinovacious What is this?

This post contains content not supported on old Reddit. Click here to view the full post
submitted by Vinovacious to Pixelary [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:01 Alpha3K Trading-Sticky: eure Tradingideen der laufenden Woche! KW47

Guten Tag, liebes Handelsparkett!
Hier könnt ihr ohne Einschränkungen eure Ideen, Trades, oder Fragen posten. Regel 4 ist in diesem Thread ausgesetzt und ihr könnt deshalb auch gerne Einzeiler ohne weitere Ausführung beitragen - des hilfreichen Austauschs wegen ist es allerdings dennoch ratsam, ein paar Sätze zum eigenen Gedankengang da zu lassen, sofern möglich.
Alternativ kann in dem selben Kontext auch auf unseren Community-Discord verwiesen werden, in dem wir euch gerne ebenso tatkräftig zur Seite stehen, und in dem wir künftig planen, Voice-Call Events gerade in Hinblick auf Unterstützung von Anfängern zu bieten: Discord
Viel Spaß!
submitted by Alpha3K to Aktien [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:01 AutoModerator Weekly FAQ Post

Greetings! This pinned post is where you can ask your small questions to matches, merch, arrival and departure, etc, without needing to open a new topic. It will be renewed every week on Monday. The reason for that is that the same questions get asked in here, multiple times in a short span. This collection of questions could also help people find their answers more quickly.
As a result, we will start to remove simple questions and refer to this post. Feel free to tell us about your opinion on that change and if you would prefer a monthly post.
submitted by AutoModerator to rbleipzig [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:01 AwayHovercraft8758 Welcome kit from Hello Rache

I think it is a bit early for them to send me their welcome kit? One week palang ako sa training and I received an email stating that my welcome kit is on the way na. Sobrang aga po ata? Tanggap na ba ako agad nito? 😂
submitted by AwayHovercraft8758 to medicalvaPH [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:01 Disastrous-Corgi2600 AITA for thinking 2-4 times a month is drinking too much?

My boyfriend 36m had a really bad drinking problem a year or two ago. He had a family member who was dying and he was coping by drinking. There wasn’t a day where he wasn’t at the bar. I however don’t drink. I would be there to make sure he got home safe and just be there. He is amazing sober but when he was drinking we fought a lot. There had been a lot of rumors he was cheating on me but I never found any proof. He stopped drinking for a bit to show me he could do it and promised to never go back to that bar. He met up with a friend at a different bar one weekend and has been going there every other weekend since. I don’t drink so I don’t know what a healthy normal would be like. To him it’s amazing that he only goes every other weekend compared to how he used to be. For me it’s still way too much. AITA for thinking that’s too much?
submitted by Disastrous-Corgi2600 to AITA_Relationships [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:01 sharewithme Word of The Hour: kledhek

kledhek translates to awkward
Word of The Hour's Annual Survey @
submitted by sharewithme to CornishFeed [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:01 Euphoric_Estimate_15 Körmös váltás?!

Sziasztok!😊 Lassan 1 éve járok egy körmöshöz, akit nagyon megkedveltem, nagyon jókat beszélgetünk. A problémám viszont az, hogy nem igazán precíz, nem mondanám csúnyának, de szépnek sem. Azért nem váltottam már az elején (tudom, tudom, jobb lett volna), mert akkor várandós voltam és nagy pocakkal könnyebb volt hozzá mennem, mert nagyon közel van hozzám. A tartóssággal nem volt gond egyébként eddig, inkább csak esztétikailag nem tarto(tta)m olyan hű de gyönyörűnek. Viszont az utóbbi pár alkalomnál folyamatosan vagy lejön a lakk (sima géllakk, ujjbegyig érő körömmel), vagy beszakad a körmöm. Pedig vigyázok is rá, ráadásul mivel itthon vagyok, nincs kitéve extra veszélynek. A körömágyamnál a bőrt sose tolja vissza, le se vágja. Nagyon gondolkozok, hogy váltsak, hisz látom, hogy mekkora különbség van az ő és a többi körmös munkája között. A kérdésem az lenne, hogy ti hogy mondanátok meg neki? Megmondanátok az igazat, vagy valami “kegyes hazugságot” találnátok ki? Nem szeretném megbántani és tényleg nagyon kedvelem. Én voltam a ludas igazából, hogy nem az elején váltottam, de ettől most próbáljunk eltekinteni, hogy elszúrtam.😵‍💫🥹
submitted by Euphoric_Estimate_15 to csakcsajok [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:01 Nonnyj81 Untitled [analog]

submitted by Nonnyj81 to collage [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:01 invaderjif How do you disasemble a Appendale Gilman Loveseat?

How do you disasemble a Appendale Gilman Loveseat? I need to move this out of the apartment but it looks like it's going to be too big. The instructions to assemble show how to install the legs (easy enough), but it looks like installing the back seats required pushing down and for some clips to click. The couch was delivered and the delivery guys had assembled it. Initially I was thinking I'd move the couch out without disassembling, but it looks like I may need to remove the back.
Anyone familiar with this type of couch and how to remove the backseat? Any tips? Thank you!
submitted by invaderjif to Costco [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:01 SpiritualDevilCR What is GG's security strategy for micro-low-mid stakes/MTT?
submitted by SpiritualDevilCR to GGPoker [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:01 aditrs Match thread: Sheffield Shield (SA vs WA, NSW vs TAS, QLD vs VIC)

Scorecard and stream
Sheffield Shield

submitted by aditrs to Cricket [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:01 Rambo_095 MARKET OPEN 🟢

submitted by Rambo_095 to RAMBO_TRADERS [link] [comments]

2024.11.24 23:01 JSmithTheDefault Sunday Afternoon Weekly News

Kanye bought a house. Mike Dean posted some goofy shit.
submitted by JSmithTheDefault to WeLoveKanye [link] [comments]